Stability and Robustness of Time-discretization Schemes for the Allen-Cahn Equation via Bifurcation and Perturbation Analysis
The Allen-Cahn equation is a fundamental model for phase transitions, offering critical insights into the dynamics of interface evolution in various physical systems. This paper investigates the stability and robustness of frequently utilized time-discretization numerical schemes for solving the Allen-Cahn equation, with focuses on the Backward Euler, Crank-Nicolson (CN), convex splitting of modified CN, and Diagonally Implicit Runge-Kutta (DIRK) methods. Our stability analysis reveals that the Convex Splitting of the Modified CN scheme exhibits unconditional stability, allowing greater flexibility in time step size selection, while the other schemes are conditionally stable. Additionally, our robustness analysis highlights that the Backward Euler method converges to correct physical solutions regardless of initial conditions. In contrast, all other methods studied in this work show sensitivity to initial conditions and may converge to incorrect physical solutions if the initial conditions are not carefully chosen. This study introduces a comprehensive approach to assessing stability and robustness in numerical methods for solving the Allen-Cahn equation, providing a new perspective for evaluating numerical techniques for general nonlinear differential equations.
Physics-informed genetic programming for discovery of partial differential equations from scarce and noisy data
A novel framework is proposed that utilizes symbolic regression via genetic programming to identify free-form partial differential equations from scarce and noisy data. The framework successfully identified ground truth models for four synthetic systems (an isothermal plug flow reactor, a continuously stirred tank reactor, a nonisothermal reactor, and viscous flow governed by Burgers' equation) from time-variant data collected at one location. A comparative analysis against the so-called weak Sparse Identification of Nonlinear Dynamics (SINDy) demonstrated the proposed framework's superior ability to identify meaningful partial differential equation (PDE) models when data was scarce. The framework was further tested for robustness to noise and scarcity, showing successful model recovery from as few as eight time series data points collected at a single point in space with 50% noise. These results emphasize the potential of the proposed framework for the discovery of PDE models when data collection is expensive or otherwise difficult.
Pressure boundary conditions for immersed-boundary methods
Immersed boundary methods have seen an enormous increase in popularity over the past two decades, especially for problems involving complex moving/deforming boundaries. In most cases, the boundary conditions on the immersed body are enforced via forcing functions in the momentum equations, which in the case of fractional step methods may be problematic due to: i) creation of slip-errors resulting from the lack of explicitly enforcing boundary conditions on the (pseudo-)pressure on the immersed body; ii) coupling of the solution in the fluid and solid domains via the Poisson equation. Examples of fractional-step formulations that simultaneously enforce velocity and pressure boundary conditions have also been developed, but in most cases the standard Poisson equation is replaced by a more complex system which requires expensive iterative solvers. In this work we propose a new formulation to enforce appropriate boundary conditions on the pseudo-pressure as part of a fractional-step approach. The overall treatment is inspired by the ghost-fluid method typically utilized in two-phase flows. The main advantage of the algorithm is that a standard Poisson equation is solved, with all the modifications needed to enforce the boundary conditions being incorporated within the right-hand side. As a result, fast solvers based on trigonometric transformations can be utilized. We demonstrate the accuracy and robustness of the formulation for a series of problems with increasing complexity.
Benchmarking the Immersed Boundary Method for Viscoelastic Flows
We present and analyze a series of benchmark tests regarding the application of the immersed boundary (IB) method to viscoelastic flows through and around non-trivial, stationary geometries. The IB method is widely used to simulate biological fluid dynamics and other modeling scenarios in which a structure is immersed in a fluid. Although the IB method has been most commonly used to model systems involving viscous incompressible fluids, it also can be applied to visoelastic fluids, and has enabled the study of a wide variety of dynamical problems including the settling of vesicles and the swimming of elastic filaments in fluids modeled by the Oldroyd-B constitutive equation. In the viscoelastic context, however, relatively little work has explored the accuracy or convergence properties of this numerical scheme. Herein, we present benchmarking results for an IB solver applied to viscoelastic flows in and around non-trivial geometries using either the idealized Oldroyd-B constitutive model or the more physcially realistic, polymer-entanglementbased Rolie-Poly constitutive equations. We use two-dimensional numerical test cases along with results from rheology experiments to benchmark the IB method and compare it to more complex finite element and finite volume viscoelastic flow solvers. Additionally, we analyze different choices of regularized delta function and relative Lagrangian grid spacings which allow us to identify and recommend the key choices of these numerical parameters depending on the present flow regime.
