Training and Education in Professional Psychology

Clinical Psychology Graduate Programs: Falling Short in Cultural Humility Training
Galán CA, Boness CL, Tung I, Bowdring M, Sequeira S, Call CC, Savell S, Northrup JB and
Despite requirements by the American Psychological Association and the Psychological Clinical Science Accreditation System regarding training and education in cultural humility, questions remain regarding the presence and quality of the training in clinical psychology PhD and PsyD programs. This is a critical issue as inadequate training in diversity, cultural humility, and multiculturalism has substantial downstream effects on care for clients of color and may contribute to racial disparities and inequities in access to mental health services. We seek to explicitly evaluate key features of the conceptual model thought to improve the provision of mental health services for clients facing oppression and marginalization which includes perceptions of clinical psychology graduate programs' training in and assessment of cultural humility. We also assess self-efficacy related to the application of cultural humility as well as actual practice of actions associated with cultural humility. Each of these domains are evaluated among a sample of 300 graduate students and faculty, clinical supervisors, and/or directors of clinical training (DCTs) and differences across position and race of participants were tested. Study findings highlight significant gaps between what trainees need to develop cultural humility and what they may actually be receiving from their respective programs. While findings suggest that there is still a lot of work to be done, understanding the state of the field with regards to clinical training in cultural humility is an important first step towards change.
The development and current directions of a diversity specialty clinic: Implications for multicultural training in psychology
Espinosa PR, Johnson-Esparza Y, López G, Benson J, Moss NC, Avila-Rieger R, Venner K and Verney SP
Addressing systemic injustices and racism in training and clinical service provision are key next steps in clinical science. While the APA Multicultural Guidelines and accreditation standards have long emphasized this need, most graduate programs offer a single course on diversity, equity, and inclusion topics, which is inadequate to train and sustain culturally humble providers and redress systemic injustices and racism within psychology. Few "real-world" examples exist to guide the development of training models. We provide background on the development and components of a specialty clinic, the University of New Mexico's Cultural Counseling Center, whose mission is providing culturally informed clinical services to diverse clientele, and to infuse multicultural training throughout the graduate program. Informed by the racial-spatial framework for psychology and critical race theory, we describe our approach intended to: 1) offer applications for the operationalization and delivery of multicultural and antiracist training; 2) enhance supervisory models; and 3) increase awareness of structural competence. Our clinic, developed collaboratively among students and faculty, serves as a safe forum for dialogue around structural injustices and seeks to improve treatment for diverse clients and those underserved in mental health care. We discuss issues of student and faculty engagement and offer the perspectives of faculty and students of color, case examples illustrating our services, and current efforts to expand and formalize community collaborations. We offer a model that integrates coursework, informal activities, and multicultural supervision for comprehensive student training and that promotes a departmental culture of dialogue and support around equity, diversity, and justice.
Short-changing the future: The systemic gap between psychology internship stipends and living wages
Hood CO, Schick MR, Cusack SE, Fahey MC, Giff ST, Guty ET, Hellman N, Henry LM, Hinkson K, Long EE, McCoy K, O'Connor K, Wilborn AP, Reuben A, Sackey ET, Tilstra-Ferrell EL, Walters KJ and Witcraft SM
Providing doctoral internship stipends below living wages may harm interns, the clinical services they provide, and the field of health service psychology as a whole. This study evaluated the extent to which doctoral psychology internship stipends from the 2021-2022 training year for APA-accredited, APPIC-member programs in the US are consistent with living wages in the geographic region where sites are located.
The Paper Chase: A Team Science Training Exercise
Perry KJ, Mutignani LM, Gette J, Kinney KL, Gissandaner TD, Penner F, Wen A, Regan T and Lim C
Over the past few decades of psychological research, there has been an important increase in both the application of multidisciplinary or collaborative science and in training and research that emphasizes social justice and cultural humility. In the current paper, we report on the use of the "Paper Chase" as a team science training and research experience that also facilitates cultural humility in research and when working in teams. The Paper Chase is a synchronous writing exercise originally conceptualized by a cohort of health service psychology interns to reduce lag time between manuscript writing and submission (Schaumberg et al., 2015). The Paper Chase involves a group of trainees coming together for a predetermined amount of time (e.g., 9 or more hours) with the aim of writing and submitting a full manuscript for publication. In the current paper, we extend a previous report on the Paper Chase by formally linking the training experience to the four phases of team science: development, conceptualization, implementation, and translation. We also discuss ways in which the Paper Chase as a training experience can promote cultural humility. Finally, we provide updated recommendations for successfully completing a Paper Chase project. Overall, the authors of this manuscript who were predoctoral psychology interns across two recent cohorts at one academic medical center reported positive experiences from the Paper Chase. In addition, the current study suggests the Paper Chase can be used as one activity that facilitates critical training in team science.
