Journal of Science Education and Technology

Measuring the Impact of Augmented Reality in Flipped Learning Mode on Critical Thinking, Learning Motivation, and Knowledge of Engineering Students
Dutta R, Mantri A, Singh G and Singh NP
Digital electronics is a fundamental subject for engineering students, and it enables the students to learn design-based approaches and solve complex engineering problems. Students learn about minimization techniques for reducing the hardware components and size of the circuit by solving complex Boolean equations. The Karnaugh map (K-map) is one such technique utilized in digital electronics to solve complex Boolean equations and design AND-OR-INVERT (AOI) logical diagrams. The K-map technique involves several steps to solve the Boolean expression, and students often find it difficult to follow the K-map process. In this study, an AR-based learning system was developed using Unity 3D and Vuforia SDK that aimed to teach the students about the step-wise operation of the K-map technique. An experimental study was conducted with 128 undergraduate engineering students to determine the impact of the AR learning system on the critical thinking skills, learning motivation, and knowledge gain of students. The students were divided into two groups: experimental group ( = 64) and control group ( = 64). The AR learning system was implemented in flipped learning mode and utilized to provide in-class activities during the learning. The experimental group students utilized the AR learning system for in-class activities whereas control group students performed in-class activities using the traditional approach. The experimental outcomes indicate that the use of AR technology has a significant positive impact on the critical thinking skills, learning motivation, and knowledge gain of students. The study also found that critical thinking skills and learning motivation have a significant positive correlation with the knowledge gain of students in the experimental group.
Thinking in Terms of Change over Time: Opportunities and Challenges of Using System Dynamics Models
Eidin E, Bielik T, Touitou I, Bowers J, McIntyre C, Damelin D and Krajcik J
Understanding the world around us is a growing necessity for the whole public, as citizens are required to make informed decisions in their everyday lives about complex issues. Systems thinking (ST) is a promising approach for developing solutions to various problems that society faces and has been acknowledged as a crosscutting concept that should be integrated across educational science disciplines. However, studies show that engaging students in ST is challenging, especially concerning aspects like change over time and feedback. Using computational system models and a system dynamics approach can support students in overcoming these challenges when making sense of complex phenomena. In this paper, we describe an empirical study that examines how 10th grade students engage in aspects of ST through computational system modeling as part of a Next Generation Science Standards-aligned project-based learning unit on chemical kinetics. We show students' increased capacity to explain the underlying mechanism of the phenomenon in terms of change over time that goes beyond linear causal relationships. However, student models and their accompanying explanations were limited in scope as students did not address feedback mechanisms as part of their modeling and explanations. In addition, we describe specific challenges students encountered when evaluating and revising models. In particular, we show epistemological barriers to fruitful use of real-world data for model revision. Our findings provide insights into the opportunities of a system dynamics approach and the challenges that remain in supporting students to make sense of complex phenomena and nonlinear mechanisms.
Socio-Scientific Learning During the COVID-19 Pandemic: Comparing In-person and Virtual Science Learning Using Model-Evidence Link Diagrams
Gans N, Zohery V, Jaffe JB, Ahmed A, Kim L and Lombardi D
Science learning is an important part of the K-12 educational experience, as well as in the lives of students. This study considered students' science learning as they engaged in the instruction of scientific issues with social relevance. With classroom environments radically changing during the COVID-19 pandemic, our study adapted to teachers and students as they were forced to change from more traditional, in-person instructional settings to virtual, online instruction settings. In the present study, we considered science learning during a scaffold-facilitated process, where secondary students evaluated the connections between lines of scientific evidence and alternative explanations about fossil fuels and climate change and gauged the plausibility of each explanation. Our investigation focused on the relations between students' levels of evaluations, shifts in plausibility judgments, and knowledge gains, and examined whether there were differences in these relations between in-person classroom settings and virtual classroom settings. The results revealed that the indirect relational pathway linking higher levels of evaluation, plausibility shifts toward a more scientific stance, and greater knowledge gains was meaningful and more robust than the direct relational pathway linking higher levels of evaluation to greater knowledge gains. The results also showed no meaningful difference between the two instructional settings, suggesting the potential adaptiveness and effectiveness of properly-designed, scaffolded science instruction.
