Journal of Black Psychology

Peer Ethnicity as a Mediator in the Relationship Between Ethnic Identity and Body Appreciation in Black College-Aged Women
Breiner CE, Miller ML, Sanzari CM, Perry TR and Hormes JM
Strong ethnic identity is recognized as a protective factor against body image concern and eating pathology in Black women as they tend to hold cultural values in line with an acceptance of a variety of body shapes and sizes. Reinforcement of these cultural ideals may occur via same-race peer relationships. The current study examined the mediating role of same-race versus other-race peers in the relationship between ethnic identity and body appreciation in Black women. Participants were 139 Black undergraduate women ( = 18.94 years, = 25.33) who completed validated measures of ethnic identity and body appreciation and reported on the ethnic makeup of their friends. We conducted mediation analysis examining the role of same-race peers on the relationship between ethnic identity and body appreciation. Same-race peers mediated the relationship between ethnic identity and body appreciation, where having a greater percentage of friends increased both ethnic identity and body appreciation in Black women. The influence of same-race peers should be considered in the development of culturally informed prevention and intervention efforts for eating pathology in Black women.
Associations Between Family Factors, Social Integration, and Suicidal Ideation Across the Life Course of an Urban African American Cohort
Sifat MS, Kuo C, Yoo JH, Holder S and Green KM
Suicide is a problem on the rise but not studied extensively among African Americans. It is critical to identify risk factors for suicidal ideation to reduce risk. This study examines whether family and social factors over the life course predict suicidal ideation among African American adults in midlife. We conducted multiple logistic regression analyses on data from a longitudinal cohort of African Americans first assessed in childhood to identify associations with suicidal ideation in midlife (ages 33-42). Findings suggested living without one's mother in childhood (vs. living with mother alone; = 3.69, = .017) and parental rule-setting in adolescence ( = 0.79, = .047) were associated with suicidal ideation. Having a lifetime drug disorder ( = 2.19, = .046) or major depression by young adulthood ( = 3.58, < .001) was also associated with an increased risk of suicidal ideation. Findings highlight the importance of intervention for children in mother-absent homes for improving mental health outcomes. Family interventions that promote parental rule-setting and addressing drug problems and depressive symptoms early in the life course offer an area for intervention to reduce suicide over the long term.
BMI and Disordered Eating in Black College Women: The Potential Mediating Role of Body Appreciation and Moderating Role of Ethnic Identity
Boutté RL, Burnette CB and Mazzeo SE
Multiple studies indicate Black American women have disproportionately higher rates of obesity compared with other groups in United States. Although body image is associated with obesity, this relation is understudied among Black women. The purpose of the current study was to (1) examine the relations among body appreciation, body dissatisfaction and disordered eating; (2) assess body appreciation as a mediator of the relation between body mass index (BMI) and disordered eating, and (3) explore ethnic identity as a moderator in this association. Participants were 191 Black women recruited from a mid-Atlantic university. Participants' mean age was 19.16 years ( = 1.95). Body appreciation partially mediated the relation between BMI and disordered eating behaviors and attitudes, such that women with higher BMIs reported lower body appreciation, which was associated with greater disordered eating symptoms. Ethnic identity was not a significant moderator of the association between BMI and body appreciation. Results support screening Black women with higher BMIs for disordered eating symptomatology and suggest it might be helpful to include body appreciation in interventions for Black women.
A longitudinal examination of social support as a mediator of the personality-health relationship in a national sample of African Americans
Clark EM, Ma L, Knott CL, Williams BR, Park CL, Schulz EK and Ghosh D
The present study investigates whether social support mediates the relationship between personality traits and health among African Americans over a five-year period, filling a gap in the literature on longitudinal tests of the personality-health association. Data were collected from a national probability sample of African American adults ( = 200). Personality was assessed at Time 1 (T1), social support was assessed 2.5 years later (T2), and physical functioning was examined 5 years (T3) after T1. Telephone surveys included measures of the Five Factor Model personality traits (T1), social support (T2), and physical functioning (T3). Results suggested that relationships between the T1 personality traits and T3 physical functioning were not mediated by T2 social support. Secondary analyses found that among all T1 personality traits, higher openness and lower neuroticism uniquely predicted higher T2 social support. Further, among T1 personality traits, higher conscientiousness uniquely predicted better T3 physical functioning. This information may be useful to healthcare providers and community members in developing prevention and intervention strategies for African Americans.
