Learning in Associative Networks Through Pavlovian Dynamics
Lotito D, Aquaro M and Marullo C
Hebbian learning theory is rooted in Pavlov's classical conditioning While mathematical models of the former have been proposed and studied in the past decades, especially in spin glass theory, only recently has it been numerically shown that it is possible to write neural and synaptic dynamics that mirror Pavlov conditioning mechanisms and also give rise to synaptic weights that correspond to the Hebbian learning rule. In this article we show that the same dynamics can be derived with equilibrium statistical mechanics tools and basic and motivated modeling assumptions. Then we show how to study the resulting system of coupled stochastic differential equations assuming the reasonable separation of neural and synaptic timescale. In particular, we analytically demonstrate that this synaptic evolution converges to the Hebbian learning rule in various settings and compute the variance of the stochastic process. Finally, drawing from evidence on pure memory reinforcement during sleep stages, we show how the proposed model can simulate neural networks that undergo sleep-associated memory consolidation processes, thereby proving the compatibility of Pavlovian learning with dreaming mechanisms.
On the Compressive Power of Autoencoders With Linear and ReLU Activation Functions
Sun L, Wu C, Ching WK and Akutsu T
In this article, we mainly study the depth and width of autoencoders consisting of rectified linear unit (ReLU) activation functions. An autoencoder is a layered neural network consisting of an encoder, which compresses an input vector to a lower-dimensional vector, and a decoder, which transforms the low-dimensional vector back to the original input vector exactly (or approximately). In a previous study, Melkman et al. (2023) studied the depth and width of autoencoders using linear threshold activation functions with binary input and output vectors. We show that similar theoretical results hold if autoencoders using ReLU activation functions with real input and output vectors are used. Furthermore, we show that it is possible to compress input vectors to one-dimensional vectors using ReLU activation functions, although the size of compressed vectors is trivially Ω(log n) for autoencoders with linear threshold activation functions, where n is the number of input vectors. We also study the cases of linear activation functions. The results suggest that the compressive power of autoencoders using linear activation functions is considerably limited compared with those using ReLU activation functions.
A Fast Algorithm for the Real-Valued Combinatorial Pure Exploration of the Multi-Armed Bandit
Nakamura S and Sugiyama M
We study the real-valued combinatorial pure exploration problem in the stochastic multi-armed bandit (R-CPE-MAB). We study the case where the size of the action set is polynomial with respect to the number of arms. In such a case, the R-CPE-MAB can be seen as a special case of the so-called transductive linear bandits. We introduce the combinatorial gap-based exploration (CombGapE) algorithm, whose sample complexity upper-bound-matches the lower bound up to a problem-dependent constant factor. We numerically show that the CombGapE algorithm outperforms existing methods significantly in both synthetic and real-world data sets.
Gradual Domain Adaptation via Normalizing Flows
Sagawa S and Hino H
Standard domain adaptation methods do not work well when a large gap exists between the source and target domains. Gradual domain adaptation is one of the approaches used to address the problem. It involves leveraging the intermediate domain, which gradually shifts from the source domain to the target domain. In previous work, it is assumed that the number of intermediate domains is large and the distance between adjacent domains is small; hence, the gradual domain adaptation algorithm, involving self-training with unlabeled data sets, is applicable. In practice, however, gradual self-training will fail because the number of intermediate domains is limited and the distance between adjacent domains is large. We propose the use of normalizing flows to deal with this problem while maintaining the framework of unsupervised domain adaptation. The proposed method learns a transformation from the distribution of the target domains to the gaussian mixture distribution via the source domain. We evaluate our proposed method by experiments using real-world data sets and confirm that it mitigates the problem we have explained and improves the classification performance.