Learning nonparametric ordinary differential equations from noisy data
Learning nonparametric systems of Ordinary Differential Equations (ODEs) from noisy data is an emerging machine learning topic. We use the well-developed theory of Reproducing Kernel Hilbert Spaces (RKHS) to define candidates for for which the solution of the ODE exists and is unique. Learning consists of solving a constrained optimization problem in an RKHS. We propose a penalty method that iteratively uses the Representer theorem and Euler approximations to provide a numerical solution. We prove a generalization bound for the distance between and its estimator. Experiments are provided for the FitzHugh-Nagumo oscillator, the Lorenz system, and for predicting the Amyloid level in the cortex of aging subjects. In all cases, we show competitive results compared with the state-of-the-art.
HomPINNs: homotopy physics-informed neural networks for solving the inverse problems of nonlinear differential equations with multiple solutions
Due to the complex behavior arising from non-uniqueness, symmetry, and bifurcations in the solution space, solving inverse problems of nonlinear differential equations (DEs) with multiple solutions is a challenging task. To address this, we propose homotopy physics-informed neural networks (HomPINNs), a novel framework that leverages homotopy continuation and neural networks (NNs) to solve inverse problems. The proposed framework begins with the use of NNs to simultaneously approximate unlabeled observations across diverse solutions while adhering to DE constraints. Through homotopy continuation, the proposed method solves the inverse problem by tracing the observations and identifying multiple solutions. The experiments involve testing the performance of the proposed method on one-dimensional DEs and applying it to solve a two-dimensional Gray-Scott simulation. Our findings demonstrate that the proposed method is scalable and adaptable, providing an effective solution for solving DEs with multiple solutions and unknown parameters. Moreover, it has significant potential for various applications in scientific computing, such as modeling complex systems and solving inverse problems in physics, chemistry, biology, etc.
Calculation of electrostatic free energy for the nonlinear Poisson-Boltzmann model based on the dimensionless potential
The Poisson-Boltzmann (PB) equation governing the electrostatic potential with a unit is often transformed to a normalized form for a dimensionless potential in numerical studies. To calculate the electrostatic free energy (EFE) of biological interests, a unit conversion has to be conducted, because the existing PB energy functionals are all described in terms of the original potential. To bypass this conversion, this paper proposes energy functionals in terms of the dimensionless potential for the first time in the literature, so that the normalized PB equation can be directly derived by using the Euler-Lagrange variational analysis. Moreover, alternative energy forms have been rigorously derived to avoid approximating the gradient of singular functions in the electrostatic stress term. A systematic study has been carried out to examine the surface integrals involved in alternative energy forms and their dependence on finite domain size and mesh step size, which leads to a recommendation on the EFE forms for efficient computation of protein systems. The calculation of the EFE in the regularization formulation, which is an analytical approach for treating singular charge sources of the PB equation, has also been studied. The proposed energy forms have been validated by considering smooth dielectric settings, such as diffuse interface and super-Gaussian, for which the EFE of the nonlinear PB model is found to be significantly different from that of the linearized PB model. All proposed energy functionals and EFE forms are designed such that the dimensionless potential can be simply plugged in to compute the EFE in the unit of kcal/mol, and they can also be applied in the classical sharp interface PB model.
A hybrid stochastic interpolation and compression method for kernel matrices
Kernel functions play an important role in a wide range of scientific computing and machine learning problems. These functions lead to dense kernel matrices that impose great challenges in computational costs at large scale. In this paper, we develop a set of fast kernel matrix compressing algorithms, which can reduce computation cost of matrix operations in the related applications. The foundation of these algorithms is the polyharmonic spline interpolation, which includes a set of radial basis functions that allow flexible choices of interpolating nodes, and a set of polynomial basis functions that guarantee the solvability and convergence of the interpolation. With these properties, original data points in the interacting kernel function can be randomly sampled with great flexibility, so the proposed method is suitable for complicated data structures, such as high-dimensionality, random distribution, or manifold. To further boost the algorithm accuracy and efficiency, this scheme is equipped with a QR sampling strategy, and combined with a recently developed fast stochastic SVD to form a hybrid method. If the overall number of degree of freedom is , then the compressing algorithm has complexity of for low-rank matrices, and for general matrices with a hierarchical structure. Numerical results for data on various domains and different kernel functions validate the accuracy and efficiency of the proposed method.
