Physical Review Applied

Post-quantum cryptography and the quantum future of cybersecurity
Liu YK and Moody D
We review the current status of efforts to develop and deploy post-quantum cryptography on the Internet. Then we suggest specific ways in which quantum technologies might be used to enhance cybersecurity in the near future and beyond. We focus on two goals: protecting the secret keys that are used in classical cryptography, and ensuring the trustworthiness of quantum computations. These goals may soon be within reach, thanks to recent progress in both theory and experiment. This progress includes interactive protocols for testing quantumness as well as for performing uncloneable cryptographic computations; and experimental demonstrations of device-independent random number generators, device-independent quantum key distribution, quantum memories, and analog quantum simulators.
Monolithic Polarizing Circular Dielectric Gratings on Bulk Substrates for Improved Photon Collection from InAs Quantum Dots
DeCrescent RA, Wang Z, Imany P, Nam SW, Mirin RP and Silverman KL
III-V semiconductor quantum dots (QDs) are near-ideal and versatile single-photon sources. Because of the capacity for monolithic integration with photonic structures as well as optoelectronic and optomechanical systems, they are proving useful in an increasingly broad application space. Here, we develop monolithic circular dielectric gratings on bulk substrates - as opposed to suspended or wafer-bonded substrates - for greatly improved photon collection from InAs quantum dots. The structures utilize a unique two-tiered distributed Bragg reflector (DBR) structure for vertical electric field confinement over a broad angular range. Opposing "openings" in the cavities induce strongly polarized QD luminescence without harming collection efficiencies. We describe how measured enhancements depend on the choice of collection optics. This is important to consider when evaluating the performance of any photonic structure that concentrates farfield emission intensity. Our cavity designs are useful for integrating QDs with other quantum systems that require bulk substrates, such as surface acoustic wave phonons.
Laboratory-based x-ray dark-field microscopy
Esposito M, Buchanan I, Massimi L, Ferrara JD, Shearing PR, Olivo A and Endrizzi M
We demonstrate the capability of laboratory-based x-ray microscopes, using intensity-modulation masks, to access the sub-micron length scale in the dark field contrast channel while maintaining micron resolution in the resolved (refraction and attenuation) channels. The dark field contrast channel reveals the presence of ensembles of samples' features below the system resolution. Resolved refraction and attenuation channels provide multi-modal high-resolution imaging down to the micron scale. We investigate the regimes of modulated and un-modulated dark field as well as refraction, quantifying their dependence on the relationship between feature size in the imaged object and aperture size in the intensity-modulation mask. We propose an analytical model to link the measured signal with the sample's microscopic properties. Finally, we demonstrate the relevance of the microscopic dark field contrast channel in applications from both the life and physical sciences, providing proof of concept results for imaging collagen bundles in cartilage and dendritic growth in lithium batteries.
Acoustophoretic Characterization and Separation of Blood Cells in Acoustic Impedance Gradients
Charan MR and Augustsson P
Single-cell phenotyping based on biophysical properties is a promising tool to distinguish cell types and their response to a given condition, and charting such properties also enables optimization of cell separations. Isoacoustic focusing, where cells migrate to their points of zero acoustic contrast in an acoustic impedance gradient, added the effective acoustic impedance of cells to the directory of biophysical properties that can be utilized to categorize or separate cells. This study investigates isoacoustic focusing in a stop-flow regime and shows how cells migrate towards their isoacoustic point. We introduce a numerical model that we use to estimate the acoustic energy density in acoustic impedance gradient media by tracking particles of known properties, and we investigate the effect of acoustic streaming. From the measured trajectories of cells combined with fluorescence intensity images of the slowly diffusing gradient, we read out the effective acoustic impedance of neutrophils and K562 cancer cells. Finally, we propose suitable acoustic impedance gradients that lead to a high degree separation of neutrophils and K562 cells in a continuous-flow configuration.