Replay as a Basis for Backpropagation Through Time in the Brain
Cheng H and Brown JW
How episodic memories are formed in the brain is a continuing puzzle for the neuroscience community. The brain areas that are critical for episodic learning (e.g., the hippocampus) are characterized by recurrent connectivity and generate frequent offline replay events. The function of the replay events is a subject of active debate. Recurrent connectivity, computational simulations show, enables sequence learning when combined with a suitable learning algorithm such as backpropagation through time (BPTT). BPTT, however, is not biologically plausible. We describe here, for the first time, a biologically plausible variant of BPTT in a reversible recurrent neural network, R2N2, that critically leverages offline replay to support episodic learning. The model uses forward and backward offline replay to transfer information between two recurrent neural networks, a cache and a consolidator, that perform rapid one-shot learning and statistical learning, respectively. Unlike replay in standard BPTT, this architecture requires no artificial external memory store. This approach outperforms existing solutions like random feedback local online learning and reservoir network. It also accounts for the functional significance of hippocampal replay events. We demonstrate the R2N2 network properties using benchmark tests from computer science and simulate the rodent delayed alternation T-maze task.
Uncovering Dynamical Equations of Stochastic Decision Models Using Data-Driven SINDy Algorithm
Lenfesty B, Bhattacharyya S and Wong-Lin K
Decision formation in perceptual decision making involves sensory evidence accumulation instantiated by the temporal integration of an internal decision variable toward some decision criterion or threshold, as described by sequential sampling theoretical models. The decision variable can be represented in the form of experimentally observable neural activities. Hence, elucidating the appropriate theoretical model becomes crucial to understanding the mechanisms underlying perceptual decision formation. Existing computational methods are limited to either fitting of choice behavioral data or linear model estimation from neural activity data. In this work, we made use of sparse identification of nonlinear dynamics (SINDy), a data-driven approach, to elucidate the deterministic linear and nonlinear components of often-used stochastic decision models within reaction time task paradigms. Based on the simulated decision variable activities of the models and assuming the noise coefficient term is known beforehand, SINDy, enhanced with approaches using multiple trials, could readily estimate the deterministic terms in the dynamical equations, choice accuracy, and decision time of the models across a range of signal-to-noise ratio values. In particular, SINDy performed the best using the more memory-intensive multitrial approach while trial averaging of parameters performed more moderately. The single-trial approach, although expectedly not performing as well, may be useful for real-time modeling. Taken together, our work offers alternative approaches for SINDy to uncover the dynamics in perceptual decision making and, more generally, for first-passage time problems.
Generalization Guarantees of Gradient Descent for Shallow Neural Networks
Wang P, Lei Y, Wang D, Ying Y and Zhou DX
Significant progress has been made recently in understanding the generalization of neural networks (NNs) trained by gradient descent (GD) using the algorithmic stability approach. However, most of the existing research has focused on one-hidden-layer NNs and has not addressed the impact of different network scaling. Here, network scaling corresponds to the normalization of the layers. In this article, we greatly extend the previous work (Lei et al., 2022; Richards & Kuzborskij, 2021) by conducting a comprehensive stability and generalization analysis of GD for two-layer and three-layer NNs. For two-layer NNs, our results are established under general network scaling, relaxing previous conditions. In the case of three-layer NNs, our technical contribution lies in demonstrating its nearly co-coercive property by utilizing a novel induction strategy that thoroughly explores the effects of overparameterization. As a direct application of our general findings, we derive the excess risk rate of O(1/n) for GD in both two-layer and three-layer NNs. This sheds light on sufficient or necessary conditions for underparameterized and overparameterized NNs trained by GD to attain the desired risk rate of O(1/n). Moreover, we demonstrate that as the scaling factor increases or the network complexity decreases, less overparameterization is required for GD to achieve the desired error rates. Additionally, under a low-noise condition, we obtain a fast risk rate of O(1/n) for GD in both two-layer and three-layer NNs.