A sharp interface Lagrangian-Eulerian method for flexible-body fluid-structure interaction
This paper introduces a sharp-interface approach to simulating fluid-structure interaction (FSI) involving flexible bodies described by general nonlinear material models and across a broad range of mass density ratios. This new flexible-body immersed Lagrangian-Eulerian (ILE) scheme extends our prior work on integrating partitioned and immersed approaches to rigid-body FSI. Our numerical approach incorporates the geometrical and domain solution flexibility of the immersed boundary (IB) method with an accuracy comparable to body-fitted approaches that sharply resolve flows and stresses up to the fluid-structure interface. Unlike many IB methods, our ILE formulation uses distinct momentum equations for the fluid and solid subregions with a Dirichlet-Neumann coupling strategy that connects fluid and solid subproblems through simple interface conditions. As in earlier work, we use approximate Lagrange multiplier forces to treat the kinematic interface conditions along the fluid-structure interface. This penalty approach simplifies the linear solvers needed by our formulation by introducing two representations of the fluid-structure interface, one that moves with the fluid and another that moves with the structure, that are connected by stiff springs. This approach also enables the use of multi-rate time stepping, which allows us to use different time step sizes for the fluid and structure subproblems. Our fluid solver relies on an immersed interface method (IIM) for discrete surfaces to impose stress jump conditions along complex interfaces while enabling the use of fast structured-grid solvers for the incompressible Navier-Stokes equations. The dynamics of the volumetric structural mesh are determined using a standard finite element approach to large-deformation nonlinear elasticity via a nearly incompressible solid mechanics formulation. This formulation also readily accommodates compressible structures with a constant total volume, and it can handle fully compressible solid structures for cases in which at least part of the solid boundary does not contact the incompressible fluid. Selected grid convergence studies demonstrate second-order convergence in volume conservation and in the pointwise discrepancies between corresponding positions of the two interface representations as well as between first and second-order convergence in the structural displacements. The time stepping scheme is also demonstrated to yield second-order convergence. To assess and validate the robustness and accuracy of the new algorithm, comparisons are made with computational and experimental FSI benchmarks. Test cases include both smooth and sharp geometries in various flow conditions. We also demonstrate the capabilities of this methodology by applying it to model the transport and capture of a geometrically realistic, deformable blood clot in an inferior vena cava filter.
Predicting rare events using neural networks and short-trajectory data
Estimating the likelihood, timing, and nature of events is a major goal of modeling stochastic dynamical systems. When the event is rare in comparison with the timescales of simulation and/or measurement needed to resolve the elemental dynamics, accurate prediction from direct observations becomes challenging. In such cases a more effective approach is to cast statistics of interest as solutions to Feynman-Kac equations (partial differential equations). Here, we develop an approach to solve Feynman-Kac equations by training neural networks on short-trajectory data. Our approach is based on a Markov approximation but otherwise avoids assumptions about the underlying model and dynamics. This makes it applicable to treating complex computational models and observational data. We illustrate the advantages of our method using a low-dimensional model that facilitates visualization, and this analysis motivates an adaptive sampling strategy that allows on-the-fly identification of and addition of data to regions important for predicting the statistics of interest. Finally, we demonstrate that we can compute accurate statistics for a 75-dimensional model of sudden stratospheric warming. This system provides a stringent test bed for our method.
