Journal of Physics A-Mathematical and Theoretical

Particle entity in the Doi-Peliti and response field formalisms
Bothe M, Cocconi L, Zhen Z and Pruessner G
We introduce a procedure to test a theory for point particle entity, that is, whether said theory takes into account the discrete nature of the constituents of the system. We then identify the mechanism whereby particle entity is enforced in the context of two field-theoretic frameworks designed to incorporate the particle nature of the degrees of freedom, namely the Doi-Peliti field theory and the response field theory that derives from Dean's equation. While the Doi-Peliti field theory encodes the particle nature at a very fundamental level that is easily revealed, demonstrating the same for Dean's equation is more involved and results in a number of surprising diagrammatic identities. We derive those and discuss their implications. These results are particularly pertinent in the context of active matter, whose surprising and often counterintuitive phenomenology rests wholly on the particle nature of the agents and their degrees of freedom as particles.
An analytical method to connect open curves for modeling protein-bound DNA minicircles
Sabok-Sayr SA and Olson WK
We introduce an analytical method to generate the pathway of a closed protein-bound DNA minicircle. We develop an analytical equation to connect two open curves smoothly and use the derived expressions to join the ends of two helical pathways and form models of nucleosome-decorated DNA minicircles. We find that the simplest smooth connector which satisfies the boundary conditions at the end points and the length requirement for such connections to be a quartic function on the -plane and linear along the -direction. This is a general method which can be used to connect any two open curves with well defined mathematical definitions as well as pairs of discrete systems found experimentally. We used this method to describe the configurations of torsionally relaxed, 360-base pair DNA rings with two evenly-spaced, ideal nucleosomes. We considered superhelical nucleosomal pathways with different levels of DNA wrapping and allowed for different inter-nucleosome orientations. We completed the DNA circles with the smooth connectors and studied the associated bending and electrostatic energies for different configurations in the absence and presence of salt. The predicted stable states bear close resemblance to reconstituted minicircles observed under low and high salt conditions.
Machine Learning as Ecology
Howell O, Wenping C, Marsland R and Mehta P
Machine learning methods have had spectacular success on numerous problems. Here we show that a prominent class of learning algorithms - including Support Vector Machines (SVMs) - have a natural interpretation in terms of ecological dynamics. We use these ideas to design new online SVM algorithms that exploit ecological invasions, and benchmark performance using the MNIST dataset. Our work provides a new ecological lens through which we can view statistical learning and opens the possibility of designing ecosystems for machine learning.
Fluid heterogeneity detection based on the asymptotic distribution of the time-averaged mean squared displacement in single particle tracking experiments
Zhang K, Crizer KPR, Schoenfisch MH, Hill DB and Didier G
A tracer particle is called anomalously diffusive if its mean squared displacement grows approximately as as a function of time for some constant , where the diffusion exponent satisfies ≠ 1. In this article, we use recent results on the asymptotic distribution of the time-averaged mean squared displacement [20] to construct statistical tests for detecting physical heterogeneity in viscoelastic fluid samples starting from one or multiple observed anomalously diffusive paths. The methods are asymptotically valid for the range 0 < < 3/2 and involve a mathematical characterization of time-averaged mean squared displacement bias and the effect of correlated disturbance errors. The assumptions on particle motion cover a broad family of fractional Gaussian processes, including fractional Brownian motion and many fractional instances of the generalized Langevin equation framework. We apply the proposed methods in experimental data from treated biofilms generated by the collaboration of the Hill and Schoenfisch Labs at UNC-Chapel Hill.
Solving moment hierarchies for chemical reaction networks
Krishnamurthy S and Smith E
The study of chemical reaction networks (CRN's) is a very active field. Earlier well-known results (Feinberg 1987 . 2229, Anderson 2010 . 1947) identify a topological quantity called deficiency, for any CRN, which, when exactly equal to zero, leads to a unique factorized steady-state for these networks. No results exist however for the steady states of non-zero-deficiency networks. In this paper, we show how to write the full moment-hierarchy for any non-zero-deficiency CRN obeying mass-action kinetics, in terms of equations for the factorial moments. Using these, we can recursively predict values for lower moments from higher moments, reversing the procedure usually used to solve moment hierarchies. We show, for nontrivial examples, that in this manner we can predict any moment of interest, for CRN's with non-zero deficiency and non-factorizable steady states.
