Method of homicide and severe mental illness: A systematic review
Minero VA, Barker E and Bedford R
There is limited research that has examined offense characteristics in homicides committed by individuals with mental illness and with differing psychiatric diagnoses. The aim of this systematic review is to synthesize previous findings of studies analyzing homicide behavior by mentally ill individuals, and reporting any associations between mental illness and method of homicide. We searched four databases (MedLine, PsychINFO, Web of Science and Embase), and identified 52 relevant articles for analysis. Of these 52 articles, nine reported specific information on mental illness and method of homicide. Five out of nine articles revealed an association between and the use of as a method of homicide. Four out of nine studies revealed an association between ( and . Our review confirms consistency across studies reporting a significant association between close contact methods and schizophrenia/mood disorders. Also identified as possible influential factors concerning weapon choice are illness duration, victim characteristics and planning/lack of planning of the homicide. Additionally, studies revealed up to 96% of severely mentally ill offenders experienced psychiatric symptoms at the time of the homicide. Future research may examine the presence of specific psychiatric symptoms when a mentally ill offender commits a homicide and whether these may be more influential in the method of homicide used than the psychiatric diagnosis of the offender.
Provocation and target gender as moderators of the relationship between acute alcohol use and female perpetrated aggression
Crane CA, Schlauch RC, Testa M and Easton CJ
Acute alcohol use appears to exert a small but significant effect on female perpetrated aggression in the laboratory but there has been no effort to evaluate comprehensively the situational moderators of this relationship. This preliminary review was intended to explore the moderating effects of provocation and target gender on alcohol-related aggression among females in this understudied area of research. Moderator analyses were conducted on 14 studies. Despite limitations imposed by the sparsity of laboratory based research on alcohol-related aggression among females, initial results suggest that alcohol may exert stronger effects over female aggression following high ( = 0.25, = 8, < .01, 95% CI = 0.10-0.40) rather than low ( = -0.07, = 6, = .52, 95% CI = -0.29-0.15) provocation and when targets of aggression are female ( = 0.19, = 9, = .01, 95% CI = 0.04-0.34) rather than male ( = -0.06, = 4, = .61, 95% CI = -0.30-0.18). Results offer initial insight into situational risk factors pertinent to research and treatment of alcohol-related aggression among females while serving as an impetus for future research in this critical, neglected area of study.
Government political structure and violent death rates: A longitudinal analysis of forty-three countries, 1960-2008
Marotta P, Lee BX, Blay-Tofey M, Kim CH, Schuder KK, Lee G and Gilligan J
Currently, little is known regarding the effect of regime type on mortality on a global level. The purpose of this study is to examine the effect of regime type on the rates of violent deaths (homicide, suicide, and combined rates).
A systematic review of comprehensive interventions for substance abuse: Focus on victimization
Sabri B, Greene C and Lucas GM
Violence victimization is common among men and women who use substances and is associated with co-occurring health issues such as PTSD, depression and HIV. Substance use interventions, therefore, should include integrated components that are designed to address co-occurring health issues among victimized substance-using individuals. This systematic review synthesized the evidence on efficacy of comprehensive, integrated, multicomponent interventions for victimized substance-using individuals. The efficacy of integrated multicomponent intervention strategies was assessed for the following syndemic conditions: mental health, substance misuse, violence, and HIV risk. Seventeen studies were identified. Examples of effective components were empowerment strategies for violence, mindfulness-based stress reduction for mental health, social cognitive skill building for addressing HIV risk and psychoeducation for substance misuse. Although in this review, some components were found to be effective, we identified methodological limitations of included studies which calls for more rigorous research in this area. Further, there is lack of evidence base for multicomponent interventions for victimized substance-using individuals in developing countries. Additional studies are needed to establish rigorous evidence base for multicomponent interventions for victimized substance using individuals that help them cope effectively with their trauma of violence and address their needs.
