International Journal of Speech-Language Pathology

Systematic review of international ethics knowledge in the speech-language pathology literature (1980-2022)
Naudé A, Kanji A, Louw B and Bornman J
A systematic review was conducted to describe various viewpoints expressed in speech-language pathology literature over four decades concerning ethics knowledge in the profession.
Managing cyberbullying among adolescents with neurodevelopmental disorders: A scoping review
Jackson E, Boyes M, Blundell B, Hirn J and Leitão S
While there is evidence for the effectiveness of programmes targeting cyberbullying in general adolescent populations, less is known for adolescents with neurodevelopmental disorders, who are at heightened risk of involvement in cyberbullying. This scoping review aimed to identify and map the evidence in relation to managing cyberbullying among adolescents aged 10-19 with neurodevelopmental disorders.
Caregivers' insights into supporting their late talkers using a parent program
Bartlett S and McLeod S
To explore caregivers' experiences and engagement during the 16-week designed to support late talkers.
Multilingualism and developmental language disorder in Southeast Asian speech-language pathology practice: An international survey
Smith G, Verdon SE, Chu SY, Razak RA, Chow D, Rusli YA, Aziz MAA, Pham B, Pratomo HTA and Garraffa M
This study aims to explore the current practices and challenges faced by speech-language pathologists in three Southeast Asian countries (Malaysia, Indonesia, and Vietnam) in assessing and treating multilingual children with developmental language disorder.
Learning science concepts alongside language goals: A telehealth replication of a randomised controlled trial examining whether children with developmental language disorder can learn vocabulary or grammar in combination with curricular science content
Hiebert L, Weatherford S, Curran M, McGregor K and Van Horne AO
We asked whether children with developmental language disorder can learn vocabulary or grammar targets and curricular content simultaneously. We replicated prior work integrating two language interventions into a first-grade science curriculum and extended it by testing delivery via teletherapy.
Exploring Tasmanian speech-language pathologists' perspectives on grammar intervention priorities and protocols for children with developmental language disorder: Preliminary findings from a participatory action research approach
Calder SD, Wilmot A, Biedermann B, Cartwright J, Fitzallen GC and Leitão S
Children with developmental language disorder are likely to face challenges related to grammar difficulties. Existing empirically supported grammar interventions are typically developed using an expert model without acknowledging the community voices of clinicians who deliver such interventions. This project aims to explore the perspectives of Tasmanian speech-language pathologists on grammar intervention priorities and protocols for developmental language disorder through a participatory action research approach.
A preliminary hospital-based study of a hybrid placement incorporating traditional and non-traditional placement and supervisory model elements: Perspectives of undergraduate speech-language pathology
McInerney M, Dent L and Brake H
This preliminary study sought to explore speech-language pathology students' perspectives of a novel placement experience embedding traditional and non-traditional placement and supervisory model-elements in a hospital setting.
Contemporary clinical conversations about stuttering: How to keep up with stuttering treatment research
Anderson J, Lowe R, Yandeau E, Parolini M and Onslow M
To discuss how speech-language pathologists can keep up with stuttering treatment research. To inform junior clinicians and students of speech-language pathology about this matter.
The experiences of speech-language pathologists when collaborating with spoken language interpreters, multilingual families, and their children with hearing loss
Hooper C, Hopf SC and Crowe K
The parents of children who are deaf or hard-of-hearing may require a spoken language interpreter to access early-intervention services. This research sought to describe speech-language pathologists' perspectives regarding collaboration with interpreters in this space.
Contemporary clinical conversations about stuttering: Does the cause of stuttering matter to clinicians?
Espinoza AK, Lasan-Grevelhörster M, Maruthy S, Packman A and Onslow M
To discuss whether stuttering causality matters to clinicians during clinical practice, and how and why it might matter. Additionally, to provide early-career clinicians and students with entry-level assistance with this complex topic.
Let the eyes do the talking: A scoping review of eye-tracking in paediatric communication assessment and intervention
Hoopmann L, Bailey B and Arciuli J
Eye-tracking technologies are of great interest to individuals who use them to communicate and their supporters. This review maps and critically evaluates the research on eye-tracking in paediatric communication assessment and intervention, including user perceptions, to guide future clinical practice and identify future practice-related research priorities. In an advance on previous reviews, the study reports on effect sizes, as well as research quality and reproducibility of included studies.
