CODATA Recommended Values of the Fundamental Physical Constants: 2018
Tiesinga E, Mohr PJ, Newell DB and Taylor BN
We report the 2018 self-consistent values of constants and conversion factors of physics and chemistry recommended by the Committee on Data of the International Science Council. The recommended values can also be found at The values are based on a least-squares adjustment that takes into account all theoretical and experimental data available through 31 December 2018. A discussion of the major improvements as well as inconsistencies within the data is given. The former include a decrease in the uncertainty of the dimensionless fine-structure constant and a nearly two orders of magnitude improvement of particle masses expressed in units of kg due to the transition to the revised International System of Units (SI) with an exact value for the Planck constant. Further, because the elementary charge, Boltzmann constant, and Avogadro constant also have exact values in the revised SI, many other constants are either exact or have significantly reduced uncertainties. Inconsistencies remain for the gravitational constant and the muon magnetic-moment anomaly. The proton charge radius puzzle has been partially resolved by improved measurements of hydrogen energy levels.
Reference Correlations for the Thermal Conductivity of Liquid Bismuth, Cobalt, Germanium and Silicon
Assael MJ, Antoniadis KD, Wakeham WA, Huber ML and Fukuyama H
The available experimental data for the thermal conductivity of liquid bismuth, cobalt, germanium and silicon have been critically examined with the intention of establishing thermal conductivity reference correlations. All experimental data have been categorized into primary and secondary data according to the quality of measurement specified by a series of criteria. The proposed standard reference correlations for the thermal conductivity of liquid bismuth, cobalt, germanium, and silicon are respectively characterized by uncertainties of 10, 15, 16 and 9.5% at the 95% confidence level.
Reference Correlations for the Viscosity and Thermal Conductivity of -Undecane
Assael MJ, Papalas TB and Huber ML
This paper presents new wide-ranging correlations for the viscosity and thermal conductivity of -undecane based on critically evaluated experimental data. The correlations are designed to be used with a recently published equation of state that is valid from the triple point to 700 K, at pressures up to 500 MPa, with densities below 776.86 kg m. The estimated uncertainty for the dilute-gas viscosity is 2.4%, and the estimated uncertainty for viscosity in the liquid phase for pressures up to 60 MPa over the temperature range 260 K to 520 K is 5%. The estimated uncertainty is 3% for the thermal conductivity of the low-density gas, and 3% for the liquid over the temperature range from 284 K to 677 K at pressures up to 400 MPa. Both correlations behave in a physically reasonable manner when extrapolated to the full range of the equation of state, however care should be taken when using the correlations outside of the validated range. The uncertainties will be larger outside of the validated range, and also in the critical region.
Correlations for the Viscosity and Thermal Conductivity of Ethyl Fluoride (R161)
Tsolakidou CM, Assael MJ, Huber ML and Perkins RA
This paper presents new wide-ranging correlations for the viscosity and thermal conductivity of ethyl fluoride (R161) based on critically evaluated experimental data. The correlations are designed to be used with a recently published equation of state that is valid from 130 K to 450 K, at pressures up to 100 MPa. The estimated uncertainty at a 95% confidence level is 2% for the viscosity of low-density gas (pressures below 0.5 MPa), and 3% for the viscosity of the liquid over the temperature range from 243 K to 363 K at pressures up to 30 MPa. The estimated uncertainty is 3% for the thermal conductivity of the low-density gas, and 3% for the liquid over the temperature range from 234 K to 374 K at pressures up to 20 MPa. Both correlations may be used over the full range of the equation of state, but the uncertainties will be larger, especially in the critical region.
Reference Correlation of the Thermal Conductivity of Cyclohexane from the Triple Point to 640 K and up to 175 MPa
Koutian A, Assael MJ, Huber ML and Perkins RA
New, wide-range reference equations for the thermal conductivity of cyclohexane as a function of temperature and density are presented. The equations are based in part upon a body of experimental data that has been critically assessed for internal consistency and for agreement with theory whenever possible. We estimate the uncertainty (at the 95% confidence level) for the thermal conductivity of cyclohexane from the triple point (279.86 K) to 650 K at pressures up to 175 MPa to be 4% for the compressed liquid and supercritical phases. For the low-pressure gas phase (up to 0.1 MPa) over the temperature range 280 K to 680 K, the estimated uncertainty is 2.5%. Uncertainties in the critical region are much larger, since the thermal conductivity approaches infinity at the critical point and is very sensitive to small changes in density.
Reference Correlations of the Thermal Conductivity of Ethene and Propene
Assael MJ, Koutian A, Huber ML and Perkins RA
New, wide-range reference equations for the thermal conductivity of ethene and propene as a function of temperature and density are presented. The equations are based in part upon a body of experimental data that has been critically assessed for internal consistency and for agreement with theory whenever possible. For ethene, we estimate the uncertainty (at the 95% confidence level) for the thermal conductivity from 110 K to 520 K at pressures up to 200 MPa to be 5% for the compressed liquid and supercritical phases. For the low-pressure gas phase (to 0.1 MPa) over the temperature range 270 K to 680 K, the estimated uncertainty is 4%. The correlation is valid from 110 K to 680 K and up to 200 MPa, but it behaves in a physically reasonable manner down to the triple point and may be used at pressures up to 300 MPa, although the uncertainty will be larger in regions where experimental data were unavailable. In the case of propene, data are much more limited. We estimate the uncertainty for the thermal conductivity of propene from 180 K to 625 K at pressures up to 50 MPa to be 5% for the gas, liquid, and supercritical phases. The correlation is valid from 180 K to 625 K and up to 50 MPa, but it behaves in a physically reasonable manner down to the triple point and may be used at pressures up to 100 MPa, although the uncertainty will be larger in regions where experimental data were unavailable. For both fluids, uncertainties in the critical region are much larger, since the thermal conductivity approaches infinity at the critical point and is very sensitive to small changes in density.
