Empirical Bayes Linked Matrix Decomposition
Lock EF
Data for several applications in diverse fields can be represented as multiple matrices that are linked across rows or columns. This is particularly common in molecular biomedical research, in which multiple molecular "omics" technologies may capture different feature sets (e.g., corresponding to rows in a matrix) and/or different sample populations (corresponding to columns). This has motivated a large body of work on integrative matrix factorization approaches that identify and decompose low-dimensional signal that is shared across multiple matrices or specific to a given matrix. We propose an empirical variational Bayesian approach to this problem that has several advantages over existing techniques, including the flexibility to accommodate shared signal over any number of row or column sets (i.e., bidimensional integration), an intuitive model-based objective function that yields appropriate shrinkage for the inferred signals, and a relatively efficient estimation algorithm with no tuning parameters. A general result establishes conditions for the uniqueness of the underlying decomposition for a broad family of methods that includes the proposed approach. For scenarios with missing data, we describe an associated iterative imputation approach that is novel for the single-matrix context and a powerful approach for "blockwise" imputation (in which an entire row or column is missing) in various linked matrix contexts. Extensive simulations show that the method performs very well under different scenarios with respect to recovering underlying low-rank signal, accurately decomposing shared and specific signals, and accurately imputing missing data. The approach is applied to gene expression and miRNA data from breast cancer tissue and normal breast tissue, for which it gives an informative decomposition of variation and outperforms alternative strategies for missing data imputation.
Did we personalize? Assessing personalization by an online reinforcement learning algorithm using resampling
Ghosh S, Kim R, Chhabria P, Dwivedi R, Klasnja P, Liao P, Zhang K and Murphy S
There is a growing interest in using reinforcement learning (RL) to personalize sequences of treatments in digital health to support users in adopting healthier behaviors. Such sequential decision-making problems involve decisions about when to treat and how to treat based on the user's context (e.g., prior activity level, location, etc.). Online RL is a promising datadriven approach for this problem as it learns based on each user's historical responses and uses that knowledge to personalize these decisions. However, to decide whether the RL algorithm should be included in an "optimized" intervention for real-world deployment, we must assess the data evidence indicating that the RL algorithm is actually personalizing the treatments to its users. Due to the stochasticity in the RL algorithm, one may get a false impression that it is learning in certain states and using this learning to provide specific treatments. We use a working definition of personalization and introduce a resampling-based methodology for investigating whether the personalization exhibited by the RL algorithm is an artifact of the RL algorithm stochasticity. We illustrate our methodology with a case study by analyzing the data from a physical activity clinical trial called HeartSteps, which included the use of an online RL algorithm. We demonstrate how our approach enhances data-driven truth-in-advertising of algorithm personalization both across all users as well as within specific users in the study.
: counterfactual explanations for fairness
Goethals S, Martens D and Calders T
This paper studies how counterfactual explanations can be used to assess the fairness of a model. Using machine learning for high-stakes decisions is a threat to fairness as these models can amplify bias present in the dataset, and there is no consensus on a universal metric to detect this. The appropriate metric and method to tackle the bias in a dataset will be case-dependent, and it requires insight into the nature of the bias first. We aim to provide this insight by integrating explainable AI (XAI) research with the fairness domain. More specifically, apart from being able to use (Predictive) Counterfactual Explanations to detect when the model is directly using the sensitive attribute, we show that it can also be used to detect when the model does not use the sensitive attribute directly but does use other correlated attributes leading to a substantial disadvantage for a protected group. We call this metric , or Predictive Counterfactual Fairness. Our experimental results show that our metric succeeds in detecting occurrences of in the model by assessing which attributes are more present in the explanations of the protected group compared to the unprotected group. These results could help policymakers decide on whether this discrimination is or not.
