Utilities Policy

Responsiveness of water-sector regulation in Brazil to the Covid-19 pandemic: A view through the human rights lens
Victral DM and Heller L
This paper provides an overview of the regulatory responses to Covid-19 from the regulatory authorities of Brazilian states. This paper aims to provide new insights into the operationalization of the human rights to water and sanitation in the Brazilian regulatory authorities' actions during a health emergency. We find that communities located in unserved areas were not mentioned in the regulatory responses, nor were people in vulnerable situations. Equity and non-discrimination principles were correlated more with economic measures. This study has also identified the absence of responses related to access to sanitation facilities, with normative contents related to the issue not appearing in the content analysis.
Water sector resilience in the United Kingdom and Ireland: The COVID-19 challenge
Walker NL, Styles D and Williams AP
The outbreak of COVID-19 led to restrictions on movements and activities, which presented a serious challenge to the resilience of the water sector. It is essential to understand how successfully water companies responded to this unprecedented event so effective plans can be built for future disruptive events. This study aimed to evaluate how the water sectors in the UK and Ireland were affected from a holistic sustainability and resilience-based perspective. Using pre-COVID data for 18 indicators of company performance and comparing them to the first year of the pandemic, the direction and magnitudes of change varied across companies. Financial indicators were significantly negatively affected, with , , and , exhibiting the greatest average declines of 21%, 21%, and 18%, respectively, a trend that would be dangerous to provisions and company operations if continued. Despite this, service and environmental indicators improved during the first year of the pandemic, exemplified by , , and decreasing by a mean average of 37%, 32%, and 27%, respectively. Analysis using the Hicks-Moorsteen Productivity Index concluded that average productivity increased by 35%. The results suggest that the water sector was relatively resilient to the COVID-19 pandemic in terms of services, but adverse effects may have manifested in a deteriorated financial position that could exacerbate future challenges arising from exogenous pressures such as climate change. Specific advice for the UK water sector is to scrutinize non-critical spending, such as shareholder payments, during periods of economic downturn to ensure essential capital projects can be carried out. Although results are temporal and indicator selection sensitive, we recommend that policy, regulation, and corporate culture embrace frameworks that support long-term resilience to since the relative success in response to COVID-19 does not guarantee future success against differing challenges. This study generates a timely yet tentative insight into the diverse performance of the water sector during the pandemic, pertinent to the water industry, regulators, academia, and the public.
Determining factors affecting customer satisfaction of the national electric power company (MERALCO) during the COVID-19 pandemic in the Phillippines
Ong AKS, Prasetyo YT, Kishimoto RT, Mariñas KA, Robas KPE, Nadlifatin R, Persada SF, Kusonwattana P and Yuduang N
This study aimed to determine factors affecting customer satisfaction of national electric power companies during the COVID-19 pandemic by integrating SERVQUAL and Expectation-Confirmation Theory approaches. A total of 529 participants voluntarily participated and answered an online questionnaire of 49 questions. Structural equation modeling indicated that Tangibility, Empathy, and Responsiveness were positively related to Service Quality which subsequently led to Customer Expectation, Energy Consumption, and Perceived Performance (PE). In addition, a higher PE was positively related to Confirmation, which eventually led to Customer Satisfaction. It was evident that integrating SERVQUAL and ECT could holistically measure customer satisfaction among electricity service providers.
The efficacy of stress coping strategies in Taiwan's public utilities during the COVID-19 pandemic
Cheng KT and Chang K
Covid-19 posed stress to the employees in the Public Utility Sector (PUS). Although employees adopted various stress-coping strategies, the actual coping-efficacy remained unclear and hence the current research followed. Research data were gathered from 678 employees of the four PUS companies, including Power, Water, Railways, and Petroleum in TAIWAN (anonymous surveys with ethical-guideline applied). The research revealed three findings: i). the coping-efficacy was affected by gender and education; ii). the nature of strategies mattered, either increasing or decreasing the stress reduction; and, iii). using two strategies does not reduce stress necessarily. Implications for stress-coping management in PUS are discussed.