Impostor Phenomenon and Psychological Well-Being: The Moderating Roles of John Henryism and School Racial Composition Among Black College Students
Bernard DL, Jones SCT and Volpe VV
The impostor phenomenon (IP), or erroneous cognitions of intellectual incompetence, is a risk factor for poor psychological adjustment among Black emerging adults. Grounded in Lazarus and Folkman's Stress and Coping Framework, the current study investigated John Henryism's active coping and institutional racial composition as moderators of the association between IP and indicators of psychological well-being among 266 Black students (77% women; = 19.87) attending predominately White institutions (PWIs) and historically Black colleges/universities (HBCUs). Hierarchical moderation regression analyses revealed that IP was associated with decreases in well-being indicators among students attending PWIs and HBCUs. Moreover, students who attended PWIs and reported higher levels of John Henryism (+1 ) were most vulnerable to increases in social anxiety, particularly at higher levels of IP. Results suggest that the interaction between IP, John Henrysim, and institutional racial composition may negatively influence psychological well-being. We discuss how these findings can be used to inform clinical and educational practices to best support Black college students.
Personality, Social Capital, and Depressive Symptomatology Among African Americans
Clark EM, Williams RM, Schulz E, Williams BR and Holt CL
The present study examined the relationship between social capital and depressive symptoms and the moderating role of the Big Five personality constructs in a national sample of African American adults. Data were collected from a national probability sample of 803 African American men and women using a telephone survey including measures of the Big Five personality traits, social capital, and depressive symptomatology. Most interestingly, there was evidence for Personality X Social Capital interactions on depressive symptoms. Higher social capital was related to lower depressive symptomology among persons with low conscientiousness, low extraversion, or high neuroticism. However, social capital was significantly but not as strongly related to depressive symptoms among those with high conscientiousness, high extraversion, or low neuroticism. This study reinforces the importance of personality traits when considering potential protective health effects of social capital in understanding depressive symptoms. This information may be useful to practitioners and community members in prevention and treatment.
Examining Africentric Cultural Values, Ethnic Identity, and Substance Use Abstinence in Low-Income, Early Adolescent, African American Girls
Sanchez D, Hamilton ER, Gilbert DJ and Vandewater EA
An examination of cultural protective factors that foster substance use abstinence among low-income, early adolescent, African American girls may be helpful in understanding how to promote resilience and reduce negative health outcomes. This study examined the relations between Africentric cultural values, ethnic identity, and substance use abstinence among 196 low-income African American early adolescent girls (age 11-14 years). Results of logistic regressions revealed that Africentric values were negatively linked to cigarette and alcohol abstinence. Results also showed a significant positive interaction between Africentric cultural values and ethnic identity exploration that contributed to increased cigarette and alcohol abstinence. Implications for research and practice with African American early adolescent girls are discussed.
Academic Identity: A Longitudinal Investigation of African American Adolescents' cademic Persistence
Butler-Barnes ST, Varner F, Williams A and Sellers R
Adolescence is a vulnerable period for the development of academic identification and academic persistence, particularly among African American adolescents. The present study investigated how cultural assets (i.e., private regard and racial centrality) and academic assets (i.e., academic curiosity and academic self-esteem) influence African American adolescent boys' ( = 109) and girls' ( = 153) academic persistence over time. Additionally, we explored whether oppositional academic identity mediated the relationships between academic and cultural assets and academic persistence. Data were drawn from a cross-sectional longitudinal study. Results indicated significant direct effects of academic assets on academic persistence at Times 1 and 2 for boys and at Times 1, 2, and 3 for girls. Furthermore, oppositional academic identity mediated the relationship between boys', but not girls', cultural assets and academic persistence at Time 1. These findings have implications for understanding the role of assets in the lives of African American youth.
