Can (Poaceae) be identified by pollen analysis? Implications for detecting the ancestor of the extinct two-grained einkorn-like wheat
López-Merino L, Leroy SA, Haldorsen S, Heun M and Reynolds A
The domestication of the one-grained einkorn () in the Near East is relatively well known. However, an independent two-grained einkorn-like domestication has been archaeobotanically detected and scarce information is available. , a wild wheat, was not fully described until the 1970s because the phenology does not allow it to be distinguished easily from wild einkorn ( subsp. ), although a genetic separation exists. Both species are mostly two grained and could potentially be the relatives of the extinct two-grained form. Pollen grains of several genetically well-identified wheat species, including and subsp. , were studied by measuring the grain diameter and examining the exine sculpturing with phase-contrast microscopy and scanning electron microscopy to gain an insight into differences enabling taxonomic identification. This work showed that, although pollen is smaller on average, grain diameter is not sufficient because of the size overlap between the species, but presents a different exine sculpturing (scabrate) from other spp. (aerolate). This outcome is useful for taxonomists and archaeobotanists. First, it will allow a simple re-classification of herbarium materials. Second, further research could establish whether was cultivated.
Recurrent polymorphic mating type variation in Madagascan species (Orchidaceae) exemplifies a high incidence of auto-pollination in tropical orchids
Gamisch A, Fischer GA and Comes HP
The transition from outcrossing to self-fertilization is one of the most common evolutionary changes in angiosperms. The orchid family exemplifies this evolutionary trend but, because of a general lack of large-scale surveys on auto-pollination in orchid taxa, the incidence and modes of auto-pollination among (sub)tropical orchids remain poorly known. In the present study, we assessed the frequency and mode of auto-pollination within and among species of a largely monophyletic group of Madagascan . The capacity for autonomous fruit set was investigated by bagging experiments in the greenhouse and the field, complemented with detailed floral micromorphological studies of the gynostemium. Our survey comprises 393 accessions, representing at least 78 species, and thus approximately 37% of the species diversity of the genus in the Madagascan region. Our studies revealed that mating type is directly related to gynostemium structure, most often involving the presence or absence of a physical barrier termed 'rostellum'. As a novel and unexpected finding, we identified eight species of a single lineage of Madagascan (termed 'clade C'), in which auto-pollinating morphs (selfers), either lacking a rostellum or (rarely) possessing a stigmatic rostellum, co-exist with their pollinator-dependent conspecifics (outcrossers). We hypothesize that auto-pollination via rostellum abortion has a simple genetic basis, and probably evolved rapidly and recurrently by subtle changes in the timing of rostellum development (heterochrony). Thus, species of clade C may have an intrinsic genetic and developmental lability toward auto-pollination, allowing rapid evolutionary response under environmental, perhaps human-disturbed conditions favouring reproductive assurance. Overall, these findings should stimulate further research on the incidence, evolution, and maintenance of mating type variation in tropical orchids, as well as how they adapt(ed) to changing environmental conditions.
Interpretation of patterns of genetic variation in endemic plant species of oceanic islands
Stuessy TF, Takayama K, López-Sepúlveda P and Crawford DJ
Oceanic islands offer special opportunities for understanding the patterns and processes of evolution. The availability of molecular markers in recent decades has enhanced these opportunities, facilitating the use of population genetics to reveal divergence and speciation in island systems. A common pattern seen in taxa on oceanic islands is a decreased level of genetic variation within and among populations, and the founder effect has often been invoked to explain this observation. Founder effects have a major impact on immigrant populations, but, over millions of years, the original genetic signature will normally be erased as a result of mutation, recombination, drift and selection. Therefore, the types and degrees of genetic modifications that occur must often be caused by other factors, which should be considered when explaining the patterns of genetic variation. The age of the island is extremely important because oceanic islands subside on their submarine plates over time. Erosion caused by wind, rain and wave action combine to grind down soft volcanic substrates. These geomorphological events can have a dramatic impact on population number and size, and hence levels of genetic diversity. The mode of speciation is also of significance. With anagenesis, genetic variation accumulates through time, whereas, with cladogenenesis, the gene pool splits into populations of adaptively radiating species. Breeding systems, population sizes and generation times are also important, as is hybridization between closely related taxa. Human disturbance has affected plant population number and size through the harvesting of forests and the introduction of invasive plants and animals. Therefore, the explanation of the observed levels of genetic variation in species of oceanic islands requires the consideration of many interconnected physical, biological and anthropomorphic factors.