Generalization Analysis of Transformers in Distribution Regression
Liu P and Zhou DX
In recent years, models based on the transformer architecture have seen widespread applications and have become one of the core tools in the field of deep learning. Numerous successful and efficient techniques, such as parameter-efficient fine-tuning and efficient scaling, have been proposed surrounding their applications to further enhance performance. However, the success of these strategies has always lacked the support of rigorous mathematical theory. To study the underlying mechanisms behind transformers and related techniques, we first propose a transformer learning framework motivated by distribution regression, with distributions being inputs, connect a two-stage sampling process with natural language processing, and present a mathematical formulation of the attention mechanism called attention operator. We demonstrate that by the attention operator, transformers can compress distributions into function representations without loss of information. Moreover, with the advantages of our novel attention operator, transformers exhibit a stronger capability to learn functionals with more complex structures than convolutional neural networks and fully connected networks. Finally, we obtain a generalization bound within the distribution regression framework. Throughout theoretical results, we further discuss some successful techniques emerging with large language models (LLMs), such as prompt tuning, parameter-efficient fine-tuning, and efficient scaling. We also provide theoretical insights behind these techniques within our novel analysis framework.
Toward a Free-Response Paradigm of Decision-Making in Spiking Neural Networks
Zhu Z, Qi Y, Lu W, Wang Z, Cao L and Feng J
Spiking neural networks (SNNs) have attracted significant interest in the development of brain-inspired computing systems due to their energy efficiency and similarities to biological information processing. In contrast to continuous-valued artificial neural networks, which produce results in a single step, SNNs require multiple steps during inference to achieve a desired accuracy level, resulting in a burden in real-time response and energy efficiency. Inspired by the tradeoff between speed and accuracy in human and animal decision-making processes, which exhibit correlations among reaction times, task complexity, and decision confidence, an inquiry emerges regarding how an SNN model can benefit by implementing these attributes. Here, we introduce a theory of decision making in SNNs by untangling the interplay between signal and noise. Under this theory, we introduce a new learning objective that trains an SNN not only to make the correct decisions but also to shape its confidence. Numerical experiments demonstrate that SNNs trained in this way exhibit improved confidence expression, reduced trial-to-trial variability, and shorter latency to reach the desired accuracy. We then introduce a stopping policy that can stop inference in a way that further enhances the time efficiency of SNNs. The stopping time can serve as an indicator to whether a decision is correct, akin to the reaction time in animal behavior experiments. By integrating stochasticity into decision making, this study opens up new possibilities to explore the capabilities of SNNs and advance SNNs and their applications in complex decision-making scenarios where model performance is limited.
Improving Recall Accuracy in Sparse Associative Memories That Use Neurogenesis
Warr K, Hare J and Thomas D
The creation of future low-power neuromorphic solutions requires specialist spiking neural network (SNN) algorithms that are optimized for neuromorphic settings. One such algorithmic challenge is the ability to recall learned patterns from their noisy variants. Solutions to this problem may be required to memorize vast numbers of patterns based on limited training data and subsequently recall the patterns in the presence of noise. To solve this problem, previous work has explored sparse associative memory (SAM)-associative memory neural models that exploit the principle of sparse neural coding observed in the brain. Research into a subcategory of SAM has been inspired by the biological process of adult neurogenesis, whereby new neurons are generated to facilitate adaptive and effective lifelong learning. Although these neurogenesis models have been demonstrated in previous research, they have limitations in terms of recall memory capacity and robustness to noise. In this letter, we provide a unifying framework for characterizing a type of SAM network that has been pretrained using a learning strategy that incorporated a simple neurogenesis model. Using this characterization, we formally define network topology and threshold optimization methods to empirically demonstrate greater than 10$^{{4}}$ times improvement in memory capacity compared to previous work. We show that these optimizations can facilitate the development of networks that have reduced interneuron connectivity while maintaining high recall efficacy. This paves the way for ongoing research into fast, effective, low-power realizations of associative memory on neuromorphic platforms.