Technology-Enhanced Learning and Its Association with Motivation to Learn Science from a Cross-Cultural Perspective
Ginzburg T and Barak M
Fostering technology-enhanced science learning in elementary schools is an ongoing challenge as young students are not always motivated to engage with science lessons. The use of technology, such as digital sensors and data recorders, has been found to result in higher engagement with science. However, the association between technology-enhanced science learning and students' motivation to learn, from a cross-cultural viewpoint, is still discussed among researchers. Thus, the goal of this study was twofold: (a) to examine the motivation to learn science of elementary school students from different countries and cultural backgrounds; (b) to identify phases of technology-enhanced science learning and their association with students' motivation. Applying the sequential mixed-methods research design, data were collected via questionnaires, semi-structured interviews, and online observations. The study included seven experienced science teachers from the USA and Israel and 109 sixth-grade students: English speakers ( = 43), Arabic speakers ( = 26), and Hebrew speakers ( = 40). The findings indicated differences in students' internal motivation, in terms of "interest and enjoyment," "connection to daily-life," and "cross-cultural interactions," with medium ratings for "self-efficacy." The study identified and characterized two consecutive phases of technology-enhanced science learning-"divergence" and "convergence"-that can be associated with motivation to learn science. Overall, the study's results highlight the importance of seamlessly embedding technology to support cross-cultural learning of scientific practices.
Modeling with Real-Time Informative Feedback: Implementing and Evaluating a New Massive Open Online Course Component
Wengrowicz N, Lavi R, Kohen H and Dori D
As part of the design, development, and deployment of a massive open online course (MOOC) on model-based systems engineering, we introduced MORTIF-Modeling with Real-Time Informative Feedback, a new learning-by-doing feature that enables the learner to model, receive detailed feedback, and resubmit improved solutions. We examined the pedagogical usability of MORTIF by investigating characteristics of participants working with it, and their perceived contribution, preferred question type, and learning style. The research included 295 participants and applied the mixed-methods approach, using MOOC server data and online questionnaires. Analyzing 12,095 submissions, we found increasing frequency of using the model resubmitting option. Students ranked MORTIF as the highest of six question types in terms of preference and perceived contribution level. Nine learning style categories were identified and classified based on students' verbal explanations regarding their preference of MORTIF over the other question types. MORTIF has been effective in promoting meaningful learning, supporting our hypothesis that the combination of active learning with real-time informative feedback is a learning mode that students eagerly embrace and benefit from. The benefits we identified for using MORTIF include active learning, provision of meaningful immediate feedback to the learner, the option to use the feedback on the spot and resubmitting an improved model, and its suitability for a variety of learning styles.
Fostering Graduate Students' Interpersonal Communication Skills via Online Group Interactions
Yoel SR, Akiri E and Dori YJ
This paper presents a study that examines the effect of a graduate course titled "Selected topics in interpersonal communication skills" on the students' interpersonal communication skills as part of their 21 century skills. Subject to the COVID-19 constraints, the course was taught online in the winter semester of 2021 to 46 students, who practiced in four groups. The students, who were studying at the Technion a science and technology research university for a research-oriented graduate degree in a science, technology, engineering, or mathematics (STEM) subject, attended synchronous bi-weekly 1-h lectures and 1-h practice sessions. The two research questions were as follows: (1) Did the interpersonal communication skills of the participants change following their participation in the course, and if so, how? (2) What was the effect of online learning on the students' interpersonal communication skills of (a) written and oral communication, (b) peer evaluation and feedback, and (c) self-reflection? Research tools included students' self-presentations, questionnaires, peer assessments, and reflections during the course. Analyzing the data quantitatively and qualitatively, we found that the graduate students improved their interpersonal communication skills and benefited from exposure to a variety of knowledge and research fields, contributing to a sense of pride in their university affiliation. The students suggested adding a practical component on providing constructive feedback and rendering the course mandatory to all the graduate students in the university. The contribution of this research is the creation and favorable assessment of an online course that develops interpersonal communication skills among graduate students from a variety of STEM faculties.
Disrupted Lessons in Engineering Robotics: Pivoting Knowledge Transfer From Physical to Virtual Learning Environments
Chichekian T, Trudeau J and Jawhar T
This study examined the effects of an Arduino microrobot activity on college students' interest in robotics through three specific objectives: (1) determining how students' conceptual understanding regarding the basics of microcomputing and computer programming changes after engaging in an engineering robotics learning module, (2) assessing the impact of these changes on students' sense of competence in engineering robotics, and (3) explaining the role of students' perceived knowledge transferability in the relationship between their sense of competence and changes in their interest for pursuing engineering robotics. Participants (n = 58) were recruited from two Engineering Physics courses and surveyed before (Time 1) and after (Time 2) an Arduino microcomputing learning activity. First, significant increases were reported post-activity for interest in robotics, as well as conceptual understanding of microelectronics and computer programming. Second, changes in the understanding of computer programming significantly predicted students' sense of competence at Time 2. Finally, high and low levels of competence and perceived knowledge transferability were related to changes in students' interest in robotics. Moreover, high levels of perceived knowledge transferability alone played an important role in students' interest in robotics. Transferring complex engineering ideas to novel situations was beneficial regarding students' learning gains associated with computer programming and with the Arduino microcontroller platform. An overview of the virtual lab architecture used is provided with suggested novel directions for teaching college-level courses about engineering robotics.