Prevalence of intimate partner violence perpetration among military populations: A systematic review and meta-analysis
Kwan J, Sparrow K, Facer-Irwin E, Thandi G, Fear NT and MacManus D
Intimate partner violence (IPV) is a global health issue that impacts both civilian and military populations. Factors associated with military service may result in increased risk of IPV perpetration among Veterans and Active Duty military personnel. Six bibliographic databases were searched to identify studies that estimated the prevalence of IPV perpetration among military populations by sociodemographic and military characteristics. Where possible, random effect meta-analyses were conducted to determine pooled prevalence estimates. 42 studies were eligible for inclusion in this systematic review. 28 of these studies met the requirements for inclusion in subsequent meta-analyses. Among studies that measured past-year physical IPV perpetration, the pooled prevalence was higher among men compared to women (26% and 20% respectively). Among Veterans, there were consistently higher prevalences compared to Active Duty samples. Similarly, higher prevalences were found among studies in general military settings compared to clinical settings. Further research that considers the impact of the act(s) of IPV perpetration on the victims is needed. This, along with the use of a consistent measurement tools across studies will help to develop a stronger evidence base to inform prevention and management programs for all types of IPV perpetration among military personnel.
Omega-3 supplementation reduces aggressive behavior: A meta-analytic review of randomized controlled trials
Raine A and Brodrick L
There is increasing interest in the use of omega-3 supplements to reduce aggressive behavior. This meta-analysis summarizes findings from 28 RCTs (randomized controlled trials) on omega-3 supplementation to reduce aggression, yielding 35 independent samples with a total of 3,918 participants. Three analyses were conducted where the unit of analysis was independent samples, independent studies, and independent laboratories. Significant effect sizes were observed for all three analyses (g = .16, .20, .28 respectively), averaging .22, in the direction of omega-3 supplementation reducing aggression. There was no evidence of publication bias, and sensitivity analyses confirmed findings. Moderator analyses were largely non-significant, indicating that beneficial effects are obtained across age, gender, recruitment sample, diagnoses, treatment duration, and dosage. Omega-3 also reduced both reactive and proactive forms of aggression, particularly with respect to self-reports (g = .27 and .20 respectively). It is concluded that there is now sufficient evidence to begin to implement omega-3 supplementation to reduce aggression in children and adults - irrespective of whether the setting is the community, the clinic, or the criminal justice system.
Borderline personality disorder and related constructs as risk factors for intimate partner violence perpetration
Jackson MA, Sippel LM, Mota N, Whalen D and Schumacher JA
In this manuscript we systematically reviewed 29 articles from 2010 to 2014 that addressed the association between borderline personality disorder (BPD) and intimate partner violence (IPV) perpetration, with particular attention paid to the role of perpetrator sex. Our primary objective was to provide a summary of (1) the operationalization and measurement of BPD and IPV, (2) mechanisms of the BPD-IPV association, and (3)the current understanding of the role of perpetrator sex related to BPD and IPV. We observed three distinct operational definitions of BPD which are measured in a variety of ways. IPV measurement tends to be more consistent. Further, emotion perception, impulsivity, attachment, and substance use are proposed mechanisms to explain the BPD IPV relation. The findings regarding potential perpetrator sex differences in the BPD-IPV association are mixed. Finally, we also provide recommendations for future research and clinical practice.
Measurement of aggression in older adults
Ravyts SG, Perez E, Donovan EK, Soto P and Dzierzewski JM
Aggressive behaviors are prevalent in late-life and are associated with important consequences for older adults, caregivers, and healthcare providers. Age-related changes in the manifestation of aggression are precipitated in part by the rise of cognitive impairment. Such changes necessitate the use of psychometrically sound measures. The present article identifies existing measures of aggression for older adults, highlights the strengths and limitations of these measures, and proposes avenues for future research in this area. Five full-scale measures of aggression, as well as five subscales of aggression embedded within larger non-aggression measures in older adults were identified. Overall, measures of aggression specific to late-life are predominately observational and limited to individuals with dementia or older adults living in long-term care settings. The psychometric properties of aggression scales in late-life generally indicate adequate internal consistency, interrater reliability, and concurrent validity. In contrast, the reliability and validity of subscales of aggression contained within larger neuropsychiatric measures are more difficult to ascertain due to limited research. Future investigations would benefit from examining the psychometric properties of widely-used self-report measures of aggression among older adults, further evaluating the psychometric properties of aggression subscales, and developing additional measures which are predictive of aggressive behaviors.
