Strain Partitioning in a Flattening Shear Zone: Re-Evaluation of a Cycladic Style Detachment
The Almyropotamos tectonic window on southern Evia island in the NW Aegean Sea divides two high pressure-low temperature metamorphic units, representing distinct Hellenic thrust sheets. Ductile thinning along the major low-angle Evia Shear Zone has closely juxtaposed the lower (Basal Unit) marble-flysch sequence structurally below Styra marbles (Cycladic Blueschist Unit). The partially attenuated flysch comprises a matrix dominated by pelitic schist, with dispersed cm- to hm-scale blocks of marble, carbonate schist, quartzite, and metabasite. Structural investigation of the different lithotypes in the flysch reveals tectonic fabrics related to general flattening strain are developed most strongly in the pelitic matrix, whereas the compositionally diverse blocks exhibit differential preservation of older structures. Quartz c-axis distributions from quartz veins in the schists reflect an early, moderate temperature plane strain deformation. Colder deformation is evident in some pelitic schists, capturing Z-centered girdles consistent with the oblate finite strain ellipsoid inferred from macroscopic structures. New in situ Ar/Ar and Rb/Sr geochronology delineate the timing of the two deformation events. Geochronological data reaffirm the first-order observations of strain partitioning behavior at the scale of the shear zone, and confirm that the structure records two resolvable tectonometamorphic events: an early Oligocene HP-LT event, and a late Oligocene-early Miocene greenschist facies overprint coinciding with ductile thinning. The diffuse and discontinuous style of deformation recorded within the shear zone is unusual for major structures facilitating exhumation in the Aegean Sea, and may represent an analogue to mélange-hosted shear zones that accommodate progressive strain during subduction.
Active Deformation Across the Western Anatolian Extensional Province (Türkiye) From Sentinel-1 InSAR
Quantifying interseismic deformation of fault networks which are predominantly deforming in a north-south direction is challenging, because GNSS networks are usually not dense enough to resolve deformation at the level of individual faults. The alternative, interferometric synthetic aperture radar (InSAR), provides high spatial resolution but is limited by a low sensitivity to N-S motion. We study the active normal fault network of Western Türkiye, which is undergoing rapid N-S extension, using InSAR. Since most faults in the study region are normal faults, we overcome the low N-S sensitivity by focusing on the vertical deformation component, which presents its own challenges. Sediment-filled grabens show rapid anthropogenically induced subsidence, whereas urban areas tend toward erroneous uplift signals. Additionally, the morphological relief results in topographic and atmospheric disturbances of the InSAR signal. Our solution to these challenges is a systematic analysis of the high-resolution vertical velocity field to deduce insights into regional deformation patterns, combined with detailed investigations of deformation along individual faults in the Western Anatolian Extensional Province. We show that tectonic deformation in the large graben systems is not restricted to the main faults. Smaller and seemingly less active faults are accommodating strain, favoring a continuum model of deformation over block models. We also observe a potential correlation between recent seismicity and active interseismic surface deformation. Observed deformation rates provide an estimate of current activity for many faults in the region. We discuss the potential and limitations of InSAR time series analysis for extensional regimes.
Quaternary E-W Extension Uplifts Kythira Island and Segments the Hellenic Arc
Several crustal and lithospheric mechanisms lead to deformation and vertical motion of the upper plate during subduction, but their relative contribution is often enigmatic. Multiple areas of the Hellenic Forearc have been uplifting since Plio-Quaternary times, yet spatiotemporal characteristics and sources of this uplift are poorly resolved. The remarkable geology and geomorphology of Kythira Island, in the southwestern Hellenic forearc, allow for a detailed tectonic reconstruction since the Late Miocene. We present a morphotectonic map of the island, together with new biostratigraphic dating and detailed analyses of active fault strikes and marine terraces. We find that the Tortonian-Pliocene stratigraphy in Kythira records ∼100 m of subsidence, and a wide coastal rasa marks the ∼2.8-2.4 Ma maximum transgression. Subsequent marine regression of ∼300-400 m and minor E-W tilt are recorded in ∼12 marine terrace levels for which we estimate uplift rates of ∼0.2-0.4 mm/yr. Guided by simple landscape evolution models, we interpret the coastal morphology as the result of initial stability or of slow, gradual sea-level drop since ∼2.8-2.4 Ma, followed by faster uplift since ∼1.5-0.7 Ma. Our findings on- and offshore suggest that E-W extension is the dominant mode of regional active upper crustal deformation, and N-S normal faults accommodate most, if not all of the uplift on Kythira. We interpret the initiation of E-W extension as the result of a change in plate boundary conditions, in response to either propagation of the North Anatolian Fault, incipient collision with the African plate, mantle dynamics or a combination thereof.