The Influence of Online STEM Education Camps on Students' Self-Efficacy, Computational Thinking, and Task Value
Chiang FK, Zhang Y, Zhu D, Shang X and Jiang Z
As a result of COVID-19, various forms of education and teaching are moving online. However, the notion of an online STEM camp is still in its beginnings, and there is little relevant research and experience in this context. At the beginning of April 2021, the research team launched an online STEM charity camp with the theme of "Shen Nong Tastes Herbs." Participants included 113 third- and fourth-grade primary school students ranging from 8 to 12 years of age from four schools in Karamay, Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region with weak educational capabilities. The camp lasted for 3 days and included 7 activities, while remote teaching was accomplished through . Pre- and post-test questionnaires and interviews were used to explore the impact of this camp on students. We found that online STEM camps could improve students' self-efficacy, computational thinking, and task value, and there is a significant improvement in the self-efficacy ( = 0.000) and task value ( = 0.001) dimensions. In addition, students with high self-efficacy had higher scores in the other two dimensions. Finally, we summarized the experiences and gains of students and teachers and proposed suggestions for developing online camps based on this experience. [Table: see text].
Epidemiology in Middle School Science Curricula: a COVID-19 Pre-post Intervention
Alghamdi AKH, Al Ghamdi KS and Kim SY
It is of great importance that science educators teach COVID-19 and related pandemics to boost students' scientific literacy. A mixed methods research design (pre-post test instrument [ = 86] and semi-structured interviews [ = 11]-August 2020 to June 2021) evaluated the ability of an intervention (12 h, three-session, 3-day, online workshop) to augment middle school inservice science teachers' (Eastern Saudi Arabian province) ability to teach about medical terminology and the epidemiology of diseases. Teachers' cognitive gains were measured through evaluating their knowledge, comprehension, and application of workshop content before and after the intervention. Descriptive statistics and inferential tests revealed statistically significant cognitive differences overall ( < .01) (posttest mean = 26.26/30, SD 2.83, value 18.51) and along knowledge (posttest mean = 5.72/7), comprehension (mean = 7.50/8), and application (mean = 13.05/15). A high effect size coefficient 2 indicated a large effect on cognitive gains. Thematic analysis about participants' subsequent efforts teaching workshop content to students revealed positive and negative experiences. The former included improved student engagement with the curriculum, community connections via project-based learning, and opportunities to teach colleagues about COVID-19. The latter concerned insufficient time, an obligation to teach the current curriculum without adding COVID-19 content, and administrative resistance. Recommendations pertain to augmenting the workshop curriculum and likeminded research initiatives.
Interest in Educational Data and Barriers to Data Use Among Massive Open Online Course Instructors
Usher M and Hershkovitz A
Higher education instructors constantly rely on educational data to assess and evaluate the behavior of their students and to make informed decisions such as which content to focus on and how to best engage the students with it. Massive open online course (MOOC) platforms may assist in the data-driven instructional process, as they enable access to a wide range of educational data that is gathered automatically and continuously. Successful implementation of a data-driven instruction initiative depends highly on the support and acceptance of the instructors. Yet, our understanding of instructors' perspectives regarding the process of data-driven instruction, especially with reference to MOOC teaching, is still limited. Hence, this study was set to characterize MOOC instructors' interest in educational data and their perceived barriers to data use for decision-making. Taking a qualitative approach, data were collected via semi-structured interviews with higher education MOOC instructors from four public universities in Israel. Findings indicated that the instructors showed great interest mostly in data about social interactions between learners and about problems with the MOOC educational resources. The main reported barriers for using educational data for decision-making were lack of customized data, real-time access, data literacy, and institutional support. The results highlight the need to provide MOOC instructors with professional development opportunities for the proper use of educational data for skilled decision-making.