A Nodal Immersed Finite Element-Finite Difference Method
The immersed finite element-finite difference (IFED) method is a computational approach to modeling interactions between a fluid and an immersed structure. The IFED method uses a finite element (FE) method to approximate the stresses, forces, and structural deformations on a and a finite difference (FD) method to approximate the momentum and enforce incompressibility of the entire fluid-structure system on a The fundamental approach used by this method follows the immersed boundary framework for modeling fluid-structure interaction (FSI), in which a force spreading operator prolongs structural forces to a Cartesian grid, and a velocity interpolation operator restricts a velocity field defined on that grid back onto the structural mesh. With an FE structural mechanics framework, force spreading first requires that the force itself be projected onto the finite element space. Similarly, velocity interpolation requires projecting velocity data onto the FE basis functions. Consequently, evaluating either coupling operator requires solving a matrix equation at every time step. Mass lumping, in which the projection matrices are replaced by diagonal approximations, has the potential to accelerate this method considerably. This paper provides both numerical and computational analyses of the effects of this replacement for evaluating the force projection and for the IFED coupling operators. Constructing the coupling operators also requires determining the locations on the structure mesh where the forces and velocities are sampled. Here we show that sampling the forces and velocities at the nodes of the structural mesh is equivalent to using lumped mass matrices in the IFED coupling operators. A key theoretical result of our analysis is that if both of these approaches are used together, the IFED method permits the use of lumped mass matrices derived from nodal quadrature rules for any standard interpolatory element. This is different from standard FE methods, which require specialized treatments to accommodate mass lumping with higher-order shape functions. Our theoretical results are confirmed by numerical benchmarks, including standard solid mechanics tests and examination of a dynamic model of a bioprosthetic heart valve.
On the efficient evaluation of the azimuthal Fourier components of the Green's function for Helmholtz's equation in cylindrical coordinates
In this paper, we develop an efficient algorithm to evaluate the azimuthal Fourier components of the Green's function for the Helmholtz equation in cylindrical coordinates. A computationally efficient algorithm for this modal Green's function is essential for solvers for electromagnetic scattering from bodies of revolution (e.g., radar cross sections, antennas). Current algorithms to evaluate this modal Green's function become computationally intractable when the source and target are close or when the wavenumber is large or complex. Furthermore, most state-of-the-art methods cannot be easily parallelized. In this paper, we present an algorithm for evaluating the modal Green's function that has performance independent of both source-to-target proximity and wavenumber, and whose cost grows as (), where is the Fourier mode. Our algorithm's performance is independent of whether the wavenumber is real or complex. Furthermore, our algorithm is embarrassingly parallelizable.
Robust and efficient fixed-point algorithm for the inverse elastostatic problem to identify myocardial passive material parameters and the unloaded reference configuration
Image-based computational models of the heart represent a powerful tool to shed new light on the mechanisms underlying physiological and pathological conditions in cardiac function and to improve diagnosis and therapy planning. However, in order to enable the clinical translation of such models, it is crucial to develop personalized models that are able to reproduce the physiological reality of a given patient. There have been numerous contributions in experimental and computational biomechanics to characterize the passive behavior of the myocardium. However, most of these studies suffer from severe limitations and are not applicable to high-resolution geometries. In this work, we present a novel methodology to perform an automated identification of properties of passive cardiac biomechanics. The highly-efficient algorithm fits material parameters against the shape of a patient-specific approximation of the end-diastolic pressure-volume relation (EDPVR). Simultaneously, an unloaded reference configuration is generated, where a novel line search strategy to improve convergence and robustness is implemented. Only clinical image data or previously generated meshes at one time point during diastole and one measured data point of the EDPVR are required as an input. The proposed method can be straightforwardly coupled to existing finite element (FE) software packages and is applicable to different constitutive laws and FE formulations. Sensitivity analysis demonstrates that the algorithm is robust with respect to initial input parameters.
A cell-resolved, Lagrangian solver for modeling red blood cell dynamics in macroscale flows
When red blood cells (RBCs) experience non-physiologically high stresses, e.g., in medical devices, they can rupture in a process called hemolysis. Directly simulating this process is computationally unaffordable given that the length scales of a medical device are several orders of magnitude larger than that of a RBC. To overcome this separation of scales, the present work introduces an affordable computational framework that accurately resolves the stress and deformation of a RBC in a spatially and temporally varying macroscale flow field such as those found in a typical medical device. The underlying idea of the present framework is to treat RBCs as one-way coupled tracers in the macroscale flow by capturing the effect of the flow on their dynamics but neglecting their effect on the flow at the macroscale. As a result, the RBC dynamics are simulated after those of the flow in a postprocessing step by receiving the fluid velocity gradient tensor measured along the RBC trajectory as the input. To resolve the fluid velocity in the immediate vicinity of the RBC as well as the motion of the membrane, we employ the boundary integral method coupled to a structural solver. The governing equations are discretized in space using spherical harmonics, yielding spectral integration accuracy. The predictions produced by this formulation are in good agreement with those obtained from simulations of spherical capsules in shear flows and optical tweezers experiments. The accuracy of the present method is evaluated using unbounded shear flow as a benchmark. Its computational cost grows proportional to , where is the degree of the spherical harmonic. It also exhibits a fast convergence rate that is approximately for ⪅ 20.