Computation With Sequences of Assemblies in a Model of the Brain
Dabagia M, Papadimitriou CH and Vempala SS
Even as machine learning exceeds human-level performance on many applications, the generality, robustness, and rapidity of the brain's learning capabilities remain unmatched. How cognition arises from neural activity is the central open question in neuroscience, inextricable from the study of intelligence itself. A simple formal model of neural activity was proposed in Papadimitriou et al. (2020) and has been subsequently shown, through both mathematical proofs and simulations, to be capable of implementing certain simple cognitive operations via the creation and manipulation of assemblies of neurons. However, many intelligent behaviors rely on the ability to recognize, store, and manipulate temporal sequences of stimuli (planning, language, navigation, to list a few). Here we show that in the same model, sequential precedence can be captured naturally through synaptic weights and plasticity, and, as a result, a range of computations on sequences of assemblies can be carried out. In particular, repeated presentation of a sequence of stimuli leads to the memorization of the sequence through corresponding neural assemblies: upon future presentation of any stimulus in the sequence, the corresponding assembly and its subsequent ones will be activated, one after the other, until the end of the sequence. If the stimulus sequence is presented to two brain areas simultaneously, a scaffolded representation is created, resulting in more efficient memorization and recall, in agreement with cognitive experiments. Finally, we show that any finite state machine can be learned in a similar way, through the presentation of appropriate patterns of sequences. Through an extension of this mechanism, the model can be shown to be capable of universal computation. Taken together, these results provide a concrete hypothesis for the basis of the brain's remarkable abilities to compute and learn, with sequences playing a vital role.
Bounded Rational Decision Networks With Belief Propagation
Schmid G, Gottwald S and Braun DA
Complex information processing systems that are capable of a wide variety of tasks, such as the human brain, are composed of specialized units that collaborate and communicate with each other. An important property of such information processing networks is locality: there is no single global unit controlling the modules, but information is exchanged locally. Here, we consider a decision-theoretic approach to study networks of bounded rational decision makers that are allowed to specialize and communicate with each other. In contrast to previous work that has focused on feedforward communication between decision-making agents, we consider cyclical information processing paths allowing for back-and-forth communication. We adapt message-passing algorithms to suit this purpose, essentially allowing for local information flow between units and thus enabling circular dependency structures. We provide examples that show how repeated communication can increase performance given that each unit's information processing capability is limited and that decision-making systems with too few or too many connections and feedback loops achieve suboptimal utility.
Relating Human Error-Based Learning to Modern Deep RL Algorithms
Garibbo M, Ludwig CJH, Lepora NF and Aitchison L
In human error-based learning, the size and direction of a scalar error (i.e., the "directed error") are used to update future actions. Modern deep reinforcement learning (RL) methods perform a similar operation but in terms of scalar rewards. Despite this similarity, the relationship between action updates of deep RL and human error-based learning has yet to be investigated. Here, we systematically compare the three major families of deep RL algorithms to human error-based learning. We show that all three deep RL approaches are qualitatively different from human error-based learning, as assessed by a mirror-reversal perturbation experiment. To bridge this gap, we developed an alternative deep RL algorithm inspired by human error-based learning, model-based deterministic policy gradients (MB-DPG). We showed that MB-DPG captures human error-based learning under mirror-reversal and rotational perturbations and that MB-DPG learns faster than canonical model-free algorithms on complex arm-based reaching tasks, while being more robust to (forward) model misspecification than model-based RL.
Selective Inference for Change Point Detection by Recurrent Neural Network
Shiraishi T, Miwa D, Le Duy VN and Takeuchi I
In this study, we investigate the quantification of the statistical reliability of detected change points (CPs) in time series using a recurrent neural network (RNN). Thanks to its flexibility, RNN holds the potential to effectively identify CPs in time series characterized by complex dynamics. However, there is an increased risk of erroneously detecting random noise fluctuations as CPs. The primary goal of this study is to rigorously control the risk of false detections by providing theoretically valid p-values to the CPs detected by RNN. To achieve this, we introduce a novel method based on the framework of selective inference (SI). SI enables valid inferences by conditioning on the event of hypothesis selection, thus mitigating bias from generating and testing hypotheses on the same data. In this study, we apply an SI framework to RNN-based CP detection, where characterizing the complex process of RNN selecting CPs is our main technical challenge. We demonstrate the validity and effectiveness of the proposed method through artificial and real data experiments.
