Mining Metallurgy & Exploration

Reducing Dust and Respirable Crystalline Silica Near Conveyors Using a Hybrid Dust Control System
Parks DA, King GW, Koski BD, Bierie GS, Sunderman CB, Wilson SE and Miller AL
Occupational exposures to respirable dusts and respirable crystalline silica (RCS) is well established as a health hazard in many industries including mining, construction, and oil and gas extraction. The U.S. National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH) is researching methods of controlling fugitive dust emissions at outdoor mining operations. In this study, a prototype engineering control system to control fugitive dust emissions was developed combining passive subsystems for dust settling with active dust filtration and spray-surfactant dust suppression comprising a hybrid system. The hybrid system was installed at an aggregate production facility to evaluate the effectiveness of controlling fugitive dust emissions generated from two cone crushers and belt conveyors that transport crushed materials. To evaluate effectiveness of the system, area air measurements ( = 14 on each day for a total of 42 samples) for respirable dust were collected by NIOSH before, during, and after the installation of the dust control system in the immediate vicinity of the crushers and the nearby conveyor transfer point. Compared to pre-intervention samples, over short periods of time, geometric mean concentrations of airborne respirable dust were reduced by 37% using passive controls ( = 0.34) but significantly reduced by 93% ( < 0.0001) when the full hybrid system was installed. This proof-of-concept project demonstrated that the combined use of active and passive dust controls along with a spray surfactant can be highly effective in controlling fugitive dust emissions even with minimal use of water, which is desirable for many remote mining applications.
Experimental Study on Suppression of Lithium Iron Phosphate Battery Fires
Yuan L, Tang W, Thomas RA and Soles J
Lithium-ion battery applications are increasing for battery-powered vehicles because of their high energy density and expected long cycle life. With the development of battery-powered vehicles, fire and explosion hazards associated with lithium-ion batteries are a safety issue that needs to be addressed. Lithium-ion batteries can go through a thermal runaway under different abuse conditions including thermal abuse, mechanical abuse, and electrical abuse, leading to a fire or explosion. The NIOSH Mining program is conducting research to prevent and respond to lithium-ion battery fires for battery electric vehicles in the mining industry. In this study, experiments were conducted to investigate the effectiveness of different suppression systems including dry chemical, class D powder, and water mist for lithium iron phosphate battery pack fires. The effects of activation time and release time of the water mist system on the suppression of lithium-ion battery fires were studied. The results of this study may be helpful for developing strategic firefighting and response plans for battery-powered vehicles used in mining.
Are Fatigue and Sleepiness the Same? A Brief Introduction to the Differences and Similarities and Their Implications for Work Safety
Barham M, Bauerle T and Eiter B
Fatigue-related risk is a persistent safety concern for the mining industry. However, fatigue and sleepiness are often treated interchangeably, which can lead to confusion and potentially less effective reduction of safety risk. To provide clarity, we present an overview of similarities and differences between work-related fatigue risk and sleepiness including definitions, theories, measurements, and mitigation strategies. As a supplement, a summative visual model which highlights these similarities and differences is presented. Expanding industry knowledge in this area will assist safety professionals in crafting more targeted risk management practices appropriate for work-related fatigue risk, sleepiness, or both.
Exploration of Limestone Pillar Stability in Multiple-Level Mining Conditions Using Numerical Models
Rashed G, Slaker B and Murphy M
Pillar stability continues to be a significant concern in multiple-level mining conditions, particularly for deep mines when pillars are not stacked or the thickness of interburden between mining levels is thin. The National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH) is currently conducting research to investigate the stability of pillars in multiple-level limestone mines. In this study, FLAC3D models were created to investigate the effect of interburden thickness, the degree of pillar offset between mining levels, and in situ stress conditions on pillar stability at various depths of cover. The FLAC3D models were validated through in situ monitoring that was conducted at a multiple-level stone mine. The critical interburden thickness required to minimize the interaction between the mining levels on top-level pillar stability was explored, where the top level mine was developed first followed by the bottom level mine. The model results showed that there is an interaction between numerous factors that control the stability of pillars in multiple-level conditions. A combination of these factors may lead to various degrees of pillar instabilities. The highest degree of local pillar instability occurred when pillar overlap ranges between 10 and 70%. On the contrary, the highest degree of stability occurs when the pillars are stacked, the underlying assumption is that the interburden between mining levels is elastic (never fails). Generally, for depths of cover investigated in this study, the stability of top-level pillars shallower than 100 m (328 ft) or with interburden thicknesses greater than 1.33 times the roof span-16 m (52.4 ft) in this study-does not appear significantly impacted by pillar offset. The results of this study improve understanding of multiple-level interactions and advances the ultimate goal of reducing the risk of pillar instability in underground stone mines.
