Realistic extension of partial-body pediatric CT for whole-body organ dose estimation in radiotherapy patients
Rafet SM, Lee C, Griffin KT, Saha M, Lee C and Mille MM
While modern radiotherapy treatments can deliver a localized radiation dose to the tumor, healthy tissues at distance are inevitably exposed to scatter radiation that has been linked to late health effects such as second cancers. Quantifying the radiation dose received by tissues beyond the target is critical for research on such late health effects. However, the typical radiotherapy planning CT only covers part of the body near the target and the organs of interest for late effects research are not always included. Therefore, the purpose of this study was to develop a method for extending a partial-body pediatric CT scan for estimating organ doses beyond the original CT scan range. Our method uses a library of CT images for 359 pediatric patients from which a candidate patient is selected for providing surrogate anatomy. The most appropriate surrogate patient images to use for the extension are determined based on patient demographic information pulled from the image metadata. Image registration is performed through comparison of the patients' skeletons. The images showing closest similarity are adapted by a transformation method and appended to the original partial-body CT and a new structure file containing organ contours is written; we refer to this extended CT scan with organ contours as the Anatomical Predictive Extension (APE). To test the APE method, three patients with nearly full-body anatomy were extracted from the library, and a continuous subset of the images was removed to simulate a partial-body CT. The APE method was then applied to the partial-body CT to create extended anatomies, with the original images serving as ground truth. Radiotherapy plans were simulated using the Monte Carlo code XVMC on both the original and APE anatomies, with the original serving as ground truth. Three pediatric radiotherapy cases were considered for performance testing: (1) head CT for a simulated brain tumor extended to chest; (2) superior chest CT for simulated Hodgkin's lymphoma extended to inferior chest; (3) pelvic CT for Wilms tumor extended to superior chest. Three geometric metrics (Dice similarity coefficient, overlap fraction, and volume similarity) were calculated to quantify the differences between the original patient and the extended anatomies. In all cases, calculated organ doses showed good agreement between the original and APE anatomies. The average absolute relative dose difference across all organs considered for the three cases was 11%, 12% and 15%, respectively. The APE method is useful for estimating radiation doses to peripheral organs in support of research on late effects following radiotherapy.
Enhanced Internal Dosimetry for Alimentary Tract Organs in Nuclear Medicine based on the ICRP Mesh-Type Reference Phantoms
Kwon TE, Han H, Choi C, Kitahara CM and Lee C
This study introduces a refined approach for more accurately estimating radiation doses to alimentary tract organs in nuclear medicine, by utilizing the ICRP pediatric and adult mesh-type reference computational phantoms (MRCPs) that improved the anatomical representation of these organs. Our initial step involved compiling a comprehensive dataset of electron Specific Absorbed Fractions (SAFs) for all source-target pairs of alimentary tract organs in both adult and pediatric phantoms, calculating SAFs for all cases in the present study only except those computed in the previous study for certain pediatric phantom cases. Subsequently, we determined S values for 1,252 radionuclides, facilitating dosimetry applications. The consistency of target and source masses for alimentary tract organs in the MRCPs with the reference values in ICRP Publication 89 led to noticeable differences in SAF, S values, and consequently, absorbed dose coefficients when compared to the stylized models in ICRP Publication 100. Notably, the S value ratios (MRCP/stylized) for selected radionuclides-C, F, Ga, and I-ranged from 0.41 to 7.60. Particularly for therapeutic I-iodide in thyroid cancer, the use of MRCPs resulted in up to 1.49 times higher absorbed dose coefficients for the colon than those derived from stylized models, while the stomach dose coefficients decreased by a factor of 0.72. The application of our findings promises enhanced, more realistic dosimetry for alimentary tract organs, especially beneficial for radiopharmaceuticals likely to accumulate within these organs.
Debye-Waller effects in Bethe-Salpeter calculations: Bridging the gap between XANES and EXAFS
Shirley EL and Woicik JC
We present a method to incorporate Debye-Waller effects on core-excitation spectra within frameworks other than real-space, multiple-scattering formulations. The method draws ideas used in multiple-scattering theory to realize effects of variations in interatomic distances, and the method accomplishes this without benefit of the atom-by-atom nature in which multiple-scattering calculations are formulated. We test the method in four metals and one semiconductor over a range of temperatures and compare all theoretical results to experiment. The method is agnostic regarding the source of interatomic distance information, and it should be applicable to a wide range of systems, including systems without crystalline periodicity.