Design and Implementation of a Clinical Science Specialty Clinic for Adults with Neurological Disorders and Their Caregivers
Howe ES, Shdo SM, Elliott MV, Hua AY, Tang NM, Dronkers NF and Levenson RW
Mental health problems are common for persons with neurological disorders (PWNDs) and their caregivers (CGs) but often are not adequately treated. Despite this growing need, the training of clinical psychologists typically does not include coursework or practicum experience working with these populations. To address this, a team of faculty, supervisors, and doctoral students in UC Berkeley's Clinical Science program undertook a year-long process that consisted of building a training curriculum that integrated coursework and consultation with visiting experts; providing supervised practicum training with PWNDs and CGs and evaluating training and clinical outcomes. We hoped to prepare students to train other mental health professionals to work with these populations in the future. In this article, we describe the Specialty Clinic with special attention given to the training provided, challenges faced and solutions found, clinic operations and logistics, and lessons learned. We also review key clinical issues and report key indicators of client outcomes. Finally, we evaluate the success of the Specialty Clinic and offer recommendations for others interested in providing these kinds of much needed training and clinical services in this important area.
Predictors of Dissertation Publication in Clinical and Counseling Psychology
Herbert RS, Evans SC, Guler J and Roberts MC
A doctoral dissertation constitutes a student's original research and a novel contribution to scientific knowledge. Yet, few psychology dissertations, particularly in professional subfields, are published in the peer-reviewed literature, and the reasons for this are unclear. The present study investigated student, advisor, and doctoral program variables that might predict dissertation publication in professional psychology. Using a stratified random cohort sample of 169 Ph.D. dissertations in clinical and counseling psychology, we conducted exhaustive searches to determine whether dissertation studies were published in peer-reviewed journals within 0-7 years following their completion. Logistic regression models were estimated to test whether dissertation publication was predicted by student and advisor prior research productivity, dissertation length, and doctoral program's training emphasis, accreditation status, and subfield. Results indicated that dissertations that were supervised by more research-productive advisors and that were relatively brief (<180 pages) were significantly more likely to be published in peer-reviewed journals. No other predictors were significant. Results are discussed with regard to implications for training and mentorship. Faculty advisors who publish frequently might be more likely to attract research-oriented students, to mentor students in preparing a publishable dissertation, and/or to encourage students to publish their dissertation research. By systematically promoting research dissemination as part of doctoral research training, graduate programs and faculty mentors in clinical and counseling psychology could help facilitate students' sharing their dissertation findings with the scientific community.
Guidelines to Address Barriers in Clinical Training for Trainees with Sensory Disabilities
Pearlstein JG, Schmidt AT, Lund EM, Khazem LR and Liu NH
Disability is an important facet of diversity. Although diversity in clinical training in health service psychology has improved considerably, training often neglects accessibility and inclusion for individuals with sensory disabilities. The limited research to date documents that trainees with sensory disabilities (TSD) report extensive barriers and are consistently under-represented in clinical settings. Further, few resources have been developed to guide accommodating TSD in clinical training. Accordingly, our goals in this article are two-fold: (1) to highlight the barriers in clinical training faced by TSD and (2) to provide recommendations for trainees, supervisors, clinical leadership, and directors of clinical training to improve accessibility and inclusion for TSD. We offer vignettes to illustrate barriers faced by TSD and suggest guidelines to improve access for TSD.