A Rapid Review of Collision Avoidance and Warning Technologies for Mining Haul Trucks
Hrica JK, Bellanca JL, Benbourenane I, Carr JL, Homer J and Stabryla KM
Given the recent focus on powered haulage incidents within the US mining sector, an appraisal of collision avoidance/warning systems (CXSs) through the lens of the available research literature is timely. This paper describes a rapid review that identifies, characterizes, and classifies the research literature to evaluate the maturity of CXS technology through the application of a Technology Readiness Assessment. Systematic search methods were applied to three electronic databases, and relevant articles were identified through the application of inclusion and exclusion criteria. Sixty-four articles from 2000 to 2020 met these criteria and were categorized into seven CXS technology categories. Review and assessment of the articles indicates that much of the literature-based evidence for CXS technology lies within lower levels of maturity (i.e., components and prototypes tested under laboratory conditions and in relevant environments). However, less evidence exists for CXS technology at higher levels of maturity (i.e., complete systems evaluated within operational environments) despite the existence of commercial products in the marketplace. This lack of evidence at higher maturity levels within the scientific literature highlights the need for systematic peer-reviewed research to evaluate the performance of CXS technologies and demonstrate the efficacy of prototypes or commercial products, which could be fostered by more collaboration between academia, research institutions, manufacturers, and mining companies. Additionally, results of the review reveal that most of the literature relevant to CXS technologies is focused on vehicle-to-vehicle interactions. However, this contrasts with haul truck fatal accident statistics that indicate that most haul truck fatal accidents are due to vehicle-to-environment interactions (e.g., traveling through a berm). Lastly, the relatively small amount of literature and segmented nature of the included studies suggests that there is a need for incremental progress or more stepwise research that would facilitate the improvement of CXS technologies over time. This progression over time could be achieved through continued long-term interest and support for CXS technology research.
Hot Surface Ignition of Liquid Fuels Under Ventilation
Tang W, Bahrami D, Yuan L, Thomas R and Soles J
Mine equipment fires remain as one of the most concerning safety issues in the mining industry, and most equipment fires were caused by hot surface ignitions. Detailed experimental investigations were conducted at the NIOSH Pittsburgh Mining Research Division on hot surface ignition of liquid fuels under ventilation in a mining environment. Three types of metal surface materials (stainless steel, cast iron, carbon steel), three types of liquids (diesel fuel, hydraulic fluid, engine oil), four air ventilation speeds (0, 0.5, 1.5, 3 m/s) were used to study the hot surface ignition probability under these conditions. Visual observation and thermocouples attached on the metal surface were used to indicate the hot surface ignition from the measured temperatures. Results show that the type of metal has a noticeable effect on the hot surface ignition, while ventilation speed has a mixed influence on ignition. Different types of liquid fuels also show different ranges of ignition temperatures. Results from this work can be used to help understand equipment mine fires and develop mitigation strategies.
Assessment of Floor Heave Associated with Bumps in a Longwall Mine Using the Discrete Element Method
Kim BH and Larson MK
This study was developed as part of an effort by the National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH) to better understand rock-mass behavior in longwall coal mines in highly stressed, bump-prone ground. The floor-heave and no-floor-heave phenomena at a western US coal mine could not be properly simulated in numerical models using conventional shear-dominant failure criteria (i.e., Mohr-Coulomb or Hoek-Brown failure criterion). The previous numerical study demonstrated these phenomena using a user-defined model of the s-shaped brittle failure criterion in conjunction with a spalling process in the FLAC3D numerical modeling software. The results of the FLAC3D modeling agreed with the observations of the relative amounts of heave from each gate-road system. However, the FLAC3D model adopted many assumptions and simplifications that were not very realistic from a physical or mechanical perspective. To overcome the limitations of the FLAC3D model, 3DEC modeling in conjunction with the discrete fracture network (DFN) technique was performed to better understand the true behavior of floor heave associated with underground mining in an anisotropic stress field. The effect of stress rotation in the mining-induced stress field was considered by using a different geometry of rock fractures in the coal seam. The heterogeneity of the engineering properties (i.e., cohesion and tensile strength) were also considered by using Monte Carlo simulations. Consequently, the 3DEC models using the DFN technique resulted in predictions of floor heave that agreed with observations of the relative amounts of heave from each gate-road system, but the cause of heave was mainly related to the degree of anisotropy instead of the size of the pillar.