A comprehensive review of dose limits, triage systems and measurement tools for consequence management of nuclear and radiological emergencies
Wei Y and Dewji SA
During a radiological or nuclear emergency, occupational workers, members of the public, and emergency responders may be exposed to radionuclides, whether external or internal, through inhalation, ingestion, or wounds. In the case of internalized radiation exposure, prompt assessment of contamination is necessary to inform subsequent medical interventions. This review assembles the constituent considerations for managing nuclear and radiological incidents, focused on a parallel analysis of the evolution of radiation dose limits - notably in the emergency preparedness and response realm - alongside a discussion of triage systems and radionuclide detection tools. The review maps the development of international and national standards and regulations concerning radiation dose limits, illuminating how past incidents and accumulated knowledge have informed present emergency preparedness and response practices, specifically for internalized radiation. Additionally, the objectives and levels of radiation triage systems are explored in-depth, along with a global survey of practices and protocols. Finally, this review also focuses on detection systems and their capacities for radionuclide identification, prioritizing internalized gamma-emitting isotopes due to their broader relevance. Collectively, this study comprehensively addresses the intricacies of triage management following radiation emergencies, emphasizing the imperative for enhanced standardization and continued research in this critical domain.
A closer look at the utilized radiation doses during computed tomography pulmonary angiography (CTPA) for COVID-19 patients
Abuzaid M, Elshami W, Cavli B, Ozturk C, ALMisned G and Tekin HO
CTPA stands for computed tomography pulmonary angiography. CTPA is an X-ray imaging that combines X-rays and computer technology to create detailed images of the pulmonary arteries and veins in the lungs. This test diagnoses and monitors conditions like pulmonary embolism, arterial blockages, and hypertension. Coronavirus (COVID-19) has threatened world health over the last three years. The number of (CT) scans increased and played a vital role in diagnosing COVID-19 patients, including life-threatening pulmonary embolism (PE). This study aimed to assess the radiation dose resulted from CTPA for COVID-19 patients.
Investigation of the Radiographer's adherence and compliance with radiation protection and infection control practices during COVID-19 mobile radiography
Khandaker MU, Abuzaid MM, Mohamed IA, Yousef M, Jastaniah S, Alshammari QT, Alghamdi SS, Osman H, Mohamed Ahmed A, Musa A, Ahmed Medani AM, Lam SE and Bradley DA
Radiological staff, especially radiographers, work as front liners against the COVID-19 outbreak. This study aims to assess compliance with radiation protection and infection control practices during COVID-19 mobile radiography procedures. This cross-sectional study included 234 radiographers (females, 56%, n = 131; males, 44%, n = 103) who were asked to complete an online questionnaire consisting of demographic data, radiation protection and infection control practices during COVID-19 portable cases, and knowledge and awareness. After informed consent was completed, SPSS statistical software was used for the data analysis. The most common age group of participants ranged from 18 to 25 years old (30.3%, n = 71). Bachelor's degree holders were 74.4% (n = 174). Most radiographers (39.7%, n = 93) had a working experience of 1-5 years, followed by 27.8% (n = 65) with more than 16 years of experience. Most respondents (62.4%, n = 146) handled approximately 1-5 cases daily, the majority of them (56%, n = 131) stated affirmatively they had obtained special training to handle COVID-19, and when inquired if they had received any special allowances for handling COVID-19 suspected/confirmed cases most of them stated negative (73.9%, n = 173). Most participants stated that they always wear a TLD during portable cases (67.1%, n = 157) and a lead apron (51.7%, n = 121). Around 73% (n = 171) knew the latest information on COVID-19 and attended the COVID-19 awareness course. A significant association was found between the work experience of the radiographers and their responses to following the best practices (p = 0.018, α = 0.05). Radiographers who had COVID-19 training (μ = 48.78) tend to adhere more to best practices than those who have not (p = 0.04, α = 0.05). Further, respondents who handled more than 16/more COVID-19 suspected/confirmed cases followed the best practices more (μ = 50.38) than those who handled less (p = 0.04, α = 0.05). This study revealed detailed information on radiation protection and infection control practices during COVID-19 mobile radiography. It has been observed that the participants/radiographers have good knowledge and awareness of radiation protection and infection-control practices. The present results may be used to plan future requirements regarding resources and training to ensure patient safety.