Supporting Students in Health Service Psychology Training: A Theory-Driven Approach to Meeting the Diverse Needs of Trainees
Brown CE, Boness CL and Sheerin KM
The demographic characteristics of health service psychology (HSP) trainees have shifted considerably in recent decades. In what was previously a field comprised predominantly of White men, HSP trainees today represent a much broader range of backgrounds. Nonetheless, the leadership within HSP training (e.g., faculty) remains relatively homogenous, and the training approaches (e.g., mentorship styles, expectations for students) may have failed to evolve to meet the needs of this more diverse pool of trainees. Therefore, there is reason to believe that the training needs of students who represent an array of diverse backgrounds, identities, and life experiences may not be met by existing conceptualizations of and approaches to training. In this article, we discuss several training issues that are specific to a range of trainees, including women, trainees who are parents, sexual/gender minoritized trainees, trainees with disabilities, and trainees from diverse racial and ethnic backgrounds. We draw from social-ecological and feminist mentoring theories to provide recommendations, consistent with APA's (2018) Standards of Accreditation for HSP Doctoral Programs in order to offer recommendations for optimizing the training experiences of HSP trainees across multiple levels of analysis.
Advancing Your Confidence as an Educator (ACE): An Academic-VA Partnership to Enhance Educator Skills and Improve Attitudes About Careers in Aging
Wynn MJ, Strong JV, Carpenter BD, Gamble S, Owsiany MT and Moye J
Previous research suggests some psychologists may not consider academic careers because of doubts about their teaching competency, and this is especially true for psychologists interested in aging (i.e., geropsychologists). To enhance competencies in the practice of education, we developed a webinar series, Advancing Your Confidence as an Educator, to bolster skills and attitudes toward teaching and improve attitudes about careers in aging. Seven hour-long webinars addressed key skills in developing and executing courses and professional presentations, and 2 panel sessions addressed attitudes toward teaching by featuring early- and later-career professionals discussing their paths to and satisfaction with jobs as educators. Attendance across the highly interactive sessions was robust = 50). Evaluation data suggest the webinar was effective in meeting educational needs. To promote sustainable impact, the webinars are archived and freely available online. Challenges in marketing and evaluation arose, but overall, this effort is one way of cultivating a more vigorous interest and self-confidence in teaching.
Who Are We Missing? Examining the Graduate Record Examination Quantitative Score as a Barrier to Admission into Psychology Doctoral Programs for Capable Ethnic Minorities
Gómez JM, Caño A and Baltes BB
The field of psychology must racially/ethnically diversify to create a workforce that can meet the needs of education, training, and interventions in an increasingly pluralistic society. Systemic bias in psychology doctoral programs' admissions process may partially account for relatively few psychologists being underrepresented minorities (URMs). The use of the Graduate Record Examination Quantitative score (GRE-Q) is one important modifiable barrier. The purpose of the current study is to go beyond replicating the association between the GRE-Q and desired doctoral outcomes by examining if a cut-off score for the GRE-Q as a proxy for potential to succeed in psychology doctoral programs disproportionately impacts URMs. Participants ( = 226) were psychology doctoral students at a Carnegie-classified Highest Research Activity (R1) large Midwestern university, who were admitted to graduate school from 2001 to 2011. Our findings show that, while controlling for undergraduate grade point average (GPA) and prior master's degree attainment, the GRE-Q predicted grades in two required graduate statistics courses and overall graduate GPA. Importantly, all students, regardless of their GRE-Q score, demonstrated competence in their statistics coursework, as assessed by their course grades. Moreover, we found that guidelines that bar admission into the psychology doctoral program for students with low GRE-Q scores would have disproportionately impacted URMs, resulting in 44% being barred admission versus only 17% of their White/Asian/Pacific Islander counterparts. Practical implications include introducing holistic review protocols into the admissions process, while educating faculty on how heavy emphasis on the GRE-Q contributes to inequitable exclusion of capable URMs.
Video-Based Training in Recognizing Exemplars of Autism Spectrum Disorder Diagnostic Criteria
Strickland DC, Schulte AC and Welterlin A
Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) is an increasingly common neurodevelopmental disorder with long-term and pervasive effects. Despite the benefits of early diagnosis, research suggests that training in recognizing the behavioral markers of ASD and the fundamentals of ASD diagnosis are not routinely provided to prospective child clinicians. As a means to train students in recognizing exemplars of behavior consistent with ASD diagnostic criteria, we created a video library of brief clips of children and adults with and without ASD who varied on multiple dimensions (e.g., sex, ethnicity, language skills, developmental level). Using clips from the library, we developed a brief training program to instruct students on diagnostic criteria for ASD and how to recognize examples of these behaviors in children. A randomized experimental trial compared the impact of the video-based training program delivered via the Internet to conventional graduate-level textbook training. Although both textbook and video-based training groups improved in their identification of ASD behaviors, the video-based training group significantly outperformed the textbook-based training group at posttest. The creation of a video library that can be incorporated into remote access training is a promising means of allowing students to view a range of presentations of a disorder even when direct access to a diverse set of clients may be difficult.
