Polarimetric imaging for the detection of synthetic models of SARS-CoV-2: A proof of concept
To conduct a proof-of-concept study of the detection of two synthetic models of severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) using polarimetric imaging.
Optical Modeling of Single Asian Dust and Marine Air Particles: A Comparison with Geometric Particle Shapes for Remote Sensing
We compare the optical properties of various geometric shapes with single atmospheric Asian dust and marine background air particles collected at Mauna Loa Observatory. Three-dimensional representations of the particles were acquired with focused ion-beam (FIB) tomography, which involves FIB milling of individual particles followed by imaging and elemental mapping with scanning electron microscopy. Particles were heterogeneous with mainly dolomite or calcite and a minor amount of iron; marine air particles contained gypsum but no iron. Extinction and backscatter fraction were calculated with the discrete dipole approximation method. Geometric shapes were grouped as ellipsoids (sphere, spheroid, ellipsoid), cuboids (cube, square prism, rectangular prism), and pyramids (tetrahedron, triangular pyramid). Each group represented a progression of shapes with 1, 2, or 3 non-identical axes. Most shapes underestimated particle extinction and overestimated the backscatter fraction. Not surprisingly, extinction and the backscatter fraction of the sphere and cube were furthest from those of the particles. While the 3-axis ellipsoid and rectangular prism were closer dimensionally to the particles, extinction and the backscatter fraction for the 2-axis spheroid and square prism, respectively, were often closer to the particles. The extinction and backscatter fraction for the tetrahedron and triangular pyramid were closer on average to the actual particles than were the other shapes. Tetrahedra have the advantage that parameterization of an aerosol model for remote sensing would not require an aspect ratio distribution. Particle surface roughness invariably decreased the backscatter fraction. While surface roughness typically contributes a minor part to overall scattering, in some cases the larger surface area of the tetrahedron and triangular pyramid sufficiently accounted for enhanced forward scattering of particles from surface roughness.
Assessment of the precision, bias and numerical correlation of fitted parameters obtained by multi-spectrum fits of the Hartmann-Tran line profile to simulated absorption spectra
Although the Voigt profile has long been used to analyze absorption spectra, the quest for increased precision, accuracy and generality drives the application of advanced models of atomic and molecular line shapes. To this end, the Hartmann-Tran profile is now recommended as a standard for high-resolution spectroscopy because it parameterizes relevant higher-order physical effects, is computationally efficient, and reduces to other widely used profiles as limiting cases. This work explores the uncertainty with which line shape parameters can be obtained from constrained multi-spectrum fits of spectra simulated with this standard profile, varying uncertainty levels in the spectrum detuning and absorption axes, and spanning a range of sampling density, pressure, and line shape parameter values. The analysis focuses on how noise-limited measurement precision of frequency detuning and absorption drive statistical uncertainties in fitted parameters and numerical correlations between these quantities. Also, we quantify the degree of equivalence between the full Hartmann-Tran profile and those derived from it in terms of fitted peak areas and line shape parameters. Finally, we introduce a new open-source software package named Multi-spectrum Analysis Tool for Spectroscopy (MATS), which allows users to fit the HTP and its derived profiles to experimental or simulated absorption spectra to explore the limits of the HTP under actual experimental or user-defined conditions.
Ultrafast and Ultrahigh-Resolution Diffuse Optical Tomography for Brain Imaging with Sensitivity Equation based Noniterative Sparse Optical Reconstruction (SENSOR)
We introduce a novel image reconstruction method for time-resolved diffuse optical tomography (DOT) that yields submillimeter resolution in less than a second. This opens the door to high-resolution real-time DOT in imaging of the brain activity. We call this approach the sensitivity equation based noniterative sparse optical reconstruction (SENSOR) method. The high spatial resolution is achieved by implementing an asymptotic -norm operator that guarantees to obtain sparsest representation of reconstructed targets. The high computational speed is achieved by employing the nontruncated sensitivity equation based noniterative inverse formulation combined with reduced sensing matrix and parallel computing. We tested the new method with numerical and experimental data. The results demonstrate that the SENSOR algorithm can achieve 1 mm spatial-resolution optical tomographic imaging at depth of ∼60 mean free paths (MFPs) in 20∼30 milliseconds on an Intel Core i9 processor.