Exploring multidisciplinary team members' experiences of supporting eating and drinking with acknowledged risk in healthcare and aged care settings
Hill CL, Heard R, Morrison L, Alston L, Brown C, Skontra C, Beggs R and King OA
Dysphagia is a swallowing condition which has significant health and quality of life implications. Speech-language pathologists provide assessment and support shared decision making to optimise swallowing safety. Many people elect to eat and drink with acknowledged risk. This study aimed to explore multidisciplinary team members' perceptions and experiences supporting eating and drinking at acknowledged risk decision-making and practice, and to determine resources needed to support teams in this area.
Parents' perspectives on speech-language assessment for their preschool-aged children: A scoping review
Duggleby Wenzel S, Pritchard-Wiart L and Charest M
Assessment allows speech-language pathologists to identify clients' strengths and needs while laying the foundation for the therapeutic relationship. However, the extent to which parents' experiences with assessment has been explored in the literature is unclear. The purposes of this review were to: a) Identify and summarise the available literature on parents' experiences with speech-language assessment for their preschool-aged children, and b) identify gaps in the literature.
"Ready or not, here we come": Positioning speech-language pathology for success and the challenges ahead
Munro N and Cardell E
Image use in aphasia rehabilitation: Practices of speech-language pathologists in South Africa and international contexts
Pillay BS, Van Der Linde J, Graham MA and Dada S
The study aimed to explore speech-language pathologists' practices regarding image selection and use in the treatment of people living with aphasia. Images are widely utilised with people living with aphasia, however, supporting their communication optimally remains challenging.
Contemporary clinical conversations about stuttering: How clinically important is mental health during management of early stuttering?
Delpeche S, Menzies R, Ntourou K, Saunders A and Onslow M
To discuss how clinically important mental health is during management of early stuttering. To inform early-career clinicians and students of speech-language pathology about contemporary views on this issue.
Teacher implementation of an individualised vocabulary intervention programme for dual language learners in a preschool classroom
Kan PF, Colunga E, Weber J and Huang S
This study explored the feasibility of implementing an individualised vocabulary intervention for dual language learners through teachers, who leverage their knowledge about their students to address each child's diverse needs.
Caregiver experiences of oral feeding in infants on long-term high flow nasal cannula support
Chan K, Chawla J, Clarke S, Schilling S and Marshall J
Navigating the feeding journey of medically complex infants on long-term high flow nasal cannula support can be challenging for caregivers, especially given inconsistencies in clinical practice for oral feeding on high flow nasal cannula support. The aim of this study was to explore the perspectives of caregivers who have experienced this journey, to inform best practice care.
Understanding user experience and normative data in pharyngeal residue rating scales used in flexible endoscopic evaluation of swallowing (FEES): A scoping review
Wilson T, Checklin M, Lawson N, Burnett AJ, Lombardo T and Freeman-Sanderson A
Pharyngeal residue rating scales are often used to rate pharyngeal residue observed during flexible endoscopic evaluation of swallowing. Despite the widespread use of pharyngeal residue rating scales, there is no data that has systematically explored user experience. The aim of this scoping review was to investigate specific reporting of user experience, user centred design principles, and normative data in the development of pharyngeal residue rating scales.
Reliability and validity of the Turkish version of the Aging Voice Index
Yaşar Ö, Erensoy I, Uştu EK and Tahir E
The Ageing Voice Index is a valid and reliable tool for assessing the impact of changes in the voice of older adults. Our aim is to adapt the Aging Voice Index with Turkish older adults and test its reliability and validity to create the Turkish Aging Voice Index.
Assessing vocabulary acquisition using a fast-mapping task in an Android application: A pilot study
Rujas I, Casla M, Murillo E and Lázaro M
The aim of this study was to explore whether a fast mapping task embedded in an Android application (FastMApp) is a valid tool to assess referent selection abilities in Spanish-speaking children aged between 18 and 30 months. Traditional assessment tools for lexical development use static quantitative methods that assign children a final score to represent their overall vocabulary level. These methods fail to provide insights into the learning process, despite their potential relevance for clinical and educational purposes.