A multi-country dynamic factor model with stochastic volatility for euro area business cycle analysis
Huber F, Pfarrhofer M and Piribauer P
This paper develops a dynamic factor model that uses euro area country-specific information on output and inflation to estimate an area-wide measure of the output gap. Our model assumes that output and inflation can be decomposed into country-specific stochastic trends and a common cyclical component. Comovement in the trends is introduced by imposing a factor structure on the shocks to the latent states. We moreover introduce flexible stochastic volatility specifications to control for heteroscedasticity in the measurement errors and innovations to the latent states. Carefully specified shrinkage priors allow for pushing the model towards a homoscedastic specification, if supported by the data. Our measure of the output gap closely tracks other commonly adopted measures, with small differences in magnitudes and timing. To assess whether the model-based output gap helps in forecasting inflation, we perform an out-of-sample forecasting exercise. The findings indicate that our approach yields superior inflation forecasts, both in terms of point and density predictions.
Model instability in predictive exchange rate regressions
Hauzenberger N and Huber F
In this paper we aim to improve existing empirical exchange rate models by accounting for uncertainty with respect to the underlying structural representation. Within a flexible Bayesian framework, our modeling approach assumes that different regimes are characterized by commonly used structural exchange rate models, with transitions across regimes being driven by a Markov process. We assume a time-varying transition probability matrix with transition probabilities depending on a measure of the monetary policy stance of the central bank at home and in the USA. We apply this model to a set of eight exchange rates against the US dollar. In a forecasting exercise, we show that model evidence varies over time, and a model approach that takes this empirical evidence seriously yields more accurate density forecasts for most currency pairs considered.
Forecast intervals of net migration: the case of the Netherlands
De Beer J
This study addresses problems concerning the forecasting of net migration in the preparation of population forecasts. "As the width of forecast intervals for migration in single years differs strongly from that of an interval for average migration during the forecast period, it is important that the forecaster indicates which type of interval is presented. A comparison of forecast intervals for net migration obtained from an ARIMA model to intervals in official Dutch national population forecasts shows that the uncertainty on migration has been underestimated in past official forecasts."
Analysis and prediction of the population in Spain: 1910-2000
Garcia-ferrer A and Del Hoyo J
"The starting hypothesis of this paper was the actual occurrence of important interactions between demographic and socio-economic factors when trying to reach population forecasts that may be more efficient than those obtained by mere extrapolative methods. In order to be able to implement this approach to the Spanish case it has been necessary to reconstruct first the Spanish population series by age and sex groups from 1910 to 1980. Later, we proceed to obtain population forecasts using alternative modeling strategies and comment on the potential problems that the new demographic situation may have for future public policy."
The impact of forecasting methodology on the accuracy of national population forecasts: evidence from the Netherlands and Czechoslovakia
Keilman N and Kucera T
"This study considers the accuracy of national population forecasts of the Netherlands and the Czechoslovak Socialist Republic.... We look at the demographic components employed in each forecast, the procedure to extrapolate fertility and the level at which assumptions for each component are formulated. Errors in total population size, fertility, mortality and foreign migration, and age structure are considered. We discuss trends in errors and methodology since 1950 and compare the situations in the two countries. The findings suggest that methodology has only a very limited impact on the accuracy of national population forecasts."
How accurate are the U.S. Bureau of the Census projections of total live births
Ahlburg DA
"The accuracy of total live birth forecasts issued by the U.S. Bureau of the Census was analysed. Forecast accuracy has not improved significantly since 1950. Further, the forecasts are not more accurate than several naive alternatives. Moving from a period methodology to a cohort methodology improved forecast accuracy for certain forecasts. [It is demonstrated that] the Bureau of the Census systematically underestimated total births in the upswing and overestimated in the downswing."
Household projection methods
Corner IE
"The role of household projections as a basis for forecasts of households at [the] national and sub-national level is discussed and a number of criteria for such projections are outlined. The projection method used by the Department of the Environment [in the United Kingdom] is examined in the context of these criteria and it is concluded that it is both practical and robust. However, it is open to criticism, first because of its failure to make the best use of the available data and of theoretical knowledge, and secondly because of its 'black box' nature. An alternative two-stage strategy is developed. The first stage involves constructing projections using a new curve-fitting method which takes account of within cohort life-cycle headship rate changes. The second is a method of analysing the resulting projections by modelling transition rates between different household states. Worked examples of both methods are presented."
Forecasting with growth curves: the effect of error structure
Meade N
"The main theme of this paper is an investigation into the importance of error structure as a determinant of the forecasting accuracy of the logistic model. The relationship between the variance of the disturbance term and forecasting accuracy is examined empirically. A general local logistic model is developed as a vehicle to be used in this investigation. Some brief comments are made on the assumptions about error structure, implicit or explicit, in the literature." The results suggest that "the variance of the disturbance term, when using the logistic to forecast human populations, is proportional to at least the square of population size."