Solution Cathode Glow Discharge Coupled to Atmospheric Pressure Chemical Ionization for Elemental Detection of S and P in Organic Compounds
We report a post-plasma chemical ionization approach to evaluate solution cathode glow discharge (SCGD) for S and P elemental analysis. Here, the SCGD serves as a reactor to produce chemical vapors for S and P from organic compounds containing these elements, while a corona discharge operated in negative mode is used to ionize the products. The approach creates long-lived ions in atmospheric pressure, enabling direct investigation of chemical vapor products via mass spectrometric and ion mobility separations. The investigations indicate that SCGD converts S and P to HSO and HPO, respectively. These species are then ionized as HSOHNO and HPONOHNO via reactions with NOHNO produced by corona discharge. The response factors for P among several small molecules varies within 10% of the average response from the compounds, suggesting a reasonable species-independent characteristic. The response factors for S show larger variations among compounds, indicating a higher dependence of chemical vapor generation efficiency on analytes' chemical structures. Detection limits of 15 and 29 ng/mL are achieved for P and S detection, respectively. These figures are limited by background equivalent concentrations and low ion flux in the utilized ion mobility-time of flight mass spectrometer, indicating potential for significant improvements. In particular, the specificity of clustering for S and P-containing ions produced in this approach suggest facile analysis of S and P using quadrupole-based mass spectrometers for improved analytical performance.
Determination of seventeen major and trace elements in new float glass standards for use in forensic comparisons using laser ablation inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry
Consensus concentration values for seventeen (17) major and trace elements typically present in soda-lime glass manufactured using the "float " process and used in the quantitative analysis and forensic comparison of glass samples were determined using laser ablation (LA) micro sampling coupled to inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry (ICP-MS). This is the first reporting of the chemical characterization of a new set of float glass intended for use as matrix-matched calibration standards in the forensic analysis and comparison of glass by LA-ICP-MS using a standard test method (ASTM E2927-16e1). Three Corning Float Glass Standards (CFGS) were manufactured at low, medium, and high concentrations of 32 elements typically encountered in float glass samples as found in forensic casework. This work describes an international collaboration among seven (7) laboratories to evaluate the homogeneity of the three glass materials and reports the consensus concentrations values of 17 elements at three concentration levels. Eight (8) sets of independent results from LA-ICP-MS analysis using the standard test method of analysis and one set of micro-X-ray Fluorescence Spectrometry (μXRF) data (using method ASTM E2926-17) resulted in typically <3% relative standard deviation (RSD) within each lab and < 5% RSDs among all labs participating in the study for the concentration ranges using sampling spots between 50 μm - 100 μm in diameter. These results suggest that the new calibration standards are homogeneous for most elements at the small sampling volumes (~ 90 μm deep by ~80 μm in diameter) reported and show excellent agreement among the different participating labs. Consensus concentration values are determined using a previously reported calibration standard (FGS 2) and checked with a NIST 1831 SRM®. A collaboration with National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) scientists to certify these glasses as SRMs, including the certification of the quantitative analysis of the minor and trace element content, for future distribution by NIST is ongoing.
Diagnosis of Alzheimer's disease using laser-induced breakdown spectroscopy and machine learning
Alzheimer's disease (AD) is a progressive incurable neurodegenerative disease and a major health problem in aging population. We show that the combined use of Laser-Induced Breakdown Spectroscopy (LIBS) and machine learning applied for the analysis of micro-drops of plasma samples of AD and healthy controls (HC) yields robust classification. Following the acquisition of LIBS spectra of 67 plasma samples from a cohort of 31 AD patients and 36 healthy controls (HC), we successfully diagnose late-onset AD (> 65 years old), with a total classification accuracy of 80%, a specificity of 75% and a sensitivity of 85%.