Correlates of hyperdiversity in southern African ice plants (Aizoaceae)
Valente LM, Britton AW, Powell MP, Papadopulos AS, Burgoyne PM and Savolainen V
The exceptionally high plant diversity of the Greater Cape Floristic Region (GCFR) comprises a combination of ancient lineages and young radiations. A previous phylogenetic study of Aizoaceae subfamily Ruschioideae dated the radiation of this clade of > 1500 species in the GCFR to 3.8-8.7 Mya, establishing it as a flagship example of a diversification event triggered by the onset of a summer-arid climate in the region. However, a more recent analysis found an older age for the Ruschioideae lineage (17 Mya), suggesting that the group may in fact have originated much before the aridification of the region 10-15 Mya. Here, we reassess the tempo of radiation of ice plants by using the most complete generic-level phylogenetic tree for Aizoaceae to date, a revised calibration age and a new dating method. Our estimates of the age of the clade are even younger than initially thought (stem age 1.13-6.49 Mya), supporting the hypothesis that the radiation post-dates the establishment of an arid environment in the GCFR and firmly placing the radiation among the fastest in angiosperms (diversification rate of 4.4 species per million years). We also statistically examine environmental and morphological correlates of richness in ice plants and find that diversity is strongly linked with precipitation, temperature, topographic complexity and the evolution of highly succulent leaves and wide-band tracheids.
The design of trapping devices in pollination traps of the genus (Araceae) is related to insect type
Bröderbauer D, Weber A and Diaz A
Pollinators have long been known to select for floral traits, but the nature of this relationship has been little investigated in trap pollination systems. We investigated the trapping devices of 15 spp. and compared them with the types of insects trapped. Most species shared a similar general design of trap chamber walls covered in downward-pointing papillate cells, lacunose cells in the chamber wall and elongated sterile flowers partially blocking the exit of the trap. However, there was significant variation in all these morphological features between species. Furthermore, these differences related to the type of pollinator trapped. Most strikingly, species pollinated by midges had a slippery epidermal surface consisting of smaller papillae than in species pollinated by other insects. Midge-pollinated species also had more elongated sterile flowers and tended to have a larger lacunose area. We conclude that pollination traps evolve in response to the type of insect trapped and that changes to the slippery surfaces of the chamber wall are an important and previously little recognized variable in the design of pollination traps.
Phylogenetic relationships in the genus Leontopodium (Asteraceae: Gnaphalieae) based on AFLP data
Safer S, Tremetsberger K, Guo YP, Kohl G, Samuel MR, Stuessy TF and Stuppner H
The genus Leontopodium comprises 30-41 species. The centre of diversity is the Sino-Himalayan region in south-western China, where about 15 species occur. The two species native to Europe, L. alpinum (known as the common 'Edelweiss') and L. nivale, are part of the cultural heritage of the people living there. Despite its importance, very little is known about the systematics of the genus. Because recent molecular studies have shown that species within this genus are closely related and difficult to distinguish with rDNA and cpDNA data, we used AFLPs to obtain a more detailed understanding of the phylogeny of the genus. Our main aims were as follows: (1) to clarify species relationships within the genus; and (2) to reveal information about the biogeography of the genus. We used AFLPs with six primer combinations to investigate 216 individuals in 38 populations of 16 different species. With AFLPs, we were able to recognize 10 different groups, all of which had strong bootstrap support. These results were also congruent with the morphology-based taxonomy of the genus. Most private and rare fragments were found in the Yunnan region (south-western China) relative to Europe and Mongolia/central China, suggesting a long-lasting in situ history of populations in the centre of diversity of the genus. Our results illustrate the utility of AFLPs to resolve phylogenetic relationships between these closely related species.
Taxonomy of the species (Piperaceae) with pseudo-epiphyllous inflorescences, including four new species
Mathieu G, Samain MS, Reynders M and Goetghebeur P
Twelve of the estimated 1500-1700 taxa in show a particular feature: their terminal inflorescences seem to originate from the base of a leaf blade as a result of the presence of a sessile leaf at the base of these inflorescences. Three of these 12 taxa occur in Ecuador and four species are reported from Colombia. From Peru, two species are known from historical herbarium collections, and three other species are new to science. One new species is described from Bolivia. Collections of all 12 species are quite rare and, in the past, their identification seems to have been rather problematic. Previous authors have referred to these inflorescences as epiphyllous but, as shown here, this is not a correct description. To make a clear distinction from genuine epiphyllous inflorescences, the term 'pseudo-epiphyllous' is proposed. In addition to the publication of four new species of , emended descriptions are provided for the other species, synonymy is treated, and lectotypes are designated. The architecture of the plants is discussed and a key to the 12 species is provided. © 2008 The Linnean Society of London, , 2008, , 177-196.