Computing With Residue Numbers in High-Dimensional Representation
Kymn CJ, Kleyko D, Frady EP, Bybee C, Kanerva P, Sommer FT and Olshausen BA
We introduce residue hyperdimensional computing, a computing framework that unifies residue number systems with an algebra defined over random, high-dimensional vectors. We show how residue numbers can be represented as high-dimensional vectors in a manner that allows algebraic operations to be performed with component-wise, parallelizable operations on the vector elements. The resulting framework, when combined with an efficient method for factorizing high-dimensional vectors, can represent and operate on numerical values over a large dynamic range using resources that scale only logarithmically with the range, a vast improvement over previous methods. It also exhibits impressive robustness to noise. We demonstrate the potential for this framework to solve computationally difficult problems in visual perception and combinatorial optimization, showing improvement over baseline methods. More broadly, the framework provides a possible account for the computational operations of grid cells in the brain, and it suggests new machine learning architectures for representing and manipulating numerical data.
Orthogonal Gated Recurrent Unit With Neumann-Cayley Transformation
Zadorozhnyy V, Mucllari E, Pospisil C, Nguyen D and Ye Q
In recent years, using orthogonal matrices has been shown to be a promising approach to improving recurrent neural networks (RNNs) with training, stability, and convergence, particularly to control gradients. While gated recurrent unit (GRU) and long short-term memory (LSTM) architectures address the vanishing gradient problem by using a variety of gates and memory cells, they are still prone to the exploding gradient problem. In this work, we analyze the gradients in GRU and propose the use of orthogonal matrices to prevent exploding gradient problems and enhance long-term memory. We study where to use orthogonal matrices and propose a Neumann series-based scaled Cayley transformation for training orthogonal matrices in GRU, which we call Neumann-Cayley orthogonal GRU (NC-GRU). We present detailed experiments of our model on several synthetic and real-world tasks, which show that NC-GRU significantly outperforms GRU and several other RNNs.
A Fast Algorithm for All-Pairs-Shortest-Paths Suitable for Neural Networks
Jing Z and Meister M
Given a directed graph of nodes and edges connecting them, a common problem is to find the shortest path between any two nodes. Here we show that the shortest path distances can be found by a simple matrix inversion: if the edges are given by the adjacency matrix Aij, then with a suitably small value of γ, the shortest path distances are Dij=ceil(logγ[(I-γA)-1]ij).We derive several graph-theoretic bounds on the value of γ and explore its useful range with numerics on different graph types. Even when the distance function is not globally accurate across the entire graph, it still works locally to instruct pursuit of the shortest path. In this mode, it also extends to weighted graphs with positive edge weights. For a wide range of dense graphs, this distance function is computationally faster than the best available alternative. Finally, we show that this method leads naturally to a neural network solution of the all-pairs-shortest-path problem.
Optimizing Attention and Cognitive Control Costs Using Temporally Layered Architectures
Patel D, Sejnowski T and Siegelmann H
The current reinforcement learning framework focuses exclusively on performance, often at the expense of efficiency. In contrast, biological control achieves remarkable performance while also optimizing computational energy expenditure and decision frequency. We propose a decision-bounded Markov decision process (DB-MDP) that constrains the number of decisions and computational energy available to agents in reinforcement learning environments. Our experiments demonstrate that existing reinforcement learning algorithms struggle within this framework, leading to either failure or suboptimal performance. To address this, we introduce a biologically inspired, temporally layered architecture (TLA), enabling agents to manage computational costs through two layers with distinct timescales and energy requirements. TLA achieves optimal performance in decision-bounded environments and in continuous control environments, matching state-of-the-art performance while using a fraction of the computing cost. Compared to current reinforcement learning algorithms that solely prioritize performance, our approach significantly lowers computational energy expenditure while maintaining performance. These findings establish a benchmark and pave the way for future research on energy and time-aware control.
