Quantum Information Processing

Experimental system design for the integration of trapped-ion and superconducting qubit systems
De Motte D, Grounds AR, Rehák M, Rodriguez Blanco A, Lekitsch B, Giri GS, Neilinger P, Oelsner G, Il'ichev E, Grajcar M and Hensinger WK
We present a design for the experimental integration of ion trapping and superconducting qubit systems as a step towards the realization of a quantum hybrid system. The scheme addresses two key difficulties in realizing such a system: a combined microfabricated ion trap and superconducting qubit architecture, and the experimental infrastructure to facilitate both technologies. Developing upon work by Kielpinski et al. (Phys Rev Lett 108(13):130504, 2012. doi:10.1103/PhysRevLett.108.130504), we describe the design, simulation and fabrication process for a microfabricated ion trap capable of coupling an ion to a superconducting microwave circuit with a coupling strength in the tens of kHz. We also describe existing difficulties in combining the experimental infrastructure of an ion trapping set-up into a dilution refrigerator with superconducting qubits and present solutions that can be immediately implemented using current technology.
Authenticated communication from quantum readout of PUFs
Škorić B, Pinkse PWH and Mosk AP
Quantum readout of physical unclonable functions (PUFs) is a recently introduced method for remote authentication of objects. We present an extension of the protocol to enable the authentication of : A verifier can check if received classical data were sent by the PUF holder. We call this modification QR-d or, in the case of the optical-PUF implementation, QSA-d. We discuss how QSA-d can be operated in a parallel way. We also present a protocol for authenticating quantum states.
How to build a device that cannot be built
Lomonaco SJ
In this paper, we show how the GHZ paradox can be used to design a computing device that cannot be physically implemented within the context of classical physics, but nonetheless can be within quantum physics, i.e., in a quantum physics laboratory. This example gives an illustration of the many subtleties involved in the quantum control of distributed quantum systems. We also show how the second elementary symmetric Boolean function can be interpreted as a quantification of the nonlocality and indeterminism involved in the GHZ paradox.
Implementing a noise protected logical qubit in methyl groups via microwave irradiation
Annabestani R and Cory DG
We propose a proof-of-principle experiment to encode one logical qubit in noise protected subspace of three identical spins in a methyl group. The symmetry analysis of the wavefunction shows that this fermionic system exhibits a symmetry correlation between the spatial degree of freedom and the spin degree of freedom. We show that one can use this correlation to populate the noiseless subsystem by relying on the interaction between the electric dipole moment of the methyl group with a circularly polarized microwave field. Logical gates are implemented by controlling both the intensity and phase of the applied field.
On the security of semi-device-independent QKD protocols
Chaturvedi A, Ray M, Veynar R and Pawłowski M
While fully device-independent security in (BB84-like) prepare-and-measure quantum key distribution (QKD) is impossible, it can be guaranteed against individual attacks in a semi-device-independent (SDI) scenario, wherein no assumptions are made on the characteristics of the hardware used except for an upper bound on the dimension of the communicated system. Studying security under such minimal assumptions is especially relevant in the context of the recent attacks wherein the eavesdroppers can not only construct the devices used by the communicating parties but are also able to remotely alter their behavior. In this work, we study the security of a SDIQKD protocol based on the prepare-and-measure quantum implementation of a well-known cryptographic primitive, the random access code (RAC). We consider imperfect detectors and establish the critical values of the security parameters (the observed success probability of the RAC and the detection efficiency) required for guaranteeing security against eavesdroppers with and without quantum memory. Furthermore, we suggest a minimal characterization of the preparation device in order to lower the requirements for establishing a secure key.
Dipolar relaxation mechanism of long-lived states of methyl groups
Annabestani R and Cory DG
We analyze the symmetry properties of the dipolar Hamiltonian as the main relaxation mechanism responsible for the observed NMR spectra of long-lived states of methyl groups. Long-lived states exhibit relaxation times that are considerably longer than the spin-lattice relaxation time, . The analysis is complementary to previous studies and provides insight into the relaxation mechanism of long-lived states by focusing exclusively on the symmetry of the spin Hamiltonian. Our study shows that the dipole-dipole coupling between protons of a methyl group and between the protons and an external spin are both symmetry breaking interactions that can lead to relaxation pathways that transform the polarization from symmetry order to Zeeman order. The net contribution of the internal dipolar interaction to the NMR observation of long-lived states is zero. Our calculation is in good agreement with the reported features of the observed spectra and previous theoretical studies.
Noisy three-player dilemma game: robustness of the quantum advantage
Kairon P, Thapliyal K, Srikanth R and Pathak A
Games involving quantum strategies often yield higher payoff. Here, we study a practical realization of the three-player dilemma game using the superconductivity-based quantum processors provided by IBM Q Experience. We analyze the persistence of the quantum advantage under corruption of the input states and how this depends on parameters of the payoff table. Specifically, experimental fidelity and error are observed not to be properly anti-correlated; i.e., there are instances where a class of experiments with higher fidelity yields a greater error in the payoff. Further, we find that the classical strategy will always outperform the quantum strategy if corruption is higher than 50%.
Coopetition in quantum prisoner's dilemma and COVID-19
Elgazzar AS
Decision-making is important especially during a crisis such as the novel COVID-19 pandemic. The quantum prisoner's dilemma with two dilemma strength parameters is introduced as a model for the interaction between pharmaceutical and other related enterprises during the pandemic. Novel Nash equilibria are identified. The coopetition equilibrium (simultaneous cooperation and competition) is emphasized. Motivated by the novel equilibria of the quantum version, a classical mixed-strategy formulation that can be applied to real-world situations is proposed. Suitable values of the dilemma strength parameters and quantum entanglement can encourage coopetition, which can be considered as a route to full cooperation.
Enhanced optomechanically induced transparency via atomic ensemble in optomechanical system
Tesfahannes TG
We investigate the optomechanically induced transparency phenomena assisted through cavity optomechanical system. The system consists of an optical cavity system filled with the two-level atomic ensemble and driven by a weak probe laser as well as a strong coupling fields. Under different driving conditions, the system can exhibit the phenomena of optomechanical induced transparency dip. Specifically, the width of the transparency window increases with an increase in the coupling constant, while decreasing with an increase in atomic decay rate. Furthermore, the induced transparency phenomena are strongly affected by the number of atoms, coupling, and the decay rate. It is found that the larger the number of atoms, the wider the window of induced transparency, and therefore enhance the depth of transparency window. These results may have spectacular applications for slowing and on-chip storage of light pulses by the use of a micro-fabricated optomechanical array.
MDS, Hermitian almost MDS, and Gilbert-Varshamov quantum codes from generalized monomial-Cartesian codes
Barbero-Lucas B, Hernando F, Martín-Cruz H and McGuire G
We construct new stabilizer quantum error-correcting codes from generalized monomial-Cartesian codes. Our construction uses an explicitly defined twist vector, and we present formulas for the minimum distance and dimension. Generalized monomial-Cartesian codes arise from polynomials in variables. When our codes are MDS, and when and our lower bound for the minimum distance is 3, the codes are at least Hermitian almost MDS. For an infinite family of parameters, when we prove that our codes beat the Gilbert-Varshamov bound. We also present many examples of our codes that are better than any known code in the literature.