Isozymes, and the status of (Asteraceae) agamospecies
Hughes J and Richards AJ
HUGHES, L. & RICHARDS, A. J., 1989. Genetic identities I and Similarity Indices SI are calculated between 12 samples of , on the basis of 40 isozymes at 15 loci for 10 enzyme systems. Samples included three polyploid agamospermous populations from northern England (group 1), three sexual diploid populations from south-central France (group 2), and six accessions of 'primitive' diploid self-compatible sexual taxa from southern Europe and Australia. Samples could be assigned to eight species, classified in seven sections of the genus. Two clusters of high relationship were evident. All the group 1 and group 2 species were very closely related, with pairwise comparisons for I in excess of 0.93. The three group 3 accessions identified as showed pairwise comparisons for SI in excess of 0.71. Comparisons for SI between the other group 3 species, and between all the group 3 species and the group 1 and 2 species were all very low, not exceeding 0.45. It is concluded that dissimilarity between samples as assessed by isozymes is probably related to the time of evolutionary divergence of those samples. Although allopolyploid, and morphologically very diverse, the group 1 agamospecies may have very recently diverged asexually from a common stock. The group 2 diploids may have resulted from rediploidization and regained sexuality from the same originally agamospermous stock. In areas of Europe in which such 'modern' sexuality is common, it is probable that all 'modern' Taraxaca, including at least five sections of the genus, should be included within a single taxon. In contrast, 'primitive' self-compatible sexual species in group 3 appear to have diverged from each other several million years ago, and with the exception of the disjunct accessions of , are genetically highly distinct. Such species should be maintained in the taxonomies of all areas. It is probable that an agamospecies classification of 'modern' will continue to convey much useful information in areas, such as northern Europe, in which sexuality is absent.
Endemism in Tasmanian cool temperate rainforest: alternative hypotheses
Hill RS and Read J
Endemism in Tasmanian cool temperate rainforest: alternative hypotheseS. Evidence is presented which suggests that hypotheses presented by Kirkpatrick & Brown relating to endemic species in Tasmania are either invalid or of limited importance for woody rainforest species. In their place three hypotheses are presented to account for the presence of endemic species in Tasmanian cool temperate rainforest on the basis of the fossil record and the distribution of species which are closely related to the endemics. The first two hypotheses relate to the presence of the endemic species in the general Tasmanian region. They are: 1Some species evolved in southeastern Australia during the Tertiary in response to the changing climate. Some of the ancestral species still occur in temperate rainforest at lower latitudes in Australia.2Some species have remained essentially unchanged in Tasmania during the Tertiary and Quaternary climatic changes. The third hypothesis relates to the restriction of these cool temperate rainforest species to Tasmania: 1Post-glacial climatic changes (especially a decrease in rainfall) and the human influence (especially land clearing and fire) may have combined to eliminate some cool temperate rainforest species from mainland Australia.
Derivation and dispersal of (Leguminosae), with particular reference to Australia, and the recognition of and
Pedley L
The morphology of seedlings, leaves, flowers and inflorescences, anatomy of the pod, the occurrence of extra-floral nectaries, free amino acids of the seeds, flavonoid compounds in heartwoods, cyanogenic compounds and porate, colporate and extraporate pollen, and susceptibility to rusts, all indicate that three genera, Miller, Raf. and Martius, should be recognized. These correspond to currently accepted subgenera of The size of these more narrowly circumscribed genera is in keeping with the size of genera of other tribes of low diversity in Leguminosae. and arose independently from the Ingeae, with being derived from Section is more advanced than section of , and sections and , both with at least some species with bipinnate foliage, are the most advanced of , while the other sections and have only phyllodinous species. Long-range dispersal of from the Australian region has occurred, but the broad pattern of distribution is interpreted in terms of plate tectonics. was present in Australia in the late Cretaceous but did not become widespread until the general drying of the continent in the Miocene. The flora of SW Australia has been isolated from the rest of the continent by climatic barriers since the late Tertiary and has a high proportion of endemic species. Barriers to plant migration in the east have operated only intermittently and there is no area comparable in endemism to the southwest.
