Phenotypic variations in the preferred host coral impact the occupancy of an obligate coral-dwelling fish
Leingang PM and Dixson DL
Habitat specialists form tight relationships with their host habitat and are able to make microscale decisions when selecting final habitat locations. The obligate coral-dwelling fish, , is thought to make habitat choices based on the coloration and structural characteristics of , their preferred coral host. Yet, most studies on the habitat preference of have been conducted on Australia's Great Barrier Reef with no understanding if geographic differences in preferences exist. Here, we tested the habitat preference of towards on the reefs of Kadavu and Tavewa Islands, Fiji. First, to assess the natural distribution, belt transect surveys of all acroporid corals were conducted. Transects indicated that, while is most frequently found in over other acroporid corals, the coral's structural characteristics rather than the coral's color variation was the preferred characteristic. In contrast, the Australian have been found to be more frequent in blue opposed to the brown color variation, suggesting a geographic difference in habitat preferences among the species. In addition, we conducted two behavioral field experiments to determine whether would 1) move from dead to a live brown or blue and, 2) preferentially select between the brown or blue colored when placed on a dead . The results of the experiments support the finding that Fijian does not discriminate between using color but uses only structural morphologies to guide its habitat selection process. Habitat selection is a complex process, and microscale habitat preferences within a species can vary between geographic locations. This study sheds light on the need to expand research findings to incorporate large geographic regions when attempting to understand the preferences of coral reef symbionts.
Bleaching response of coral species in the context of assemblage response
Swain TD, DuBois E, Goldberg SJ, Backman V and Marcelino LA
Caribbean coral reefs are declining due to a mosaic of local and global stresses, including climate change-induced thermal stress. Species and assemblage responses differ due to factors that are not easily identifiable or quantifiable. We calculated a novel species-specific metric of coral bleaching response, taxon-α and -β, which relates the response of a species to that of its assemblages for 16 species over 18 assemblages. By contextualizing species responses within the response of their assemblages, the effects of environmental factors are removed and intrinsic differences among taxa are revealed. Most corals experience either a saturation response, overly-sensitive to weak stress (α > 0) but under-responsive compared to assemblage bleaching (β < 1), or a threshold response, insensitive to weak stress (α < 0) but over-responsive compared to assemblage bleaching (β > 1). This metric may help reveal key factors of bleaching susceptibility and identify species as targets for conservation.
Chemically cued suppression of coral reef resilience: Where is the tipping point?
Brooker RM, Hay ME and Dixson DL
Coral reefs worldwide are shifting from high-diversity, coral-dominated communities to low-diversity systems dominated by seaweeds. This shift can impact essential recovery processes such as larval recruitment and ecosystem resilience. Recent evidence suggests that chemical cues from certain corals attract, and from certain seaweeds suppress, recruitment of juvenile fishes, with loss of coral cover and increases in seaweed cover creating negative feedbacks that prevent reef recovery and sustain seaweed dominance. Unfortunately, the level of seaweed increase and coral decline that creates this chemically cued tipping point remains unknown, depriving managers of data-based targets to prevent damaging feedbacks. We conducted flume and field assays that suggest juvenile fishes sense and respond to cues produced by low levels of seaweed cover. However, the herbivore species we tested was more tolerant of degraded reef cues than non-herbivores, possibly providing some degree of resilience if these fishes recruit, consume macroalgae, and diminish negative cues.