Active Faulting and Deep-Seated Gravitational Slope Deformation in Carbonate Rocks (Central Apennines, Italy): A New "Close-Up" View
Active faulting and deep-seated gravitational slope deformation (DGSD) are common geological hazards in mountain belts worldwide. In the Italian central Apennines, kilometer-thick carbonate sedimentary sequences are cut by major active normal faults that shape the landscape, generating intermontane basins. Geomorphological observations suggest that the DGSDs are commonly located in fault footwalls. We selected five mountain slopes affected by DGSD and exposing the footwall of active seismogenic normal faults exhumed from 2 to 0.5 km depth. Field structural analysis of the slopes shows that DGSDs exploit preexisting surfaces formed both at depth and near the ground surface by tectonic faulting and, locally, by gravitational collapse. Furthermore, the exposure of sharp scarps along mountain slopes in the central Apennines can be enhanced either by surface seismic rupturing or gravitational movements (e.g., DGSD) or by a combination of the two. At the microscale, DGSDs accommodate deformation mechanisms similar to those associated with tectonic faulting. The widespread compaction of micro-grains (e.g., clast indentation), observed in the matrix of both normal faults and DGSD slip zones, is consistent with clast fragmentation, fluid-infiltration, and congruent pressure-solution active at low ambient temperatures (<60°C) and lithostatic pressures (<80 MPa). Although clast comminution is more intense in the slip zones of normal faults because of the larger displacement accommodated, we are not able to find microstructural markers that allow us to uniquely distinguish faults from DGSDs.
Structural Evolution of a Crustal-Scale Seismogenic Fault in a Magmatic Arc: The Bolfin Fault Zone (Atacama Fault System)
How major crustal-scale seismogenic faults nucleate and evolve in crystalline basements represents a long-standing, but poorly understood, issue in structural geology and fault mechanics. Here, we address the spatio-temporal evolution of the Bolfin Fault Zone (BFZ), a >40-km-long exhumed seismogenic splay fault of the 1000-km-long strike-slip Atacama Fault System. The BFZ has a sinuous fault trace across the Mesozoic magmatic arc of the Coastal Cordillera (Northern Chile) and formed during the oblique subduction of the Aluk plate beneath the South American plate. Seismic faulting occurred at 5-7 km depth and ≤ 300°C in a fluid-rich environment as recorded by extensive propylitic alteration and epidote-chlorite veining. Ancient (125-118 Ma) seismicity is attested by the widespread occurrence of pseudotachylytes. Field geologic surveys indicate nucleation of the BFZ on precursory geometrical anisotropies represented by magmatic foliation of plutons (northern and central segments) and andesitic dyke swarms (southern segment) within the heterogeneous crystalline basement. Seismic faulting exploited the segments of precursory anisotropies that were optimal to favorably oriented with respect to the long-term far-stress field associated with the oblique ancient subduction. The large-scale sinuous geometry of the BFZ resulted from the hard linkage of these anisotropy-pinned segments during fault growth.
In Situ and Step-Heating Ar/Ar Dating of White Mica in Low-Temperature Shear Zones (Tenda Massif, Alpine Corsica, France)
In order to clarify the link between Ar/Ar record in white mica and deformation, we performed in situ and bulkwise Ar/Ar dating over the East Tenda Shear Zone (Tenda massif, Alpine Corsica). White micas from 11 samples were selected and extensively analyzed using in situ techniques across nested scales of strain-intensity gradients developed at the expense of a late-Variscan protolith. Ar/Ar systematics are unaffected by inherited Ar and directly linked to deformation with little or no Ar lattice (volume) diffusion. Extensive sampling allows constraining the end of deformation related to burial and exhumation, respectively, at ~34 and ~22 Ma, bracketing the duration of regional extensional shear to ~12 Myr. Results also highlight a regional strain localization toward the upper contact of the unit with smaller-scale localization in specific lithologies, notably meta-aplites. Second-order complications exist, such as local ill-defined correlations between ages and finite-strain microstructures. Thus, the use of a strain gradient as a proxy for strain localization in time is regionally valid but sometimes locally too complex to track or resolve strain partitioning/localization trends at the meter (outcrop) scale and below. Age mixing and incomplete isotopic homogenization by dissolution/precipitation are identified as the main causes of local discrepancies that complicate the link between age and microstructure and the derivation of strain localization rates. Tracking temporal trends in shear distribution across regional-scale deformation gradients in such settings is possible but requires a multi-scale approach as implemented here to reveal younging patterns associated to strain localization.