Relationship between species in the genus , section
Roberts AV
The morphology of twelve species of is described and similarities between these species are assessed. Possible origins of the tetraploid species from diploid species are indicated on grounds of comparative morphology. The wild origins of living and herbarium specimens are given in order to supplement published data on geographical distribution. Meiosis in pollen mother cells, viability of pollen grains at anthesis and ability to set seed was studied in several F hybrids: no indication of complete or even partial sterility was found. Reproductive isolation is therefore unlikely to be maintained by reduced fertility of interspecific hybrids. Three species are reduced to synonymy with three other species, being retained as subspecific taxa. Two species are transferred from section to section
What more can plant scientists do to help save the green stuff?
McNeely JA
The Global Strategy for Plant Conservation (GSPC) was the first such effort under the Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD), and had gone through a 3-year process to reach the level of maturity that enabled it to be approved by consensus by all Governments present at the key session in The Hague in April 2002. It provided a model for subsequent CBD workplans, with targets, and undoubtedly contributed to the 2010 target of reducing the rate of biodiversity loss. In the event, few of the targets were achieved, because of numerous constraints at both policy and implementation levels. Even so, the GSPC stands as an important milestone in the global effort to conserve biodiversity. However, few plant scientists can be satisfied that the essential steps are being taken to ensure the conservation of plants, although, of course, plant scientists are only one part of the complex effort that will be required. This paper offers some suggestions that might be worth consideration, building on the basic principle in politics that a strong constituency is necessary to victory. In other words, although plant scientists play a crucial role, plant conservation is too important to leave in their hands alone; far broader support is required, including from the private sector, agriculture, forestry, trade, economics, tourism and even the military. Although botanical science provides a solid foundation, other branches of science are also important, ranging from anthropology to zoology. The legal profession also has important contributions to make (as well as the ability to hamper progress – for example through using issues such as access and benefit sharing to limit the exchange of genetic materials for even noncommercial use). 2010 was the United Nations Year of Biodiversity, and the GSPC targets reached their due date. It therefore seems timely to add some additional perspectives to the effort to update the GSPC. This paper suggests ways to reach a far broader constituency, provides tools to those who are expected to achieve the targets, and suggests ways to build a strong international constituency to conserve the world's botanical wealth.
How has government policy post-Global Strategy for Plant Conservation impacted on science? The Ethiopian perspective
Demissew S
In this paper, existing relevant Ethiopian government biodiversity-related policies and strategies, and mandates of various institutions prior to GSPC targets, are reviewed. Response to whether or not institutions responded to GSPC targets as the result of new policies or rebranded their work to fit within the context of existing policies and adjust their outcomes to fit into the GSPC targets is provided. The Ethiopian national report of 2009 submitted to the Convention of Biological Diversity Secretariat is reviewed and gaps analysed. The policies of the Federal government (and implementing institutions) post-GSPC so far have had only a limited impact on science, but research institutions have aligned their outputs to fit with the GSPC targets. Suggestions, conclusions and recommendations are made in order to work effectively towards the realization of the GSPC targets beyond 2010 in Ethiopia.
Definition and insertion of the GSPC in the political context of Mexico
Dávila P, Benítez H, Barrios Y, Cruz-Angón N and Álvarez-Girard N
Mexico as a megadiverse country houses between 6 and 8% of the world's flora. However, the Mexican flora is facing challenges, including the presence of at least 981 threatened plant species and 618 exotic plant species, habitat loss, pollution, overexploitation of natural resources and the adverse effects of climate change, which are compromising its conservation and sustainable use. Mexico has been actively involved in the development and update of the Global Strategy for Plant Conservation (GSPC) adopted by the Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD). As a party to CBD, Mexico has established a Coordinating Committee for the Mexican Strategy for Plant Conservation (MSPC), which has adapted the GSPC to fit national needs and drafted a number of projects, indicators, means of verification and actors to ensure that the MSPC, as a public policy tool, really drives conservation and sustainable use actions among all sectors and lasts beyond the current administration. An agenda is being developed with activities that include the following: approaching Congress, identifying the relevance of the MSPC in the National Development Plan and the Mexican Biodiversity Strategy, making use of current environmental policies and an aggressive awareness programme. The MSPC includes simultaneous programmes of technical and political work.