Environmental conditions and herbivore biomass determine coral reef benthic community composition: implications for quantitative baselines
Robinson JPW, Williams ID, Yeager LA, McPherson JM, Clark J, Oliver TA and Baum JK
Our ability to understand natural constraints on coral reef benthic communities requires quantitative assessment of the relative strengths of abiotic and biotic processes across large spatial scales. Here, we combine underwater images, visual censuses and remote sensing data for 1566 sites across 34 islands spanning the central-western Pacific Ocean, to empirically assess the relative roles of abiotic and grazing processes in determining the prevalence of calcifying organisms and fleshy algae on coral reefs. We used regression trees to identify the major predictors of benthic composition and to test whether anthropogenic stress at inhabited islands decouples natural relationships. We show that sea surface temperature, wave energy, oceanic productivity and aragonite saturation strongly influence benthic community composition; overlooking these factors may bias expectations of calcified reef states. Maintenance of grazing biomass above a relatively low threshold (~ 10-20 kg ha) may also prevent transitions to algal-dominated states, providing a tangible management target for rebuilding overexploited herbivore populations. Biophysical relationships did not decouple at inhabited islands, indicating that abiotic influences remain important macroscale processes, even at chronically disturbed reefs. However, spatial autocorrelation among inhabited reefs was substantial and exceeded abiotic and grazing influences, suggesting that natural constraints on reef benthos were superseded by unmeasured anthropogenic impacts. Evidence of strong abiotic influences on reef benthic communities underscores their importance in specifying quantitative targets for coral reef management and restoration that are realistic within the context of local conditions.
The effect of local hydrodynamics on the spatial extent and morphology of cold-water coral habitats at Tisler Reef, Norway
De Clippele LH, Huvenne VAI, Orejas C, Lundälv T, Fox A, Hennige SJ and Roberts JM
This study demonstrates how cold-water coral morphology and habitat distribution are shaped by local hydrodynamics, using high-definition video from Tisler Reef, an inshore reef in Norway. A total of 334 video frames collected on the north-west (NW) and south-east (SE) side of the reef were investigated for coral cover and morphology and for the cover of the associated sponges and sp. Our results showed that the SE side was a better habitat for (including live and dead colonies). Low cover of sp. was found on both sides of Tisler Reef. In contrast, had higher percentage cover, especially on the NW side of the reef. Bush-shaped colonies of with elongated branches were the most abundant coral morphology on Tisler Reef. The highest abundance and density of this morphology were found on the SE side of the reef, while a higher proportion of cauliflower-shaped corals with short branches were found on the NW side. The proportion of very small colonies was also significantly higher on the SE side of the reef. The patterns in coral spatial distribution and morphology were related to local hydrodynamics-there were more frequent periods of downwelling currents on the SE side-and to the availability of suitable settling substrates. These factors make the SE region of Tisler Reef more suitable for coral growth. Understanding the impact of local hydrodynamics on the spatial extent and morphology of coral, and their relation to associated organisms such as sponges, is key to understanding the past and future development of the reef.
High coral reef connectivity across the Indian Ocean is revealed 6-7 Ma ago by a turbid-water scleractinian assemblage from Tanzania (Eastern Africa)
Reuter M, Bosellini FR, Budd AF, Ćorić S, Piller WE and Harzhauser M
The present centre of coral diversity in the Western Indian Ocean is defined by the northern Mozambique Channel with an extension northward to Mafia Island in Tanzania (Eastern Africa). The geological and evolutionary history of this hotspot of marine biodiversity remains so far completely obscure, because Cenozoic fossil reef communities of this area are not well known. This study presents a new fossil scleractinian fauna from the Mikindani Formation in southern Tanzania. It comprises 16 symbiotic coral taxa of which nine could be identified to the species and five to the genus level. Coral habitat consisted of low-relief biostromes that developed in shallow water at the front of the Rovuma Delta under conditions of variable sediment input. The biostromes are dated to be Messinian based on associated calcareous nannoplankton and planktic foraminifers. The studied coral assemblage shows close affinities with the Recent Western Indian Ocean biogeographic province and Central Indo-West Pacific biogeographic region as well as with the Miocene of Indonesia. Faunistic relations with the Oligocene-early Miocene of Somalia and Iran do not exist. The patterns of species distribution document a major palaeobiogeographic change in the Indian Ocean that correlates with the onset of the Miocene Indian Ocean Equatorial Jet during the middle Miocene. The clear Indonesian affinity of the Messinian coral fauna from southern Tanzania implies that this westerly oceanic surface current provided high biogeographic connectivity across the Indian Ocean during the late Miocene. Today, the coastal waters of Indonesia are located in the Coral Triangle. Diversification of this global epicentre of marine biodiversity started in the early Miocene and it was established already during the middle Miocene. Our results indicate that the East African hotspot of coral biodiversity originated as an offshoot of the Coral Triangle in the middle to late Miocene.