Effectiveness of protective thyroid shield in chest X-ray imaging
Alkhateeb SM, Bamusa A, Almutairi N, Barayan B, Alamodi H, Alnadawi F and Alnowaimi M
Chest X-ray imaging is the most common X-ray imaging method for diagnosing coronavirus disease. The thyroid gland is one of the most radiation-sensitive organs of the body, particularly in infants and children. Therefore, it must be protected during chest X-ray imaging. Yet, because it has benefits and drawbacks, using a thyroid shield as protection during chest X-ray imaging is still up for debate.Therefore, this study aims to clarify the need for using a protective thyroid shield during chest X-ray imaging. This study was performed using different dosimeters (silica beads as a thermoluminescent dosimeter and an optically stimulated luminance dosimeter) embedded in an adult male ATOM dosimetric phantom. The phantom was irradiated using a portable X-ray machine with and without thyroid shielding. The dosimeter readings indicated that a thyroid shield reduced the radiation dose to the thyroid gland by 69% ± 18% without degrading the obtained radiograph. The use of a protective thyroid shield during chest X-ray imaging is recommended because its benefits outweigh the risks.
Microdosimetric Analysis for Boron Neutron Capture Therapy via Monte Carlo Track Structure Simulation with Modified Lithium Cross-sections
Han Y, Geng C, D-Kondo JN, Li M, Ramos-Méndez J, Altieri S, Liu Y and Tang X
Boron neutron capture therapy (BNCT) is a cellular-level hadron therapy achieving therapeutic effects via the synergistic action of multiple particles, including Lithium, alpha, proton, and photon. However, evaluating the relative biological effectiveness (RBE) in BNCT remains challenging. In this research, we performed a microdosimetric calculation for BNCT using the Monte Carlo track structure (MCTS) simulation toolkit, TOPAS-nBio. This paper reports the first attempt to derive the ionization cross-sections of low-energy (>0.025 MeV/u) Lithium for MCTS simulation based on the effective charge cross-section scalation method and phenomenological double-parameter modification. The fitting parameters were determined to reproduce the range and stopping power data from the ICRU report 73. Besides, the lineal energy spectra of charged particles in BNCT were calculated, and the influence of sensitive volume (SV) size was discussed. Condensed history simulation obtained similar results with MCTS when using Micron-SV while overestimating the lineal energy when using Nano-SV. Furthermore, we found that the microscopic boron distribution can significantly affect the lineal energy for Lithium, while the effect for alpha is minimal. Similar results to the published data by PHITS simulation were observed for the compound particles and monoenergetic protons when using micron-SV. Spectra with nano-SV reflected that the different track densities and absorbed doses in the nucleus together result in the dramatic difference in the macroscopic biological response of BPA and BSH. This work and the developed methodology could impact the research fields in BNCT where understanding radiation effects is crucial, such as the treatment planning system, source evaluation, and new boron drug development.
Free radical induced degradation and computational studies of hydroxychloroquine in aqueous solution
Rath MC, Keny SJ, Upadhyaya HP and Adhikari S
Hydroxychloroquine (HCQ) is a potential drug molecule for treating malaria. Recently it has also been tried as adjustment in Covid 19 therapy. Interaction of HCQ with free radicals is very important, which controls its stability in the environment where free radicals are generated unintentionally. In this report, we present detailed investigation on the reactions of hydrated electrons (e ) and hydroxyl radical (OH) with HCQ in aqueous solution through electron pulse radiolysis technique and computational studies. The degradation of HCQ was found to be faster in the case of reaction with OH radicals. However, the degradation could be substantially slowed down in the presence of antioxidants like ascorbic acid and gallic acid. This revealed that the stability of HCQ could be enhanced in an oxidative environment in the presence of these two compounds, which are easily available through food supplements. Various global and local reactivity parameters are also determined to understand the reactivity trend using Hard-Soft Acid-Base (HSAB) principle in the realm of the DFT methods. Computational studies were performed to elucidate the site-specific reactivity trend towards the electrophilic and nucleophilic attack by calculating the condensed Fukui index for various species of HCQ.