Public policy and parent-child aggression: Considerations for reducing and preventing physical punishment and abuse
McGuier EA, Kolko DJ and Dubowitz H
Parent-child physical aggression, including both physical punishment and abuse, remains a prevalent problem in the United States. In this paper, we briefly review the prevalence and harms of parent-child aggression and discuss changes in social norms and policies over the past several decades. Then, we discuss broad social policies influencing risk for parent-child physical aggression, policies relevant to reducing and preventing physical abuse, and policies relevant to reducing and preventing physical punishment. We close by considering future directions to strengthen research and evaluation and accelerate progress toward ending parent-child physical aggression.
Family processes: Risk, protective and treatment factors for youth at risk for suicide
Diamond G, Kodish T, Ewing ESK, Hunt QA and Russon JM
Family factors have continually been identified as potential risk and protective factors for youth at risk for suicide. This paper reviews family processes that not only are associated with suicide risk, but also might be malleable enough to target in treatment. We also review family intervention components have been incorporated into most youth suicide treatments. Unfortunately research on if these family processes moderator, mediator or change as a result of treatment is limited. Recommendations for future research are offered.
Why do rape victimization rates vary across studies? A meta-analysis examining moderating variables
Goodman-Williams R, Dworkin E and Hetfield M
Research studies have identified multiple study- and sample-related factors that predict variation in the proportion of participants who report experiences of rape (non-consensual oral, anal, or vaginal penetration obtained by force, threat of force, and/or victim incapacitation). The magnitude of variation introduced by these methodological variables is often unclear, which can complicate attempts to compare findings across research studies. With the goal of identifying and quantifying sources of variation, we conducted a meta-analysis that compared rates of rape experienced by women in the United States during adolescence or adulthood. 6391 research articles were evaluated for inclusion and 84 studies (89 independent samples) met inclusion criteria. Results of a random-effects meta-analysis found that an average of 17.0 % (95 % CI [15.7 %, 18.3 %]) of participants across samples reported experiences of rape in adolescence or adulthood. The mean participant age, source of the sample, perpetration tactics included in the measure, and interaction between sample source and perpetration tactics each predicted significant variation in the proportion of victims identified. Participant recruitment method, publication year, and the earliest age included in the reference period did not predict significant variation. These findings clarify the impact of methodological variables on observed victimization rates and provide context that can inform comparisons across sexual victimization studies.
Measurement of Adolescent Dating Violence in Sexual Minority Youth: A Scoping Review
Ricks JM, Montgomery CM and Nash JA
Effectively addressing adolescent dating violence rests on the quality of its measurement, as that has substantial implications for our understanding of prevalence, correlates, outcomes. Although dating violence is highly prevalent among sexual minority youth, the state of measurement in this population has scarcely been explored. This scoping review presents information on the measurement of adolescent dating violence in exiting studies conducted with sexual minority youth. Three databases were searched, and the ancestry approach was used to identify relevant literature published in the United States between 1992-2022 that included sexual minority adolescents aged 19 years or younger. Twenty-one articles were identified. Five enrolled entirely sexual minority samples. Sexual minority distribution ranged from 2.1%-100%. All studies operationalized sexual identity as an orientation (not sexual behavior, attraction). Nineteen studies focused on measuring dating violence behavior. Twelve reported on female and male victimization, 4 on female and male perpetration and victimization, 2 on female perpetration and victimization, and 2 on female victimization-only. Most commonly used items were from the Youth Risk Behavior Survey (11 studies) and the Conflict in Adolescent Dating Relationships Inventory (3 studies). Two studies assessed knowledge of and attitudes toward dating violence. Domains explored included rape myth acceptance, victim empathy, bystander opportunity, and dating abuse knowledge. Only two scales had undergone previous systematic psychometric evaluation. There was no evidence of cross-cultural validation in sexual minority populations. Rigorous research on adolescent dating violence measurement among sexual minority youth is greatly needed and should be given priority among researchers.