From coral reefs into the abyss: the evolution of corallivory in the Coralliophilinae (Neogastropoda, Muricidae)
Nocella E, Fassio G, Zuccon D, Puillandre N, Modica MV and Oliverio M
In this study, we delved into the interaction between corallivorous marine gastropods, the muricid Coralliophilinae Chenu, 1859, and their cnidarian food targets. Coralliophilinae is a subfamily of specialised corallivorous caenogastropods that feed by browsing on octocorals or hexacorals. Only sparse information is available on the phylogenetic relationships and the degree of specificity of the trophic relationships within this corallivorous lineage. To address these gaps, we generated the largest molecular dataset to date, comprising two mitochondrial ( and rDNA) and one nuclear gene ( rDNA) from 586 specimens collected worldwide. The coral hosts of coralliophilines were identified through an integrative approach, combining literature data with new records, employing morphological and/or molecular markers, and incorporating data from DNA barcoding of the snail stomach content. Our comprehensive approach unveiled the existence of numerous cryptic species in Coralliophilinae, while the phylogeny showed that most of the currently accepted genera are not monophyletic. The molecular dating confirmed the origin of the Coralliophilinae in Middle Eocene, with diversification of most lineages during the Miocene. Our results indicate that the subfamily's ancestor evolved in shallow waters in association with Scleractinia. Through the evolutionary history of Coralliophilinae, multiple host shifts to other cnidarian orders were observed, not correlated with changes in the depth range. The results of diversification analyses within the subfamily further suggest that the association with the host has influenced the evolutionary patterns of Coralliophilinae, but not vice versa.
Palaeoecological records of coral community development on a turbid, nearshore reef complex: baselines for assessing ecological change
Johnson JA, Perry CT, Smithers SG, Morgan KM, Santodomingo N and Johnson KG
Understanding past coral community development and reef growth is crucial for placing contemporary ecological and environmental change within appropriate reef-building timescales. On Australia's Great Barrier Reef (GBR), coral reefs situated within coastal inner-shelf zones are a particular priority. This is due to their close proximity to river point sources, and therefore susceptibility to reduced water quality discharged from coastal catchments, many of which have been modified following European settlement (ca. 1850 AD). However, the extent of water-quality decline and its impacts on the GBR's inner-shelf reefs remain contentious. In this study, palaeoecological coral assemblage records were developed for five proximal coral reefs situated within a nearshore turbid-zone reef complex on the central GBR. A total of 29 genera of Scleractinia were identified from the palaeoecological inventory of the reef complex, with key contributions to reef-building made by , , and Discrete intervals pre- and post-dating European settlement, but associated with equivalent water depths, were identified using Bayesian age-depth modelling, enabling investigation of competing ideas of the main drivers of nearshore coral assemblage change. Specifically, we tested the hypotheses that changes in the composition of nearshore coral assemblages are: (1) intrinsically driven and linked to vertical reef development towards sea level, and (2) the result of changes in water quality associated with coastal river catchment modification. Our records found no discernible evidence of change in the generic composition of coral assemblages relative to European settlement. Instead, two distinctive depth-stratified assemblages were identified. This study demonstrates the robust nature of nearshore coral communities under reported water-quality decline and provides a useful context for the monitoring and assessment of ecological change on reefs located within the most nearshore turbid-zone environments of the central GBR.
