Clinical Simulation in Nursing

Development and Evaluation of a Metric-based Clinical Simulation Procedure for Assessing Ostomy Care in Nursing Practice
Haughey M, Harman M, Hopkins C, Watson A, Goodwin C, Hines J, Sullivan K, Gonzaga C, Washburn A and Neyens DM
There is a need to understand the clinical decision-making and work practices within ostomy nursing care to support expanding nursing training.
Development and Evaluation of a Wearable Simulator System
Bradley CS, Bliss DZ, Becker A, Olson ET, Flaten C, Gurvich OV, Muehlbauer M, Condon J and Bauer J
Peer physical examination is a clinical teaching-learning approach used for decades because of the convenient sample of peers for practicing. However, this approach has limitations when learning to assess abnormalities and threatens psychologically safe learning. A wearable simulator system was designed for learning physical examination skills to minimize ethical and learning challenges.
Nursing Students' Experience of Using HoloPatient During the Coronavirus Disease 2019 Pandemic: A Qualitative Descriptive Study
Son Y, Kang HS and De Gagne JC
This study examined nursing students' experiences of using HoloPatient to learn COVID-19-related patient care.
Nursing Students Reported More Positive Emotions about Training during COVID-19 After Using a Virtual Simulation Paired with an In-person Simulation
Harley JM, Bilgic E, Lau CHH, Gorgy A, Marchand H, Lajoie SP, Lavoie-Tremblay M and Fried GM
Virtual simulations (VS) are educational tools that can help overcome the limitations of in-person learning highlighted during the COVID-19 pandemic. Research has illustrated that VS can support learning, but little is known about the usability of VS as a distance learning tool. Research on students' emotions about VS is also scarce, despite the influence of emotions on learning.
A Multimodal Approach to Training Coronavirus Disease (COVID-19) Processes Across Four Intensive Care Units
Moynihan KM, Beke DM, Imprescia A, Agus MS, Kleinman M, Hansen A, Bullock K, Taylor M, Smith-Millman M, Wolbrink TA, Weinstock P and Allan CK
Coronavirus disease (COVID-19) required innovative training strategies for emergent aerosol generating procedures in intensive care units. This manuscript summarizes institutional operationalization of COVID-specific training, standardized across four intensive care units.
Context Matters: Factors Affecting Implementation of Simulation Training in Nursing and Midwifery Schools in North America, Africa and Asia
Baayd J, Heins Z, Walker D, Afulani P, Sterling M, Sanders JN and Cohen S
Robust evidence supports the effectiveness of simulation training in nursing and midwifery education. Simulation allows trainees to apply newly-learned skills in a supportive environment.
Adapting the Use of Mask Ed™ Simulation in Nursing Programmes During the COVID- 19 Pandemic
Reid-Searl K, Frost J, Crownover JG, Rhodes J and Bassett J
The onset of the COVID-19 pandemic toppled education delivery worldwide. Nursing education was no exception. The pandemic required nurse educators to quickly shift from face-to-face learning environments to remote and more virtual interactions. Educators were compelled to create and employ strategies to support nursing learners as they assimilated critical and complex knowledge, and skills from their homes, instead of classrooms and simulation laboratories. One modality of simulation which maintained engagement and connection with learners in the online environment was Mask-Ed™ Simulation. This paper presents a snapshot of Mask-Ed™ simulation activities across four higher education institutions globally during the COVID-19 pandemic.
Transforming National League for Nursing Advancing Care Excellence for Seniors Unfolding Cases into Virtual Simulations: An Innovative Approach for Interactive Learning
Holthaus AM and Longhi JA
Two National League for Nursing (NLN) Advancing Care Excellence for Seniors (ACE.S) cases were transformed into engaging and interactive virtual simulation learning experiences due to the COVID-19 pandemic.