Plant diversity and conservation in China: planning a strategic bioresource for a sustainable future
Huang H
China is one of the richest countries for plant diversity with approximately 33 000 vascular plant species, ranking second in the world. However, the plant diversity in China is increasingly threatened, with an estimated 4000–5000 plant species being threatened or on the verge of extinction, making China, proportionally, one of the highest priorities for global plant biodiversity conservation. Coming in the face of the current ecological crisis, it is timely that China has launched China's Strategy for Plant Conservation (CSPC). China has increasingly recognized the importance of plant diversity in efforts to conserve and sustainably use its plant diversity. More than 3000 nature reserves have been established, covering approximately 16% of the land surface of China. These natural reserves play important roles in plant conservation, covering more than 85% of types of terrestrial natural ecosystems, 40% of types of natural wetlands, 20% of native forests and 65% of natural communities of vascular plants. Meanwhile, the flora conserved in botanical gardens is also extensive. A recent survey shows that the 10 largest botanical gardens have living collections of 43 502 taxa, with a total of 24 667 species in ex situ conservation. These provide an important reserve of plant resources for sustainable economic and social development in China. Plant diversity is the basis for bioresources and sustainable utilization. The 21st century is predicted to be an era of bio-economy driven by advances of bioscience and biotechnology. Bio-economy may become the fourth economy form after agricultural, industrial, and information and information technology economies, having far-reaching impacts on sustainable development in agriculture, forestry, environmental protection, light industry, food supply and health care and other micro-economy aspects. Thus, a strategic and forward vision for conservation of plant diversity and sustainable use of plant resources in the 21st century is of far-reaching significance for sustainable development of Chinese economy and society.
Informing and influencing the interface between biodiversity science and biodiversity policy in South Africa
Crouch NR and Smith GF
South Africa, as a megadiverse country (±21 700 vascular plants, 4800 vertebrates and 68 900 invertebrates described), is presently engaged with an extended, modified Global Strategy for Plant Conservation (GSPC). The country is fortunate in having a strong tradition of systematics research and, inter alia, houses several million preserved plant specimens (±1 million databased and georeferenced), allowing taxonomists and conservationists to track both the occurrence and distribution of indigenous and naturalized plant species. These rich local resources have been extensively drawn upon to deliver, with varying degrees of success, the 16 outcome-oriented GSPC 2010 Targets. The National Environmental Management: Biodiversity Act (NEMBA, 2004), the National Biodiversity Strategy and Action Plan (NBSAP) and the National Biodiversity Framework (NBF) have provided a robust legislative, enabling and policy framework for making operational and advancing GSPC-related efforts. However, within an emerging economy, the conservation of biodiversity has competed for government resources with housing, sanitation, primary education, basic health care and crime prevention, delivery of which translates to the currency of politicians: votes. A key challenge identified by local (and global) biodiversity scientists for the current GSPC phase is broad-scale advocacy, communicating the changing state of nature, and the inter-relatedness of biodiversity and human well-being. The nature of meeting this challenge is explored.
The female reproductive unit of ephedra (Gnetales): comparative morphology and evolutionary perspectives
Rydin C, Khodabandeh A and Endress PK
Morphological variation in Ephedra (Gnetales) is limited and confusing from an evolutionary perspective, with parallelisms and intraspecific variation. However, recent analyses of molecular data provide a phylogenetic framework for investigations of morphological traits, albeit with few informative characters in the investigated gene regions. We document morphological, anatomical and histological variation patterns in the female reproductive unit and test the hypothesis that some Early Cretaceous fossils, which share synapomorphies with Ephedra, are members of the extant clade. Results indicate that some morphological features are evolutionarily informative although intraspecific variation is evident. Histology and anatomy of cone bracts and seed envelopes show clade-specific variation patterns. There is little evidence for an inclusion of the Cretaceous fossils in the extant clade. Rather, a hypothesized general pattern of reduction of the vasculature in the ephedran seed envelope, probably from four vascular bundles in the fossils, to ancestrally three in the living clade, and later to two, is consistent with phylogenetic and temporal analyses, which indicate that extant diversity evolved after the Cretaceous-Tertiary boundary. Notwithstanding striking similarities between living and Cretaceous Ephedra, available data indicate that the Mesozoic diversity went almost entirely extinct in the late Cretaceous causing a bottleneck effect in Ephedra, still reflected today by an extraordinarily low level of genetic and structural diversity.