Microbiome variation in corals with distinct depth distribution ranges across a shallow-mesophotic gradient (15-85 m)
Glasl B, Bongaerts P, Elisabeth NH, Hoegh-Guldberg O, Herndl GJ and Frade PR
Mesophotic coral ecosystems (MCEs) are generally poorly studied, and our knowledge of lower MCEs (below 60 m depth) is largely limited to visual surveys. Here, we provide a first detailed assessment of the prokaryotic community associated with scleractinian corals over a depth gradient to the lower mesophotic realm (15-85 m). Specimens of three Caribbean coral species exhibiting differences in their depth distribution ranges (, and ) were collected with a manned submersible on the island of Curaçao, and their prokaryotic communities assessed using 16S rRNA gene sequencing analysis. Corals with narrower depth distribution ranges (depth-specialists) were associated with a stable prokaryotic community, whereas corals with a broader niche range (depth-generalists) revealed a higher variability in their prokaryotic community. The observed depth effects match previously described patterns in depth zonation. This highlights the contribution of structured microbial communities over depth to the coral's ability to colonize a broader depth range.
Effects of thermal conditioning on the performance of adult coral colonies and their offspring
McRae CJ, Huang WB, Fan TY and Côté IM
Ocean warming induced by climate change is the greatest threat to the persistence of coral reefs globally. Given the current rate of ocean warming, there may not be sufficient time for natural acclimation or adaptation by corals. This urgency has led to the exploration of active management techniques aimed at enhancing thermal tolerance in corals. Here, we test the capacity for transgenerational acclimation in the reef-building coral as a means of increasing offspring performance in warmer waters. We exposed coral colonies from a reef influenced by intermittent upwelling and constant warm-water effluent from a nuclear power plant to temperatures that matched (26 °C) or exceeded (29.5 °C) season-specific mean temperatures for three reproductive cycles; offspring were allowed to settle and grow at both temperatures. Heated colonies reproduced significantly earlier in the lunar cycle and produced fewer and smaller planulae. Recruitment was lower at the heated recruitment temperature regardless of parent treatment. Recruit survival did not differ based on parent or recruitment temperature. Recruits from heated parents were smaller and had lower maximum quantum yield (Fv/Fm), a measurement of symbiont photochemical performance. We found no direct evidence that thermal conditioning of adult corals improves offspring performance in warmer water; however, chronic exposure of parent colonies to warmer temperatures at the source reef site may have limited transgenerational acclimation capacity. The extent to which coral response to this active management approach might vary across species and sites remains unclear and merits further investigation.
Impact of nitrogen (N) and phosphorus (P) enrichment and skewed N:P stoichiometry on the skeletal formation and microstructure of symbiotic reef corals
Buckingham MC, D'Angelo C, Chalk TB, Foster GL, Johnson KG, Connelly Z, Olla C, Saeed M and Wiedenmann J
Reported divergent responses of coral growth and skeletal microstructure to the nutrient environment complicate knowledge-based management of water quality in coral reefs. By re-evaluating published results considering the taxonomy of the studied corals and the N:P stoichiometry of their nutrient environment, we could resolve some of the major apparent contradictions. Our analysis suggests that Acroporids behave differently to several other common genera and show distinct responses to specific nutrient treatments. We hypothesised that both the concentrations of dissolved inorganic N and P in the water and their stoichiometry shape skeletal growth and microstructure. We tested this hypothesis by exposing fragments to four nutrient treatments for > 10 weeks: high nitrate/high phosphate (HNHP), high nitrate/low phosphate (HNLP), low nitrate/high phosphate (LNHP) and low nitrate/low phosphate (LNLP). HNHP corals retained high zooxanthellae densities and their linear extension and calcification rates were up to ten times higher than in the other treatments. HNLP and LNLP corals bleached through loss of symbionts. The photochemical efficiency (Fv/Fm) of residual symbionts in HNLP corals was significantly reduced, indicating P-starvation. Micro-computed tomography (µCT) of the skeletal microstructure revealed that reduced linear extension in nutrient limited or nutrient starved conditions (HNLP, LNHP, LNLP) was associated with significant thickening of skeletal elements and reduced porosity. These changes can be explained by the strongly reduced linear extension rate in combination with a smaller reduction in the calcification rate. Studies using increased skeletal density as a proxy for past thermal bleaching events should consider that such an increase in density may also be associated with temperature-independent response to the nutrient environment. Furthermore, the taxonomy of corals and seawater N:P stoichiometry should be considered when analysing and managing the impacts of nutrient pollution.