Intermittent free diffusion in the presence of sparse obstacles: mean obstacle encounter time
Berezhkovskii AM and Bezrukov SM
Particle diffusion in the presence of sparse obstacles may be considered as a sequence of relatively long intervals, during which the particle diffuses in regions free of obstacles, separated by relatively short intervals during which the particle suffers multiple collisions with an obstacle. The present paper focuses on the mean duration of the short intervals, called mean encounter time, assuming that the obstacles are identical spheres. Based on scaling arguments, one can deduce that this time is proportional to the ratio of the square of the obstacle radius and the particle diffusivity. We derive an expression for the mean encounter time, which shows that the proportionality coefficient is 1/6.
Detecting Spatio-Temporal Modes in Multivariate Data by Entropy Field Decomposition
Frank LR and Galinsky VL
A new data analysis method that addresses a general problem of detecting spatio-temporal variations in multivariate data is presented. The method utilizes two recent and complimentary general approaches to data analysis, information field theory (IFT) and entropy spectrum pathways (ESP). Both methods reformulate and incorporate Bayesian theory, thus use prior information to uncover underlying structure of the unknown signal. Unification of ESP and IFT creates an approach that is non-Gaussian and non-linear by construction and is found to produce unique spatio-temporal modes of signal behavior that can be ranked according to their significance, from which space-time trajectories of parameter variations can be constructed and quantified. Two brief examples of real world applications of the theory to the analysis of data bearing completely different, unrelated nature, lacking any underlying similarity, are also presented. The first example provides an analysis of resting state functional magnetic resonance imaging (rsFMRI) data that allowed us to create an efficient and accurate computational method for assessing and categorizing brain activity. The second example demonstrates the potential of the method in the application to the analysis of a strong atmospheric storm circulation system during the complicated stage of tornado development and formation using data recorded by a mobile Doppler radar. Reference implementation of the method will be made available as a part of the QUEST toolkit that is currently under development at the Center for Scientific Computation in Imaging.
Theoretical Analysis of Dynamic Processes for Interacting Molecular Motors
Teimouri H, Kolomeisky AB and Mehrabiani K
Biological transport is supported by collective dynamics of enzymatic molecules that are called motor proteins or molecular motors. Experiments suggest that motor proteins interact locally via short-range potentials. We investigate the fundamental role of these interactions by analyzing a new class of totally asymmetric exclusion processes where interactions are accounted for in a thermodynamically consistent fashion. It allows us to connect explicitly microscopic features of motor proteins with their collective dynamic properties. Theoretical analysis that combines various mean-field calculations and computer simulations suggests that dynamic properties of molecular motors strongly depend on interactions, and correlations are stronger for interacting motor proteins. Surprisingly, it is found that there is an optimal strength of interactions (weak repulsion) that leads to a maximal particle flux. It is also argued that molecular motors transport is more sensitive to attractive interactions. Applications of these results for kinesin motor proteins are discussed.
Epidemics with temporary link deactivation in scale-free networks
Shkarayev MS, Tunc I and Shaw LB
During an epidemic, people may adapt or alter their social contacts to avoid infection. Various adaptation mechanisms have been studied previously. Recently, a new adaptation mechanism was presented in [1], where susceptible nodes temporarily deactivate their links to infected neighbors and reactivate when their neighbors recover. Considering the same adaptation mechanism on a scale-free network, we find that the topology of the subnetwork consisting of active links is fundamentally different from the original network topology. We predict the scaling exponent of the active degree distribution and derive mean-field equations by using improved moment closure approximations based on the conditional distribution of active degree given the total degree. These mean field equations show better agreement with numerical simulation results than the standard mean field equations based on a homogeneity assumption.