Adversarial concept drift detection under poisoning attacks for robust data stream mining
Korycki Ł and Krawczyk B
Continuous learning from streaming data is among the most challenging topics in the contemporary machine learning. In this domain, learning algorithms must not only be able to handle massive volume of rapidly arriving data, but also adapt themselves to potential emerging changes. The phenomenon of evolving nature of data streams is known as concept drift. While there is a plethora of methods designed for detecting its occurrence, all of them assume that the drift is connected with underlying changes in the source of data. However, one must consider the possibility of a malicious injection of false data that simulates a concept drift. This adversarial setting assumes a poisoning attack that may be conducted in order to damage the underlying classification system by forcing an adaptation to false data. Existing drift detectors are not capable of differentiating between real and adversarial concept drift. In this paper, we propose a framework for robust concept drift detection in the presence of adversarial and poisoning attacks. We introduce the taxonomy for two types of adversarial concept drifts, as well as a robust trainable drift detector. It is based on the augmented restricted Boltzmann machine with improved gradient computation and energy function. We also introduce Relative Loss of Robustness-a novel measure for evaluating the performance of concept drift detectors under poisoning attacks. Extensive computational experiments, conducted on both fully and sparsely labeled data streams, prove the high robustness and efficacy of the proposed drift detection framework in adversarial scenarios.
Lipschitzness is all you need to tame off-policy generative adversarial imitation learning
Blondé L, Strasser P and Kalousis A
Despite the recent success of reinforcement learning in various domains, these approaches remain, for the most part, deterringly sensitive to hyper-parameters and are often riddled with essential engineering feats allowing their success. We consider the case of off-policy generative adversarial imitation learning, and perform an in-depth review, qualitative and quantitative, of the method. We show that forcing the learned reward function to be local Lipschitz-continuous is a condition for the method to perform well. We then study the effects of this necessary condition and provide several theoretical results involving the local Lipschitzness of the state-value function. We complement these guarantees with empirical evidence attesting to the strong positive effect that the consistent satisfaction of the Lipschitzness constraint on the reward has on imitation performance. Finally, we tackle a generic pessimistic reward preconditioning add-on spawning a large class of reward shaping methods, which makes the base method it is plugged into provably more robust, as shown in several additional theoretical guarantees. We then discuss these through a fine-grained lens and share our insights. Crucially, the guarantees derived and reported in this work are valid for reward satisfying the Lipschitzness condition, nothing is specific to imitation. As such, these may be of independent interest.
Scrutinizing XAI using linear ground-truth data with suppressor variables
Wilming R, Budding C, Müller KR and Haufe S
Machine learning (ML) is increasingly often used to inform high-stakes decisions. As complex ML models (e.g., deep neural networks) are often considered black boxes, a wealth of procedures has been developed to shed light on their inner workings and the ways in which their predictions come about, defining the field of 'explainable AI' (XAI). Saliency methods rank input features according to some measure of 'importance'. Such methods are difficult to validate since a formal definition of feature importance is, thus far, lacking. It has been demonstrated that some saliency methods can highlight features that have no statistical association with the prediction target (suppressor variables). To avoid misinterpretations due to such behavior, we propose the actual presence of such an association as a necessary condition and objective preliminary definition for feature importance. We carefully crafted a ground-truth dataset in which all statistical dependencies are well-defined and linear, serving as a benchmark to study the problem of suppressor variables. We evaluate common explanation methods including LRP, DTD, PatternNet, PatternAttribution, LIME, Anchors, SHAP, and permutation-based methods with respect to our objective definition. We show that most of these methods are unable to distinguish important features from suppressors in this setting.
Relating instance hardness to classification performance in a dataset: a visual approach
Paiva PYA, Moreno CC, Smith-Miles K, Valeriano MG and Lorena AC
Machine Learning studies often involve a series of computational experiments in which the predictive performance of multiple models are compared across one or more datasets. The results obtained are usually summarized through average statistics, either in numeric tables or simple plots. Such approaches fail to reveal interesting subtleties about algorithmic performance, including which observations an algorithm may find easy or hard to classify, and also which observations within a dataset may present unique challenges. Recently, a methodology known as Instance Space Analysis was proposed for visualizing algorithm performance across different datasets. This methodology relates predictive performance to estimated instance hardness measures extracted from the datasets. However, the analysis considered an instance as being an entire classification dataset and the algorithm performance was reported for each dataset as an average error across all observations in the dataset. In this paper, we developed a more fine-grained analysis by adapting the ISA methodology. The adapted version of ISA allows the analysis of an individual classification dataset by a 2-D hardness embedding, which provides a visualization of the data according to the difficulty level of its individual observations. This allows deeper analyses of the relationships between instance hardness and predictive performance of classifiers. We also provide an open-access Python package named PyHard, which encapsulates the adapted ISA and provides an interactive visualization interface. We illustrate through case studies how our tool can provide insights about data quality and algorithm performance in the presence of challenges such as noisy and biased data.