Effects of elevated temperature on reproduction and larval settlement in
Galanto N, Sartor C, Moscato V, Lizama M and Lemer S
As global ocean temperatures continue to rise, severe declines in coral reef health and diversity are reported on a global scale. Recovery of coral reefs relies on reproduction and increased rates of successful recruitment, which can vary tremendously across coral species. We investigated the effects of increased temperatures in the environment of parental colonies on larval production, size, settlement and survival, in the heat-resistant coral in Guam Thanks to two tank experiments (eleven and four weeks, respectively) conducted over two consecutive years we found that larvae released by heat-treated parents (30 °C) were significantly smaller in size but greater in number, had normal settlement behavior and increased post-settlement survival rates compared to those released by control parent colonies (28 °C). We conclude that changes in the environment of parental colonies trigger an anticipatory maternal effect which leads to the release of preconditioned larvae with an increased chance of survival.
Living on the edge: environmental variability of a shallow late Holocene cold-water coral mound
Raddatz J, Liebetrau V, Rüggeberg A, Foubert A, Flögel S, Nürnberg D, Hissmann K, Musiol J, Goepfert TJ, Eisenhauer A and Dullo WC
Similar to their tropical counterparts, cold-water corals (CWCs) are able to build large three-dimensional reef structures. These unique ecosystems are at risk due to ongoing climate change. In particular, ocean warming, ocean acidification and changes in the hydrological cycle may jeopardize the existence of CWCs. In order to predict how CWCs and their reefs or mounds will develop in the near future one important strategy is to study past fossil CWC mounds and especially shallow CWC ecosystems as they experience a greater environmental variability compared to other deep-water CWC ecosystems. We present results from a CWC mound off southern Norway. A sediment core drilled from this relatively shallow (~ 100 m) CWC mound exposes in full detail hydrographical changes during the late Holocene, which were crucial for mound build-up. We applied computed tomography, Th/U dating, and foraminiferal geochemical proxy reconstructions of bottom-water-temperature (Mg/Ca-based BWT), δO for seawater density, and the combination of both to infer salinity changes. Our results demonstrate that the CWC mound formed in the late Holocene between 4 kiloannum (ka) and 1.5 ka with an average aggradation rate of 104 cm/kiloyears (kyr), which is significantly lower than other Holocene Norwegian mounds. The reconstructed BWT and seawater density exhibit large variations throughout the entire period of mound formation, but are strikingly similar to modern in situ observations in the nearby Tisler Reef. We argue that BWT does not exert a primary control on CWC mound formation. Instead, strong salinity and seawater density variation throughout the entire mound sequence appears to be controlled by the interplay between the Atlantic Water (AW) inflow and the overlying, outflowing Baltic-Sea water. CWC growth and mound formation in the NE Skagerrak was supported by strong current flow, oxygen replenishment, the presence of a strong boundary layer and larval dispersal through the AW, but possibly inhibited by the influence of fresh Baltic Water during the late Holocene. Our study therefore highlights that modern shallow Norwegian CWC reefs may be particularly endangered due to changes in water-column stratification associated with increasing net precipitation caused by climate change.