Improvement of the spectroscopic parameters of the air- and self-broadened NO and CO lines for the HITRAN2020 database applications
This paper outlines the major updates of the line-shape parameters that were performed for the nitrous oxide (NO) and carbon monoxide (CO) molecules listed in the HITRAN2020 database. We reviewed the collected measurements for the air- and self-broadened NO and CO spectra to determine proper values for the spectroscopic parameters. Careful comparisons of broadening parameters using the Voigt and speed-dependent Voigt line-shape profiles were performed among various published results for both NO and CO. Selected data allowed for developing semi-empirical models, which were used to extrapolate/interpolate existing data to update broadening parameters of all the lines of these molecules in the HITRAN database. In addition to the line broadening parameters (and their temperature dependences), the pressure shift values were revised for NO and CO broadened by air and self for all the bands. The air and self speed-dependence of the broadening parameter for these two molecules were added for every transition as well. Furthermore, we determined the first-order line-mixing parameters using the Exponential Power Gap (EPG) scaling law. These new parameters are now available at HITRAN .
Air-broadening in near-infrared carbon dioxide line shapes: Quantifying contributions from , , and Ar
We measured air broadening in the (30012) ← (00001) carbon dioxide () band up to using frequency-agile rapid scanning cavity ring-down spectroscopy. By using synthetic air samples with varying levels of nitrogen, oxygen, and argon, multi-spectrum fitting allowed for the collisional broadening terms of each major air component to be simultaneously determined in addition to advanced line shape parameters at atmospherically relevant mixing ratios. These values were compared to broadener-specific line shape parameters from the literature. Fits to measured spectra were also constrained with results from requantized classical molecular dynamic simulations. We show that this approach enables differentiation between narrowing mechanisms in advanced line shape parameters retrieved from experimental spectra of limited signal-to-noise ratio.
Near-infrared cavity ring-down spectroscopy measurements of nitrous oxide in the (4200)←(0000) and (5000)←(0000) bands
Using frequency-agile rapid scanning cavity ring-down spectroscopy, we measured line intensities and line shape parameters of N O in air in the (4200)←(0000) and (5000)←(0000) bands near 1.6 m. The absorption spectra were modeled with multi-spectrum fits of Voigt and speed-dependent Voigt profiles. The measured line intensities and air-broadening parameters exhibit deviations of several percent relative to values provided in HITRAN 2016. Our measured intensities for these two bands have relative combined standard uncertainties of ∼1% which is approximately five times smaller than literature values. Comparison of the present air-broadening and speed-dependent broadening parameters to experimental literature values for other rotation-vibration bands of NO indicates significant differences in magnitude and -dependence. For applications requiring high spectral fidelity, these results suggest that the assumption of band-independent line shape parameters is not appropriate.
Viruses such as SARS-CoV-2 can be partially shielded from UV radiation when in particles generated by sneezing or coughing: Numerical simulations
UV radiation can inactivate viruses such as SARS-CoV-2. However, designing effective UV germicidal irradiation (UVGI) systems can be difficult because the effects of dried respiratory droplets and other fomites on UV light intensities are poorly understood. Numerical modeling of UV intensities inside virus-containing particles on surfaces can increase understanding of these possible reductions in UV intensity. We model UV intensities within spherical approximations of virions randomly positioned within spherical particles. The model virions and dried particles have sizes and optical properties to approximate SARS-CoV-2 and dried particles formed from respiratory droplets, respectively. In 1-, 5- and 9-µm diameter particles on a surface, illuminated by 260-nm UV light from a direction perpendicular to the surface, 0%, 10% and 18% (respectively) of simulated virions are exposed to intensities less than 1/100 of intensities in individually exposed virions (i.e., they are partially shielded). Even for 302-nm light (simulating sunlight), where absorption is small, 0% and 11% of virions in 1- and 9-µm particles have exposures 1/100 those of individually exposed virions. Shielding is small to negligible in sub-micron particles. Results show that shielding of virions in a particle can be reduced by illuminating a particle either from multiple widely separated incident directions, or by illuminating a particle rotating in air for a time sufficient to rotate through enough orientations. Because highly UV-reflective paints and surfaces can increase the angular ranges of illumination and the intensities within particles, they appear likely to be useful for reducing shielding of virions embedded within particles.