Mantle Sources of Recent Anatolian Intraplate Magmatism: A Regional Plume or Local Tectonic Origin?
We present an extensive study of rehomogenized olivine-hosted melt inclusions, olivine phenocrysts, and chromian spinel inclusions to explore the link between geodynamic conditions and the origin and composition of Pliocene-Quaternary intraplate magmatism in Anatolia at Kula, Ceyhan-Osmaniye, and Karacadağ. Exceptional compositional variability of these products reveals early and incomplete mixing of distinct parental melts in each volcanic center, reflecting asthenospheric and lithospheric mantle sources. The studied primitive magmas consist of (1) two variably enriched ocean island basalt (OIB)-type melts in Kula; (2) both OIB-type and plume mid-ocean ridge basalt (P-MORB)-like melts beneath Toprakkale and Üçtepeler (Ceyhan-Osmaniye); and (3) two variably enriched OIB-type melts beneath Karacadağ. Estimated conditions of primary melt generation are 23-9 kbar, 75-30 km, and 1415-1215 °C for Kula; 28-19 kbar, 90-65 km, and 1430-1350 °C for Toprakkale; 23-18 kbar, 75-60 km, and 1400-1355 °C for Üçtepeler; and 35-27 kbar, 115-90 km, and 1530-1455 °C for Karacadağ, the deepest levels of which correspond to the depth of the lithosphere-asthenosphere boundary in all regions. Although magma ascent was likely facilitated by local deformation structures, recent Anatolian intraplate magmatism seems to be triggered by large-scale mantle flow that also affects the wider Arabian and North African regions. We infer that these volcanics form part of a much wider Arabian-North African intraplate volcanic province, which was able to invade the Anatolian upper plate through slab gaps.
First Balanced Cross Section Across the Taurides Fold-Thrust Belt: Geological Constraints on the Subduction History of the Antalya Slab in Southern Anatolia
Eastern Mediterranean subduction accommodated Africa-Eurasia convergence since Mesozoic time and produced multiple subducted slab fragments in the mantle below Anatolia. These included the north dipping Cyprus and ENE-dipping Antalya slabs, which are currently separated by an upper mantle slab gap. Segmentation of these slabs, and associated mantle flow, may have contributed to <8 Ma uplift of the Central Anatolian Plateau. The western Central Taurides fold-thrust belt in southern Turkey is in the upper plate above the Antalya slab and contains a geological record of its subduction. We present the first orogen-scale balanced cross section of the Taurides and find that it formed in two stages: (1) Cretaceous to middle Eocene thrusting resulted in a minimum of 73-km shortening, and (2) Mio-Pliocene thrusting resulted in a minimum of 17.5-km shortening. Eocene shortening accounts for only ~5 Myr of Africa-Eurasia plate convergence. It is unlikely that >400 km of post to middle Eocene plate convergence was accommodated between the Taurides and its Beydağları platform foreland and instead must have been accommodated south of Beydağları. The associated southward plate boundary jump separated the Antalya slab from the African plate and the Cyprus slab. The isolated Antalya slab was left in an intraplate setting and is probably still attached to Beydağları today. We suggest the continental composition of the Antalya slab may have prevented its detachment. Finally, the gap between the Antalya and Cyprus slabs existed since at least Eocene time; their decoupling likely did not contribute to late Neogene Central Anatolian Plateau uplift.