The Necessity for Improved Hand and Finger Protection in Mining
Heberger JR, Nasarwanji MF, Pollard JP and Kocher LM
Injuries associated with hands and fingers are highly prevalent in mining and identifying factors associated with these injuries are critical in developing prevention efforts. This study identifies nonfatal injury incidence rates, nature of injury, work activities, glove usage, and sources of hand and finger injuries in the U.S. mining industry, as reported to the Mine Safety and Health Administration (MSHA) from 2011 - 2017. Hand and finger injuries occur at a rate of 6.53 per 1000 full-time employees, which is nearly double the rate of the next highest affected body part, the back. Most of the hand and finger injuries were classified as cuts/lacerations/punctures (53%) followed by bone fractures/chips (26%). Materials handling and maintenance/repair were common activities at the time of the incident with miscellaneous metals (pipe, wire, guarding) and hand tools as the primary sources of hand and finger injury. Although the information on glove use was limited, leather gloves were most often worn when an injury occurred. When worn, gloves were found to contribute to 20% of the injuries, indicating their potential to protect the hands, but also potentially put the hands at risk. Further research is necessary to determine performance requirements for gloves used in mining operations, specifically those offering cut and puncture resistance.
Diesel Aerosols in an Underground Coal Mine
Bugarski AD, Vanderslice S, Hummer JA, Barone T, Mischler SE, Peters S, Cochrane S and Winkler J
The case study was conducted in an underground coal mine to characterize submicron aerosols at a continuous miner (CM) section, assess the concentrations of diesel aerosols at the longwall (LW) section, and assess the exposures of selected occupations to elemental carbon (EC) and total carbon (TC). The results show that aerosols at the CM sections were a mixture of aerosols freshly generated at the outby portion of the CM section and those generated in the main drifts that supply "fresh air" to the section. The relatively low ambient concentrations and personal exposures of selected occupations suggest that currently applied control strategies and technologies are relatively effective in curtailing exposures to diesel aerosols. Further reductions in EC and TC concentrations and personal exposures to those would be possible by more effective curtailment of emissions from high-emitting light duty (LD) vehicles.
A Comprehensive Roof Bolter Drilling Control Algorithm for Enhancing Energy Efficiency and Reducing Respirable Dust
Jiang H and Luo Y
In underground coal mines, the drilling process in roof bolting operation could generate excessive amount of respirable coal and quartz dusts. Improper drilling control might also pose safety hazard and interrupt production. Therefore, an automated, high-efficiency drilling control system with safety features can be beneficial to the bolter personnel. In this research, a comprehensive drilling control algorithm has been developed to reduce the generation of respirable dust and to increase the drilling energy efficiency based on laboratory drilling test results and safety considerations. Specific energy is used to evaluate the energy efficiency. In addition, the ratio between specific energy and rock uniaxial compressive strength can be used as a basis for determining the rational drilling bite depth-typically a determined high one permissible by the driller power and drill steel. The test results show that to achieve and maintain a desired drilling bite depth for good drilling performance, a combination of relatively low rotational rate and a rationally high penetration is preferred. By monitoring the drilling rate, the system is able to evaluate the bit wear condition and improve drilling safety. In this paper, the developed drilling control algorithm for achieving a rational drilling bite depth is demonstrated. By adapting this drilling control algorithm, the drilling efficiency and bit condition can be monitored in real time, so the system can maintain a relatively high energy efficiency, generate less respirable dust, and avoid drilling failure.