Temperature Sensitivity of N- and N- Ground-State Manifolds
Lourette S, Jarmola A, Acosta VM, Birdwell AG, Budker D, Doherty MW, Ivanov T and Malinovsky VS
We measure electron- and nuclear-spin transition frequencies in the ground state of nitrogen-vacancy (N-) centers in diamond for two nitrogen isotopes (N- and N-) over temperatures ranging from 77 to 400 K. Measurements are performed using Ramsey interferometry and direct optical readout of the nuclear and electron spins. We extract coupling parameters (for N-), , , , and , and their temperature dependences for both isotopes. The temperature dependences of the nuclear-spin transitions within the spin manifold near room temperature are found to be 0.52(1) ppm/K for N-(| = -1⟩ ↔ | = +1⟩) and -1.1(1) ppm/K for N-(| = -1/2⟩ ↔ | = +1/2⟩). An isotopic shift in the zero-field splitting parameter between N- and N- is measured to be ~ 120 kHz. Residual transverse magnetic fields are observed to shift the nuclear-spin transition frequencies, especially for N-. We have precisely determined the set of parameters relevant for the development of nuclear-spin-based diamond quantum sensors with greatly reduced sensitivity to environmental factors.
Experimental full-domain mapping of quantum correlation in Clauser-Horne-Shimony-Holt scenarios
Tong X, He Z, Zhang Y, Solomon S, Lin L, Song Q and Wang LV
Quantum correlation between two parties serves as an important resource in the surging applications of quantum information. The Bell nonlocality and quantum steering have been proposed to describe non-classical correlations against local-hidden-variable and local-hidden-state theories, respectively. To characterize the two types of non-classical correlations, various nonlocality and steering inequalities have been established, and the amount of inequality violation serves as an important indicator for many entanglement-based tasks. Quantum state tomography has been employed for measuring quantum states, while the method requires intensive computation and does not directly verify either nonlocality or steering over the full domain independent of established theories. Here, we experimentally map the full-domain correlation with bipartite states for nonlocality and quantum steering in CHSH scenarios. The measurement of the maps automatically accounts for detection imperfections. Furthermore, we demonstrate the application of the correlation maps in the entanglement-based quantum key distribution protocol with arbitrary bipartite states. The correlation maps show direct measurements and simple interpretations that can answer fundamental questions about nonlocality and quantum steering as well as contribute to quantum information applications in a straightforward manner.
Simplified Algorithms for Adaptive Experiment Design in Parameter Estimation
McMichael RD and Blakley SM
Measurements to estimate parameters of a model are commonplace in the physical sciences, where the traditional approach to automation is to use a sequence of preselected settings followed by least-squares fitting of a model function to the data. This measure-then-fit approach is simple and effective and entirely appropriate for many applications but when measurement resources are limited, efficiency becomes more important. To increase efficiency, Bayesian experiment design allows measurement settings to be chosen adaptively based on accumulated data and utility, the predicted improvement in results as a function of settings. However, the calculation of utility has been judged too impractical for most applications. In this paper, we introduce computational methods and simplified algorithms that accelerate utility calculations by over an order of magnitude, with only slight degradation in measurement efficiency. The methods eliminate utility calculation as a barrier to practical application of efficient adaptive measurement.
Hyperspectral three-dimensional absorption imaging using snapshot optical tomography
Juntunen C, Abramczyk AR, Woller IM and Sung Y
Hyperspectral imaging (HSI) records a series of two-dimensional (2D) images for different wavelengths to provide the chemical fingerprint at each pixel. Combining HSI with a tomographic data acquisition method, we can obtain the chemical fingerprint of a sample at each point in three-dimensional (3D) space. The so-called 3D HSI typically suffers from low imaging throughput due to the requirement of scanning the wavelength and rotating the beam or sample. In this paper we present an optical system which captures the entire four-dimensional (4D), i.e., 3D structure and 1D spectrum, dataset of a sample with the same throughput of conventional HSI systems. Our system works by combining snapshot projection optical tomography (SPOT) which collects multiple projection images with a single snapshot, and Fourier-transform spectroscopy (FTS) which results in superior spectral resolution by collecting and processing a series of interferogram images. Using this hyperspectral SPOT system we imaged the volumetric absorbance of dyed polystyrene microbeads, oxygenated red blood cells (RBCs), and deoxygenated RBCs. The 4D optical system demonstrated in this paper provides a tool for high-throughput chemical imaging of complex microscopic specimens.