Communalism Moderates the Association Between Racial Centrality and Emergency Department Use for Sickle Cell Disease Pain
Bediako SM and Harris C
Sickle cell disease (SCD) is a genetic blood disorder that predominantly affects people of African descent. However, there is limited information on how social and cultural contexts affect SCD-related health care use. We explored whether communalism moderated the relation between racial centrality and emergency department use for SCD pain in a sample of 62 adults who were seen at a comprehensive clinic. Bivariate analyses showed a significant correlation between racial centrality and emergency department use ( = -.30, = .02). Pain-adjusted regression analyses indicated a moderating effect of communalism ( = .77, < .01) such that an inverse association between racial centrality and emergency department use was observed only at mean and low levels of communalism. Additional studies are needed to replicate these findings with larger samples. There is also a need for further studies that elucidate the role of culturally centered coping strategies on health care use in this patient group.
Development and Validation of a Preliminary Measure of African American Women's Gender Role Beliefs
Belgrave FZ, Abrams JA, Hood KB, Moore MP and Nguyen AB
Gender role beliefs of African American women differ from those of women in other ethnic/racial groups and a culturally valid measure of their gender role beliefs is needed. Three studies were conducted to develop a preliminary measure. In Study 1, focus groups were conducted with a community and college sample of 44 African American women. Transcripts reviewed resulted in an initial pool of 40 items. These items were reviewed by an expert panel and 18 items were retained. In Study 2, an exploratory factor analysis was computed with data from 94 African American female college students. The 18 items were included along with measures to assess convergent and discriminant validity. Nine items were retained. These nine items comprised two subscales labeled Agency and Caretaking. The scales demonstrated good internal consistency and convergent and discriminant validity. In Study 3, a confirmatory factor analysis was computed with a different sample of 184 African American female college students. The confirmatory factor analysis showed acceptable fit for the two-factor structure of Agency and Caretaking.
Racial Discrimination, John Henryism, and Depression Among African Americans
Hudson DL, Neighbors HW, Geronimus AT and Jackson JS
Evidence from previous studies indicates that racial discrimination is significantly associated with depression and that African Americans with higher levels of socioeconomic status (SES) report greater exposure to racial discrimination compared to those with lower SES levels. Coping strategies could alter the relationship between racial discrimination and depression among African Americans. This study first examined whether greater levels of SES were associated with increased reports of racial discrimination and ratings of John Henryism, a measure of high-effort coping, among African Americans. Second, we examined whether high-effort coping moderated the relationship between racial discrimination and depression. Data were drawn from the National Survey of American Life Reinterview ( = 2,137). Analyses indicated that greater levels of education were positively associated with racial discrimination ( < .001) and increased levels of racial discrimination were positively related to depression ( < .001), controlling for all sociodemographic factors. Greater levels of John Henryism were associated with increased odds of depression but there was no evidence to suggest that the relationship between discrimination and depression was altered by the effects of John Henryism.
Pathways to Pain: Racial Discrimination and Relations Between Parental Functioning and Child Psychosocial Well-Being
Anderson RE, Hussain SB, Wilson MN, Shaw DS, Dishion TJ and Williams JL
The relationship between racial discrimination, parental functioning, and child adjustment is not well understood. The goal of the present study was to assess parental reports of discrimination in relation to depression and parenting practices, as well as on subsequent child internalizing and externalizing problems in low-income Black families. Data include a subsample of the Early Steps project, a multisite longitudinal study of financial and behaviorally at-risk families. Structural equation modeling was used to analyze our hypothesized model. Excellent model fit was established after removing externalizing problems from the model. As predicted, indirect associations were found from discrimination to parental depression, parenting, and child internalizing problems; and direct associations were found from discrimination to child internalizing problems. The results are consistent with findings suggesting that discrimination is negatively associated with adult well-being; moreover, contribute to the sparse literature on the effects of discrimination beyond the direct recipient. Finally, that parent discrimination was directly associated with child emotional problems suggests the continued need to address and treat discriminatory practices more generally.