Asynchronous Online Instruction Leads to Learning Gaps When Compared to a Flipped Classroom
Jensen J, Smith CM, Bowers R, Kaloi M, Ogden TH, Parry KA, Payne JS, Fife P and Holt E
With the gradual shift to online education models that has taken place in recent decades, research has sought to understand the nuances of student performance in an online model in comparison to more traditional in-person modalities. However, the effects of instructional modality have been difficult to determine given the many variables that exist in course design between these methods. In this study, we attempt to determine the efficacy of asynchronous online instruction by comparing two nearly equivalent courses. The first course was a flipped classroom, a recent and well-studied hybrid model of instruction. The second was an asynchronous fully online course that contained all the same instructional elements as the in-person course but lacked any student or instructor interaction. Student performance was tracked at both a highly-selective private institution and an open-enrollment public institution. Results show that students' performance drops in an asynchronous online course compared to an equivalent in-person experience. Several potential hypotheses are put forth to explain a change in performance that can potentially shape the design of online instruction.
The 5I's of Virtual Technologies in Laboratory Teaching for Faculties of Higher Education in Kerala
Bose LS and Humphreys S
In this paper, the effectiveness of training faculty in laboratory teaching (the teaching of science in a laboratory setting using experiments and similar exercises) through the use of Information and Communications Technology (ICT)-virtual technologies for faculties in institutions of higher education in the Indian state of Kerala-was evaluated and measured. The efficacy of employing ICT to train teachers in higher education is important, and we have identified 5I factors (innovative, interactive, involvement, informative, and influential) to help ascertain the effectiveness of such technology training during pandemic teaching. The laboratory learning using VL can describe the student's engagement in the online learning process. This work more specifically identifies how ICT helps in laboratory teaching and identifies the critical pedagogical aspects of the ICT. If the technology has these 5I factors, then it will be an effective teaching method for laboratory learning. Here, we used the ICT-virtual labs in science as the technology to evaluate these five factors. The research first began by conducting an ethnicity profile of science teachers in the middle and high/secondary stages of school consisting of classes , and (i.e., students of ages 11 to 15). To evaluate the use of VL in the 5I framework, the faculties in science were divided into experimental and control groups  = 101). The experimental group practiced in a virtual lab in the first stage, but the control group did not. Test I was then performed on both groups. In the second stage, both groups practiced with real lab equipment, and test II was conducted on both groups. The tests and other data from the two groups were statistically analyzed using independent tests. There were notable differences between the experimental and control groups: in terms of time for understanding the concepts behind the experiment, time for doing the experiment, and accuracy in results, with the experimental group performing significantly better. On the other hand, there was no significant difference between the two groups in task completion accuracy. Overall, there was a beneficial transfer of training from the virtual lab exercise to the real lab, with the experimental group's average score being higher.
Examining Science and Technology/Engineering Educators' Views of Teaching Biomedical Concepts Through Physical Computing
Love TS, Cysyk JP, Attaluri A, Tunks RD, Harter K and Sipos R
Programming and automation continue to evolve rapidly and advance the capabilities of science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) fields. However, physical computing (the integration of programming and interactive physical devices) integrated within biomedical contexts remains an area of limited focus in secondary STEM education programs. As this is an emerging area, many educators may not be well prepared to teach physical computing concepts within authentic biomedical contexts. This shortcoming provided the rationale for this study, to examine if professional development (PD) had a noticeable influence on high school science and technology and engineering (T&E) teachers' (1) perceptions of teaching biomedical and computational thinking (CT) concepts and (2) plans to integrate physical computing within the context of authentic biomedical engineering challenges. The findings revealed a significant difference in the amount of biomedical and CT concepts that teachers planned to implement as a result of the PD. Using a modified version of the Science Teaching Efficacy Belief Instrument (STEBI-A) Riggs and Enochs in  (6), 625-637 (1990), analyses revealed significant gains in teachers' self-efficacy toward teaching both biomedical and CT concepts from the PD. Further analyses revealed that teachers reported increases in their perceived knowledge of biomedical and CT concepts and a significant increase in their intent to collaborate with a science or T&E educator outside of their content area. This study provides implications for researchers and educators to integrate more biomedical and physical computing instruction at the secondary education level.