An Overview of Existing EMI Standards Applicable to Mining
Girman M, Reyes M and Zhou C
Electromagnetic energy emitted from electronic devices has been known to interfere with other electronic systems, hindering their ability to function properly. Mines have many electronic devices critical to the health and safety of mine workers that could be negatively affected by electromagnetic interference (EMI). To ensure that devices are electromagnetically compatible, tests must first be conducted to measure emissions and check for immunity. There are many standards available across multiple industries that prescribe emission limits and test methods for electronic devices. Due to the unique environment of an underground mine, it may not be enough to simply adopt a standard from another industry to mining. A literature review has been conducted, and an overview of EMI standards in other industries will be provided in this paper. Also, an example of how a standard can be applied to mining equipment is presented. Finally, recommendations on standards which could potentially be applied to mining will also be included. This work will inform the mining industry of EMI standards in other industries so that mine workers and technology manufacturers have guidance of the steps that can be taken to investigate and reduce the impact of electromagnetic interference and potentially work toward electromagnetic compatibility. The findings and research involved in this effort can also be used to explore the need to develop mining-specific EMI recommendations and standards.
Exploring Worker Experience as a Predictor of Routine and Non-routine Safety Performance Outcomes in the Mining Industry
Hoebbel CL, Haas EJ and Ryan ME
In recent years, there has been increasing interest in the role that individual factors play in health and safety (H&S) outcomes in the mining industry. Two surveys, one measuring self-reported routine safety performance and one measuring individual perceived competence in the non-routine knowledge, skills, and abilities (KSAs) critical to emergency response, were administered to two samples of mineworkers in separate research studies over a 2-year period ( = 2,020 and 696, respectively). Eight demographic items were common to both surveys and their associations with each performance outcome were tested in response to a series of exploratory research questions. Significant relationships were found between both safety outcome variables and individual factors, including the length of experience in current job, current mine, and mining industry, as well as participant workgroup and work schedule. Notably, the length of experience in the mining industry was the only variable significantly associated with both routine and non-routine safety performance. This analysis suggests that individual factors such as length of job, industry, and mine experience are predictive of routine and/or non-routine safety performance outcomes in significant and sometimes unexpected ways.
Why Do Haul Truck Fatal Accidents Keep Occurring?
Bellanca JL, Ryan ME, Orr TJ and Burgess-Limerick RJ
Powered haulage continues to be a large safety concern for the mining industry, accounting for approximately 50% of the mining fatal accidents every year. Among these fatal accidents, haul-truck-related accidents are the most common, with 6 of 28 and 6 of 27 fatal accidents occurring in 2017 and 2018, respectively. To better understand why these accidents continue to occur and what can be done to prevent them, researchers reviewed the 91 haul-truck-related fatal accidents that occurred in the USA from 2005 to 2018 and performed bow-tie analyses using the final reports published by the Mine Safety and Health Administration. The analyses explore the context of the accidents with a focus on the initiating event, event outcome, hazards present, and possible preventative and mitigative controls. Overall, the vast majority of the accidents resulted in a haul truck colliding with the environment, and the majority of these events were initiated by loss of situational awareness or loss of control. The majority of the hazards were related to design and organizational controls. The results of this study suggest a need to investigate operator decision-making and organizational controls and to focus on improving design and operation controls such as mine design and operational procedures.
Mining in the Newspapers: Local and Regional Media Representations of Mineral Exploration and Mining in Finland, Germany, and Spain
Lyytimäki J, Benighaus L, Gómez J, Benighaus C, Kauppi S, Kotilainen JM, Mononen T and Del Rio V
The understanding of public debates over mineral exploration and mining largely originates from exceptional situations such as mining accidents of conflicts. Less is known about how mining is portrayed and understood under more conventional settings. What storylines dominate the local day-to-day public debate? This article presents results from a comparative case study focusing on newspaper coverage of mineral exploration and mining in three European countries representing different geological and socio-economic contexts. Newspaper articles from the Geyer-Erzgebirge region in Germany, the Andalusia region in Spain, and Northern Finland are studied. The sample looks into the period between September 2018 and February 2020 and shows that regional newspapers report about mining issues relatively intensively even in the absence of major accidents or other media events causing peaks of attention. The tone of the articles is generally neutral to positive towards mining activities, reflecting the specific local settings, historical experiences, and future expectations. Despite the different contexts of the three countries, there were considerable similarities to the topics highlighted, including common themes of mining revival, mining events and social interaction, history of mining, and damages related to mining. Past, present, and future employment opportunities related directly or indirectly to the mining sector are key storylines. Another recurrent underlying theme is the need to balance environment and safety risks and socio-economic prosperity, typically covered through ordinary disputes among the mining sector, public authorities, regional non-governmental organizations, and local initiatives.