Graph-based homogenisation for modelling cardiac fibrosis
Fibrosis, the excess of extracellular matrix, can affect, and even block, propagation of action potential in cardiac tissue. This can result in deleterious effects on heart function, but the nature and severity of these effects depend strongly on the localisation of fibrosis and its by-products in cardiac tissue, such as collagen scar formation. Computer simulation is an important means of understanding the complex effects of fibrosis on activation patterns in the heart, but concerns of computational cost place restrictions on the spatial resolution of these simulations. In this work, we present a novel numerical homogenisation technique that uses both Eikonal and graph approaches to allow fine-scale heterogeneities in conductivity to be incorporated into a coarser mesh. Homogenisation achieves this by deriving effective conductivity tensors so that a coarser mesh can then be used for numerical simulation. By taking a graph-based approach, our homogenisation technique functions naturally on irregular grids and does not rely upon any assumptions of periodicity, even implicitly. We present results of action potential propagation through fibrotic tissue in two dimensions that show the graph-based homogenisation technique is an accurate and effective way to capture fine-scale domain information on coarser meshes in the context of sharp-fronted travelling waves of activation. As test problems, we consider excitation propagation in tissue with diffuse fibrosis and through a tunnel-like structure designed to test homogenisation, interaction of an excitation wave with a scar region, and functional re-entry.
On the Lagrangian-Eulerian Coupling in the Immersed Finite Element/Difference Method
The immersed boundary (IB) method is a non-body conforming approach to fluid-structure interaction (FSI) that uses an Eulerian description of the momentum, viscosity, and incompressibility of a coupled fluid-structure system and a Lagrangian description of the deformations, stresses, and resultant forces of the immersed structure. Integral transforms with Dirac delta function kernels couple the Eulerian and Lagrangian variables, and in practice, discretizations of these integral transforms use regularized delta function kernels. Many different kernel functions have been proposed, but prior numerical work investigating the impact of the choice of kernel function on the accuracy of the methodology has often been limited to simplified test cases or Stokes flow conditions that may not reflect the method's performance in applications, particularly at intermediate-to-high Reynolds numbers, or under different loading conditions. This work systematically studies the effect of the choice of regularized delta function in several fluid-structure interaction benchmark tests using the immersed finite element/difference (IFED) method, which is an extension of the IB method that uses a finite element structural discretization combined with a Cartesian grid finite difference method for the incompressible Navier-Stokes equations. Whereas the conventional IB method spreads forces from the nodes of the structural mesh and interpolates velocities to those nodes, the IFED formulation evaluates the regularized delta function on a collection of interaction points that can be chosen to be denser than the nodes of the Lagrangian mesh. This opens the possibility of using structural discretizations with wide node spacings that would produce gaps in the Eulerian force in nodally coupled schemes (e.g., if the node spacing is comparable to or broader than the support of the regularized delta functions). Earlier work with this methodology suggested that such coarse structural meshes can yield improved accuracy for shear-dominated cases and, further, found that accuracy improves when the structural mesh spacing is . However, these results were limited to simple test cases that did not include substantial pressure loading on the structure. This study investigates the effect of varying the relative mesh widths of the Lagrangian and Eulerian discretizations in a broader range of tests. Our results indicate that kernels satisfying a commonly imposed even-odd condition require higher resolution to achieve similar accuracy as kernels that do not satisfy this condition. We also find that narrower kernels are more robust, in the sense that they yield results that are less sensitive to relative changes in the Eulerian and Lagrangian mesh spacings, and that structural meshes that are substantially coarser than the Cartesian grid can yield high accuracy for shear-dominated cases but not for cases with large normal forces. We verify our results in a large-scale FSI model of a bovine pericardial bioprosthetic heart valve in a pulse duplicator.