Deep learning-based computed tomographic image super-resolution via wavelet embedding
Kim H, Lee H and Lee D
Effort to realize high-resolution medical images have been made steadily. In particular, super resolution technology based on deep learning is making excellent achievement in computer vision recently. In this study, we developed a model that can dramatically increase the spatial resolution of medical images using deep learning technology, and we try to demonstrate the superiority of proposed model by analyzing it quantitatively. We simulated the computed tomography images with various detector pixel size and tried to restore the low-resolution image to high resolution image. We set the pixel size to 0.5, 0.8 and 1 mm for low resolution image and the high-resolution image, which were used for ground truth, was simulated with 0.25 mm pixel size. The deep learning model that we used was a fully convolution neural network based on residual structure. The result image demonstrated that proposed super resolution convolution neural network improve image resolution significantly. We also confirmed that PSNR and MTF was improved up to 38 % and 65% respectively. The quality of the prediction image is not significantly different depending on the quality of the input image. In addition, the proposed technique not only increases image resolution but also has some effect on noise reduction. In conclusion, we developed deep learning architectures for improving image resolution of computed tomography images. We quantitatively confirmed that the proposed technique effectively improves image resolution without distorting the anatomical structures.
Is it necessary to define new diagnostic reference levels during pandemics like the Covid19-?
Zeinali-Rafsanjani B, Alavi A, Lotfi M, Haseli S, Saeedi-Moghadam M and Moradpour M
This study intended to assess the dose length product (DLP), effective cumulative radiation dose (E.D.), and additional cancer risk (ACR) due to a chest CT scan to detect or follow up the Covid-19 disease in four university-affiliated hospitals that used different imaging protocols. Indeed, this study aimed to examine the differences in decision-making between different imaging centers in choosing chest CT imaging protocols during the pandemic, and to assess whether a new diagnostic reference level (DRL) is needed in pandemic situations.
Simulation study to assess the effectiveness of gamma radiation for inactivation of viruses on food packaging material
Tripathi J, Saxena S and Gautam S
The recent COVID-19 pandemic spread across the globe has raised the concern about the possible transmission of viruses through food packaging material during domestic and international trade. Therefore, mitigation strategies are needed to address these safety issues. Preliminary in-silico study showed that interactions between food packaging material and viral surface proteins were possibly hydrophobic in nature with most favourable interaction having a binding free energy of -5.24 kcal/mol. Since these interactions can cause viruses to adsorb on the food packets and get transmitted during supply chain, it is necessary to inactivate the viruses. In this context, efficacy of gamma irradiation in inactivating the viruses on the food packaging material was assessed. For this simulation study P1 (virulent) bacteriophage of was used as a model system. Gamma irradiation of food packets at an absorbed dose >8 kGy was found to completely inactivate the infectivity of P1(virulent) bacteriophage when co-cultured with host and assayed for viral plaque formation. Reduction in infectivity of P1(vir) phage was more prominent at ambient temperature (25 ± 2 °C) as compared to cold temperature (6 ± 2 °C) when assayed after storage (one week). Gamma irradiation (2 kGy) completely inactivated the virus particles on food packets when stored for 1 week at both the above temperatures. It is thus proposed that gamma irradiation (2 kGy) can possibly be integrated as a final treatment of the packaged food products to rule out the possibility of viral transmission. However, the efficacy of radiation processing against different pathogenic viruses needs to be determined prior to actual commercial deployment.
Electron beam technology for Re-processing of personal protective equipment
Huang M, Hasan MK, Pillai SD, Pharr M and Staack D
Beginning with the outbreak of COVID-19 at the dawn of 2020, the continuing spread of the pandemic has challenged the healthcare market and the supply chain of Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) around the world. Moreover, the emergence of the variants of COVID-19 occurring in waves threatens the sufficient supply of PPE. Among the various types of PPE, N95 Respirators, surgical masks, and medical gowns are the most consumed and thus have a high potential for a serious shortage during such emergencies. Considering the unanticipated demand for PPE during a pandemic, re-processing of used PPE is one approach to continue to protect the health of first responders and healthcare personnel. This paper evaluates the viability and efficacy of using FDA-approved electron beam (eBeam) sterilization technology (ISO 11137) to re-process used PPE. PPEs including 3M N95 Respirators, Proxima Sirus gowns, and face shields were eBeam irradiated in different media (air, argon) over a dose range of 0-200 kGy. Several tests were then performed to examine surface properties, mechanical properties, functionality performance, discoloration phenomenon, and liquid barrier performance. The results show a reduction of filtration efficiency to about 63.6% in the N95 Respirator; however, charge regeneration may improve the re-processed efficiency. Additionally, mechanical degradation was observed in Proxima Sirus gown with increasing dose up to 100 kGy. However, no mechanical degradation was observed in the face shields after 10 times donning and doffing. Apart from the face shield, N95 Respirators and Proxima Sirus gown both show significant mechanical degradation with ebeam dose over sterilization doses (>25 kGy), indicating that eBeam technology is not appropriate for the re-processing these PPEs.