Computational Thinking to Learn Environmental Sustainability: A Learning Progression
Christensen D
Current environmental problems are the primary focus for environmental science students and researchers. Sustainable environmental solutions require interdisciplinary thought processes, which pose difficulty to both students and the public. Computational thinking is an emerging term emphasized by progressive science curricula. Computational thinking and environmental science are both interdisciplinary by nature. Learning about sustainable environmental solutions requires students to partake in computational thinking. These ideas lend toward an expansive learning progression that encourages scaffolded and differentiated student progress in both computational knowledge and environmental knowledge. The learning progression, which emerges from the conceptual framework, emphasizes the spheres of sustainability, research, education, and economic perspectives to support environmental science learning through computational thinking. Computational thinking emphasized by the computational components (input, integration, output, and feedback) support learning about environmental solutions within the learning progression. The learning progression promotes application and implications for educators, students, researchers, and environmental scientists.
The Seeing Science Project: Using Design-Based Research to Develop a Transformative Experience Intervention
Pugh KJ, Kriescher DPJ, Tocco AJ, Olson C, Bergstrom CM, Younis M and BenSalem M
Drawing on transformative experience theory (Pugh, 2011) and in collaboration with high school science teachers, the authors developed an intervention (Seeing Science project) leveraging everyday mobile technology as a tool for integrating in-school and out-of-school experience. Students were instructed to take pictures when they noticed connections to unit content and post these with a caption on a class site. The current study used design-based research methods to revise and evaluate the Seeing Science project over a 2-year period. Revisions to the project were informed by year one data and principles of the Teaching for Transformative Experiences in Science (TTES) instructional model. Data sources included project artifacts, student interviews, and teacher interviews. Revisions to the project resulted in higher quality posts in pre-AP biology classes and greater participation in regular biology classes. Furthermore, an analysis of posts, classroom observations, and student interviews revealed that the project helped some students connect in-school learning to out-of-school experience and undergo transformative experiences. The current study contributes to transformative experience theory by identifying and developing strategies for fostering transformative experiences. These strategies further inform the TTES model and may support depth of learning and career identification.
The Impact of Physics Education Technology (PhET) Interactive Simulation-Based Learning on Motivation and Academic Achievement Among Malawian Physics Students
Banda HJ and Nzabahimana J
The study investigated the impact of PhET simulation-based learning on students' motivation and academic achievement in learning oscillations and waves among Malawian secondary students. The following research questions guided the study: (i) What were students' motivation and academic achievement levels at the beginning of the study in oscillation and waves? (ii) To what levels do PhET interactive simulation-based learning impact students' motivation and achievement in oscillations and waves? (iii) Is the change in post-test scores due to the students' characteristics in non-randomized settings or the PhET interactive simulation-based learning? A sample of 280 (44.6% females) form three secondary school students with a mean age of 17.5 ( = 1.424) from four schools in Blantyre urban district in Malawi was used in a quasi-experimental design of non-equivalent groups. The experimental group was exposed to PhET simulation-based learning, while the conventional teaching methods were used in the control group. Pre- and post-tests were used to collect data on academic achievement, and questionnaires collected data on motivation. Independent samples -test showed a statistical difference between the two groups on post-test of the academic achievement. Results from linear regression indicated that the differences between the two groups in the post-test were not due to students' characteristics but rather the intervention with  < . The ANCOVA test on motivation constructs showed a significant difference with a small effect size between the study groups on self-efficacy, active learning strategies, performance goals, achievement goals, learning environment stimulation, and attitudes towards learning with computer learning. The results from the study suggest that PhET simulation-based learning improved the learning of oscillations and waves. PhET simulation-based learning provides visualizations and teaching aids that help easily understand content knowledge, hence improving students' academic achievement and motivation levels.
Characteristics and Recommendations for the Virtual Role Model Visit - Based on a Literature Review
Skov M and Lykke M
In recent years, several role-modelling initiatives have been testing and exploring the use of digital technologies to facilitate young people's encounters with role models in the science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) fields. The aim of this article is twofold. Firstly, through a literature review, the article aims to provide an overview of how digital technologies have been used to facilitate the students' encounters with STEM role models. The literature review shows how the use of digital technologies (1) enables scaling so that more young people can have access to role models, (2) enables the role models to show authentic work tasks and environments through virtual field visits, allowing pupils to closely examine the work processes in production companies, the laboratory, or in geographically remote locations, (3) opens up new opportunities for young people to interact and become involved, both through synchronous and asynchronous communication. The second aim of the article is to present, based on the knowledge gained from the literature study, a framework of eleven recommendations for the design of future virtual role model visits.