Fine-scale heterogeneity reveals disproportionate thermal stress and coral mortality in thermally variable reef habitats during a marine heatwave
Brown KT, Eyal G, Dove SG and Barott KL
Increasing ocean temperatures threaten coral reefs globally, but corals residing in habitats that experience high thermal variability are thought to be better adapted to survive climate-induced heat stress. Here, we used long-term ecological observations and in situ temperature data from Heron Island, southern Great Barrier Reef to investigate how temperature dynamics within various thermally variable vs. thermally stable reef habitats change during a marine heatwave and the resulting consequences for coral community survival. During the heatwave, thermally variable habitats experienced larger surges in daily mean and maxima temperatures compared to stable sites, including extreme hourly incursions up to 36.5 °C. The disproportionate increase in heat stress in variable habitats corresponded with greater subsequent declines in hard coral cover, including a three-times greater decline within the thermally variable Reef Flat (70%) and Deep Lagoon (83%) than within thermally stable habitats along sheltered and exposed areas of the reef slope (0.3-19%). Interestingly, the thermally variable Reef Crest experienced comparatively small declines (26%), avoiding the most severe tidal ponding and resultant heat stress likely due to proximity to the open ocean equating to lower seawater residence times, greater mixing, and/or increased flow. These results highlight that variable thermal regimes, and any acclimatization or adaptation to elevated temperatures that may lead to, do not necessarily equate to protection against bleaching and mortality during marine heatwaves. Instead, thermally stable habitats that have greater seawater exchange with the open ocean may offer the most protection to corals during the severe marine heatwaves that accompany a changing climate.
A metagenomic-based study of two sites from the Barbadian reef system
Simpson S, Bettauer V, Ramachandran A, Kraemer S, Mahon S, Medina M, Vallès Y, Dumeaux V, Vallès H, Walsh D and Hallett MT
We study the microbiome of sea water collected from two locations of the Barbadian coral reefs. The two sites differ in several environmental and ecological variables including their endogenous benthic community and their proximity to urban development and runoffs from inland watersheds. The composition of the microbial communities was estimated using whole genome DNA shotgun sequencing with adjuvant measurements of chemical and environmental qualities. Although both sites exhibit a similar degree of richness, the less urbanized site (Maycocks reef at Hangman's Bay) has a strong concentration of phototrophs whereas the more urbanized location (Bellairs reef at Folkstone) is enriched for copiotrophs, macroalgal symbionts and marine-related disease-bearing organisms from taxa scattered across the tree of life. Our results are concordant with previous profiles of warm ocean surface waters, suggesting our approach captures the state of each coral reef site, setting the stage for longitudinal studies of marine microbiome dynamics in Barbados.
Implications of 2D versus 3D surveys to measure the abundance and composition of benthic coral reef communities
Kornder NA, Cappelletto J, Mueller B, Zalm MJL, Martinez SJ, Vermeij MJA, Huisman J and de Goeij JM
A paramount challenge in coral reef ecology is to estimate the abundance and composition of the communities residing in such complex ecosystems. Traditional 2D projected surface cover estimates neglect the 3D structure of reefs and reef organisms, overlook communities residing in cryptic reef habitats (e.g., overhangs, cavities), and thus may fail to represent biomass estimates needed to assess trophic ecology and reef function. Here, we surveyed the 3D surface cover, biovolume, and biomass (i.e., ash-free dry weight) of all major benthic taxa on 12 coral reef stations on the island of Curaçao (Southern Caribbean) using structure-from-motion photogrammetry, coral point counts, in situ measurements, and elemental analysis. We then compared our 3D benthic community estimates to corresponding estimates of traditional 2D projected surface cover to explore the differences in benthic community composition using different metrics. Overall, 2D cover was dominated (52 ± 2%, mean ± SE) by non-calcifying phototrophs (macroalgae, turf algae, benthic cyanobacterial mats), but their contribution to total reef biomass was minor (3.2 ± 0.6%). In contrast, coral cover (32 ± 2%) more closely resembled coral biomass (27 ± 6%). The relative contribution of erect organisms, such as gorgonians and massive sponges, to 2D cover was twofold and 11-fold lower, respectively, than their contribution to reef biomass. Cryptic surface area (3.3 ± 0.2 m m ) comprised half of the total reef substrate, rendering two thirds of coralline algae and almost all encrusting sponges (99.8%) undetected in traditional assessments. Yet, encrusting sponges dominated reef biomass (35 ± 18%). Based on our quantification of exposed and cryptic reef communities using different metrics, we suggest adjustments to current monitoring approaches and highlight ramifications for evaluating the ecological contributions of different taxa to overall reef function. To this end, our metric conversions can complement other benthic assessments to generate non-invasive estimates of the biovolume, biomass, and elemental composition (i.e., standing stocks of organic carbon and nitrogen) of Caribbean coral reef communities.
