Unexpected high prevalence of hepatitis C virus infection in couples of liver transplant patients
Marie-Tognola M, Flores-Miranda R, Contreras AG and García-Juárez I
Prophylactic cancer vaccines: development and challenges for HBV and HPV vaccines in Latin America
Ramírez-López LX, Carnalla-Cortés M, Barrientos-Gutiérrez T, Coursaget P and Muñoz N
Vaccines against hepatitis B virus (HBV) and human papillomaviruses (HPV) are two safe and highly effective vaccines that were developed at the end of the 20th century and can prevent human cancer. HBV vaccine prevents liver cancer, and HPV prevents cervical and other HPV-related cancers. Starting with the immunogen identification, 15 years were necessary to reach the industrial production of HBV vaccine, and 20 years, for the HPV vaccines. However, while HBV vaccines have been commercially available for over 40 years and are used in most countries, there are still significant challenges to achieve universal childhood immunization against hepatitis B. Similarly, HPV vaccines have been commercially available for 17 years, and yet, countries with higher cervical cancer still have the lowest HPV vaccination rates. We describe the development of HBV and HPV vaccines and discuss the challenges to reaching equitable access to these vaccines in Latin America.
[Not Available]
Pérez-Campos IS, Espinosa-Badillo TSJ, Ochoa-Hein E, Huertas-Jímenez MA, Colin-Ugalde A, Chávez-Ríos AR and Galindo-Fraga A
[Not Available]
Zepeda Tello R, García-Flores JE, Tamayo Ortiz M, Barros-Sierra D and Hernández-Ávila M
Design and implementation of AMBAR: an innovative evidence-based training program for childbirth and newborn care
Fritz J, Treviño-Siller S, Sánchez-Domínguez M, González-Hernández D, Bishop A and Lamadrid-Figueroa H
To present the development of a training model called AMBAR (Atención a la mujer embarazada y al recién nacido [Care for pregnant women and newborns]), which was designed to improve the quality of attention of health personnel responsible for obstetric care.
Acute abdomen in MIS-C. Case series from a pediatric center in Mexico
García-Domínguez M, Peña E and Yamazaki-Nakashimada M
[Not Available]
Garza-Alatorre AG, Rodríguez-Martínez V, Cabrera-Antonio YA and Esquivel-Elías GE
Validation and application of outcome prediction model in Covid-19 patients
Saad-Manzanera MI, Hernández-Galván JA, González-Cristóbal SC, Vázquez-Torres E, Ramírez-Alonso GMJ, Martínez-Loya C and Enriquez-Sánchez LB
The Household Water Insecurity Experiences Scale: answer patterns and cutoffs in Mexico
Huffman C and Nájera H
To investigate the degree in which answer patterns in the Household Water Insecurity Experiences Scale (HWISE) relate to scores aiming at identifying latent groups with different water insecurity levels in a nationwide representative sample of the Mexican population.
The impact of the Covid-19 vaccination policy in Mexico. A quasi-experimental effectiveness evaluation of a multi-vaccine strategy
Bautista-Arredondo S, Cerecero-García D, Macías-González F and Barrientos-Gutiérrez T
To assess the impact of a vaccination campaign that administered five different technologies in a middle-income country with one of the largest Covid-19 epidemics.
Should we administer postexposure rabies prophylaxis to a rabid human?
Tahsin-Gozdas H
Nutrition education reduces sleep disorders through eating quality
Ambulay-Briceño JP, Ignacio-Concchoy FL, León-Eyzaguirre FR and Valle-Palma CI
[Not Available]
Saldias-Fernández MA, Gónzales-Santa-Cruz A and Parra-Giordano D
Identificar factores sociodemográficos y sanitarios en mujeres que requirieron prestaciones asociadas con la interrupción voluntaria del embarazo (IVE). Material y métodos. Diseño transversal retrospectivo desde registros oficiales por centros de salud entre 2018-2020. Análisis con estadística descriptiva y modelos de regresión logística múltiple.
Isolation and characterization of nontuberculous mycobacteria in drinking water of Monterrey, Mexico
Cordero-Martinez FC, Vera-Cabrera L, Ocampo-Candiani J, Riojas-Hernández ED and Molina-Torres CA
Adolescent use of outpatient health services in Mexico: their health needs and associated factors
Avila-Burgos L, Montañez-Hernández JC, Cerecer-Ortiz N, Hubert C, Heredia-Pi I, Suárez-López L and Villalobos A
To estimate adolescent use of outpatient services, identifying their health needs and associated socioeconomic factors.
