The influence of macrophyte ecological groups on food web components of temperate freshwater lakes
Karus K, Zagars M, Agasild H, Tuvikene A, Zingel P, Puncule L, Medne-Peipere M and Feldmann T
Aquatic macrophyte taxonomic composition, species abundance and cover determine the physical structure, complexity and heterogeneity of aquatic habitats - the structuring role of macrophytes. These traits influence richness, distribution, feeding and strength of the relationships between food web communities in lakes. The aim of this study was to determine how lakes with different dominating macrophyte ecological groups affect planktonic food web components, emphasising the influence on young of year (YOY) fish and large (≥1 +) fish community. We hypothesised that different dominating macrophyte ecological groups have different structural effects on food web components and YOY fish growth, abundance and feeding. Studied lakes categorised into three different macrophyte ecological groups - lakes dominated by emergent, floating+floating-leaved or submerged vegetation. We found that all dominating ecological groups had a strong influence on plankton communities (except heterotrophic bacterioplankton and nanoflagellates), YOY fish and large fish. Floating-leaved plant dominance was positively related to planktonic food web structure and YOY fish weight, length, abundance and the consumption of zooplankton as a prey of all major species of YOY fishes. Larger fish tended to favour the presence of emergent vegetation. This conclusion has important implications for local managers and conservationists in respect to the maintenance and protection of littoral habitats and fish resources.
An evaluation of factors controlling the abundance of epiphytes on along an estuarine gradient in Yaquina Bay, Oregon, USA
Nelson WG
Epiphytes on seagrass () growing in the lower intertidal were examined along an estuarine gradient within Yaquina Bay, Oregon over a period of 4 years. The Yaquina Estuary receives high levels of nutrients from the watershed during the wet season and from the ocean during the dry season. Mean epiphyte biomass per unit seagrass leaf surface area (epiphyte load) peaked during the summer, and thus epiphyte load was higher during dry season than wet season in both marine and riverine dominated regions. Epiphyte load was greater in marine than in riverine dominated areas in both wet and dry seasons, although only dry season differences were significant. There was no evidence that grazers controlled epiphyte load differences. Annual DIN concentration was inversely related to epiphyte load, principally because of elevated wet season dissolved inorganic nitrogen from river inputs. While there was a positive annual relation of epiphyte load to PO concentration, it is not clear that phosphorus becomes a limiting nutrient for epiphyte growth. Water column light attenuation tends to increase linearly with distance from the estuary mouth, while both epiphyte load and biomass tend to decrease. Both seagrass and seagrass epiphytes may be increasingly light limited in the upper estuary, and thus, epiphyte loads may have proportionally more impact on seagrass occurrence in this estuarine region.
Effects of microtopographic variation and macroalgal cover on morphometrics and survival of the annual form of eelgrass ()
Nelson WG and Sullivan G
A disjunct population of the annual form of the seagrass that occurred in the upper intertidal zone of Yaquina Bay, Oregon was sampled to determine whether there were differences in recruitment, growth, survivorship and morphology associated with microtopographic location on the sand flat. Population responses of seagrass found in areas differing by only a few cm in vertical elevation were compared. There was higher plant abundance and higher number of shoots per plant in microtopographic low areas. Plants in lower areas also had significantly longer shoots, greater total above ground biomass, greater biomass per shoot, and greater biomass of reproductive spathes than plants growing in immediately adjacent, microtopographic high areas. Cover of green macroalgae was higher and accumulated more rapidly in microtopographic high areas as compared to low areas, and both spatially and temporally was correlated with decreased recruitment and increased plant loss in these slightly elevated areas. While impacts of desiccation may have played some role in determining the influence of microtopographic variation on the annual population, macroalgal effects appear to be predominant.
Patterns of shading tolerance determined from experimental light reduction studies of seagrasses
Nelson WG
A review and analysis of the experimental literature on seagrass shading evaluated the relationships among experimental light reduction, experimental duration, additional modifying factors and common meadow-scale seagrass response metrics to determine whether there were consistent statistical relationships. Modifying factors included study latitude, field site depth, season of experiment initiation, rhizome connectivity (severed, intact), experiment type (field, mesocosm), and seagrass life history strategy. Highly significant, best fit linear regression models were found for both biomass and shoot density reduction that included light reduction, duration and other modifying variables, although unexplained variation in the data were high. Duration of light limitation affected extent of response for both metrics, and unexplained variance was greatly reduced by analysis of data from durations >60d for shoot density and for >60d <120d for biomass. Life history strategy was also a significant factor in three of four regression models. While the slopes of the responses were relatively similar for biomass and shoot density, unexplained variation was generally greater for shoot density than biomass in models for data pooled across species. There were highly significant, best fit regression models found for both biomass and shoot density for both genus and species level analyses, with the extent and duration of light reduction the most important model factors. Season of experiment, rhizome status, latitude, and experiment type all were also included in multiple models. Biomass regression models again tended to have lesser unexplained variation than shoot density models. Life history was invariant within genus and species, and separate analyses for data divided among Colonizing, Opportunistic, and Persistent strategies found relatively similar, best fit regression models among strategies. However, the mean percent reduction of both biomass and shoot density was generally lower for the Persistent strategy than for the other two life histories, suggesting a greater buffering capacity against effects of light reduction for such species. Overall, biomass based models explained more of the variance in seagrass response to light reduction than shoot density, and may be the preferred response variable for meadow-scale impact assessments. The relationships observed may inform management decisions by helping define the scope of expected responses of seagrasses in general to the range of factors that may reduce light availability to seagrasses.
Macrophytes in shallow lakes: relationships with water, sediment and watershed characteristics
Kissoon LT, Jacob DL, Hanson MA, Herwig BR, Bowe SE and Otte ML
We examined macrophyte-environment relationships in shallow lakes located within the Prairie Parkland and Laurentian Mixed Forest provinces of Minnesota. Environmental variables included land cover within lake watersheds, and within-lake, water and sediment characteristics. CCA indicated that sediment fraction smaller than 63 μm (<63), open water area, turbidity, and percent woodland and agricultural cover in watersheds were significant environmental variables explaining 36.6% of variation in macrophyte cover. When Province was added to the analysis as a spatial covariate, these environmental variables explained 30.8% of the variation in macrophyte cover. CCA also indicated that pH, <63, percent woodland cover in watersheds, open water area, emergent vegetation area, and organic matter content were significant environmental variables explaining 43.5% of the variation in macrophyte biomass. When Province was added to the analysis as a spatial covariate, these environmental variables explained 39.1% of the variation in macrophyte biomass. The <63 was the most important environmental variable explaining variation for both measures of macrophyte abundance (cover and biomass) when Province was added as a spatial covariate to the models. Percent woodland in watersheds, turbidity, open water area, and Ca+Mg explained 34.5% of the variation in macrophyte community composition. Most species showed a negative relationship with turbidity and open water area except for , , and filamentous algae. Our study further demonstrates the extent to which macrophyte abundance and community composition are related to site- and watershed-scale variables including lake morphology, water and sediment characteristics, and percent land cover of adjacent uplands.