Mantle Flow and Deforming Continents: From India-Asia Convergence to Pacific Subduction
The formation of mountain belts or rift zones is commonly attributed to interactions between plates along their boundaries, but the widely distributed deformation of Asia from Himalaya to the Japan Sea and other back-arc basins is difficult to reconcile with this notion. Through comparison of the tectonic and kinematic records of the last 50 Ma with seismic tomography and anisotropy models, we show that the closure of the former Tethys Ocean and the extensional deformation of East Asia can be best explained if the asthenospheric mantle transporting India northward, forming the Himalaya and the Tibetan Plateau, reaches East Asia where it overrides the westward flowing Pacific mantle and contributes to subduction dynamics, distributing extensional deformation over a 3,000-km wide region. This deep asthenospheric flow partly controls the compressional stresses transmitted through the continent-continent collision, driving crustal thickening below the Himalayas and Tibet and the propagation of strike-slip faults across Asian lithosphere further north and east, as well as with the lithospheric and crustal flow powered by slab retreat east of the collision zone below East and SE Asia. The main shortening direction in the deforming continent between the collision zone and the Pacific subduction zones may in this case be a proxy for the direction of flow in the asthenosphere underneath, which may become a useful tool for studying mantle flow in the distant past. Our model of the India-Asia collision emphasizes the role of asthenospheric flow underneath continents and may offer alternative ways of understanding tectonic processes.
Cenozoic Rotation History of Borneo and Sundaland, SE Asia Revealed by Paleomagnetism, Seismic Tomography, and Kinematic Reconstruction
SE Asia comprises a heterogeneous assemblage of fragments derived from Cathaysia (Eurasia) in the north and Gondwana in the south, separated by suture zones representing closed former ocean basins. The western part of the region comprises Sundaland, which was formed by Late Permian-Triassic amalgamation of continental and arc fragments now found in Indochina, the Thai Penisula, Peninsular Malaysia, and Sumatra. On Borneo, the Kuching Zone formed the eastern margin of Sundaland since the Triassic. To the SE of the Kuching Zone, the Gondwana-derived continental fragments of SW Borneo and East Kalimantan accreted in the Cretaceous. South China-derived fragments accreted to north of the Kuching Zone in the Miocene. Deciphering this complex geodynamic history of SE Asia requires restoration of its deformation history, but quantitative constraints are often sparse. Paleomagnetism may provide such constraints. Previous paleomagnetic studies demonstrated that Sundaland and fragments in Borneo underwent vertical axis rotations since the Cretaceous. We provide new paleomagnetic data from Eocene-Miocene sedimentary rocks in the Kutai Basin, east Borneo, and critically reevaluate the published database, omitting sites that do not pass widely used, up-to-date reliability criteria. We use the resulting database to develop an updated kinematic restoration. We test the regional or local nature of paleomagnetic rotations against fits between the restored orientation of the Sunda Trench and seismic tomography images of the associated slabs. Paleomagnetic data and mantle tomography of the Sunda slab indicate that Sundaland did not experience significant vertical axis rotations since the Late Jurassic. Paleomagnetic data show that Borneo underwent a ~35° counterclockwise rotation constrained to the Late Eocene and an additional ~10° counterclockwise rotation since the Early Miocene. How this rotation was accommodated relative to Sundaland is enigmatic but likely involved distributed extension in the West Java Sea between Borneo and Sumatra. This Late Eocene-Early Oligocene rotation is contemporaneous with and may have been driven by a marked change in motion of Australia relative to Eurasia, from eastward to northward, which also has led to the initiation of subduction along the eastern Sunda trench and the proto-South China Sea to the south and north of Borneo, respectively.
Southwest Pacific Absolute Plate Kinematic Reconstruction Reveals Major Cenozoic Tonga-Kermadec Slab Dragging
Tectonic plates subducting at trenches having strikes oblique to the absolute subducting plate motion undergo trench-parallel slab motion through the mantle, recently defined as a form of "slab dragging." We investigate here long-term slab-dragging components of the Tonga-Kermadec subduction system driven by absolute Pacific plate motion. To this end we develop a kinematic restoration of Tonga-Kermadec Trench motion placed in a mantle reference frame and compare it to tomographically imaged slabs in the mantle. Estimating Tonga-Kermadec subduction initiation is challenging because another (New Caledonia) subduction zone existed during the Paleogene between the Australia and Pacific plates. We test partitioning of plate convergence across the Paleogene New Caledonia and Tonga-Kermadec subduction zones against resulting mantle structure and show that most, if not all, Tonga-Kermadec subduction occurred after ca. 30 Ma. Since then, Tonga-Kermadec subduction has accommodated 1,700 to 3,500 km of subduction along the southern and northern ends of the trench, respectively. When placed in a mantle reference frame, the predominantly westward directed subduction evolved while the Tonga-Kermadec Trench underwent ~1,200 km of northward absolute motion. We infer that the entire Tonga-Kermadec slab was laterally transported through the mantle over 1,200 km. Such slab dragging by the Pacific plate may explain observed deep-slab deformation and may also have significant effects on surface tectonics, both resulting from the resistance to slab dragging by the viscous mantle.