Night sky brightness monitoring network in Wuxi, China
The rapid development of cities has brought tremendous pressure to astronomical observation, energy security, and the ecosystem. Automatic monitoring of night sky brightness (NSB) can help us to understand its regional differences and time variations of NSB effectively and to investigate the human and natural factors which lead to these changes. In this paper, the construction of Wuxi City night sky brightness monitoring network (WBMN) in China is presented. In addition to introducing the equipment and the installation of the network, a brief analysis of the data obtained from the stations will also be presented. The impact of human activities on the NSB is illustrated through its changes during the Spring Festival (lunar new year) and non-festival nights, and through a comparison study between NSB data taken from locations of different land usages. It is concluded that, while the reduction in human activities after non-festival midnights or the reduction in moon illumination near the new moon epoch led to darker night skies, brightening of the night skies may be attributed to firework displays during the nights of Spring Festival in 2019. On the other hand, the absence of firework during the Spring Festival in 2020 may explain the darker night skies. Finally, there is an evidence that the urban developments in Wuxi are degrading night sky quality.
A fast and accurate radiative transfer model for aerosol remote sensing
After several decades' development of retrieval techniques in aerosol remote sensing, no fast and accurate analytical Radiative Transfer Model (RTM) has been developed and applied to create global aerosol products for non-polarimetric instruments such as Ocean and Land Colour Instrument/Sentinel-3 (OLCI/Sentinel-3) and Meteosat Second Generation/Spinning Enhanced Visible and Infrared Imager (MSG/SEVIRI). Global aerosol retrieval algorithms are typically based on a Look-Up-Table (LUT) technique, requiring high-performance computers. The current eXtensible Bremen Aerosol/cloud and surfacE parameters Retrieval (XBAER) algorithm also utilizes the LUT method. In order to have a near-real time retrieval and achieve a quick and accurate "FIRST-LOOK" aerosol product without high-demand of computing resource, we have developed a Fast and Accurate Semi-analytical Model of Atmosphere-surface Reflectance (FASMAR) for aerosol remote sensing. The FASMAR is developed based on a successive order of scattering technique. In FASMAR, the first three orders of scattering are calculated exactly. The contribution of higher orders of scattering is estimated using an extrapolation technique and an additional correction function. The evaluation of FASMAR has been performed by comparing with radiative transfer model SCIATRAN for all typical observation/illumination geometries, surface/aerosol conditions, and wavelengths 412, 550, 670, 870, 1600, 2100 nm used for aerosol remote sensing. The selected observation/illumination conditions are based on the observations from both geostationary satellite (e.g. MSG/SEVIRI) and polar-orbit satellite (e.g. OLCI/Sentinel-3). The percentage error of the top of atmosphere reflectance calculated by FASMAR is within ± 3% for typical polar-orbit/geostationary satellites' observation/illumination geometries. The accuracy decreases for solar and viewing zenith angles larger than 70. However, even in such cases, the error is within the range ± 5%. The evaluation of model performance also shows that FASMAR can be used for all typical surfaces with albedo in the interval and aerosol with optical thickness in the range .
Laboratory evaluation of the (VIS, IR) scattering matrix of complex-shaped ragweed pollen particles
Ragweed or pollen is an important atmospheric constituent affecting the Earth's climate and public health. The literature on light scattering by pollens embedded in ambient air is however rather sparse: polarization measurements are limited to the sole depolarization ratio and pollens are beyond the reach of numerically exact light scattering models mainly due to their tens of micrometre size. Also, ragweed pollen presents a very complex shape, with a small-scale external structure exhibiting spikes that bears some resemblance with coronavirus, but also apertures and micrometre holes. In this paper, to face such a complexity, a controlled-laboratory experiment is proposed to evaluate the scattering matrix of ragweed pollen embedded in ambient air. It is based on a newly-built polarimeter, operating in the infra-red spectral range, to account for the large size of ragweed pollen. Moreover, the ragweed scattering matrix is also evaluated in the visible spectral range to reveal the spectral dependence of the ragweed scattering matrix within experimental error bars. As an output, precise spectral and polarimetric fingerprints for large size and complex-shaped ragweed pollen particles are then provided. We believe our laboratory experiment may interest the light scattering community by complementing other light scattering experiments and proposing outlooks for numerical work on large and complex-shaped particles.