Training Health Services Psychologists for Research Careers in Addiction Science
McCarty KN, McDowell YE, Sher KJ and McCarthy DM
Addiction is a growing public health crisis, yet comparatively very few health services psychology programs include formal training in addiction science (Dimoff, Sayette, Norcross, 2017). Health services psychologists (i.e., psychologists who integrate psychological science and practice to understand development and functioning; APA, 2015) are well-suited to study and treat addiction, and doctoral level training is an ideal time to prepare future health services psychologists to do so. One possible barrier to incorporating addiction science training is the necessity of a multidisciplinary approach to study and treat addiction and related health behaviors. We focus primarily on clinical science training and argue for a multi-faceted approach to doctoral training in addiction science that would prepare trainees for research careers. The proposed training model emphasizes the importance of mentorship, coursework, grant preparation, responsible conduct of research, prevention, intervention, and treatment, and invited speakers and conference attendance. Each of these components is discussed with an emphasis on addiction science. We offer suggestions for incorporating portions of this training model for programs with few addiction science related resources. We also discuss the importance of enhancing diversity and inclusion in addiction training and offer brief recommendations on this topic.
Practice and Dissemination of Motivational Interviewing: A Psychology Internship Curriculum
Schumacher JA, Coffey SF, Williams DC, Madson MB and McAfee NW
Sufficient training in substance use issues has been identified as a common gap in professional psychology graduate training. Satisfactory training in evidence-based practices has also been identified as a common gap for providers who care for individuals with substance use problems. The "practice and dissemination" curriculum we developed seeks to address both of these gaps during the predoctoral internship training year by first training psychology interns to competently deliver motivational interviewing (MI) to individuals with substance use problems and then train community providers and volunteers to do so. From 2012-2013, a total of 55 community providers and volunteers from a homeless shelter, a substance use treatment facility, and a community mental health facility received training in MI through this curriculum by attending continuing education events delivered by 17 psychology interns. Evaluation of the dissemination portion of the curriculum as part of an exempt educational research project revealed that community providers were able to achieve significant increases in MI knowledge, readiness to implement MI, and MI skill as assessed with a video analogue measure by the end of the workshop. They also reported satisfaction with the workshop. These evaluation findings provide preliminary support for the curriculum as a novel and efficacious way to disseminate MI to community providers. Research is necessary to determine long-term outcomes of such training and to identify strategies to overcome potential barriers such as the substantial faculty effort necessary to implement the intensive curriculum.
Guidelines and Recommendations for Training Ethical Alcohol Researchers
Davis CN
Research on alcohol use presents several ethical challenges, and therefore, training of ethical alcohol researchers is particularly important. While the Helsinki Declaration (World Medical Association, 2001), Belmont Report (National Commission for the Protection of Human Subjects of Biomedical and Behavioral Research, 1978), and American Psychological Association's (APA) Ethics Code (2002) provide ethical guidelines and aspirational principles for researchers, there are a number of areas in which these principles allow for judgment. For trainees in particular, this ambiguity may be disconcerting. Along with these broader principles, there are also specific considerations for training alcohol researchers in the responsible conduct of research, which may further complicate matters for trainees. Although alcohol research is an important avenue for understanding a large public health concern and investigating risk and protective factors associated with use, it also presents a number of ethical and legal challenges for researchers. Working with high-risk drinking populations presents unique ethical and legal challenges in the areas of informed consent, confidentiality, compensation, and risk-benefit ratios. Additionally, alcohol administration studies present challenges for those supervising, as well as conducting, such experiments. New technology, such as the use of ecological momentary assessment (EMA) or other ambulatory assessment methods to examine risky and illegal behaviors, also presents new ethical challenges that are likely to continue to evolve in the coming years for trainees. Specific recommendations for handling a variety of concerns that may arise when conducting alcohol research are provided. Additionally, suggestions for improving the training of ethical alcohol researchers are discussed.