Airy Beam-enabled Binary Acoustic Metasurfaces for Underwater Ultrasound Beam Manipulation
Hu Z, Yang Y, Xu L, Jing Y and Chen H
Airy beams are peculiar beams that are non-diffracting, self-accelerating, and self-healing, and they have offered great opportunities for ultrasound beam manipulation. However, one critical barrier that limits the broad applications of Airy beams in ultrasound is the lack of simply built device to generate Airy beams in water. This work presents a family of Airy beam-enabled binary acoustic metasurfaces (AB-BAMs) to generate Airy beams for underwater ultrasound beam manipulation. AB-BAMs are designed and fabricated by 3D printing with two coding bits: a polylactic acid (which is the commonly used 3D printing material) unit acting as a bit "1" and a water unit acting as a bit "0". The distribution of the binary units on the metasurface is determined by the pattern of Airy beam. To showcase the wavefront engineering capability of the AB-BAMs, several examples of AB-BAMs are designed, 3D printed, and coupled with a planar single-element ultrasound transducer for experimental validation. We demonstrate the capability of AB-BAMs in flexibly tuning the focal region size and beam focusing in 3D space by changing the design of the AB-BAMs. The focal depth of AB-BAMs can be continuous and electronical tuned by adjusting the operating frequency of the planar transducer without replacing the AB-BAMs. The superimposing method is leveraged to enable the generation of complex acoustic fields, e.g., multi-foci and letter patterns (e.g., "W" and "U"). The more complex focal patterns are shown to be also continuously steerable by simply adjusting the operating frequency. Furthermore, the proposed 3D-printed AB-BAMs are simple to design, easy to fabricate, and low-cost to produce with the capabilities to achieve tunable focal size, flexible 3D beam focusing, arbitrary multipoint focusing, and continuous steerability, which creates unprecedented potential for ultrasound beam manipulation.
Performance of a Kinetic Inductance Traveling-Wave Parametric Amplifier at 4 Kelvin: Toward an Alternative to Semiconductor Amplifiers
Malnou M, Aumentado J, Vissers MR, Wheeler JD, Hubmayr J, Ullom JN and Gao J
Most microwave readout architectures in quantum computing or sensing rely on a semiconductor amplifier at 4 K, typically a high-electron mobility transistor (HEMT). Despite its remarkable noise performance, a conventional HEMT dissipates several milliwatts of power, posing a practical challenge to scale up the number of qubits or sensors addressed in these architectures. As an alternative, we present an amplification chain consisting of a kinetic inductance traveling-wave parametric amplifier (KITWPA) placed at 4 K, followed by a HEMT placed at 70 K, and demonstrate a chain-added noise between 3.5 and 5.5 GHz. While, in principle, any parametric amplifier can be quantum limited even at 4 K, in practice we find the performance of the KITWPA to be limited by the temperature of its inputs and by an excess of noise . The dissipation of the rf pump of the KITWPA constitutes the main power load at 4 K and is about 1% that of a HEMT. These combined noise and power dissipation values pave the way for the use of the KITWPA as a replacement for semiconductor amplifiers.
Entanglement Thresholds of Doubly Parametric Quantum Transducers
Rau CL, Kyle A, Kwiatkowski A, Shojaee E, Teufel JD, Lehnert KW and Dennis T
Doubly parametric quantum transducers, such as electro-optomechanical devices, show promise for providing the critical link between quantum information encoded in highly disparate frequencies such as in the optical and microwave domains. This technology would enable long-distance networking of superconducting quantum computers. Rapid experimental progress has resulted in impressive reductions in decoherence from mechanisms such as thermal noise, loss, and limited cooperativities. However, the fundamental requirements on transducer parameters necessary to achieve quantum operation have yet to be characterized. In this work we find simple, protocol-independent expressions for the necessary and sufficient conditions under which doubly parametric transducers in the resolved-sideband, steady-state limit are capable of entangling optical and microwave modes. Our analysis treats the transducer as a two-mode bosonic Gaussian channel capable of both beamsplitter-type and two-mode squeezing-type interactions between optical and microwave modes. For the beamsplitter-type interaction, we find parameter thresholds that distinguish regions of the channel's separability, capacity for bound entanglement, and capacity for distillable entanglement. By contrast, the two-mode squeezing-type interaction always produces distillable entanglement with no restrictions on temperature, cooperativities, or losses. Counterintuitively, for both interactions, we find that achieving quantum operation does not require either a quantum cooperativity exceeding one, or ground-state cooling of the mediating mode. Finally, we discuss where two state-of-the-art implementations are relative to these thresholds and show that current devices operating in either mode of operation are in principle capable of entangling optical and microwave modes.