UV/Vis photochemistry database: Structure, content and applications
The "science-softCon UV/Vis Photochemistry Database" (www.photochemistry.org) is a large and comprehensive collection of EUV-VUV-UV-Vis-NIR spectral data and other photochemical information assembled from published peer-reviewed papers. The database contains photochemical data including absorption, fluorescence, photoelectron, and circular and linear dichroism spectra, as well as quantum yields and photolysis related data that are critically needed in many scientific disciplines. This manuscript gives an outline regarding the structure and content of the "science-softCon UV/Vis Photochemistry Database". The accurate and reliable molecular level information provided in this database is fundamental in nature and helps in proceeding further to understand photon, electron and ion induced chemistry of molecules of interest not only in spectroscopy, astrochemistry, astrophysics, Earth and planetary sciences, environmental chemistry, plasma physics, combustion chemistry but also in applied fields such as medical diagnostics, pharmaceutical sciences, biochemistry, agriculture, and catalysis. In order to illustrate this, we illustrate the use of the UV/Vis Photochemistry Database in four different fields of scientific endeavor.
Photopolarimetrical properties of coronavirus model particles: Spike proteins number influence
Coronavirus virions have spherical shape surrounded by spike proteins. The coronavirus spike proteins are very effective molecular mechanisms, which provide the coronavirus entrance to the host cell. The number of these spikes is different; it dramatically depends on external conditions and determines the degree of danger of the virus. A larger number of spike proteins makes the virus infectivity stronger. This paper describes a mathematical model of the shape of coronavirus virions. Based on this model, the characteristics of light scattered by the coronavirus virions were calculated. It was found two main features of coronavirus model particles in the spectral region near 200 nm: a minimum of intensity and a sharp leap of the linear polarization degree. The effect of the spike protein number on the intensity and polarization properties of the scattered light was studied. It was determined that when the number of spike proteins decreases, both the intensity minimum and the position of the linear polarization leap shift to shorter wavelengths. This allows us to better evaluate the shape of the coronavirus virion, and, therefore, the infectious danger of the virus. It was shown that the shorter the wavelength of scattered light, the more reliably one can distinguish viruses from non-viruses. The developed model and the light scattering simulations based on it can be applied not only to coronaviruses, but also to other objects of a similar structure, for example, pollen.
Spectrally dependent linear depolarization and lidar ratios for nonspherical smoke aerosols
We use the numerically exact -matrix method to model light scattering and absorption by aged smoke aerosols at lidar wavelengths ranging from 355 to 1064 nm assuming the aerosols to be smooth spheroids or Chebyshev particles. We show that the unique spectral dependence of the linear depolarization ratio (LDR) and extinction-to-backscatter ratio (or lidar ratio, LR) measured recently for stratospheric Canadian wildfire smoke can be reproduced by a range of model morphologies, a range of spectrally dependent particle refractive indices, and a range of particle sizes. For these particles, the imaginary part of the refractive index is always less than (or close to) 0.035, and the corresponding real part always falls in the range [1.35, 1.65]. The measured spectral LDRs and LRs could be produced by nearly-spherical oblate spheroids or Chebyshev particles whose shapes resemble those of oblate spheroids. Their volume-equivalent effective radii should be large enough ( = 0.3 μm or greater) to produce the observed enhanced LDRs. Our study demonstrates the usefulness of triple-wavelength LDR measurements as providing additional size information for a more definitive characterization of the particle morphology and composition. Non-zero LDR values indicate the presence of nonspherical aerosols and are highly sensitive to particle shapes and sizes. On the other hand, the LR is a strong function of absorption and is very responsive to changes in the particle refractive index.