Sparse-Coding Variational Autoencoders
Geadah V, Barello G, Greenidge D, Charles AS and Pillow JW
The sparse coding model posits that the visual system has evolved to efficiently code natural stimuli using a sparse set of features from an overcomplete dictionary. The original sparse coding model suffered from two key limitations; however: (1) computing the neural response to an image patch required minimizing a nonlinear objective function via recurrent dynamics and (2) fitting relied on approximate inference methods that ignored uncertainty. Although subsequent work has developed several methods to overcome these obstacles, we propose a novel solution inspired by the variational autoencoder (VAE) framework. We introduce the sparse coding variational autoencoder (SVAE), which augments the sparse coding model with a probabilistic recognition model parameterized by a deep neural network. This recognition model provides a neurally plausible feedforward implementation for the mapping from image patches to neural activities and enables a principled method for fitting the sparse coding model to data via maximization of the evidence lower bound (ELBO). The SVAE differs from standard VAEs in three key respects: the latent representation is overcomplete (there are more latent dimensions than image pixels), the prior is sparse or heavy-tailed instead of gaussian, and the decoder network is a linear projection instead of a deep network. We fit the SVAE to natural image data under different assumed prior distributions and show that it obtains higher test performance than previous fitting methods. Finally, we examine the response properties of the recognition network and show that it captures important nonlinear properties of neurons in the early visual pathway.
Fine Granularity Is Critical for Intelligent Neural Network Pruning
Heyman A and Zylberberg J
Neural network pruning is a popular approach to reducing the computational costs of training and/or deploying a network and aims to do so while minimizing accuracy loss. Pruning methods that remove individual weights (fine granularity) can remove more total network parameters before reaching a given degree of accuracy loss, while methods that preserve some or all of a network's structure (coarser granularity, such as pruning channels from a CNN) take better advantage of hardware and software optimized for dense matrix computations. We compare intelligent iterative pruning using several different criteria sampled from the literature against random pruning at initialization across multiple granularities on two different architectures and three image classification tasks. Our work is the first direct and comprehensive investigation of the relationship between granularity and the efficacy of intelligent pruning relative to a random-pruning baseline. We find that the accuracy advantage of intelligent over random pruning decreases dramatically as granularity becomes coarser, with minimal advantage for intelligent pruning at granularity coarse enough to fully preserve network structure. For instance, at pruning rates where random pruning leaves ResNet-20 at 85.0% test accuracy on CIFAR-10 after 30,000 training iterations, intelligent weight pruning with the best-in-context criterion leaves it at about 90.0% accuracy (on par with the unpruned network), kernel pruning leaves it at about 86.5%, and channel pruning leaves it at about 85.5%. Our results suggest that compared to coarse pruning, fine pruning combined with efficient implementation of the resulting networks is a more promising direction for easing the trade-off between high accuracy and low computational cost.
Latent Space Bayesian Optimization With Latent Data Augmentation for Enhanced Exploration
Boyar O and Takeuchi I
Latent space Bayesian optimization (LSBO) combines generative models, typically variational autoencoders (VAE), with Bayesian optimization (BO), to generate de novo objects of interest. However, LSBO faces challenges due to the mismatch between the objectives of BO and VAE, resulting in poor exploration capabilities. In this article, we propose novel contributions to enhance LSBO efficiency and overcome this challenge. We first introduce the concept of latent consistency/inconsistency as a crucial problem in LSBO, arising from the VAE-BO mismatch. To address this, we propose the latent consistent aware-acquisition function (LCA-AF) that leverages consistent points in LSBO. Additionally, we present LCA-VAE, a novel VAE method that creates a latent space with increased consistent points through data augmentation in latent space and penalization of latent inconsistencies. Combining LCA-VAE and LCA-AF, we develop LCA-LSBO. Our approach achieves high sample efficiency and effective exploration, emphasizing the significance of addressing latent consistency through the novel incorporation of data augmentation in latent space within LCA-VAE in LSBO. We showcase the performance of our proposal via de novo image generation and de novo chemical design tasks.