Elimination of MHD current sheets by modifications to the plasma wall in a fixed boundary model
Kim E, McFadden GB and Cerfon AJ
Models of magnetohydrodynamic (MHD) equilibia that for computational convenience assume the existence of a system of nested magnetic flux surfaces tend to exhibit singular current sheets. These sheets are located on resonant flux surfaces that are associated with rational values of the rotational transform. We study the possibility of eliminating these singularities by suitable modifications of the plasma boundary, which we prescribe in a fixed boundary setting. We find that relatively straightforward iterative procedures can be used to eliminate weak current sheets that are generated at resonant flux surfaces by the nonlinear interactions of resonating wall harmonics. These types of procedures may prove useful in the design of fusion devices with configurations that enjoy improved stability and transport properties.
Bremsstrahlung emission and collisional damping rate for Langmuir waves
Tigik SF, Yoon PH and Ziebell LF
The emission of electrostatic Langmuir waves by collisional process, termed electrostatic bremsstrahlung emission, and the collisional damping of Langmuir waves, which can be considered as the inverse electrostatic bremsstrahlung process, are rigorously discussed. Some inaccuracies in the previous formalisms are also corrected. It is shown that the improved formulae in the case of Maxwellian particle distributions are given in forms where they satisfy Kirchhoff's law in the balanced form.