Education and Training in Substance Use Disorders and Addictions: The University of New Mexico Integrated Training Model
McCrady BS, Witkiewitz K, Venner KL and Fokas K
This paper describes SUD/addictions training at the University of New Mexico. Coordinated and integrated academic, research, and clinical training resources are described, with an emphasis on the integration of resources across multiple training domains. Academic training resources in the Psychology Department include core clinical courses, basic science courses, and opportunities for students to develop expertise in health or quantitative psychology. Other academic resources come from affiliated departments and colleges such as Sociology, the College of Population Health, the College of Education, and Health Sciences. Research training resources are available within the Psychology Department, affiliated Departments and Colleges, and specialized research centers including the Center on Alcoholism, Substance Abuse, and Addictions, and the Mind Research Network. A network of community partners provides additional research sites. Clinical training resources are provided through a specialized alcohol treatment clinic and a diversity clinic within the Department, opportunities for students to serve as research clinicians, and community practicum sites supervised by on-site doctoral level psychologists or Departmental faculty. The UNM training program provides one model for graduate training in SUD/addictions. Keys to the program are the presence of multiple SUD/addictions clinical faculty member with active research programs, willingness to mentor students in research and clinical work, and basic science faculty whose research is relevant to addictive behaviors. Other critical elements include systematic development of clinical training opportunities, effective collaborations with community agencies for research and clinical training, meaningful research partnerships with other academic departments and specialized research centers, and external funding for training activities.
Training the Addiction Treatment Workforce in HIV Endemic Regions: An Overview of the South Africa HIV Addiction Technology Transfer Center Initiative
Scott K, Sibeko G, Cummings B, Myers B, Sorsdahl K, Stein DJ, Kuo C and Becker SJ
The South Africa HIV Addiction Technology Transfer Center (ATTC) was formed in 2017 to train health professionals and nonprofessional lay workers in evidence-based addiction interventions as a strategy for addressing the country's HIV epidemic. This article describes the Year 1 activities of the South Africa HIV ATTC including an initial needs assessment with high-level stakeholders, an advisory board meeting with South African government and nongovernment agencies, a learning exchange with other international ATTCs, and the identification of Screening, Brief Intervention, and Referral to Treatment (SBIRT) as a focal intervention for widespread training. The article details the culmination of Year 1 activities via a national forum on SBIRT and presents posttraining satisfaction data across SBIRT events. Lessons learned during the first year include the importance of building strong partnerships with high-level stakeholders, conducting a targeted needs assessment, and identifying a focal intervention for widespread dissemination. Trainees reported high satisfaction and intention to use the knowledge and skills gained. Overall, the methods used by the South Africa HIV ATTC demonstrate a novel approach to training health professionals and lay health workers in evidence-based addiction services as a means of improving HIV outcomes.
Applying Task Force Recommendations on Integrating Science and Practice in Health Service Psychology Education
Melchert TP, Berry S, Grus C, Arora P, De Los Reyes A, Hughes TL, Moye J, Oswald FL and Rozensky RH
The proper role of research skills and training to conduct research in professional psychology education has been controversial throughout the history of the field. An extensive effort was undertaken recently to address that issue and identify ways the field might move forward in a more unified manner. In 2015, the American Psychological Association (APA) Board of Educational Affairs convened a task force to address one of the recommendations made by the Health Service Psychology Education Collaborative in 2013. That recommendation stated that the education and training of health service psychologists (HSPs) include an integrative approach to science and practice that incorporates scientific-mindedness, training in research skills, and goes well beyond merely "consuming" research findings. The task force subsequently developed recommendations related to the centrality of science competencies for HSPs and how these competencies extend beyond training in evidence-based practice. This article discusses the findings of the task force and the implications of its recommendations for education and training in HSP. The challenges and opportunities associated with implementing these recommendations in HSP graduate programs are examined.