Radiotherapy treatment interruptions during the Covid-19 pandemic: The UK experience and implications for radiobiology training
Dale RG and Jones B
Unintended treatment interruptions during a course of radiotherapy can lead to extended overall treatment times which allow increased tumour cell repopulation to occur. Extra dose may therefore be required to offset any loss of tumour control. However, the manner in which the extra dose is delivered requires careful consideration in order to avoid the risk of increased normal tissue toxicity. Radiobiological modelling techniques can allow quantitative examination of such problems and may be used to derive revised pattens of radiation delivery which can help restore a degree of tumour control whilst limiting the likelihood of excess normal tissue morbidity. Unintended treatment interruptions can occur in any radiotherapy department but the rapid spread of the Covid-19 pandemic caused a major increase in the frequency of such interruptions due to staff and patient illness and the consequent self-isolation requirements. This article summarises the radiobiological considerations and caveats involved in assessing treatment interruptions and outlines the UK experience of dealing with the new challenges posed by Covid-19. The world-wide need for more education programmes in cancer radiobiology is highlighted.
Inactivation of SARS-CoV-2 by charged particles for Future Vaccine Production Applications: A Monte Carlo study
Rafiepour P, Sina S and Mortazavi SMJ
The world is still suffering from the SARS-CoV-2 pandemic, and the number of infected people is still growing in many countries in 2022. Although great strides have been made to produce effective vaccines, efforts in this field should be accelerated, particularly due to the emergence of new variants. Using inactivated viruses is a conventional method of vaccine production. High levels of ionizing radiation can effectively inactivate viruses. Recently, studies on SARS-CoV-2 irradiation using low-LET radiations (e.g., gamma rays) have been performed. However, there are insufficient studies on the impact of charged particles on the inactivation of this virus. In this study, a realistic structure of SARS-CoV-2 is simulated by using Geant4 Monte Carlo toolkit, and the effect of electrons, protons, alphas, C-12, and Fe-56 ions on the inactivation of SARS-CoV-2 is investigated. The simulation results indicated that densely ionizing (high-LET) particles have the advantage of minimum number of damaged spike proteins per single RNA break. The RNA breaks induced by hydroxyl radicals produced in the surrounding water medium were significant only for electron beam radiation. Hence, indirect RNA breaks induced by densely ionizing particles is negligible. From a simulation standpoint, alpha particles (with energies up to 30 MeV) as well as C-12 ions (with energies up to 80 MeV/n), and Fe-56 ions (with any energy) can be introduced as particles of choice for effective SARS-CoV-2 inactivation.
Proposal on the use of Xenon-133 against COVID-19
Dawry FP and Serafini AN
Since we are able to bring ionizing radiation in the form of a gas cloud to the respiratory system, we have wondered whether Xenon-133 inhalation could be exploited as a treatment option against Covid-19 respiratory virus infections, and urge colleagues in the scientific research community who have the capability to do so to explore the merits of using Xenon-133 in this way to determine whether its usefulness against the Covid-19 virus is indeed genuine.
Response of and Microcystin-LR to electron beam irradiation doses
Folcik AM, Klemashevich C and Pillai SD
Harmful cyanobacterial blooms (cyanoHABs) pose threats to human and animal health due to the production of harmful cyanotoxins. is a common cyanobacterium associated with these blooms and is responsible for producing the potent cyclic hepatotoxin microcystin-LR (MC-LR). Concerns over the public health implications of these toxins in water supplies have increased due to rising occurrence of these blooms. High energy electron beam (eBeam) irradiation technology presents a promising strategy for the mitigation of both cyanobacterial cells and cyanotoxins within the water treatment process. However, it is imperative that both cellular and chemical responses to eBeam irradiation are understood to ensure efficient treatment. We sought to investigate the effect of eBeam irradiation on cells and MC-LR degradation. Results indicate that doses as low as 2 kGy are lethal to cells and induce cell lysis. Even lower doses are required for degradation of the parent MC-LR toxin. However, it was observed that there is a delay in cell lysis after irradiation where cells may still be metabolically active and able to synthesize microcystin. These results suggest that eBeam may be suitable for cyanoHAB mitigation in water treatment if employed following cell lysis.
