Tilting Styx and Nix but not Uranus with a Spin-Precession-Mean-motion resonance
A Hamiltonian model is constructed for the spin axis of a planet perturbed by a nearby planet with both planets in orbit about a star. We expand the planet-planet gravitational potential perturbation to first order in orbital inclinations and eccentricities, finding terms describing spin resonances involving the spin precession rate and the two planetary mean motions. Convergent planetary migration allows the spinning planet to be captured into spin resonance. With initial obliquity near zero, the spin resonance can lift the planet's obliquity to near 90 or 180 degrees depending upon whether the spin resonance is first or zero-th order in inclination. Past capture of Uranus into such a spin resonance could give an alternative non-collisional scenario accounting for Uranus's high obliquity. However we find that the time spent in spin resonance must be so long that this scenario cannot be responsible for Uranus's high obliquity. Our model can be used to study spin resonance in satellite systems. Our Hamiltonian model explains how Styx and Nix can be tilted to high obliquity via outward migration of Charon, a phenomenon previously seen in numerical simulations.
Transfer, loss and physical processing of water in hit-and-run collisions of planetary embryos
Collisions between large, similar-sized bodies are believed to shape the final characteristics and composition of terrestrial planets. Their inventories of volatiles such as water are either delivered or at least significantly modified by such events. Besides the transition from accretion to erosion with increasing impact velocity, similar-sized collisions can also result in hit-and-run outcomes for sufficiently oblique impact angles and large enough projectile-to-target mass ratios. We study volatile transfer and loss focusing on hit-and-run encounters by means of smooth particle hydrodynamics simulations, including all main parameters: impact velocity, impact angle, mass ratio and also the total colliding mass. We find a broad range of overall water losses, up to 75% in the most energetic hit-and-run events, and confirm the much more severe consequences for the smaller body also for stripping of volatile layers. Transfer of water between projectile and target inventories is found to be mostly rather inefficient, and final water contents are dominated by pre-collision inventories reduced by impact losses, for similar pre-collision water mass fractions. Comparison with our numerical results shows that current collision outcome models are not accurate enough to reliably predict these composition changes in hit-and-run events. To also account for non-mechanical losses, we estimate the amount of collisionally vaporized water over a broad range of masses and find that these contributions are particularly important in collisions of Mars-sized bodies, with sufficiently high impact energies, but still relatively low gravity. Our results clearly indicate that the cumulative effect of several (hit-and-run) collisions can efficiently strip protoplanets of their volatile layers, especially the smaller body, as it might be common, e.g., for Earth-mass planets in systems with Super-Earths. An accurate model for stripping of volatiles that can be included in future planet formation simulations has to account for the peculiarities of hit-and-run events and track compositional changes in both large post-collision fragments.
Orbit period modulation for relative motion using continuous low thrust in the two-body and restricted three-body problems
This paper presents rich new families of relative orbits for spacecraft formation flight generated through the application of continuous thrust with only minimal intervention into the dynamics of the problem. Such simplicity facilitates implementation for small, low-cost spacecraft with only position state feedback, and yet permits interesting and novel relative orbits in both two- and three-body systems with potential future applications in space-based interferometry, hyperspectral sensing, and on-orbit inspection. Position feedback is used to modify the natural frequencies of the linearised relative dynamics through direct manipulation of the system eigenvalues, producing new families of stable relative orbits. Specifically, in the Hill-Clohessy-Wiltshire frame, simple adaptations of the linearised dynamics are used to produce a circular relative orbit, frequency-modulated out-of-plane motion, and a novel doubly periodic cylindrical relative trajectory for the purposes of on-orbit inspection. Within the circular restricted three-body problem, a similar minimal approach with position feedback is used to generate new families of stable, frequency-modulated relative orbits in the vicinity of a Lagrange point, culminating in the derivation of the gain requirements for synchronisation of the in-plane and out-of-plane frequencies to yield a singly periodic tilted elliptical relative orbit with potential use as a Lunar far-side communications relay. The requirements for the cylindrical relative orbit and singly periodic Lagrange point orbit are analysed, and it is shown that these requirements are modest and feasible for existing low-thrust propulsion technology.
The effect of zonal harmonics on dynamical structures in the circular restricted three-body problem near the secondary body
The circular restricted three-body model is widely used for astrodynamical studies in systems where two major bodies are present. However, this model relies on many simplifications, such as point-mass gravity and planar, circular orbits of the bodies, and limiting its accuracy. In an effort to achieve higher-fidelity results while maintaining the autonomous simplicity of the classic model, we employ zonal harmonic perturbations since they are symmetric about the -axis, thus bearing no time-dependent terms. In this study, we focus on how these perturbations affect the dynamic environment near the secondary body in real systems. Concise, easily implementable equations for gravitational potential, particle motion, and modified Jacobi constant in the perturbed model are presented. These perturbations cause a change in the normalized mean motion, and two different formulations are addressed for assigning this new value. The shifting of collinear equilibrium points in many real systems due to of each body is reported, and we study how families of common periodic orbits-Lyapunov, vertical, and southern halo-shift and distort when , , and of the primary and of the secondary body are accounted for in the Jupiter-Europa and Saturn-Enceladus systems. It is found that these families of periodic orbits change shape, position, and energy, which can lead to dramatically different dynamical behavior in some cases. The primary focus is on moons of the outer planets, many of which have very small odd zonal harmonic terms, or no measured value at all, so while the developed equations are meant for any and all zonal harmonic terms, only even terms are considered in the simulations. Early utilization of this refined CR3BP model in mission design will result in a more smooth transition to full ephemeris model.
Natural dynamical reduction of the three-body problem
The three-body problem is a fundamental long-standing open problem, with applications in all branches of physics, including astrophysics, nuclear physics and particle physics. In general, conserved quantities allow to reduce the formulation of a mechanical problem to fewer degrees of freedom, a process known as dynamical reduction. However, extant reductions are either non-general, or hide the problem's symmetry or include unexplained definitions. This paper presents a general and natural dynamical reduction, which avoids these issues. Any three-body configuration defines a triangle, and its orientation in space. Accordingly, we decompose the dynamical variables into the geometry (shape + size) and orientation of the triangle. The geometry variables are shown to describe the motion of an abstract point in a curved 3d space, subject to a potential-derived force and a magnetic-like force with a monopole charge. The orientation variables are shown to obey a dynamics analogous to the Euler equations for a rotating rigid body; only here the moments of inertia depend on the geometry variables, rather than being constant. The reduction rests on a novel symmetric solution to the center of mass constraint inspired by Lagrange's solution to the cubic. The formulation of the orientation variables is novel and rests on a partially known generalization of the Euler-Lagrange equations to non-coordinate velocities. Applications to global features, to the statistical solution, to special exact solutions and to economized simulations are presented. A generalization to the four-body problem is presented.
GANBISS: a new GPU accelerated N-body code for binary star systems
We present a GPU accelerated N-body integrator using the Bulirsch-Stoer method, called GANBISS (GPU accelerated n-body code for binary star systems). It is designed to simulate the dynamical evolution of planetesimal disks in binary star systems which contain some thousand disk objects. However, it can also be used for studies of non-interacting massless bodies where up to 50 million objects can be studied in a simulation. GANBISS shows the energy and angular momentum conservation behavior of non-symplectic integration methods. The code is written in CUDA C and can be run on NVIDIA GPUs of compute capability of at least 3.5. A comparison of GPU and CPU computations indicates a speed-up of the GPU performance of up to 100 times-depending on the number of disk objects.