"Weeding out" violence? Translational perspectives on the neuropsychobiological links between cannabis and aggression
Bortolato M, Braccagni G, Pederson CA, Floris G and Fite PJ
Recent shifts in societal attitudes towards cannabis have led to a dramatic increase in consumption rates in many Western countries, particularly among young people. This trend has shed light on a significant link between cannabis use disorder (CUD) and pathological reactive aggression, a condition involving disproportionate aggressive and violent reactions to minor provocations. The discourse on the connection between cannabis use and aggression is frequently enmeshed in political and legal discussions, leading to a polarized understanding of the causative relationship between cannabis use and aggression. However, integrative analyses from both human and animal research indicate a complex, bidirectional interplay between cannabis misuse and pathological aggression. On the one hand, emerging research reveals a shared genetic and environmental predisposition for both cannabis use and aggression, suggesting a common underlying biological mechanism. On the other hand, there is evidence that cannabis consumption can lead to violent behaviors while also being used as a self-medication strategy to mitigate the negative emotions associated with pathological reactive aggression. This suggests that the coexistence of pathological aggression and CUD may result from overlapping vulnerabilities, potentially creating a self-perpetuating cycle where each condition exacerbates the other, escalating into externalizing and violent behaviors. This article aims to synthesize existing research on the intricate connections between these issues and propose a theoretical model to explain the neurobiological mechanisms underpinning this complex relationship.
The Intersection of Men's Sexual Violence Perpetration and Sexual Risk Behavior: A Literature Review
Davis KC, Neilson EC, Wegner R and Danube CL
According to the Confluence Model of Sexual Violence, men with a strong impersonal sex orientation (i.e., greater engagement in sexual activities with more casual sexual partners) are at increased risk of perpetrating sexual violence. Research from a variety of countries and samples has supported this proposition, finding that men who perpetrate sexual violence are also more likely to engage in risky sexual behavior. The present article reviews this literature, synthesizing research findings from both psychology and public health domains utilizing both domestic and international samples. In particular, this review focuses on the associations between men's perpetration of sexual violence and their sexual partners, condom use, and sexually transmitted infection status, as well as provides recommendations for future research directions and prevention and intervention programming.
A Review of Parent- and Family-based Prevention Efforts for Adolescent Dating Violence
Doucette H, Collibee C and Rizzo CJ
Prevention efforts for adolescent dating violence (ADV) have largely focused on adolescent-based interventions with little emphasis on parent- and family-based interventions, despite the integral role parents serve in adolescent relationship development. This literature review provides an overview of the existing parent- and family-based intervention efforts for ADV. This review highlights that some programs are geared toward a universal audience, whereas others are more targeted towards populations believed to be at greater risk for ADV. Some programs primarily target parents, whereas others integrate parent-based components into primarily adolescent-focused or comprehensive programs. Aspects to consider when selecting a program are discussed, as well as future directions. Suggested future directions involve broadening existing parent- and family-based programming for ADV to include a focus on secondary and tertiary prevention, gender differences, and gender and sexual minorities. This review also highlights the need for existing programs to expand their evaluation of behavioral outcomes and comparison of programs to one another.
Systematic review of early risk factors for life-course-persistent, adolescence-limited, and late-onset offenders in prospective longitudinal studies
Jolliffe D, Farrington DP, Piquero AR, Loeber R and Hill KG
This paper builds on our previous systematic review of prospective longitudinal studies and examines the early risk factors associated with life-course persistent offending (LCP), adolescence-limited (AL) and late-onset (LO) offending. Out of the 55 prospective longitudinal studies which theoretically could possess the relevant information, only four provided information about risk factors associated with the different offending types. An additional three provided data so that relevant analyses could be conducted. The results suggested that there was little evidence that specific early risk factors were associated with specific offending types. There was also limited evidence that specific risk factors predicted specific offending types when criminal career duration was included in the definitions of LCP, AL, and LO offending. However, LCP offenders tended to have a greater number of risk factors, and the magnitude of these was somewhat greater than for AL offenders, who in turn tended to have more risk factors (and of a greater magnitude) than LO offenders. LCP and AL offenders may differ more in degree (in the number and magnitude of risk factors) than in kind (in the specific risk factors that are predictive). Importantly, as the potential criminal career duration was increased in defining the offending types, those with longer careers tended to have more risk factors, but, LCP and AL offenders were not predicted by different risk factors. Much more research is needed on risk factors for offending types defined according to criminal career durations.
Sovereign citizens: A narrative review with implications of violence towards law enforcement
Sarteschi CM
Extremist movements are growing in the United States. One concerning extremist group is that of sovereign citizens. Sovereign citizens have been labeled by the Federal Bureau of Investigation as a terrorist threat. Relative to other research about extremist groups, limited research exists about the sovereign citizen movement. The purpose of this article is to review all relevant literature concerning this movement, as it pertains to the threat posed to law enforcement, via descriptive research and to identify existing knowledge gaps. Most empirical work, about sovereign citizens, thus far has focused on legal matters, mental health, radicalization, and postdiction of targeted violence. The work presented here serves as a foundation for future research concerning this group.