Reference Correlation of the Thermal Conductivity of Carbon Dioxide from the Triple Point to 1100 K and up to 200 MPa
Huber ML, Sykioti EA, Assael MJ and Perkins RA
This paper contains new, representative reference equations for the thermal conductivity of carbon dioxide. The equations are based in part upon a body of experimental data that has been critically assessed for internal consistency and for agreement with theory whenever possible. In the case of the dilute-gas thermal conductivity, we incorporated recent theoretical calculations to extend the temperature range of the experimental data. Moreover, in the critical region, the experimentally observed enhancement of the thermal conductivity is well represented by theoretically based equations containing just one adjustable parameter. The correlations are applicable for the temperature range from the triple point to 1100 K and pressures up to 200 MPa. The overall uncertainty (at the 95% confidence level) of the proposed correlation varies depending on the state point from a low of 1% at very low pressures below 0.1 MPa between 300 K and 700 K, to 5% at the higher pressures of the range of validity.
Reference Correlation for the Viscosity of Carbon Dioxide
Laesecke A and Muzny CD
A comprehensive database of experimental and computed data for the viscosity of carbon dioxide (CO) was compiled and a new reference correlation was developed. Literature results based on an potential energy surface were the foundation of the correlation of the viscosity in the limit of zero density in the temperature range from 100 K to 2000 K. Guided symbolic regression was employed to obtain a new functional form that extrapolates correctly to → 0 K and to 10 000 K. Coordinated measurements at low density made it possible to implement the temperature dependence of the Rainwater-Friend theory in the linear-in-density viscosity term. The residual viscosity could be formulated with a scaling term / the significance of which was confirmed by symbolic regression. The final viscosity correlation covers temperatures from 100 K to 2000 K for gaseous CO, and from 220 K to 700 K with pressures along the melting line up to 8000 MPa for compressed and supercritical liquid states. The data representation is more accurate than with the previous correlations, and the covered pressure and temperature range is significantly extended. The critical enhancement of the viscosity of CO is included in the new correlation.
Reference Correlations for the Thermal Conductivity of 13 Inorganic Molten Salts
Chliatzou CD, Assael MJ, Antoniadis KD, Huber ML and Wakeham WA
The available experimental data for the thermal conductivity of 13 inorganic molten salts have been critically examined with the intention of establishing thermal conductivity reference correlations. All experimental data have been categorized into primary and secondary data according to the quality of measurement specified by a series of criteria. Standard reference correlations are proposed for the following molten salts (with estimated uncertainties at the 95 % confidence level given in parentheses): LiNO (7 %), NaNO (7 %), KNO (15 %), NaBr (15 %), KBr (15 %), RbBr (15 %), LiCl (17 %), NaCl (20 %), KCl (17 %), RbCl (17%), CsCl (10 %), NaI (17 %), and RbI (20 %).
Reference Values and Reference Correlations for the Thermal Conductivity and Viscosity of Fluids
Assael MJ, Kalyva AE, Monogenidou SA, Huber ML, Perkins RA, Friend DG and May EF
In this paper, reference values and reference correlations for the thermal conductivity and viscosity of pure fluids are reviewed. Reference values and correlations for the thermal conductivity and the viscosity of pure fluids provide thoroughly evaluated data or functional forms and serve to help calibrate instruments, validate or extend models, and underpin some commercial transactions or designs, among other purposes. The criteria employed for the selection of thermal conductivity and viscosity reference values are also discussed; such values, which have the lowest uncertainties currently achievable, are typically adopted and promulgated by international bodies. Similar criteria are employed in the selection of reference correlations, which cover a wide range of conditions, and are often characterized by low uncertainties in their ranges of definition.
Reference Correlation for the Thermal Conductivity of -Hexadecane from the Triple Point to 700 K and up to 50 MPa
Monogenidou SA, Assael MJ and Huber ML
This paper presents a new wide-ranging correlation for the thermal conductivity of -hexadecane based on critically evaluated experimental data. The correlation is designed to be used with a recently published equation of state, and it is valid from the triple point up to 700 K and pressures up to 50 MPa. We estimate the uncertainty at a 95% confidence level to be 4% over the aforementioned range, with the exception of the dilute-gas range where the uncertainty is 2.7% over the temperature range 583 to 654 K. The correlation behaves in a physically reasonable manner when extrapolated to the full range of the equation of state, but the uncertainties are larger outside of the validated range, and also in the critical region.
Reference Correlation for the Viscosity of Ammonia from the Triple Point to 725 K and up to 50 MPa
Monogenidou SA, Assael MJ and Huber ML
This paper presents a new wide-ranging correlation for the viscosity of ammonia based on critically evaluated experimental data. The correlation is designed to be used with a recently developed equation of state, and it is valid from the triple point to 725 K, at pressures up to 50 MPa. The estimated uncertainty varies depending on the temperature and pressure, from 0.6% to 5%. The correlation behaves in a physically reasonable manner when extrapolated to 100 MPa, however care should be taken when using the correlations outside of the validated range.
Atomic Physics and Spectroscopy During the First 50 Years of JPCRD
Ralchenko Y
Atomic spectroscopy and atomic physics papers represent a significant part of publications in Journal of Physical and Chemical Reference Data (JPCRD). Critical compilations of spectroscopic data, accurate calculations of collisional parameters, and bibliography on spectral line profiles and shifts provided much needed information for plasma physics, astrophysics, lithography, fusion research, and other fields of science. We present a brief overview of the atomic physics research published in JPCRD over its first 50 years.