Asexual reproduction in bad times? The case of in the eastern Mediterranean Sea
López-Márquez V, Lozano-Martín C, Hadjioannou L, Acevedo I, Templado J, Jimenez C, Taviani M and Machordom A
We analysed the patterns of genetic variability of eastern Mediterranean populations of the scleractinian coral , from the Aegean and Levantine seas, using 19 polymorphic microsatellite loci, 11 of which were newly characterized. The observed genetic pattern reflects a scenario of isolation by environment: comparisons showed a higher degree of genetic differentiation between the two Cypriot populations that are separated by only 11 km than between these two Levantine populations and the Aegean population in Greece, which are separated by 1300 km. We hypothesize that local-scale oceanographic factors influenced the dispersal of planulae between the geographically close populations, playing a crucial role in the genetic structure of this coastal coral. Yet, despite being characterized as a species with limited dispersal and high self-recruitment, large-scale migration does eventually occur as first-generation migrants were identified between the most distant populations. In line with previous findings of reproductive plasticity in , we also found localized differences in reproduction mode (sexual vs. asexual) within a geographically limited context. Several individuals were identified as clones, indicating the predominance of asexual reproduction in one of the Cypriot populations. We interpret this predominance either as a direct response to or as an indirect consequence of perturbations suffered by this population. These perturbations are caused by unfavourable environmental conditions that threatened local survival, in particular water temperature changes and windstorm swells. Asexual reproduction may be a mechanism used by to counteract mortality events and recolonize devastated areas, and likely accounts for the occasional high levels of clonality and low levels of genetic diversity. Local adaptations such as these should therefore be considered in conservation and management strategies to maintain and preserve the gene pool of this endangered species.
Using novel acoustic and visual mapping tools to predict the small-scale spatial distribution of live biogenic reef framework in cold-water coral habitats
De Clippele LH, Gafeira J, Robert K, Hennige S, Lavaleye MS, Duineveld GCA, Huvenne VAI and Roberts JM
Cold-water corals form substantial biogenic habitats on continental shelves and in deep-sea areas with topographic highs, such as banks and seamounts. In the Atlantic, many reef and mound complexes are engineered by , the dominant framework-forming coral. In this study, a variety of mapping approaches were used at a range of scales to map the distribution of both cold-water coral habitats and individual coral colonies at the Mingulay Reef Complex (west Scotland). The new ArcGIS-based British Geological Survey (BGS) seabed mapping toolbox semi-automatically delineated over 500 reef 'mini-mounds' from bathymetry data with 2-m resolution. The morphometric and acoustic characteristics of the mini-mounds were also automatically quantified and captured using this toolbox. Coral presence data were derived from high-definition remotely operated vehicle (ROV) records and high-resolution microbathymetry collected by a ROV-mounted multibeam echosounder. With a resolution of 0.35 × 0.35 m, the microbathymetry covers 0.6 km in the centre of the study area and allowed identification of individual live coral colonies in acoustic data for the first time. Maximum water depth, maximum rugosity, mean rugosity, bathymetric positioning index and maximum current speed were identified as the environmental variables that contributed most to the prediction of live coral presence. These variables were used to create a predictive map of the likelihood of presence of live cold-water coral colonies in the area of the Mingulay Reef Complex covered by the 2-m resolution data set. Predictive maps of live corals across the reef will be especially valuable for future long-term monitoring surveys, including those needed to understand the impacts of global climate change. This is the first study using the newly developed BGS seabed mapping toolbox and an ROV-based microbathymetric grid to explore the environmental variables that control coral growth on cold-water coral reefs.