Why psychopathy matters: Implications for public health and violence prevention
Reidy DE, Kearns MC, DeGue S, Lilienfeld SO, Massetti G and Kiehl KA
Psychopathy is an early-appearing risk factor for severe and chronic violence. The violence largely attributable to psychopathy constitutes a substantial portion of the societal burden to the public health and criminal justice systems, and thus necessitates significant attention from prevention experts. Yet, despite a vast base of research in psychology and criminology, the public health approach to violence has generally neglected to consider this key variable. Fundamentally, the public health approach to violence prevention is focused on achieving change at the population level to provide the most benefit to the maximum number of people. Increasing attention to the individual-level factor of psychopathy in public health could improve our ability to reduce violence at the community and societal levels. We conclude that the research literature on psychopathy points to a pressing need for a broad-based public health approach with a focus on primary prevention. Further, we consider how measuring psychopathy in public health research may benefit violence prevention, and ultimately society, in general.
Racial and Ethnic Differences in Bullying: Review and Implications for Intervention
Xu M, Macrynikola N, Waseem M and Miranda R
Despite increased research on bullying over the past few decades, researchers still have little understanding of how bullying differentially affects racial and ethnic minority and immigrant youth. To facilitate efforts to better evaluate the impact of bullying among racial and ethnic minority youth and improve interventions, we integrated research from multiple disciplines and conducted a systematic search to review relevant cross-cultural research on the prevalence of bullying, risk and protective factors, and differences in behaviors and outcomes associated with bullying in these populations. Studies measuring differences in bullying prevalence by racial and ethnic groups are inconclusive, and discrepancies in findings may be explained by differences in how bullying is measured and the impact of school and social environments. Racial and ethnic minorities and immigrants are disproportionately affected by contextual-level risk factors associated with bullying (e.g., adverse community, home, and school environments), which may moderate the effects of individual-level predictors of bullying victimization or perpetration (e.g., depressive symptoms, empathy, hostility, etc.) on involvement and outcomes. Minority youth may be more likely to perpetrate bullying, and are at much higher risk for poor health and behavioral outcomes as a result of bias-based bullying. At the same time, racial and ethnic minorities and immigrants may be protected against bullying involvement and its negative consequences as a result of strong ethnic identity, positive cultural and family values, and other resilience factors. Considering these findings, we evaluate existing bullying interventions and prevention programs and propose directions for future research.
Economic correlates of violent death rates in forty countries, 1962-2008: A cross-typological analysis
Lee BX, Marotta PL, Blay-Tofey M, Wang W and de Bourmont S
Our goal was to identify if there might be advantages to combining two major public health concerns, i.e., homicides and suicides, in an analysis with well-established macro-level economic determinants, i.e., unemployment and inequality.
Generalized and racialized consequences of the police response to intimate partner violence in the U.S.: A systematic scoping review
Kajeepeta S, Bates LM, Keyes KM, Bailey ZD, Roberts DE, Bruzelius E, Askari MS and Prins SJ
Intimate partner violence (IPV) impacts more than 40% of people in the U.S. Since the 1980s, the U.S. has maintained a police-centric response to IPV, which relies on arrest-via policies like mandatory arrest laws-as its primary intervention. There is mixed evidence on whether IPV policing decreases subsequent IPV at the individual level, but less is known about IPV policing's broader collateral consequences. This systematic scoping review is the first to synthesize existing evidence for the generalized consequences of IPV policing in the U.S. We searched Web of Science, ProQuest, and EBSCO Host, and identified 36 relevant articles. Survivor criminalization was the most studied generalized consequence of IPV policing and existing studies have documented positive associations between mandatory arrest laws and risk of survivor arrest. We also found numerous methodologically rigorous studies on the effects of mandatory arrest laws on population-level IPV victimization. The review also identifies gaps in the evidence base: there is a need for research on additional potential consequences of IPV policing such as police violence against survivors, involvement of child protective services, and psychosocial and physical health outcomes of survivors.