Slow Long-Term Exhumation of the West Central Andean Plate Boundary, Chile
We present a regional analysis of new low-temperature thermochronometer ages from the Central Andean fore arc to provide insights into the exhumation history of the western Andean margin. To derive exhumation rates over 10 million-year timescales, 38 new apatite and zircon (U-Th)/He ages were analyzed along six ~500-km long near-equal-elevation, coast parallel, transects in the Coastal Cordillera (CC) and higher-elevation Precordillera (PC) of the northern Chilean Andes between latitudes 18.5°S and 22.5°S. These transects were augmented with age-elevation profiles where possible. Results are synthesized with previously published thermochronometric data, corroborating a previously observed trenchward increase in cooling ages in Peru and northern Chile. One-dimensional thermal-kinematic modeling of all available multichronometer equal-elevation samples reveals mean exhumation rates of <0.2 km/Myr since ~50 Ma in the PC and ~100 Ma in the CC. Regression of pseudovertical age-elevation transects in the CC yields comparable rates of ~0.05 to ~0.12 km/Myr between ~40 and 80 Ma. Differences between the long-term mean 1-D rates and shorter-term age-elevation-derived rates indicate low variability in the exhumation history. Modeling results suggest similar background exhumation rates in the CC and PC; younger ages in the PC are largely a function of increased heat flow and consequently an elevated geothermal gradient near the arc. Slow exhumation rates are suggestive of semiarid conditions across the region since at least the Eocene and deformation and development of the Andean fore arc around this time.
Microstructural analysis and calcite piezometry on hydrothermal veins: Insights into the deformation history of the Cocos Plate at Site U1414 (IODP Expedition 344)
In this study we present microstructural data from hydrothermal veins in the sedimentary cover and the igneous basement recovered from Hole U1414A, Integrated Ocean Drilling Program (IODP) Expedition 344 (Costa Rica Seismogenesis Project), to constrain deformation mechanism operating in the subducting Cocos Plate. Cathodoluminescence studies, mechanical e-twin piezometry and electron backscatter diffraction (EBSD) analyses of carbonate veins were used to give insights into the deformation conditions and to help to understand the tectonic deformation history of the Cocos Plate offshore Costa Rica. Analyses of microstructures in the sedimentary rocks and in the basalt of the igneous basement reveal brittle deformation, as well as crystal-plastic deformation of the host rock and the vein material. Cathodoluminescence images showed that in the basalt fluid flow and related precipitation occurred over several episodes. The differential stresses, obtained from two different piezometers using the same parameter (twin density), indicate various mean differential stresses of 49 ± 11 and 69 ± 30 MPa and EBSD mapping of calcite veins reveals low-angle subgrain boundaries. Deformation temperatures are restricted to the range from 170°C to 220°C, due to the characteristics of the existing twins and the lack of high-temperature intracrystalline deformation mechanisms (>220°C). The obtained results suggest that deformation occurred over a period associated with changes of ambient temperatures, occurrence of fluids and hydrofracturing, induced differential stresses due to the bending of the plate at the trench, and related seismic activity.
Oblique contractional reactivation of inherited heterogeneities: Cause for arcuate orogens
We use lithospheric-scale analog models to study the reactivation of pre-existing heterogeneities under oblique shortening and its relation to the origin of arcuate orogens. Reactivation of inherited rheological heterogeneities is an important mechanism for localization of deformation in compressional settings and consequent initiation of contractional structures during orogenesis. However, the presence of an inherited heterogeneity in the lithosphere is in itself not sufficient for its reactivation once the continental lithosphere is shortened. The heterogeneity orientation is important in determining if reactivation occurs and to which extent. This study aims at giving insights on this process by means of analog experiments in which a linear lithospheric heterogeneity trends with various angles to the shortening direction. In particular, the key parameter investigated is the orientation (angle ) of a strong domain (SD) with respect to the shortening direction. Experimental results show that angles ≥ 75° (high obliquity) allow for reactivation along the entire SD and the development of a linear orogen. For ≤ 60° (low obliquity) the models are characterized by the development of an arcuate orogen, with the SD remaining partially non-reactivated. These results provide a new mechanism for the origin of some arcuate orogens, in which orocline formation was not driven by indentation or subduction processes, but by oblique shortening of inherited heterogeneities, as exemplified by the Ouachita orogen of the southern U.S.