Beauty and Body Image Concerns Among African American College Women
Awad GH, Norwood C, Taylor DS, Martinez M, McClain S, Jones B, Holman A and Chapman-Hilliard C
The current study examined body image concerns among African American women. In recent years, there has been an attempt to include ethnic minority samples in body image studies (e.g., Grabe & Hyde, 2006; Hrabosky & Grilo, 2007; Lovejoy, 2001) but few specifically examine unique issues pertaining to beauty and body image for African American college age women. A total of 31 African American women participated in one of five focus groups on the campus of a large Southwestern University to examine beauty and body image. Data were analyzed using a thematic approach and several themes were identified. The majority of themes pertained to issues related to hair, skin tone, body type, and message sources. Themes included: sacrifice, ignorance/racial microaggressions, and validation and invalidation by others, thick/toned/curvy as optimal, hypersexualization, and being thin is for White women. Findings of the current study suggest a reconceptualization of body image for African American women where relevant characteristics such as hair and skin tone are given more priority over traditional body image concerns often associated with European American women.
The Effects of General Social Support and Social Support for Racial Discrimination on African American Women's Well-Being
Seawell AH, Cutrona CE and Russell DW
The present longitudinal study examined the role of general and tailored social support in mitigating the deleterious impact of racial discrimination on depressive symptoms and optimism in a large sample of African American women. Participants were 590 African American women who completed measures assessing racial discrimination, general social support, tailored social support for racial discrimination, depressive symptoms, and optimism at two time points (2001-2002 and 2003-2004). Our results indicated that higher levels of general and tailored social support predicted optimism one year later; changes in both types of support also predicted changes in optimism over time. Although initial levels of neither measure of social support predicted depressive symptoms over time, changes in tailored support predicted changes in depressive symptoms. We also sought to determine whether general and tailored social support "buffer" or diminish the negative effects of racial discrimination on depressive symptoms and optimism. Our results revealed a classic buffering effect of tailored social support, but not general support on depressive symptoms for women experiencing high levels of discrimination.
Peer Associations and Coping: The Mediating Role of Ethnic Identity for Urban, African American Adolescents
Joyce JA, O'Neil ME, Stormshak EA, McWhirter EH and Dishion TJ
This study sought to examine the relationship between coping strategies and prosocial and deviant peer associations for urban, African American adolescents. In addition, the study analyzed the mediating role of ethnic identity for coping strategies and peer associations. Results of the African American models were then compared with models for European American adolescents. Results indicated that African American and European American adolescents who reported using distraction coping strategies were more likely to associate with prosocial peers, and those who reported using self-destruction strategies were less likely to associate with prosocial peers. Adolescents who reported using distraction coping strategies were less likely to associate with deviant peers, and adolescents who reported using self-destruction strategies were more likely to associate with deviant peers. Ethnic identity mediated the relationship between coping and prosocial peer association for African American adolescents. Limitations of the study and future research directions are also presented.
Cultural Values Influencing Immigrant Haitian Mothers' Attitudes Toward Human Papillomavirus Vaccination for Daughters
Stephens DP and Thomas TL
Although research has shown that mothers significantly influence daughters' willingness to be vaccinated against the human papillomavirus (HPV), cultural factors influencing immigrant Haitian mothers' willingness to have adolescent daughters to be vaccinated are unknown. This is of concern as this population experiences disproportionately higher rates of HPV infection and related cervical cancers. This study identifies cultural beliefs influencing 31 immigrant Haitian mothers' willingness to vaccinate their daughters against HPV using semistructured interviews. Mothers had low levels of HPV and HPV vaccine knowledge, and desired more information. Concerns centered on cultural values regarding adolescent sexuality and HIV/AIDS stigmas specific to Haitian communities. If vaccination were recommended by a physician, mothers are more likely to have their daughters vaccinated. HPV vaccination uptake efforts targeting Haitian months should emphasize physician involvement and incorporate culturally relevant health concerns.
Racism and Illicit Drug Use Among African American Women: The Protective Effects of Ethnic Identity, Affirmation, and Behavior
Stevens-Watkins D, Perry B, Harp KL and Oser CB
Though recent evidence indicates that rates of illicit drug use among African American women are now higher than the national average, little is known about the etiology of substance use in this population. In addition, the effects of racism and other cultural factors are understudied and may be unique amongst African American women. This cross-sectional study explores risk and protective factors for drug use among 204 African American women. More specifically, associations between racism experiences and drug use are investigated in the context of potential moderating influences (i.e., psychosocial resources, social safety net variables, and cultural identity and practices). Findings suggest that racism is associated with drug use, but that its effects diminish with age. In addition, results suggest that psychosocial resources, social safety net factors and culturally specific factors like ethnic community membership and engagement in cultural practices afford African American women some protection against the detrimental effects of racism.