A novel interpolation-free sharp-interface immersed boundary method
This paper describes a novel 2 order direct forcing immersed boundary method designed for simulation of 2D and 3D incompressible flow problems with complex immersed boundaries. In this formulation, each cell cut by the immersed boundary (IB) is reshaped to conform to the shape of the IB. IBs are modeled as a series of 2D planes in 3D space that connect seamlessly at the edges of the cut cells, in a way that mimics conformal grid. IBs are represented in a continuous and consistent fashion from one cell to another, thus eliminating spatial pressure oscillations originating from inconsistent description of the IB as well as the traditional stair-step problem, leading to a more accurate resolution of the boundary layer. Boundary conditions are enforced at the exact location of the IB devoid of interpolation, which guarantees sound simulations even on grids with high aspect ratio, and enables simulations of flow packed with multiple IBs in close proximity. Boundary conditions for each phase across the IB are enforced independently, yielding a unique capability to solve flows with zero-thickness IBs. Simulations of a large number of 2D and 3D test cases confirm the prowess of the devised immersed boundary method in solving flows over multiple loosely/closely-packed IBs; stationary, moving and highly morphing IBs; as well as IBs with zero-thickness. Results show that predictions from the proposed scheme agree remarkably well with theoretical models and experimental data for both integral variables and local flow fields and they are often with less than 1% deviation from solutions obtained by conformal grid of similar resolution.
A general computational framework for the dynamics of single- and multi-phase vesicles and membranes
The dynamics of thin, membrane-like structures are ubiquitous in nature. They play especially important roles in cell biology. Cell membranes separate the inside of a cell from the outside, and vesicles compartmentalize proteins into functional microregions, such as the lysosome. Proteins and/or lipid molecules also aggregate and deform membranes to carry out cellular functions. For example, some viral particles can induce the membrane to invaginate and form an endocytic vesicle that pulls the virus into the cell. While the physics of membranes has been extensively studied since the pioneering work of Helfrich in the 1970's, simulating the dynamics of large scale deformations remains challenging, especially for cases where the membrane composition is spatially heterogeneous. Here, we develop a general computational framework to simulate the overdamped dynamics of membranes and vesicles. We start by considering a membrane with an energy that is a generalized functional of the shape invariants and also includes line discontinuities that arise due to phase boundaries. Using this energy, we derive the internal restoring forces and construct a level set-based algorithm that can stably simulate the large-scale dynamics of these generalized membranes, including scenarios that lead to membrane fission. This method is applied to solve for shapes of single-phase vesicles using a range of reduced volumes, reduced area differences, and preferred curvatures. Our results match well the experimentally measured shapes of corresponding vesicles. The method is then applied to explore the dynamics of multiphase vesicles, predicting equilibrium shapes and conditions that lead to fission near phase boundaries.
A Hybrid Semi-Lagrangian Cut Cell Method for Advection-Diffusion Problems with Robin Boundary Conditions in Moving Domains
We present a new discretization approach to advection-diffusion problems with Robin boundary conditions on complex, time-dependent domains. The method is based on second order cut cell finite volume methods introduced by Bochkov et al. [8] to discretize the Laplace operator and Robin boundary condition. To overcome the small cell problem, we use a splitting scheme along with a semi-Lagrangian method to treat advection. We demonstrate second order accuracy in the , , and norms for both analytic test problems and numerical convergence studies. We also demonstrate the ability of the scheme to convert one chemical species to another across a moving boundary.
Modeling and simulation of cell nuclear architecture reorganization process
We develop a special phase field/diffusive interface method to model the nuclear architecture reorganization process. In particular, we use a Lagrange multiplier approach in the phase field model to preserve the specific physical and geometrical constraints for the biological events. We develop several efficient and robust linear and weakly nonlinear schemes for this new model. To validate the model and numerical methods, we present ample numerical simulations which in particular reproduce several processes of nuclear architecture reorganization from the experiment literature.
Computational modeling of protein conformational changes - Application to the opening SARS-CoV-2 spike
We present a new approach to compute and analyze the dynamical electro-geometric properties of proteins undergoing conformational changes. The molecular trajectory is obtained from Markov state models, and the electrostatic potential is calculated using the continuum Poisson-Boltzmann equation. The numerical electric potential is constructed using a parallel sharp numerical solver implemented on adaptive Octree grids. We introduce novel error estimates to quantify the solution's accuracy on the molecular surface. To illustrate the approach, we consider the opening of the SARS-CoV-2 spike protein using the recent molecular trajectory simulated through the Folding@home initiative. We analyze our results, focusing on the characteristics of the receptor-binding domain and its vicinity. This work lays the foundation for a new class of hybrid computational approaches, producing high-fidelity dynamical computational measurements serving as a basis for protein bio-mechanism investigations.