Conversion Efficiency in Kerr-Microresonator Optical Parametric Oscillators: From Three Modes to Many Modes
Stone JR, Moille G, Lu X and Srinivasan K
Optical parametric oscillation in a Kerr nonlinear microresonator can generate coherent laser light with frequencies that are widely separated from the pump frequency, allowing, for example, visible light to be generated using a near-infrared pump. To be practically useful, the pump-to-signal conversion efficiency must be far higher than what has been demonstrated in microresonator-based oscillators with widely-separated output frequencies. To address this challenge, here we theoretically and numerically study parametric oscillations in Kerr nonlinear microresonators, revealing an intricate solution space that arises from an interplay of nonlinear processes. As a start, we use a three-mode approximation to derive an efficiency-maximizing relation between pump power and frequency mismatch. However, realistic devices, such as integrated microring resonators, support far more than three modes. Hence, a more accurate model that includes the entire modal landscape is necessary to determine potential inefficiencies arising from unwanted competing nonlinear processes. To this end, we numerically simulate the Lugiato-Lefever Equation that accounts for the full spectrum of nonlinearly-coupled resonator modes. We observe and characterize two nonlinear phenomena linked to parametric oscillations in multi-mode resonators: Mode competition and cross phase modulation-induced modulation instability. Both processes may impact conversion efficiency. Finally, we show how to increase the conversion efficiency to ≈ 25 % by tuning the microresonator loss rates. Our analysis will guide microresonator designs that aim for high conversion efficiency and output power.
Considering photo-induced second harmonic generation as a DC-Kerr optical parametric oscillation or amplification process
Lu X and Srinivasan K
Photo-induced second harmonic generation (SHG) in centro-symmetric materials like silica and silicon nitride has been commonly explained as an effective second-order ( ) process mediated by a DC electric field and the medium's third-order ( ) nonlinearity. In this explanation, the coherent photogalvanic effect is the source of a DC electric field whose spatial periodicity naturally enables quasi-phase matching. While successful in explaining many observations from experiment, the behavior at low input powers, and in particular, the apparent existence of a threshold for efficient photo-induced SHG observed in some experiments has largely been overlooked theoretically. In this letter, we reconsider photo-induced SHG within the framework of four-wave mixing involving degenerate pump, second harmonic signal, and DC electric field. We propose a hypothesis that photo-induced SHG is a FWM-mediated DC-Kerr optical parametric oscillation/amplification process. This hypothesis can explain the threshold behavior, and moreover, predicts unconventional light amplification, both of which we verify by experiments in silicon nitride microresonators. Finally, we discuss the physical implications of our work in various platforms and future directions.
Snapshot three-dimensional absorption imaging of microscopic specimens
Sung Y
Snapshot projection optical tomography (SPOT) uses a micro-lens array (MLA) to simultaneously capture the projection images of a three-dimensional (3D) specimen corresponding to different viewing directions. Compared to other light-field imaging techniques using an MLA, SPOT is dual telecentric and can block high-angle stray rays without sacrificing the light collection efficiency. Using SPOT, we recently demonstrated snapshot 3D fluorescence imaging. Here we demonstrate snapshot 3D absorption imaging of microscopic specimens. For the illumination, we focus the incoherent light from a light-emitting diode onto a pinhole, which is placed at a conjugate plane to the sample plane. SPOT allows us to capture the ray bundles passing through the specimen along different directions. The images recorded by an array of lenslets can be related to the projections of 3D absorption coefficient along the viewing directions of lenslets. Using a tomographic reconstruction algorithm, we obtain the 3D map of absorption coefficient. We apply the developed system to different types of samples, which demonstrates the optical sectioning capability. The transverse and axial resolutions measured with gold nanoparticles are 1.3 m and 2.3 m, respectively.