Strengthening the scientific contribution of botanic gardens to the second phase of the Global Strategy for Plant Conservation
Blackmore S, Gibby M and Rae D
The need for action on the global environment is now well understood and governments, agencies, non-governmental organizations and botanic gardens have all been working in their various ways to promote environmental sustainability and reduce species and habitat loss for at least 10–20 years. The Global Strategy for Plant Conservation (GSPC) has been widely adopted, particularly by the botanic garden community, and has resulted in many successes despite failing to achieve its ultimate goal of halting the loss of plant biodiversity. The objectives and targets for Phase 2 of the GSPC, running from 2010 to 2020, mirror those of Phase 1 and had been largely agreed prior to their formal adoption at the Conference of the Parties to the Convention on Biological Diversity in Nagoya in October 2010. However, to be successful, the scientific contribution of botanic gardens needs to be strengthened, as does government policy and commitment. Botanic garden research to underpin conservation action, including the role of botanic garden horticulture, training and international capacity building, has a major part to play and needs to be better understood and better coordinated. We provide examples based on the experience of the Royal Botanic Garden Edinburgh in the UK and overseas. Government policy, at national and international levels, needs to reflect the fundamental importance of plant diversity in maintaining the biosphere and supporting humanity. The commitment of significant new resources is an essential prerequisite for success, but this needs to be well coordinated, inclusive of all stakeholders and carefully targeted. A further challenge is the need to integrate better the plant diversity-related activities of what are currently diverse and disconnected sectors, including agriculture, forestry, protected area management and botanic gardens.
J. M. Despréaux' lichens from the Canary Islands and West Africa: an account of a 19th century collection found in an English archive
Aguirre-Hudson B, Whitworth I and Spooner BM
This is an historical and descriptive account of 28 herbarium specimens, 27 lichens and an alga, found in the archives of Charles Chalcraft, a descendant of the Bedford family, who were dye manufacturers in Leeds, England, in the 19th century. The lichens comprise 13 different morphotypes collected in the Canary Islands and West Africa by the French botanist J. M. Despréaux between 1833 and 1839. The collections include samples of "Roccella fuciformis", "R. phycopsis" and "R. tinctoria" (including the fertile morphotype "R. canariensis"), "Ramalina crispatula" and "R. cupularis", two distinct morphotypes of "Sticta", "S. canariensis" and "S. dufouri", "Physconia enteroxantha", "Pseudevernia furfuracea var. ceratea" and "Pseudocyphellaria argyracea". The herbarium also includes authentic material of "Parmotrema tinctorum" and a probable syntype of "Seirophora scorigena". Most of these species are known as a source of the purple dye orchil, which was used to dye silk and wool.
Science and policy: valuing framing, language and listening
Forbes S
This paper considers the context for science contributing to policy development and explores some critical issues that should inform science advocacy and influence with policy makers. The paper argues that the key challenges are at least as much in educating conservation scientists and science communicators about society and policy making as they are in educating society and policy makers about science. The importance of developing processes to ensure that scientists and science communicators invest in the development of relationships based on respect and understanding of their audience in both communities and amongst policy makers provides a critical first step. The objectives of the Global Strategy for Plant Conservation acknowledge the importance of developing the capacities and public engagement necessary to implement the Strategy, including knowledge transfer and community capacity building. However, the development of targets to equip institutions and plant conservation professionals to explicitly address the barriers to influencing policy development through knowledge transfer and integration require further consideration.
The context and development of a global framework for plant conservation
Jackson PW and Sharrock S
A new international initiative for plant conservation was first called for as a resolution of the International Botanical Congress in 1999. The natural home for such an initiative was considered to be the Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD), and the Conference of the Parties (COP) to the CBD agreed to consider a Global Strategy for Plant Conservation (GSPC) at its 5th meeting in 2000. It was proposed that the GSPC could provide an innovative model approach for target setting within the CBD and, prior to COP5, a series of inter-sessional papers on proposed targets and their justification were developed by plant conservation experts. Key factors that ensured the adoption of the GSPC by the CBD in 2002 included: (1) ensuring that prior to and during COP5, key Parties in each region were supportive of the Strategy; (2) setting targets at the global level and not attempting to impose these nationally; and (3) the offer by Botanic Gardens Conservation International (BGCI) to support a GSPC position in the CBD Secretariat for 3 years, which provided a clear indication of the support for the GSPC from non-governmental organizations (NGO).