A framework for the fine-grained evaluation of the instantaneous expected value of soccer possessions
Fernández J, Bornn L and Cervone D
The expected possession value (EPV) of a soccer possession represents the likelihood of a team scoring or conceding the next goal at any time instance. In this work, we develop a comprehensive analysis framework for the EPV, providing soccer practitioners with the ability to evaluate the impact of observed and potential actions, both visually and analytically. The EPV expression is decomposed into a series of subcomponents that model the influence of passes, ball drives and shot actions on the expected outcome of a possession. We show we can learn from spatiotemporal tracking data and obtain calibrated models for all the components of the EPV. For the components related with passes, we produce visually-interpretable probability surfaces from a series of deep neural network architectures built on top of flexible representations of game states. Additionally, we present a series of novel practical applications providing coaches with an enriched interpretation of specific game situations. This is, to our knowledge, the first EPV approach in soccer that uses this decomposition and incorporates the dynamics of the 22 players and the ball through tracking data.
Conditional t-SNE: more informative t-SNE embeddings
Kang B, García García D, Lijffijt J, Santos-Rodríguez R and De Bie T
Dimensionality reduction and manifold learning methods such as t-distributed stochastic neighbor embedding (t-SNE) are frequently used to map high-dimensional data into a two-dimensional space to visualize and explore that data. Going beyond the specifics of t-SNE, there are two substantial limitations of any such approach: (1) not all information can be captured in a single two-dimensional embedding, and (2) to well-informed users, the salient structure of such an embedding is often already known, preventing that any real new insights can be obtained. Currently, it is not known how to extract the remaining information in a similarly effective manner. We introduce (ct-SNE), a generalization of t-SNE that discounts prior information in the form of labels. This enables obtaining more informative and more relevant embeddings. To achieve this, we propose a conditioned version of the t-SNE objective, obtaining an elegant method with a single integrated objective. We show how to efficiently optimize the objective and study the effects of the extra parameter that ct-SNE has over t-SNE. Qualitative and quantitative empirical results on synthetic and real data show ct-SNE is scalable, effective, and achieves its goal: it allows complementary structure to be captured in the embedding and provided new insights into real data.
Learning system parameters from turing patterns
Schnörr D and Schnörr C
The Turing mechanism describes the emergence of spatial patterns due to spontaneous symmetry breaking in reaction-diffusion processes and underlies many developmental processes. Identifying Turing mechanisms in biological systems defines a challenging problem. This paper introduces an approach to the prediction of Turing parameter values from observed Turing patterns. The parameter values correspond to a parametrized system of reaction-diffusion equations that generate Turing patterns as steady state. The Gierer-Meinhardt model with four parameters is chosen as a case study. A novel invariant pattern representation based on resistance distance histograms is employed, along with Wasserstein kernels, in order to cope with the highly variable arrangement of local pattern structure that depends on the initial conditions which are assumed to be unknown. This enables us to compute physically plausible distances between patterns, to compute clusters of patterns and, above all, model parameter prediction based on training data that can be generated by numerical model evaluation with random initial data: for small training sets, classical state-of-the-art methods including operator-valued kernels outperform neural networks that are applied to raw pattern data, whereas for large training sets the latter are more accurate. A prominent property of our approach is that only a pattern is required as input data for model parameter predicion. Excellent predictions are obtained for single parameter values and reasonably accurate results for jointly predicting all four parameter values.