Storms may disrupt top-down control of algal turf on fringing reefs
Hayes HG, Kalhori PS, Weiss M, Grier SR, Fong P and Fong CR
Storms strongly affect coral reefs; one unstudied but potentially important outcome may be a decrease in herbivory, presumably through changes to freshwater, sediment and nutrient influx. Algal turfs are sensitive early indicators of reef condition, and experimental evidence demonstrates low sediment loads and strong herbivory maintain short, healthy turf. While unknown, storms likely disrupt these controlling forces. We have observed storms that generate frequent, visible sediment plumes in Moorea, French Polynesia. To evaluate the effects of storms on herbivory, we conducted a set of field experiments manipulating herbivore access to naturally occurring turf under three rainfall regimes: no rain, light rain, and heavy rain that generated a plume event. We found strong effects of herbivores except following the storm, indicating disruption of typically strong top-down control by herbivores on algal turfs. Further research into the underlying mechanisms is critical as storm intensities and watershed development increase in many tropical regions.
Growth, chamber building rate and reproduction time of (Foraminifera) under natural conditions
Kinoshita S, Eder W, Wöger J, Hohenegger J and Briguglio A
We investigated the symbiont-bearing benthic foraminifer to determine the chamber building rate (CBR), test diameter increase rate (DIR), reproduction time and longevity using the 'natural laboratory' approach. This is based on the decomposition of monthly obtained frequency distributions of chamber number and test diameter into normally distributed components. Test measurements were taken using MicroCT. The shift of the mean and standard deviation of component parameters during the 15-month investigation period was used to calculate Michaelis-Menten functions applied to estimate the averaged CBR and DIR under natural conditions. The individual dates of birth were estimated using the inverse averaged CBR and the inverse DIR fitted by the individual chamber number or the individual test diameter at the sampling date. Distributions of frequencies and densities (i.e., frequency divided by sediment weight) based on both CBR and DIR revealed continuous reproduction throughout the year with two peaks, a stronger one in June determined as the onset of the summer generation (generation 1) and a weaker one in November determined as the onset of the winter generation (generation 2). This reproduction scheme explains the presence of small and large specimens in the same sample. Longevity, calculated as the maximum difference in days between the individual's birth date and the sampling date, is approximately 1.5 yr, an estimation obtained by using both CBR and DIR.
Heat stress and bleaching in corals: a bioenergetic model
Pfab F, Detmer AR, Moeller HV, Nisbet RM, Putnam HM and Cunning R
The coral-dinoflagellate endosymbiosis is based on nutrient exchanges that impact holobiont energetics. Of particular concern is the breakdown or dysbiosis of this partnership that is seen in response to elevated temperatures, where loss of symbionts through coral bleaching can lead to starvation and mortality. Here we extend a dynamic bioenergetic model of coral symbioses to explore the mechanisms by which temperature impacts various processes in the symbiosis and to enable simulational analysis of thermal bleaching. Our model tests the effects of two distinct mechanisms for how increased temperature impacts the symbiosis: 1) accelerated metabolic rates due to thermodynamics and 2) damage to the photosynthetic machinery of the symbiont caused by heat stress. Model simulations show that the model can capture key biological responses to different levels of increased temperatures. Moderately increased temperatures increase metabolic rates and slightly decrease photosynthesis. The slightly decreased photosynthesis rates cause the host to receive less carbon and share more nitrogen with the symbiont. This results in temporarily increased symbiont growth and a higher symbiont/host ratio. In contrast, higher temperatures cause a breakdown of the symbiosis due to escalating feedback that involves further reduction in photosynthesis and insufficient energy supply for concentration by the host. This leads to the accumulation of excess light energy and the generation of reactive oxygen species, eventually triggering symbiont expulsion and coral bleaching. Importantly, bleaching does not result from accelerated metabolic rates alone; it only occurs as a result of the photodamage mechanism due to its effect on nutrient cycling. Both higher light intensities and higher levels of DIN render corals more susceptible to heat stress. Conversely, heterotrophic feeding can increase the maximal temperature that can be tolerated by the coral. Collectively these results show that a bioenergetics model can capture many observed patterns of heat stress in corals, such as higher metabolic rates and higher symbiont/host ratios at moderately increased temperatures and symbiont expulsion at strongly increased temperatures.