A missing opportunity to alleviate suffering: the case of vulvar cancer
Allende-Pérez SR, Verástegui EL and Peña-Nieves A
[Not Available]
Tolentino-Mayo L, Durán R, Espinosa F, Ferré I, Munguía A and Barquera S
Analizar los diferentes elementos en los argumentos recibidos durante la consulta pública del Proyecto de Modificación a la Norma Oficial Mexicana-051 (NOM-051), con énfasis en la protección de niñas, niños y adolescentes (NNA). Material y métodos. Se analizó la información de 1 095 argumentos, se identificó a los actores clave y se realizó un análisis de contenido para conocer la postura, a favor o en contra de los numerales relacionados con la protección a NNA. El análisis se hizo en el programa NVivo.
The Omicron wave in Mexico: vaccine protection against progression to severe Covid-19 in SARS-CoV-2-infected workers
Hernández-Ávila M, Vieyra-Romero WI, Gutiérrez-Díaz HO, Zepeda-Tello R, Alpuche-Aranda C, Hernández-Ávila JE, Barros-Sierra D, Tamayo-Ortiz M, Duque-Molina C, Barrientos-Gutiérrez T, Carnalla-Cortés M, Dyer-Leal D, López-Ridaura R and López-Gatell-Ramírez H
To assess the effectiveness of seven Covid-19 vaccines in preventing disease progression (DP) using data from national private sector workers during the Omicron wave in Mexico from January 2 to March 5, 2022.
[Not Available]
Argeñal-Silva AM, Zepeda-Ponce MA, Espinal-Madrid JM and Medina-Guillen LF
SARS-CoV-2 immune response and reinfection in vaccinated Maya and mestizo in Southeast of Mexico
Monteón V, León-Pérez F, Ancona-León JG and Gutiérrez-Torres G
Immune response to pathogens, including coronaviruses, is influenced by HLA haplotypes. 1,2. Maya ethnic group is predominant in Yucatan peninsula, this Amerindian group present allele frequency  HLA-G*01:01:02, HLA-G*01:01:01, HLA-G*01:04:01, HLA-A*68  not found in another Amerindians.3-5 Immune response to SARS-CoV-2 vaccination and reinfection particularly after Omicron variant appeared was explored in 118 vaccinated subjects with complete two shots immunization in Maya ascendant and mestizo no-Maya. 1172 epidemiological survey applied to university staff in Campeche, Mexico to evaluate reinfection, co-morbidities, variant virus, disease severity, aftermaths, clinical outcomes, age, sex, ethnicity, and vaccination shots. Multiple logistic regression, correspondence analysis, and association tests were used to analysis data.   Sixteen percent  of vaccinated subjects became seronegative after 11 months. We found that vaccinated Maya subjects respond with higher IgG immune response compared to no-Maya subjects, similarly women respond with higher IgG response than men (p<0.05). During an eleven-month period and after two vaccination shots, 7% of the vaccinated subjects reported a confirmed positive infection, and after the third vaccine shot a higher IgG immune response than two vaccination shots or natural infection was detected. However, we observed 23.7% reinfection in people after the third shot. This data represents almost three times  the reinfection rate reported when compared to  previous third vaccine shots. The increase of reinfection in vaccinated subjects was associated with circulation of Omicron variant by 71.5%. Others have reported  reinfection of 40% and vaccine effectiveness of 60% during Omicron dominance.6 To understand COVID-19 severity after reinfection in vaccinated subjects and the associated variables, we carried out a multiple logistic regression, and found a strong association between less severe symptoms with Alfa and Omicron variants (B 5.3; Error 0.39; Wald 0.00; Significance 0.00; OR201).  However, subjects with severe symptoms and or hospitalization correspondent to individuals with multiplex comorbidities and  Gamma SARS-CoV-2 variants (B 5.06; Error 0.97; Wald 26.8; Significance 0.00; OR 158). A follow-up survey of COVID-19 recovered patients experienced diverse digestive, respiratory, cardiac, neurological, or joints involvement sequelae. We looked for SARS-CoV-2 variant and COVID-19 sequelae in a correspondence analysis. Our data suggest that Beta and Delta variants are associated with respiratory and digestive symptoms, whereas Omicron was more closely associated with joints and digestive symptoms, and finally the Gamma variant displayed wider and more diverse symptoms. Our results suggest that genetic background and gender influence IgG response to SARS-CoV-2 vaccine, and  Maya ascendant has higher immune IgG response to vaccine than mestizos. Reinfection in our population studied fluctuate from 7% to 23.7% nevertheless is higher if Omicron variant is involved, but symptoms are less severe and more closely associated with joints and digestive symptoms.
Superspreading event of Covid-19 in adolescents and vaccination: correspondence
Mungmunpuntipantip R and Wiwanitkit V