Coggon J and Miola J
Consent, frozen embryos, procreative choice and the ideal family
Scully-Hill A
MMR: medicine, mothers and rights
Baker H
Purposive interpretation and the march of genetic technology
Liddell K
The human rights dimension of the Diane Pretty case
Pedain A
Voluntary euthanasia and the logical slippery slope argument
Lillehammer H
No right to assisted suicide
Keown J
Dehydration and human rights
Keown J
Caesarean sections, phobias and foetal rights
Herring J
Life and death in Dublin
Keown J
No charter for assisted suicide
Keown J
Sterilisation and the courts
Grubb A and Pearl D
Irreversibly comatose individuals: "alive" or "dead"
Skegg P
Resolving the unresolvable: the case of the conjoined twins
Bainham A