A predictive model for elemental carbon, organic carbon and total carbon based on laser induced breakdown spectroscopy measurements of filter-collected diesel particulate matter
Surface characterization of carbon fiber reinforced polymers by picosecond laser induced breakdown spectroscopy
Adhesive bonding of composite materials requires reliable monitoring and detection of surface contaminants as part of a vigorous quality control process to assure robust and durable bonded structures. Surface treatment and effective monitoring prior to bonding is essential in order to obtain a surface which is free from contaminants that may lead to inferior bond quality. In this study, the focus is to advance the laser induced breakdown spectroscopy (LIBS) technique by using pulse energies below 100 μJ (μLIBS) for the detection of low levels of silicone contaminants in carbon fiber reinforced polymer (CFRP) composites. Various CFRP surface conditions were investigated by LIBS using ~10 ps, 355 nm laser pulses with pulse energies below 30 μJ. Time-resolved analysis was conducted to optimize the gate delay and gate width for the detection of the C I emission line at 247.9 nm to monitor the epoxy resin matrix of CFRP composites and the Si I emission line at 288.2 nm for detection of silicone contaminants in CFRP. To study the surface sensitivity to silicone contamination, CFRP surfaces were coated with polydimethylsiloxane (PDMS), the active ingredient in many mold release agents. The presence of PDMS was studied by inspecting the Si I emission lines at 251.6 nm and 288.2 nm. The measured PDMS areal densities ranged from 0.15 to 2 μg/cm. LIBS measurements were performed before and after laser surface ablation. The results demonstrate the successful detection of PDMS thin layers on CFRP using picosecond μLIBS.
Evaluation of a New Optic-Enabled Portable XRF Instrument for Measuring Toxic Metals/Metalloids in Consumer Goods and Cultural Products
X-ray fluorescence spectrometry (XRF) is a rapid, non-destructive multi-elemental analytical technique used for determining elemental contents ranging from percent down to the µg/g level. Although detection limits are much higher for XRF compared to other laboratory-based methods, such as inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry (ICP-MS), ICP-optical emission spectrometry (OES) and atomic absorption spectrometry (AAS), its portability and ease of use make it a valuable tool, especially for field-based studies. A growing necessity to monitor human exposure to toxic metals and metalloids in consumer goods, cultural products, foods and other sample types while performing the analysis has led to several important developments in portable XRF technology. In this study, a new portable XRF analyzer based on the use of doubly curved crystal optics (HD Mobile) was evaluated for detecting toxic elements in foods, medicines, cosmetics and spices used in many Asian communities. Two models of the HD Mobile (a pre-production and a final production unit) were investigated. Performance parameters including accuracy, precision and detection limits were characterized in a laboratory setting using certified reference materials (CRMs) and standard solutions. Bias estimates for key elements of public health significance such as As, Cd, Hg and Pb ranged from -10% to 11% for the pre-production, and -14% to 16% for the final production model. Five archived public health samples including herbal medicine products, ethnic spices and cosmetic products were analyzed using both XRF instruments. There was good agreement between the pre-production and final production models for the four key elements, such that the data were judged to be fit-for-purpose for the majority of samples analyzed. Detection of the four key elements of interest using the HD Mobile was confirmed using archived samples for which ICP-OES data were available based on digested sample materials. The HD Mobile XRF units were shown to be suitable for rapid screening of samples likely to be encountered in field based studies.
Portable X-ray fluorescence spectroscopy as a rapid screening technique for analysis of TiO and ZnO in sunscreens
This investigation reports a rapid and simple screening technique for the quantification of titanium and zinc in commercial sunscreens using portable X-ray fluorescence spectroscopy (pXRF). A highly evolved technique, inductively coupled plasma-mass spectroscopy (ICP-MS) was chosen as a comparative technique to pXRF, and a good correlation (r > 0.995) with acceptable variations (≤25%) in results between both techniques was observed. Analytical figures of merit such as detection limit, quantitation limit, and linear range of the method are reported for the pXRF technique. This method has a good linearity (r > 0.995) for the analysis of titanium (Ti) in the range of 0.4-14.23 wt%, and zinc (Zn) in the range of 1.0-23.90 wt%. However, most commercial sunscreens contain organic ingredients, and these ingredients are known to cause matrix effects. The development of appropriate matrix matched working standards to obtain the calibration curve was found to be a major challenge for the pXRF measurements. In this study, we have overcome the matrix effect by using metal-free commercial sunscreens as a dispersing media for the preparation of working standards. An easy extension of this unique methodology for preparing working standards in different matrices was also reported. This method is simple, rapid, and cost-effective and, in comparison to conventional techniques (e.g., ICP-MS), did not generate toxic wastes during sample analysis.