Differential heating of metal nanostructures at radio frequencies
Rommelfanger NJ, Ou Z, Keck CHC and Hong G
Nanoparticles with strong absorption of incident radio frequency (RF) or microwave irradiation are desirable for remote hyperthermia treatments. While controversy has surrounded the absorption properties of spherical metallic nanoparticles, other geometries such as prolate and oblate spheroids have not received sufficient attention for application in hyperthermia therapies. Here, we use the electrostatic approximation to calculate the relative absorption ratio of metallic nanoparticles in various biological tissues. We consider a broad parameter space, sweeping across frequencies from 1 MHz to 10 GHz, while also tuning the nanoparticle dimensions from spheres to high-aspect-ratio spheroids approximating nanowires and nanodiscs. We find that while spherical metallic nanoparticles do not offer differential heating in tissue, large absorption cross sections can be obtained from long prolate spheroids, while thin oblate spheroids offer minor potential for absorption. Our results suggest that metallic nanowires should be considered for RF- and microwave-based wireless hyperthermia treatments in many tissues going forward.
Sequential Bayesian experiment design for optically detected magnetic resonance of nitrogen-vacancy centers
Dushenko S, Ambal K and McMichael RD
In magnetometry using optically detected magnetic resonance of nitrogen vacancy (NV) centers, we demonstrate more than one order-of-magnitude speed up with sequential Bayesian experiment design as compared with conventional frequency-swept measurements. The NV center is an excellent platform for magnetometry with potential spatial resolution down to few nanometers and demonstrated single-defect sensitivity down to nT/Hz. The NV center is a quantum defect with spin = 1 and coherence time up to several milliseconds at room temperature. Zeeman splitting of the NV energy levels allows detection of the magnetic field via photoluminescence. We compare conventional NV center photoluminescence measurements that use pre-determined sweeps of the microwave frequency with measurements using a Bayesian inference methodology. In sequential Bayesian experiment design, the settings with maximum utility are chosen for each measurement in real time based on the accumulated experimental data. Using this method, we observe an order of magnitude decrease in the NV magnetometry measurement time necessary to achieve a set precision.
Fluorescence Emission Triggered by Radioactive decay in Optimized Hyperbolic Cavities
Abad-Arredondo J, García-Vidal FJ, Zhang Q, Khwaja E, Menon VM, Grimm J and Fernández-Domínguez AI
Luminescence arising from -decay of radiotracers has garnered much interest recently as a viable in-vivo imaging technique. The emitted Cerenkov radiation can be directly detected by high sensitivity cameras or used to excite highly efficient fluorescent dyes. Here, we investigate the enhancement of visible and infrared emission driven by -decay of radioisotopes in the presence of a hyperbolic nanocavity. By means of a transfer matrix approach, we obtain quasi-analytic expressions for the fluorescence enhancement factor at the dielectric core of the metalodielectric cavity, reporting a hundred-fold amplification in periodic structures. A particle swarm optimization of the layered shell geometry reveals that up to a ten-thousand-fold enhancement is possible thanks to the hybridization and spectral overlapping of whispering-gallery and localized-plasmon modes. Our findings may find application in nuclear-optical medical imaging, as they provide a strategy for the exploitation of highly energetic gamma rays, Cerenkov luminescence, and visible and near-infrared fluorescence through the same nanotracer.