Cloud scattering impact on thermal radiative transfer and global longwave radiation
The potential importance of longwave (LW) cloud scattering has been recognized but the actual estimate of this effect on thermal radiation varies greatly among different studies. General circulation models (GCMs) generally neglect or simplify the multiple scattering in the LW. In this study, we use a rigorous radiative transfer algorithm to explicitly consider LW multiple-scattering and apply the GCM to quantify the impact of cloud LW scattering on thermal radiation fluxes. Our study shows that the cloud scattering effect on downward thermal radiation at the surface is concentrated in the infrared atmospheric window spectrum (800-1250 cm). The scattering effect on the outgoing longwave radiation (OLR) is also present in the window region over low clouds but it is mainly in the far-infrared spectrum (300-600 cm) over high clouds. For clouds with small to moderate optical depth ( < 10), the scattering effect on thermal fluxes shows large variation with the cloud and has a maximum at an optical depth of ~3. For opaque clouds, the scattering effect approaches an asymptote and is smaller and less important. The 2-stream radiative transfer scheme could have an error over 10% with an RMS error around 3.5%-4.0% in the calculated LW flux. This algorithm error of the 2-stream approximation could readily exceed the no-scattering error in the LW, and thus it is worthless to include the time-consuming computation of multiple scattering in a 2-stream radiative transfer scheme. However, the calculation error rapidly decreases as stream number increases and the RMS error in LW flux using the 4-stream scheme is under 0.3%, an accuracy sufficient for most climate studies. We implement the 4-stream discrete-ordinate algorithm in the GISS GCM and run the GCM for 20 years with and without the LW scattering effect, respectively. When cloud LW scattering is included, we find that the global annual mean OLR is reduced by 2.7 W/m, and the downward surface flux and the net atmospheric absorption are increased by 1.6 W/m and 1.8 W/m, respectively. Using one year of ISCCP clouds and running the standalone radiative transfer offline, the global annual mean non-scattering errors in OLR, surface LW downward flux and net atmospheric absorption are 3.6W/m, -1.1 W/m, and -2.5 W/m, respectively. The global scattering impact of 2.7 W/m on the OLR is small when compared to the typical global OLR value of 240W/m, but it is significant when compared to cloud LW radiative forcing (30W/m) and net cloud forcing (-14W/m). Overall, the effect of neglecting scattering on the thermal fluxes is comparable to the reported clear sky radiative effect of doubling CO.
Electromagnetic scattering by discrete random media. IV: Coherent backscattering
The problem of backscattering of light by a discrete random medium illuminated by an obliquely incident plane electromagnetic wave is considered. The analysis is performed in a linear-polarization basis and includes (i) a complete derivation of the cross reflection matrix for a layer with densely and sparsely distributed particles, (ii) the design of an approximate method for computing the ladder and cross reflection matrices in the case of a semi-infinite medium with a sparse distribution of particles, (iii) the derivation of the relations between the elements of the ladder and cross reflection matrices in the exact backscattering direction for dense and sparse media, and (iv) the development of practical algorithms for solving the underlying integral equations by the method of Picard iterations and the discrete ordinate method. Simulation results for particles with large size parameters are also presented.
Rayleigh scattering cross sections of argon, carbon dioxide, sulfur hexafluoride, and methane in the UV-A region using Broadband Cavity Enhanced Spectroscopy
Accurate Rayleigh scattering cross sections are important for understanding the propagation of electromagnetic radiation in planetary atmospheres and for calibrating mirror reflectivity in high finesse optical cavities. In this study, we used Broadband Cavity Enhanced Spectroscopy (BBCES) to measure Rayleigh scattering cross sections for argon, carbon dioxide, sulfur hexafluoride, and methane between 333 and 363 nm, extending the region of available UV measurements for all four gases. Comparison of our results with refractive index based (-based) calculations demonstrates excellent agreement for Ar and CO, within 0.2% and 1.0% on average, respectively. For SF, our mean Rayleigh scattering cross sections are lower by 2.2% on average relative to the -based calculation and lie outside the 1- measurement uncertainty; however, the results still fall within our 2- uncertainty. The measured Rayleigh scattering cross sections for CH are in substantial disagreement (22%) with those calculated from the most recent -based values in the literature and lie far outside our mean 1- uncertainty of 1.6%. Extrapolation of several older index of refraction measurements from visible wavelengths to the UV yields better agreement with our results for CH, but the agreement is still generally outside our 1- measurement uncertainty. Use of the dispersion relation derived in this work provides significantly improved Rayleigh scattering cross sections for CH in the UV-A spectral region.