Understanding African American Adolescents' Identity Development: A Relational Developmental Systems Perspective
Brittian AS
This article examines the development of African American adolescents' identity using a relational developmental systems theory framework, which led to the expectation that identity development is linked to both the reduction of risk behaviors and the promotion of African American adolescents' healthy development. Different personological theories of identity development were discussed, including Erikson's theory of psychosocial development and Marcia's theory of identity statuses. Developmental systems theory was used to further the literature on African American adolescents' identity development, by integrating various views of identity development as they pertain to these youth. Furthermore, the formation of many aspects of identity may be an important coping and resilience process for such youth. In addition, directions for future research are discussed, including a consideration of the complexity of diversity that exists within the African American adolescent population, and a call for more longitudinal assessments of identity development is presented.
Impact of Stress Reduction Interventions on Hostility and Ambulatory Systolic Blood Pressure in African American Adolescents
Wright LB, Gregoski MJ, Tingen MS, Barnes VA and Treiber FA
This study examined the impact of breathing awareness meditation (BAM), life skills (LS) training, and health education (HE) interventions on self-reported hostility and 24-hour ambulatory blood pressure (ABP) in 121 African American (AA) ninth graders at increased risk for development of essential hypertension. They were randomly assigned to BAM, LS, or HE and engaged in intervention sessions during health class for 3 months. Before, after, and 3 months following intervention cessation, self-reported hostility and 24-hour ABP were measured. Results indicated that between pre- and postintervention, BAM participants displayed significant reductions in self-reported hostility and 24-hour systolic ABP. Reductions in hostility were significantly related to reductions in 24-hour systolic ABP. Between postintervention and follow-up, participants receiving LS showed a significant reduction in hostility but not in 24-hour ABP. Significant changes were not found for the HE group in 24-hour ABP or self-reported hostility, but these change scores were significantly correlated. The implications of the findings are discussed with regard to behavioral stress reduction programs for the physical and emotional health of AAs.
Do Gender Differences Exist in the Academic Identification of African-American Elementary-School Aged Children?
McMillian-Robinson MM, Frierson HT and Campbell FA
The disidentification hypothesis predicts that African-American boys achieve less in school than African-American girls do because boys have less personal investment in doing well academically (i.e., they are disidentified). When do such gender differences emerge? Using self-perception and achievement data from longitudinal studies of children (N = 113) at high-risk for academic problems because they come from low-income families, the authors examined whether elementary school-aged and early adolescent African-American boys are more prone to low achievement and disidentification than African-American girls. Multiple regression analyses indicated no gender differences in reading or mathematics achievement between boys and girls at age 8 or at age 12. At 12, African-American boys' self-esteem was predicted by academic performance in ways similar to that of African-American girls. Thus, no gender differences emerged in elementary school achievement and no gender-specific disengagement patterns were confirmed among at-risk African-American students.
The Role of Racial Identity and Implicit Racial Bias in Self-Reported Racial Discrimination: Implications for Depression Among African American Men
Chae DH, Powell WA, Nuru-Jeter AM, Smith-Bynum MA, Seaton EK, Forman TA, Turpin R and Sellers R
Racial discrimination is conceptualized as a psychosocial stressor that has negative implications for mental health. However, factors related to racial identity may influence whether negative experiences are interpreted as instances of racial discrimination and subsequently reported as such in survey instruments, particularly given the ambiguous nature of contemporary racism. Along these lines, dimensions of racial identity may moderate associations between racial discrimination and mental health outcomes. This study examined relationships between racial discrimination, racial identity, implicit racial bias, and depressive symptoms among African American men between 30 and 50 years of age ( = 95). Higher racial centrality was associated with greater reports of racial discrimination, while greater implicit anti-Black bias was associated with lower reports of racial discrimination. In models predicting elevated depressive symptoms, holding greater implicit anti-Black bias in tandem with reporting lower racial discrimination was associated with the highest risk. Results suggest that unconscious as well as conscious processes related to racial identity are important to consider in measuring racial discrimination, and should be integrated in studies of racial discrimination and mental health.