Compact X-Band Electron Linac for Radiotherapy and Security Applications
Kutsaev SV, Agustsson R, Arodzero A, Berry R, Bezhanov A, Boucher S, Chimalpopoca O, Diego A, Faillace L, Gavryushkin D, Harrison M, Hartzell JJ, McNevin J, Ruelas M, Yu Smirnov A, Verma A and Woods K
RadiaBeam has developed a 6 MeV accelerator that is compact and light enough to be placed on a robotic arm or light truck. The main drivers of size and weight in conventional accelerators are the power source and the shielding. Small dimensions are enabled by operation at 9.3 GHz frequency (X-band), which allows reducing the size and weight of all accelerator components. Thanks to the robust design of the accelerating structure, the accelerator can be used as a source for novel cargo inspection and radiotherapy techniques. In this paper, we present the linac design and its components, as well the results of the experimental demonstration of beam acceleration.
Gamma irradiation influence on mechanical, thermal and conductivity properties of hybrid carbon nanotubes/montmorillonite nanocomposites
Tarawneh MA, Saraireh SA, Chen RS, Ahmad SH, Al-Tarawni MAM and Yu LJ
A thermoplastic elastomer (TPE) based nanocomposite with the same weight ratio of hybrid nanofillers composed of carbon nanotubes (CNTs) and montmorillonite nanoclay (DK4) was prepared using a melt blending technique with an internal mixer. The TPE composite was blended from polylactic acid (PLA), liquid natural rubber (LNR) as a compatibilizer and natural rubber (NR) in a volume ratio of 70:10:20, respectively. The weight ratio of CNTs and DK4 was 2.5 wt%. The prepared samples were exposed to gamma radiation at range of 0-250 kGy. After exposure to gamma radiation, the mechanical, thermo-mechanical, thermal and electrical conductivity properties of the composites were significantly higher than unirradiated TPE composites as the irradiation doses increased up to 150 kGy. Transmission electron microscopy (TEM) micrographs revealed the good distribution and interaction between the nano-fillers and the matrix in the prepared TPE hybrid nanocomposites. In summary, the findings from this work definite that gamma irradiation might be a viable treatment to improve the properties of TPE nanocomposite for electronic packaging applications.
A critical review of ionizing radiation technologies for the remediation of waters containing Microcystin-LR and
Folcik AM and Pillai SD
Harmful algal and cyanobacterial blooms pose threats to human and ecological health due to their release of hazardous toxins. Microcystin-LR (MC-LR), a potent hepatotoxin, is the most prevalent cyanotoxin found in freshwater blooms. Although produced by many species of cyanobacteria, is most commonly associated with MC-LR production. These blooms are increasing in occurrence in lakes, ponds, and other surface waters and, therefore, require efficient treatment methods to be removed from water supplies. Ionizing radiation technologies offer promising approaches for the removal of organic pollutants in water, including cyanotoxins and cyanobacteria. Gamma irradiation for the degradation of cyano-bacteria and toxins is effective for overall MC-LR degradation as well as reducing cell concentrations. However, gamma irradiation technology involves use of radioactive isotopes and, therefore, may not feasible commercially from a security perspective. Electron beam (eBeam) irradiation technology, which relies on regular electricity to generate highly energetic electrons, is able to achieve the same results without the confounding challenges of radioactive isotopes and related security issues. In this critical review, the current state of the science concerning the remediation of MC-LR and with ionizing radiation technologies is presented and future necessary research is discussed.
H Production in the B(n,α)Li Reaction in Water
Dietz TC, Thompson A, Al-Sheikhly M, Sterniczuk M and Bartels DM
We demonstrate a method for measuring the H produced in water from the B(n,α)Li fission reaction. Low energy neutrons from the NIST Center for Neutron Research interact with borate-containing water in a temperature-controlled high pressure cell made from titanium. After exposure for one to several hours, the water is extracted and sparged with argon. H entrained in the sparging gas is sampled with a small mass spectrometer. To determine the neutron exposure, a small amount of sodium is included in the borate solution. The water is collected and Na activation is measured in a counting apparatus on the following day. The G-value for H at room temperature is found to be (1.18 ± 0.10) molecules H/100eV, in good agreement with previous estimates and recent modeling calculations.