Electromagnetic scattering by discrete random media. II: The coherent field
The computation of the coherent field in the case of a plane electromagnetic wave obliquely incident on a discrete random layer with non-scattering boundaries is addressed. For dense media, the analysis is based on a special-form solution for the conditional configuration-averaged exciting field coefficients, and is restricted to the computation of the so-called zeroth-order fields without a special treatment of the boundary regions. In this setting, we calculate the coherent fields reflected and transmitted by the layer, and the coherent field inside the layer. We found that these fields are analytically equivalent to plane electromagnetic waves, and investigated the fulfillment of the boundary conditions for the electric fields at the layer interfaces. The results are then particularized to the cases of normal incidence and a semi-infinite discrete random medium. For sparsely distributed particles, we present a self-consistent derivation of the coherent field and discuss the Twersky and Foldy approximations.
Does orbital angular momentum have effect on laser's scattering by molecular atmosphere?
Lasers with orbital angular momentum (OAM) have potential applications in communication technology, manipulation of particles, and remote sensing. Because of its unusual light-scattering properties, the OAM laser's interaction with a molecular atmosphere must be studied to ensure that it is not lossy for communication or remote-sensing applications that involve its transmission through an atmospheric environment. In this study, the finite-difference time-domain (FDTD) method [21] is applied to calculate the light scattering of the purely azimuthal (the radial mode number is assumed to be zero) Laguerre-Gaussian (LG) beams with OAM by very small dielectric particles. Not like Lorentz-Mie solutions, the FDTD method can calculate for particles off the central axis of the LG beam. It is found that when the particles are very small, and the topological charge number of the OAM of a laser is not extremely large, the laser's OAM has little effect on the scattering phase function. This suggests that Rayleigh theory can be applied directly to calculate the light scattering by atmospheric molecules. The transmission of a laser beam with OAM in a molecular atmosphere is not different from that of a regular Gaussian beam.
Modified Geometric Truncation of the Scattering Phase Function
Phase function of light scattering on large atmospheric particles has very strong peak in forward direction constituting a challenge for accurate numerical calculations of radiance required in remote sensing problems. Scaling transformation replaces original phase function with a sum of the delta function and a new regular smooth phase function. Geometric truncation is one of the ways to construct such a smooth function. The replacement phase function coincides with the original one outside the forward cone and preserves the asymmetry parameter. It has discontinuity at the cone. Another simple functional form of the replacement phase function within the cone is suggested. It enables continuity and allows for a number of modifications. Three of them are considered in this study: preserving asymmetry parameter, providing continuity of the 1 derivative of the phase function, and preserving mean scattering angle. Yet another problem addressed in this study is objective selection of the width of the forward cone. That angle affects truncation fraction and values of the phase function within the cone. A heuristic approach providing unambiguous criterion of selection of the truncation angle is proposed. The approach has easy numerical implementation. Suggested modifications were tested on cloud phase function using discrete ordinates and Monte Carlo methods. It was shown that the modifications provide better accuracy of the radiance computation compare to the original geometric truncation with discrete ordinates while continuous derivative approach provides significant gain in computer time with Monte Carlo simulations.
Cavity ring-down spectroscopy of CO near = 2.06 μm: Accurate transition intensities for the Orbiting Carbon Observatory-2 (OCO-2) "strong band"
The = 2.06 μm absorption band of CO is widely used for the remote sensing of atmospheric carbon dioxide, making it relevant to many important top-down measurements of carbon flux. The forward models used in the retrieval algorithms employed in these measurements require increasingly accurate line intensity and line shape data from which absorption cross-sections can be computed. To overcome accuracy limitations of existing line lists, we used frequency-stabilized cavity ring-down spectroscopy to measure 39 transitions in the CO absorption band. The line intensities were measured with an estimated relative combined standard uncertainty of = 0.08 %. We predicted the -dependence of the measured intensities using two theoretical models: a one-dimensional spectroscopic model with Herman-Wallis rotation-vibration corrections, and a line-by-line dipole moment surface model [Zak et al. JQSRT 2016;177:31-42]. For the second approach, we fit only a single factor to rescale the theoretical integrated band intensity to be consistent with the measured intensities. We find that the latter approach yields an equally adequate representation of the fitted -dependent intensity data and provides the most physically general representation of the results. Our recommended value for the integrated band intensity equal to 7.183 × 10 cm molecule ± 6 × 10 cm molecule is based on the rescaled model and corresponds to a fitted scale factor of 1.0069 ± 0.0002. Comparisons of literature intensity values to our results reveal systematic deviations ranging from -1.16 % to +0.33 %.