Workforce Analysis of Psychological Practice With Older Adults: Growing Crisis Requires Urgent Action
Moye J, Karel MJ, Stamm KE, Qualls SH, Segal DL, Tazeau YN and DiGilio DA
As the proportion and sheer number of older adults in the United States continues to increase, we need to plan for their behavioral health care. Access to accurate data about current workforce characteristics in psychology can provide essential information to inform workforce planning. In this paper, we present results of the American Psychological Association's Center for Workforce Studies survey of psychologists, with a focus on older adults. Participants ( 4,109) were doctoral psychologists identified through state licensing boards. Only 1.2% of those surveyed described geropsychology as their specialty area, although 37.2% reported seeing older adults frequently or very frequently, most often from the specialties of rehabilitation psychology, clinical neuropsychology, and clinical health psychology. Frequent providers of aging services were more likely to be older, nonethnic minority, working in independent practice as their primary work setting, and self-employed as compared to other respondents. In addition, frequent providers of services to older adults were more likely to be in practices colocated with medical professionals and to accept Medicare as payment. Low reimbursement rates were cited as a reason for not accepting Medicare by those who did not. There was strong interest in further education in aging from all psychologists in areas including adjustment to medical illness/disability, depression, bereavement, dementia, anxiety, psychotherapy, and caregiver stress. The results of this survey suggest a continued urgent need to train psychologists across subfields in foundational geropsychology competencies that all psychologists should possess to be prepared for the rapidly growing and increasingly diverse population of older adults.
Brief Report: Competency-Based Supervision in Motivational Interviewing for Advanced Psychology Trainees: Targeting an A Priori Benchmark
Schumacher JA, Williams DC, Burke RS, Epler AJ, Simon P and Coffey SF
Motivational interviewing (MI) is an evidence based intervention with considerable support for promoting behavior change across a broad range of health and mental health issues. Despite its effectiveness, challenges associated with learning the approach may limit its full implementation in many clinical settings. The aim of the present study was to evaluate a supervised MI training practicum implemented within a doctoral internship/postdoctoral fellowship training Program. The goal of the practicum was to enable each trainee to achieve expert competence in MI. Participants were 29 psychology doctoral interns and 1 postdoctoral fellow who participated in the training as part of their internship or fellowship program. Training included an initial workshop followed by a supervised practicum during which progress towards an established expert competence benchmark was tracked through the use of an established coding system. Results indicated that trainees were satisfied with the supervision received. Three trainees did not achieve the benchmark due to schedule conflicts. The 27 trainees who achieved the benchmark required between 4 and 20 supervision sessions to do so (mean = 9.22, = 3.77). With the exception of reflective listening skill, prior training, baseline skill, and self-reported motivation were not associated with number of supervision sessions required to achieve the benchmark. Implications for training and dissemination of MI in clinical settings are discussed.
Training for Geropsychology Supervision and Practice: Perspectives of Geropsychology Program Graduates
Karel MJ, Sakai EY, Molinari V, Moye J and Carpenter B
Addressing the geropsychology workforce shortage requires ongoing training of psychologists to develop geropsychology competencies, as well as expanding the number of geropsychology supervisors to train them. This study surveyed graduates of geropsychology doctoral and postdoctoral training programs regarding their current geropsychology practice and supervision activities and perceptions of their own training preparation for these activities. One hundred psychologists (87 who had completed all formal training and 13 current postdoctoral fellows) responded to an online survey. Of those who had completed geropsychology training, 82% reported currently engaging in clinical care, and 55% reported providing supervision; more than half of clinical and supervision activities focused on older adults. Participants reported generally strong quality of training to prepare them for providing geropsychology services; areas of more uneven preparation included family and group interventions and select consultation activities. Participants reported quite variable preparation for general supervision practice, and desire for more training and practice in supervisory roles. Geropsychology training programs may use feedback from graduates for ongoing program development, and professional geropsychology may wish to consider forums for enhancing geropsychology supervision skills.
A National Survey on Didactic Curricula in Psychology Internship Training Programs
Zuckerman SE, Weisberg RB, Silberbogen AK and Topor DR
Didactic curricula in psychology doctoral internship training programs in health service psychology are important components of the training experience. However, the nature of didactic curricula, including how they are developed and implemented, is not well understood. The purpose of this study was to describe characteristics of didactic programs, better understand their development, and identify barriers to implementation. This study surveyed psychology doctoral internship program directors about didactic training in their programs. A total of 122 internship directors consented to participate. On average, internship didactics were held for 11 hr per month, during regular work-day hours, and on a weekly basis. Internal faculty members were the most common didactic speakers. Didactic curricula were typically developed to meet profession-wide competencies as established by the accrediting body, the American Psychological Association. Identified barriers to didactic program development and implementation included lack of protected release time for faculty and trainees, presenter- and facility-related challenges, and difficulty addressing learner needs. Ideas for future research in this area are suggested.