Where Are We Now? A Follow-up Survey on Regulation of Simulation Use in United States Prelicensure Nursing Programs
Curry-Lourenco K, Sherraden Bradley C, White P, Loomis A, Childress RM and Waxman KT
Approval of simulation in substitution of traditional clinical hours increased in nursing programs during the COVID-19 pandemic, yet these temporary and inconsistent between states. Variability and a return to "pre-pandemic" limits on simulation use amplify questions about consistency of learner outcomes.
Creating Inclusive Learning Environments for Chinese and American Pediatric Nursing Students
Vaughn J, Lin Y, Leonard C, Yang H, Mancuso J, Blodgett NP, Brisson R and Molloy MA
During the COVID-19 pandemic, students from two schools of nursing, in China and the United States respectively, engaged in a transcultural simulation activity to explore how a global healthcare crisis has been managed within their different cultures. This article describes the development and implementation of the project and evaluates student perspectives on the simulation...s influence on increasing awareness of diversity, equity, and inclusion. Data for this project were collected through student verbal and written reflections and faculty comments.
Virtual Simulation to Enhance Clinical Reasoning in Nursing: A Systematic Review and Meta-analysis
Sim JJM, Rusli KDB, Seah B, Levett-Jones T, Lau Y and Liaw SY
The COVID-19 pandemic has given rise to more virtual simulation training. This study aimed to review the effectiveness of virtual simulations and their design features in developing clinical reasoning skills among nurses and nursing students.
Student's Perception of vSim for Nursing® using the Simulation Effectiveness Tool-Modified
Sharoff L
Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, our nursing program utilized virtual simulation learning experiences to replace clinical hours. This pilot project used both quantitative and qualitative research methods to explore undergraduate pre-licensure (n = 99) and accelerated second-degree students (n = 19) student's perceived effectiveness of using vSim for Nursing® as a clinical replacement with a second aim that explored their preparedness for the virtual simulation experience.
Comparison of Augmented Reality-assisted and Instructor-assisted Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation: A Simulated Randomized Controlled Pilot Trial
Hou L, Dong X, Li K, Yang C, Yu Y, Jin X and Shang S
A trained lay rescuer is the most important determinant of survival from sudden cardiac arrest. Augmented Reality (AR) device may represent a powerful instrument for CPR assistance and self-training especially during the COVID-19 pandemic.
Comparing the Learning Effectiveness of Three Virtual Simulation Tools With Nursing Students During the Coronavirus Disease (COVID-19) Pandemic
Schiavenato M, Edwards S, Tiedt J and Owens J
We explored the learning effectiveness of three virtual simulation tools used in the Coronavirus Disease pandemic environment.
Faculty's Perception on Student Performance using vSim for Nursing® as a Teaching Strategy
Sharoff L
During the COVID-19 pandemic, clinical nurse educators within pre-licensure baccalaureate educational programs had to quickly adapt to new ways of teaching. Hospital-based clinicals no longer permitted students to attend and some schools of nursing (SON) transitioned to virtual simulation learning environments. These alternative learning strategies were imperative for students continued progression. The first purpose of this pilot study explored nursing faculty's perceived effectiveness of using vSim for Nursing® to replace clinical practice. A second purpose examined the effectiveness of faculty preparation. Effectiveness was evaluated using an adapted version of the Simulation Effectiveness Tool - Modified (SET-M). Mean scores indicated that faculty strongly agreed on its effectiveness for students' learning, with all items ranging 57.9%-97.4%. Majority of faculty strongly agreed that their preparation was highly effective, ranging 86.8%-97.4%. Faculty perceived vSim for Nursing® to be an effective tool for replacement of clinical practice and felt prepared to meet the students' learning outcomes. Evidence to support the effectiveness of vSim is needed so faculty can make data driven decisions to support student success in clinical practice. Debriefing continues to be a prominent component to any form of simulation. Supporting and preparing faculty to meet students' competencies further ensures successful transition as a professional.