Safety Climate in MT Mining: A Case Study
Murphy T, Aldossari H, Birkenbuel L, Rosenthal S, Autenrieth D, McGivern M and Gilkey D
A safety climate case study was carried out at a surface metal mine where investigators administered the Liberty Mutual Short Scale Safety Climate Survey to 365-368 miners to measure safety climate in consecutive years. Following the baseline safety climate survey in 2019, Foundations for Safety Leadership (FSL) training was conducted with 81 middle to upper management employees at the mine site. Investigators found statistically significant differences in the pre vs. posttraining FSL assessment scores of the middle to upper management employees who attended the training. The follow-up safety climate evaluation was compared to baseline scores and revealed no significant improvement. The overall baseline company safety climate score of 76.38 increased minimally to 76.50 (-value = 0.616). Investigators also evaluated differences in safety climate between the company's three major divisions (operations, maintenance, and administration). Both years administration had the highest mean score and operations had the lowest mean score. The authors attributed the statistically significant differences found among the three major divisions to various dissimilarities in their work environments.
Hand-Arm Vibration Controls for Jackleg Rock Drills: A Pilot Study Assessing Ergonomic Hazards
Kremer C, Autenrieth D, Stack T, Rosenthal S and Gilkey D
Jackleg drill operators are exposed to harmful levels of hand-arm vibration (HAV). Anti-vibration handles and gloves provide modest reductions in HAV exposures and forearm muscle exertion from the use of AV handles and gloves by jackleg drill operators. The goal of this pilot study was to investigate changes in HAV with the use of anti-vibration gloves and handles compared to forearm muscle exertion experienced by operators and measured with surface electromyography (EMG). Five subjects operated the drill under four different cases: no anti-vibration controls, anti-vibration gloves only, anti-vibration handle only, and simultaneous anti-vibration handle and glove use. Muscle exertion was expressed as a percent of maximum voluntary contraction (%MVC) and was compared using Welch's ANOVA with Games-Howell post-hoc comparisons. The case with both anti-vibration controls in use simultaneously (largest grip diameter) was associated with a mean %MVC of 36.13% during operation for all forearm muscles combined, which was significantly higher than the other cases (p < 0.05). There were no statistically significant differences in mean HAV exposures. The anti-vibration handle with anti-vibration glove case only increased the maximum allowable exposure time by eight minutes as compared to the control case without any anti-vibration controls. These results suggest that the modest HAV exposure reductions from the use of anti-vibration handles and gloves may pale in comparison to the increased muscle exertion resulting from their use, and this tradeoff among jackleg drill operators is a potential concern that warrants further investigation.
Area Noise Assessment at Surface Stone, Sand, and Gravel Mines: Application for Reducing Worker Noise Exposure
Azman AS, Camargo HE and Kim B
Repeated noise exposure and occupational hearing loss are common health problems across industries and especially within the mining industry. Large mechanized processes, blasting, grinding, drilling, and work that is often in close quarters put many miners at an increased risk of noise overexposure. In stone, sand, and gravel mining, noise is generated from a variety of sources, depending on the type of ore being mined as well as the final consumer product provided by that mine. Depending on the source of noise generation, different strategies to reduce and avoid that noise should be implemented. The National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH) has evaluated the noise profile at three operational surface stone, sand, and gravel mines. A-weighted sound level meter data as well as phase array beamforming data were collected throughout the mines in areas with high noise exposure or high personnel foot or vehicle traffic. Sound level meter data collected on a grid pattern was used to develop sound profiles of the working areas. These sound contour maps as well as phase array beamforming plots were provided to the mines as well as guidance to modify work areas or personnel traffic to reduce noise exposure.