The impact of the COVID-19 pandemic and behavioral restrictions on electricity consumption and the daily demand curve in Turkey
Yukseltan E, Kok A, Yucekaya A, Bilge A, Aktunc EA and Hekimoglu M
The rapid spread of COVID-19 has severely impacted many sectors, including the electricity sector. The reliability of the electricity sector is critical to the economy, health, and welfare of society; therefore, supply and demand need to be balanced in real-time, and the impact of unexpected factors should be analyzed. During the pandemic, behavioral restrictions such as lockdowns, closure of factories, schools, and shopping malls, and changing habits, such as shifted work and leisure hours at home, significantly affected the demand structure. In this research, the restrictions and their corresponding timing are classified and mapped with the Turkish electricity demand data to analyze the estimated impact of the restrictions on total demand and daily demand profile. A modulated Fourier Series Expansion evaluates deviations from normal conditions in the aggregate demand and the daily consumption profile. The aggregate demand shows a significant decrease in the early phase of the pandemic, during the period March-June 2020. The shape of the daily demand curve is analyzed to estimate how much demand shifted from daytime to night-time. A population-based restriction index is proposed to analyze the relationship between the strength and coverage of the restrictions and the total demand. The persistency of the changes in the daily demand curve in the post-contingency period is analyzed. These findings imply that new scheduling approaches for daily and weekly loads are required to avoid supply-demand mismatches in the future. The long-term policy implications for the energy transition and lessons learned from the COVID-19 pandemic experience are also presented.
Public utility vehicle service quality and customer satisfaction in the Philippines during the COVID-19 pandemic
Chuenyindee T, Ong AKS, Ramos JP, Prasetyo YT, Nadlifatin R, Kurata YB and Sittiwatethanasiri T
The implementation of lockdown due to the COVID-19 pandemic has affected most businesses worldwide. The transportation business, specifically in the Philippines, has been heavily affected since only the healthcare and essential workers were allowed to leave their homes during the early stage of the pandemic. This paper aimed to explore the service quality of Public Utility Vehicles (PUV) in the Philippines during the COVID-19 pandemic utilizing the SERVQUAL dimensions. A total of 564 participants answered an online questionnaire using the convenience sampling approach, consisting of 58 questions. Structural equation modelling (SEM) was applied to derive the causal relationships between SERVQUAL dimensions, COVID-19 safety protocol, and customer satisfaction simultaneously. Out of the six dimensions, the SEM indicated that COVID-19 protocols, tangibility, and assurance variables were found to significantly affect PUV service quality and thus, customer satisfaction. This study is one of the first complete studies that analyzed the PUV service quality during the COVID-19 pandemic. The findings could provide the government with an evaluation of the compliance of PUVs to the imposed COVID-19 protocols. Furthermore, the framework of this study could also be applied and extended in evaluating PUV worldwide.
Reinventing European air traffic control based on the covid-19 pandemic experience
Andribet P, Baumgartner M, Garot JM and
This article/paper proposes to take advantage of the crisis resulting from COVID-19 and its' impact on Air Traffic Control (ATC) in Europe to reinvent it. The article explains its evolution, in particular, 20 years of Single European Sky reform process not having overcome the gridlock. The impact of the COVID-19 on aviation in general and specifically on ATC is described. It focuses on the avenues to overcome fragmentation and competing interests of the various stakeholders by reinventing EUROCONTROL Organisation as the agent to recover from the economic crisis.
Impact of COVID-19 on water sector projects and practices
Renukappa S, Kamunda A and Suresh S
The COVID-19 pandemic has negatively affected world economies. The water industry was adversely affected, with unprecedented slow down and changes to ways of working. However, the pandemic also accelerated positive digital transformation. A qualitative research approach was adopted to analyze data collected from 12 interviewees representing six water sector organizations. The paper provides insight into the impact of COVID-19 on the delivery of water sector projects and how organizational practices have adapted from business as usual.