Interprofessional Disaster Simulation During the COVID-19 Pandemic: Adapting to Fully Online Learning
Wong LCK, Glauberman GHR, Katz AR, Loos JR, Bray M, Arndt RG, Teruya K, Peterman K and Masaki K
This paper describes the rapid conversion of a face-to-face interprofessional (IP) disaster simulation to an online format in response to COVID-19 campus closures.
Creating an Asynchronous Telehealth Simulation for Advance Nursing Practice Students
Lattner C, Badowski D, Otremba D, Gieger J and Klass J
The ongoing use of telehealth services following the COVID-19 pandemic demonstrates its sustainability and how our health care system is transforming. To increase student learning, an asynchronous telehealth simulation as a learning strategy in an online advanced pharmacology course was developed. This innovative strategy allowed students to practice clinical decision-making and collaboration skills electronically to prepare them for the increased use of telehealth medicine. Integrating a prerecorded simulation-based experience using a web-based teleconference tool and embedding it within the Learning Management System is a simple, sustainable model for nursing faculty and students with various levels of technology proficiency.
The Evaluation of the Distance Learning Combining Webinars and Virtual Simulations for Senior Nursing Students during the COVID-19 Period
Luo Y, Geng C, Pei X, Chen X and Zou Z
The outbreak of COVID-19 has forced many schools to adopt distance teaching. This study developed a distance learning program that combines webinars and virtual simulations to meet students' learning needs.
Use of Virtually Facilitated Simulation to Improve COVID-19 Preparedness in Rural and Remote Canada
Reece S, Johnson M, Simard K, Mundell A, Terpstra N, Cronin T, Dubé M, Kaba A and Grant V
The Alberta Health Services' Provincial Simulation Program (eSIM) is Canada's largest simulation program. The eSIM mobile simulation program specializes in delivering simulation-based education (SBE) to rural and remote communities (RRC). During the COVID-19 pandemic, a quality improvement project involving rapid cycle virtually facilitated simulation (VFS) for COVID-19 airway management and health systems preparedness in RRC was successfully implemented.
P Stands for Pivot: Pivoting Face-to-Face Practicum to Virtual Simulation during the Pandemic
Peachey L, McParland T, Goldsworthy S and Williams V
Virtual simulation has been widely used to temporarily replace face-to-face clinical practicum experiences in nursing education in response to the global COVID-19 pandemic. While more traditional clinical settings were prioritized and made available only to senior students, the use of virtual simulation provided an opportunity to safely pivot from the usual placement to a comparable practical learning modality to maintain clinical competence during unprecedented public health restrictions and mitigation strategies. Like many others across the globe, nursing students in a Canadian university continued their nursing education predominantly using virtual simulation for an entire academic year to avoid catastrophic delays in entering the workforce and to ultimately protect the health service delivery needs throughout the oncoming waves of the pandemic. The purpose of the paper is to describe guiding principles established in a School of Nursing as a means to responsibly and ethically adopt a replacement of traditional clinical practicum experiences with virtual simulation. The principles for incorporating virtual simulation included the need to achieve and maintain a high level of quality of learning experiences, a fluid delivery articulated in phases, and a financial commitment by the learning institution. As the global pandemic may see a fourth wave, the use of virtual simulation will continue to present a major change for clinical practicum and establishing principles for the use of virtual simulation has demonstrated to be an integral part of safe pandemic response and post-pandemic recovery.
Embracing Disruption: Measuring Effectiveness of Virtual Simulations in Advanced Practice Nurse Curriculum
Kuszajewski ML, Vaughn J, Bowers MT, Smallheer B, Hueckel RM and Molloy MA
Changes in academia have occurred quickly in response to the COVID-19 pandemic. In-person simulation-based education has been adapted into a virtual format to meet course learning objectives. The methods and procedures leveraged to onboard faculty, staff, and graduate nurse practitioner students to virtual simulation-based education while ensuring simulation best practice standards and obtaining evaluation data using the Simulation Effectiveness Tool-Modified (SET-M) tool are described in this article.