Assessment of Sub-micrometer-Sized Particles with Practical Activities in an Underground Coal Mine
Chen YH, Munoz A, Krause C, Brune J and Tsai CSJ
This assessment was designed to explore and characterize the airborne particles, especially for the sub-micrometer sizes, in an underground coal mine. Airborne particles present in the breathing zone were evaluated by using both (1) direct reading real-time instruments (RTIs) to measure real-time particle number concentrations in the workplaces and (2) gravimetric samplers to collect airborne particles to obtain mass concentrations and conduct further characterizations. Airborne coal mine particles were collected via three samplers: inhalable particle sampler (37 mm cassette with polyvinyl chloride (PVC) filter), respirable dust cyclone (10 mm nylon cyclone with 37 mm Zefon cassette and PVC filter), and a Tsai diffusion sampler (TDS). The TDS, a newly designed sampler, is for collecting particles in the nanometer and respirable size range with a polycarbonate filter and grid. The morphology and compositions of collected particles on the filters were characterized using electron microscopy (EM). RTIs reading showed that the belt entry had a greatly nine-times higher total particle number concentration in average (~ 34,700 particles/cm) than those measured at both the underground entry and office building (~ 4630 particles/cm). The belt entry exhibited not only the highest total particle number concentration, but it also had different particle size fractions, particularly in the submicron and smaller sizes. A high level of submicron and nanoparticles was found in the belt conveyor drift area (with concentrations ranging from 0.54 to 1.55 mg/m among three samplers). The data support that small particles less than 300 nm are present in the underground coal mine associated with dust generated from practical mining activities. The chemical composition of the air particles has been detected in the presence of Ca, Cu, Si, Al, Fe, and Co which were all found to be harmful to miners when inhaled.
Amenability of South African Banded Iron Formation (BIF) to Fines Gravity Processing
Da Corte C, Singh A and Letsoalo K
Banded Iron Formations (BIF) are sedimentary rock formations ranging in age from 0.8 to 3.8 billion years and consist of alternating layers of silica and iron. The thickness of the alternating layers varies between and within deposits, with this lithology forming approximately two-thirds of South Africa's future low-grade hematite resources. The production costs for South African iron ore producers are approximately double that of the largest iron ore producers, namely, Brazil and Australia. This in conjunction with volatile commodity prices, necessitated a cost-sensitive beneficiation strategy for low-grade hematite to sustain the industry and extend life of mine. A BIF sample grading at 44% Fe and comprising predominantly of hematite and quartz with minor amounts of magnetite and goethite was subjected to three fines gravity processing routes to establish the amenability of this sample to beneficiation. To provide flexibility for iron ore producers who still have high-grade resources available, two product grades were considered, namely a 60% Fe product for further blending or a 63% Fe product for direct sales.
Identifying the Location and Size of an Underground Mine Fire with Simulated Ventilation Data and Random Forest Model
Xue Y, Bahrami D and Zhou L
Underground mine fires are a threat to the safety and health of mine workers. The timely determination of the location and size of an underground fire is of great importance in developing firefighting strategies and reducing the risk of any injuries. Machine learning was used in this paper to develop a predictive model for fire location and fire size in an underground mine. The ventilation data were obtained by simulating different mine fire scenarios with MFire. The ventilation data of all airways were used as features to predict the fire location. Based on the feature importance, five airways were selected to monitor, and the airflow data of the selected airways were used to predict the fire location and fire size. An accuracy score of 0.920 was obtained for the prediction of fire location. In addition, in-depth analyses were conducted to characterize the wrong predictions with the purpose of improving the performance of the random forest model. The results show that the occurrence of fire at closely connected airways at some locations can generate misleading ventilation data for each other and the model performance can be further improved to 0.962 by grouping them. Fire size is another factor affecting the model performance and the model accuracy increases with increasing fire size. The result from this study can help mine safety personnel make informed decisions during a mine fire emergency.
Bourgeois J, Warren S and Armstrong J
The application of statistical analysis software programs has proven useful for the investigation of rockfall runout distance along a designed slope. Rockfall modeling programs are continually being upgraded with more sophisticated analysis tools, such as the use of the rigid body versus lump mass models. Engineers at mine sites utilizing the software may have varied experience related to these models, their associated input parameters, and how to interpret the generated results. To address this concern, researchers at the Spokane Mining Research Division (SMRD) of the U.S. National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH) investigated the influence of slope height, slope angle, slope material, and rock size for both rigid body and lump mass models in a 2-D statistical analysis program. Based on a literature search and industry input, specific ranges common to that of an open pit mining environment were chosen for each of the input parameters to determine 90% rock runout distance as well as their sensitivity to change. Data collected from this numerical analysis and simulation will be compared to empirical rockfall data gathered through the duration of the Highwall Safety project conducted by NIOSH from 2022-2026.