Teaching the Modeling of Human-Environment Systems: Acknowledging Complexity with an Agent-Based Model
Haensel M, Schmitt TM and Bogenreuther J
Agent-based modeling is a promising tool for familiarizing students with complex systems as well as programming skills. Human-environment systems, for instance, entail complex interdependencies that need to be considered when modeling these systems. This complexity is often neglected in teaching modeling approaches. For a heterogeneous group of master's students at a German university, we pre-built an agent-based model. In class, this was used to teach modeling impacts of land use policies and markets on ecosystem services. As part of the course, the students had to perform small research projects with the model in groups of two. This study aims to evaluate how well students could deal with the complexity involved in the model based on their group work outcomes. Chosen indicators were, e.g., the appropriateness of their research goals, the suitability of the methods applied, and how well they acknowledged the limitations. Our study results revealed that teaching complex systems does not need to be done with too simplistic models. Most students, even with little background in modeling and programming, were able to deal with the complex model setup, conduct small research projects, and have a thoughtful discussion on the limitations involved. With adequate theoretical input during lectures, we recommend using models that do not hide the complexity of the systems but foster a realistic simplification of the interactions.
The Effects of Mobile AR-based Biology Learning Experience on Students' Motivation, Self-Efficacy, and Attitudes in Online Learning
Ciloglu T and Ustun AB
The purpose of this study is to enhance online biology learning with mobile augmented reality (AR) applications and to assess the impact of mobile AR applications on students' motivation, self-efficacy, and attitudes toward biology learning. Students were interviewed, and the usefulness of mobile AR applications was evaluated using a quasi-experimental pretest-posttest approach. The study group consists of 71 high school students, 26 in the control group and 45 in the experimental group, attending a public high school in the Western Black Sea Region of Turkey during the academic year 2020-2021. The self-efficacy ratings of the experimental group of students who participated in mobile AR-based biology learning were statistically higher than those of the control group after a 12-week trial. However, there were no statistically significant differences between experimental and control group students' motivation and attitudes toward biology learning. In addition, as a result of student interviews, mobile AR applications were deemed innovative, non-distracting, successful in knowledge acquisition, engaging, intriguing, and entertaining, boosting information retention, concretizing the subject, and facilitating learning.
The Effect of Web-Based Biology Learning Environment on Academic Performance: A Meta-analysis Study
Vekli GS and Çalik M
The purpose of this study was to investigate the effectiveness of web-based biology learning environment in improving academic performance via a meta-analysis. In looking for the studies on web-based biology learning environment, several keyword patterns from the abstracts (e.g., Pattern 1: web-based learning and biology education) were recruited in well-known databases (e.g., ERIC, EBSCO, Springer Link). Finally, 22 papers were apparent for the current meta-analysis examining the effect of web-based biology learning environment on academic performance. All statistical data from the studies were initially inserted into an Excel sheet and then imported into comprehensive meta-analysis (CMA) statistics software to calculate Hedges' g values. The overall effect-size of web-based biology learning environment pointed to a effect. Also, it was found that the educational level and type of experimental design, as moderator variables, did not positively affect the students' academic performance along with web-based biology learning environment. In light of the findings, it can be concluded that web-based biology learning environment is somewhat effective at improving the students' academic performance. The current study recommends that further studies should be undertaken to deepen the implementation processes of the studies with extreme values and explore what makes them unique.
Effects of Robotics Education on Young Children's Cognitive Development: a Pilot Study with Eye-Tracking
Liu Y, Odic D, Tang X, Ma A, Laricheva M, Chen G, Wu S, Niu M, Guo Y and Milner-Bolotin M
The emerging field of robotics education (RE) is a new and rapidly growing subject area worldwide. It may provide a playful and novel learning environment for children to engage with all aspects of science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) learning. The purpose of this research is to examine how robotics learning activities may affect the cognitive abilities and cognitive processes of 6-8 years old children. The study adopted the mixed methods approach with a repeated measures design; three waves of data collection over 6 months, including quantitative data obtained from cognitive assessments and eye-tracking, and qualitative data from the interviews. A total of 31 children were recruited from an afterschool robotics program. To the best of our knowledge, this study is the first RE research that used a combination of eye-tracking, cognitive assessments, and interviews for examining the effect of RE on children. Using linear growth models, the results of cognitive assessments showed that children's visuospatial working memory as well as logical and abstract reasoning skills improved over time. The interview data were analyzed by a thematic analysis. The results revealed that children perceived RE activities as game play, which made children more engaged in their study; parents found their children to be more focused on activities comparing to six months ago. Additionally, the visualization of the eye-tracking data suggested that children became more focused on RE activities and got faster to process the information across six months in general, which echoed the findings in assessments and interviews. Our findings may help educators and policymakers better understand the benefits of RE for young children.