Radial line-scans as representative sampling strategy in dried-droplet laser ablation of liquid samples deposited on pre-cut filter paper disks
Nebulising liquid samples and using the aerosol thus obtained for further analysis is the standard method in many current analytical techniques, also with inductively coupled plasma (ICP)-based devices. With such a set-up, quantification via external calibration is usually straightforward for samples with aqueous or close-to-aqueous matrix composition. However, there is a variety of more complex samples. Such samples can be found in medical, biological, technological and industrial contexts and can range from body fluids, like blood or urine, to fuel additives or fermentation broths. Specialized nebulizer systems or careful digestion and dilution are required to tackle such demanding sample matrices. One alternative approach is to convert the liquid into a dried solid and to use laser ablation for sample introduction. Up to now, this approach required the application of internal standards or matrix-adjusted calibration due to matrix effects. In this contribution, we show a way to circumvent these matrix effects while using simple external calibration for quantification. The principle of representative sampling that we propose uses radial line-scans across the dried residue. This compensates for centro-symmetric inhomogeneities typically observed in dried spots. The effectiveness of the proposed sampling strategy is exemplified via the determination of phosphorus in biochemical fermentation media. However, the universal viability of the presented measurement protocol is postulated. Detection limits using laser ablation-ICP-optical emission spectrometry were in the order of 40 μg mL with a reproducibility of 10 % relative standard deviation (n = 4, concentration = 10 times the quantification limit). The reported sensitivity is fit-for-purpose in the biochemical context described here, but could be improved using ICP-mass spectrometry, if future analytical tasks would require it. Trueness of the proposed method was investigated by cross-validation with conventional liquid measurements, and by analyzing IAEA-153 reference material (Trace Elements in Milk Powder); a good agreement with the certified value for phosphorus was obtained.
Combined evaluation of grazing incidence X-ray fluorescence and X-ray reflectivity data for improved profiling of ultra-shallow depth distributions
The continuous downscaling of the process size for semiconductor devices pushes the junction depths and consequentially the implantation depths to the top few nanometers of the Si substrate. This motivates the need for sensitive methods capable of analyzing dopant distribution, total dose and possible impurities. X-ray techniques utilizing the external reflection of X-rays are very surface sensitive, hence providing a non-destructive tool for process analysis and control. X-ray reflectometry (XRR) is an established technique for the characterization of single- and multi-layered thin film structures with layer thicknesses in the nanometer range. XRR spectra are acquired by varying the incident angle in the grazing incidence regime while measuring the specular reflected X-ray beam. The shape of the resulting angle-dependent curve is correlated to changes of the electron density in the sample, but does not provide direct information on the presence or distribution of chemical elements in the sample. Grazing Incidence XRF (GIXRF) measures the X-ray fluorescence induced by an X-ray beam incident under grazing angles. The resulting angle dependent intensity curves are correlated to the depth distribution and mass density of the elements in the sample. GIXRF provides information on contaminations, total implanted dose and to some extent on the depth of the dopant distribution, but is ambiguous with regard to the exact distribution function. Both techniques use similar measurement procedures and data evaluation strategies, i.e. optimization of a sample model by fitting measured and calculated angle curves. Moreover, the applied sample models can be derived from the same physical properties, like atomic scattering/form factors and elemental concentrations; a simultaneous analysis is therefore a straightforward approach. This combined analysis in turn reduces the uncertainties of the individual techniques, allowing a determination of dose and depth profile of the implanted elements with drastically increased confidence level. Silicon wafers implanted with Arsenic at different implantation energies were measured by XRR and GIXRF using a combined, simultaneous measurement and data evaluation procedure. The data were processed using a self-developed software package (JGIXA), designed for simultaneous fitting of GIXRF and XRR data. The results were compared with depth profiles obtained by Secondary Ion Mass Spectrometry (SIMS).