On the mean and variance of the writhe of random polygons
Portillo J, Diao Y, Scharein R, Arsuaga J and Vazquez M
We here address two problems concerning the writhe of random polygons. First, we study the behavior of the mean writhe as a function length. Second, we study the variance of the writhe. Suppose that we are dealing with a set of random polygons with the same length and knot type, which could be the model of some circular DNA with the same topological property. In general, a simple way of detecting chirality of this knot type is to compute the mean writhe of the polygons; if the mean writhe is non-zero then the knot is chiral. How accurate is this method? For example, if for a specific knot type the mean writhe decreased to zero as the length of the polygons increased, then this method would be limited in the case of long polygons. Furthermore, we conjecture that the sign of the mean writhe is a topological invariant of chiral knots. This sign appears to be the same as that of an "ideal" conformation of the knot. We provide numerical evidence to support these claims, and we propose a new nomenclature of knots based on the sign of their expected writhes. This nomenclature can be of particular interest to applied scientists. The second part of our study focuses on the variance of the writhe, a problem that has not received much attention in the past. In this case, we focused on the equilateral random polygons. We give numerical as well as analytical evidence to show that the variance of the writhe of equilateral random polygons (of length ) behaves as a linear function of the length of the equilateral random polygon.
Recruitment dynamics in adaptive social networks
Shkarayev MS, Schwartz IB and Shaw LB
We model recruitment in adaptive social networks in the presence of birth and death processes. Recruitment is characterized by nodes changing their status to that of the recruiting class as a result of contact with recruiting nodes. Only a susceptible subset of nodes can be recruited. The recruiting individuals may adapt their connections in order to improve recruitment capabilities, thus changing the network structure adaptively. We derive a mean field theory to predict the dependence of the growth threshold of the recruiting class on the adaptation parameter. Furthermore, we investigate the effect of adaptation on the recruitment level, as well as on network topology. The theoretical predictions are compared with direct simulations of the full system. We identify two parameter regimes with qualitatively different bifurcation diagrams depending on whether nodes become susceptible frequently (multiple times in their lifetime) or rarely (much less than once per lifetime).
Geometric Decompositions of Bell Polytopes with Practical Applications
Bierhorst P
In the well-studied (2, 2, 2) Bell experiment consisting of two parties, two measurement settings per party, and two possible outcomes per setting, it is known that if the experiment obeys no-signaling constraints, then the set of admissible experimental probability distributions is fully characterized as the convex hull of 24 distributions: 8 Popescu-Rohrlich (PR) boxes and 16 local deterministic distributions. Furthermore, it turns out that in the (2, 2, 2) case, any nonlocal nonsignaling distribution can always be uniquely expressed as a convex combination of exactly one PR box and (up to) eight local deterministic distributions. In this representation each PR box will always occur only with a fixed set of eight local deterministic distributions with which it is affiliated. In this paper, we derive multiple practical applications of this result: we demonstrate an analytical proof that the minimum detection efficiency for which nonlocality can be observed is even for theories constrained only by the no-signaling principle, and we develop new algorithms that speed the calculation of important statistical functions of Bell test data. Finally, we enumerate the vertices of the no-signaling polytope for the (2, , 2) "chained Bell" scenario and find that similar decomposition results are possible in this general case. Here, our results allow us to prove the optimality of a bound, derived in Barrett . [1], on the proportion of local theories in a local/nonlocal mixture that can be inferred from the experimental violation of a chained Bell inequality.
Perpetual emulation threshold of -symmetric Hamiltonians
Trypogeorgos D, Valdés-Curiel A, Spielman IB and Emary C
We describe a technique to emulate the dynamics of two-level -symmetric spin Hamiltonians, replete with gain and loss, using the unitary dynamics of a larger quantum system. The two-level system in question is embedded in a subspace of a four-level Hamiltonian, with the exterior levels acting as reservoirs. The emulation time is normally finite, limited by the depletion of the reservoirs. We show that it is possible to emulate the desired behaviour of the -symmetric Hamiltonian without depleting the reservoir levels, by including an additional coupling between them. This extends the emulation time indefinitely, when in the unbroken symmetry phase of the non-unitary dynamics. We propose a realistic experimental implementation using dynamically decoupled magnetic sublevels of ultracold atoms.