Snapshot projection optical tomography
Sung Y
We present a new plenoptic microscopy configuration for 3D snapshot imaging, which is dual telecentric and can directly record true projection images corresponding with different viewing angles. It also allows blocking high-angle stray rays without sacrificing the light collection efficiency. This configuration named as snapshot projection optical tomography (SPOT) arranges an objective lens and a microlens array (MLA) in a 4-f telecentric configuration and places an aperture stop at the back focal plane of a relay lens. We develop a forward imaging model for SPOT, which can also be applied to existing light field microscopy techniques using an MLA as tube lens. Using the developed system, we demonstrate snapshot 3D imaging of various fluorescent beads and a biological cell, which confirms the capability of SPOT for imaging specimens with an extended fluorophore distribution as well as isolated fluorochromes. The transverse and vertical resolutions are measured to be 0.8 m and 1.6 m, respectively.
Ghanem MA, Maxwell AD, Sapozhnikov OA, Khokhlova VA and Bailey MR
Theoretical models allow design of acoustic traps to manipulate objects with radiation force. Here, a model of the acoustic radiation force by an arbitrary beam on a solid object was validated against measurement. The lateral force in water of different acoustic beams was measured and calculated for spheres of different diameter (2-6 wavelengths in water) and composition. This is the first effort to validate a general model, to quantify the lateral force on a range of objects, and to electronically steer large or dense objects with a single-sided transducer. Vortex beams and two other beam shapes having a ring-shaped pressure field in the focal plane were synthesized in water by a 1.5-MHz, 256-element focused array. Spherical targets (glass, brass, ceramic, 2-6 mm dia.) were placed on an acoustically transparent plastic plate that was normal to the acoustic beam axis and rigidly attached to the array. Each sphere was trapped in the beam as the array with the attached plate was rotated until the bead fell from the acoustic trap because of gravity. Calculated and measured maximum obtained angles agreed on average to within 22%. The maximum lateral force occurred when the target diameter equaled the beam width; however, objects up to 40% larger than the beam width were trapped. The lateral force was comparable to the gravitation force on spheres up to 90 mg (0.0009 N) at beam powers on the order of 10 W. As a step toward manipulating objects, the beams were used to trap and electronically steer the spheres along a two-dimensional path.
Energy-efficient stochastic computing with superparamagnetic tunnel junctions
Daniels MW, Madhavan A, Talatchian P, Mizrahi A and Stiles MD
Superparamagnetic tunnel junctions (SMTJs) have emerged as a competitive, realistic nanotechnology to support novel forms of stochastic computation in CMOS-compatible platforms. One of their applications is to generate random bitstreams suitable for use in stochastic computing implementations. We describe a method for digitally programmable bitstream generation based on pre-charge sense amplifiers. This generator is significantly more energy efficient than SMTJ-based bitstream generators that tune probabilities with spin currents and a factor of two more efficient than related CMOS-based implementations. The true randomness of this bitstream generator allows us to use them as the fundamental units of a novel neural network architecture. To take advantage of the potential savings, we codesign the algorithm with the circuit, rather than directly transcribing a classical neural network into hardware. The flexibility of the neural network mathematics allows us to adapt the network to the explicitly energy efficient choices we make at the device level. The result is a convolutional neural network design operating at ≈ 150 nJ per inference with 97 % performance on MNIST-a factor of 1.4 to 7.7 improvement in energy efficiency over comparable proposals in the recent literature.
Autotuning of double dot devices with machine learning
Zwolak JP, McJunkin T, Kalantre SS, Dodson JP, MacQuarrie ER, Savage DE, Lagally MG, Coppersmith SN, Eriksson MA and Taylor JM
The current practice of manually tuning quantum dots (QDs) for qubit operation is a relatively time-consuming procedure that is inherently impractical for scaling up and applications. In this work, we report on the implementation of a recently proposed autotuning protocol that combines machine learning (ML) with an optimization routine to navigate the parameter space. In particular, we show that a ML algorithm trained using exclusively simulated data to quantitatively classify the state of a double-QD device can be used to replace human heuristics in the tuning of gate voltages in real devices. We demonstrate active feedback of a functional double-dot device operated at millikelvin temperatures and discuss success rates as a function of the initial conditions and the device performance. Modifications to the training network, fitness function, and optimizer are discussed as a path toward further improvement in the success rate when starting both near and far detuned from the target double-dot range.