Assessing the impact of COVID-19 and safety parameters on energy project performance with an analytical hierarchy process
Hussain S, Xuetong W, Hussain T, Khoja AH and Zia MZ
COVID-19 has destabilized the global economy, disrupted the lives of billions of people globally, and caused the workforce to suffer. Furthermore, the spread of this disease has caused most nations to impose strict lockdown regulations and shutdown most industries. This study aimed to highlight the key issues of energy project performance alongside construction activities that were halted during the COVID-19 outbreak to follow social distancing, lockdown, and public safety parameters. A questionnaire survey was administered to accomplish the purpose of this study. The responses of 42 energy project professionals and experts were evaluated using the analytical hierarchy process (AHP) for group decision-making. AHP shows that the biggest influences on project performance during COVID-19 pandemic were government measures and personal factors. The findings provide insight to support energy project planning and management during and after the pandemic, including prioritization of labor force health and safety.
The impact of digital technology usage on economic growth in Africa
Solomon EM and van Klyton A
This study analyses the impact of the use of digital technology on economic growth for 39 African countries from 2012 to 2016. This analysis applies a system GMM estimator to understand the extent to which the usage of digital technology facilitates growth using a measure of digitalisation from the Networked Readiness Index. Unlike previous research, we distinguish between the impact of individual, business, and government ICT usage on growth and show that only individual usage has a positive impact. Furthermore, a disaggregated analysis of the types of usage reveals that two indicators, social media and the importance of ICTs to government vision, are significant for growth.
Which states and cities protect residents from water shutoffs in the COVID-19 pandemic?
Warner ME, Zhang X and Rivas MG
Many U.S. states and cities have imposed water disconnection moratoriums during the COVID-19 pandemic. Using logistic and Cox Proportional-Hazards models, we assess factors that differentiate which governments imposed moratoriums. States, which have economic regulation of private water utilities, were more likely to impose moratoriums, and those with higher COVID-19 case rates imposed moratoriums earlier. States with unified Republican Control and cities with more 2016 Trump voters were less likely to impose moratoriums on water disconnection. Cities in states without statewide moratoriums, were more likely to impose moratoriums if they had higher income, more minority residents, and more income inequality.
Does public ownership of utilities matter for local government water policies?
Homsy GC and Warner ME
What differentiates local governments that implement water policies on equity and the environment? Analyzing a 2015 national survey of 1,897 U.S. municipalities, we find municipalities that own their water utilities are more likely to report policies to protect low-income residents from disconnection and implement water resource management. Respondents from 8% of municipalities report protecting residents from disconnection. State economic regulation of municipally owned utilities and Democrat-majority municipal governments are positively associated with local policies to protect low-income households from shutoffs but bear no association with resource management. Both municipal ownership of utilities and state economic regulation may play a role in meeting certain local water policy goals.
Emergency preparedness after COVID-19: A review of policy statements in the U.S. water sector
Sowby RB
Although COVID-19 has impacted water and wastewater utilities in new and profound ways, they must still provide their vital services despite the disruptions. The pandemic brings into focus their need for proactive emergency preparedness. In the United States, professional associations have long advocated in this area and have already developed considerable policy guidance and resources to help water and wastewater utilities prepare for and respond to emergencies. In the midst of the crisis, several U.S. policies are reviewed here. Utilities should reflect on their COVID-19 experience, learn from it, and apply their newfound perspective to strengthen future emergency preparedness.
Editorial for Utilities Policy - Special issue "the new economics and governance of transport networks and services"
Leviäkangas P, Välilä T and Ojala L
Review of drivers and barriers of water and sanitation policies for urban informal settlements in low-income and middle-income countries
Sinharoy SS, Pittluck R and Clasen T
This study examined drivers and barriers of water, sanitation, and hygiene (WASH) policies in urban informal settlements in low and middle-income countries. We conducted a search of peer-reviewed and grey literature published between January 2000 and April 2018. We organized evidence into six domains of drivers and barriers: economic, spatial, social, institutional, political, and informational. Key drivers included donor prioritization and collective action, while key barriers included social exclusion, lack of land or dwelling tenure status, the political economy of decision-making, and insufficient data. Ensuring responsive water and sanitation policies for informal settlements will require inter-disciplinary collaboration and both top-down and bottom-up approaches.