On-line pre-reduction of pentavalent arsenicals by thioglycolic acid for speciation analysis by selective hydride generation-cryotrapping-atomic absorption spectrometry
An improvement of current method of selective hydride generation based on pre-reduction for differentiation of tri- and pentavalent arsenicals is described, applied for the oxidation state specific speciation analysis of inorganic, mono-, di- and trimethylated arsenicals with minimum sample pretreatment using atomic absorption spectrometry with the multiatomizer. The preconcentration and separation of arsine, methylarsine, dimethylarsine and trimethylarsine is then carried out by means of cryotrapping. Presented study shows that 2% (m/v) L-cysteine hydrochloride monohydrate (L-cys) currently used for off-line pre-reduction of pentavalent arsenicals can be substituted with 1% (m/v) thioglycolic acid (TGA). Much faster pre-reduction of pentavalent arsenicals at 25°C with equal sensitivities as in the case of L-cys has been achieved with TGA. A setup for on-line pre-reduction by TGA has been optimized, with the application of segmented flow analysis for suppression of axial dispersion in the pre-reduction coil. Standard calibrations measured with or without on-line pre-reduction indicate uniform and equal sensitivities for all As forms. The possibility of standardization by water standards of single species (e.g. iAs(III)) for quantification of all other As forms in urine is demonstrated in the recovery study. Limits of detection were 100 ng·l(-1) for iAs(III), 135 ng·l(-1) for iAs(V) and 30 to 50 ng·l(-1) for methylated arsenicals.
Oxidation State Specific Generation of Arsines from Methylated Arsenicals Based on L- Cysteine Treatment in Buffered Media for Speciation Analysis by Hydride Generation - Automated Cryotrapping - Gas Chromatography-Atomic Absorption Spectrometry with the Multiatomizer
An automated system for hydride generation - cryotrapping- gas chromatography - atomic absorption spectrometry with the multiatomizer is described. Arsines are preconcentrated and separated in a Chromosorb filled U-tube. An automated cryotrapping unit, employing nitrogen gas formed upon heating in the detection phase for the displacement of the cooling liquid nitrogen, has been developed. The conditions for separation of arsines in a Chromosorb filled U-tube have been optimized. A complete separation of signals from arsine, methylarsine, dimethylarsine, and trimethylarsine has been achieved within a 60 s reading window. The limits of detection for methylated arsenicals tested were 4 ng l(-1). Selective hydride generation is applied for the oxidation state specific speciation analysis of inorganic and methylated arsenicals. The arsines are generated either exclusively from trivalent or from both tri- and pentavalent inorganic and methylated arsenicals depending on the presence of L-cysteine as a prereductant and/or reaction modifier. A TRIS buffer reaction medium is proposed to overcome narrow optimum concentration range observed for the L-cysteine modified reaction in HCl medium. The system provides uniform peak area sensitivity for all As species. Consequently, the calibration with a single form of As is possible. This method permits a high-throughput speciation analysis of metabolites of inorganic arsenic in relatively complex biological matrices such as cell culture systems without sample pretreatment, thus preserving the distribution of tri- and pentavalent species.
Nanosensing at the single cell level
This article presents an overview of the development, operation, and applications of optical nanobiosensors for use in detection of biotargets in individual living cells. The nanobiosensors are equipped with immobilized bioreceptor probes (e.g., antibodies, enzyme substrate) selective to specific molecular targets. Laser excitation is transmitted into the fiber producing an evanescent field at the tip of the fiber in order to excite target molecules bound to the bioreceptors immobilized at the fiber tips. A photometric system detects the optical signal (e.g., fluorescence) originated from the analyte molecules or from the analyte-bioreceptor reaction. Examples of detection of biospecies and molecular signaling pathways of apoptosis in a living cell are discussed to illustrate the potential of the nanobiosensor technology for single cell analysis.