Bayesian optimization with safety constraints: safe and automatic parameter tuning in robotics
Berkenkamp F, Krause A and Schoellig AP
Selecting the right tuning parameters for algorithms is a pravelent problem in machine learning that can significantly affect the performance of algorithms. Data-efficient optimization algorithms, such as Bayesian optimization, have been used to automate this process. During experiments on real-world systems such as robotic platforms these methods can evaluate unsafe parameters that lead to safety-critical system failures and can destroy the system. Recently, a safe Bayesian optimization algorithm, called SafeOpt, has been developed, which guarantees that the performance of the system never falls below a critical value; that is, safety is defined based on the performance function. However, coupling performance and safety is often not desirable in practice, since they are often opposing objectives. In this paper, we present a generalized algorithm that allows for multiple safety constraints separate from the objective. Given an initial set of safe parameters, the algorithm maximizes performance but only evaluates parameters that satisfy safety for all constraints with high probability. To this end, it carefully explores the parameter space by exploiting regularity assumptions in terms of a Gaussian process prior. Moreover, we show how context variables can be used to safely transfer knowledge to new situations and tasks. We provide a theoretical analysis and demonstrate that the proposed algorithm enables fast, automatic, and safe optimization of tuning parameters in experiments on a quadrotor vehicle.
Learning biologically-interpretable latent representations for gene expression data: Pathway Activity Score Learning Algorithm
Karagiannaki I, Gourlia K, Lagani V, Pantazis Y and Tsamardinos I
Molecular gene-expression datasets consist of samples with tens of thousands of measured quantities (i.e., high dimensional data). However, lower-dimensional representations that retain the useful biological information do exist. We present a novel algorithm for such dimensionality reduction called Pathway Activity Score Learning (PASL). The major novelty of PASL is that the constructed features directly correspond to known molecular pathways (genesets in general) and can be interpreted as . Hence, unlike PCA and similar methods, PASL's latent space has a fairly straightforward biological interpretation. PASL is shown to outperform in predictive performance the state-of-the-art method (PLIER) on two collections of breast cancer and leukemia gene expression datasets. PASL is also trained on a large corpus of 50000 gene expression samples to construct a universal dictionary of features across different tissues and pathologies. The dictionary validated on 35643 held-out samples for reconstruction error. It is then applied on 165 held-out datasets spanning a diverse range of diseases. The AutoML tool JADBio is employed to show that the predictive information in the PASL-created feature space is retained after the transformation. The code is available at
Deep reinforcement learning for multi-class imbalanced training: applications in healthcare
Yang J, El-Bouri R, O'Donoghue O, Lachapelle AS, Soltan AAS, Eyre DW, Lu L and Clifton DA
With the rapid growth of memory and computing power, datasets are becoming increasingly complex and imbalanced. This is especially severe in the context of clinical data, where there may be one rare event for many cases in the majority class. We introduce an imbalanced classification framework, based on reinforcement learning, for training extremely imbalanced data sets, and extend it for use in multi-class settings. We combine dueling and double deep Q-learning architectures, and formulate a custom reward function and episode-training procedure, specifically with the capability of handling multi-class imbalanced training. Using real-world clinical case studies, we demonstrate that our proposed framework outperforms current state-of-the-art imbalanced learning methods, achieving more fair and balanced classification, while also significantly improving the prediction of minority classes.
XAI-TRIS: non-linear image benchmarks to quantify false positive post-hoc attribution of feature importance
Clark B, Wilming R and Haufe S
The field of 'explainable' artificial intelligence (XAI) has produced highly acclaimed methods that seek to make the decisions of complex machine learning (ML) methods 'understandable' to humans, for example by attributing 'importance' scores to input features. Yet, a lack of formal underpinning leaves it unclear as to what conclusions can safely be drawn from the results of a given XAI method and has also so far hindered the theoretical verification and empirical validation of XAI methods. This means that challenging non-linear problems, typically solved by deep neural networks, presently lack appropriate remedies. Here, we craft benchmark datasets for one linear and three different non-linear classification scenarios, in which the important class-conditional features are known by design, serving as ground truth explanations. Using novel quantitative metrics, we benchmark the explanation performance of a wide set of XAI methods across three deep learning model architectures. We show that popular XAI methods are often unable to significantly outperform random performance baselines and edge detection methods, attributing false-positive importance to features with no statistical relationship to the prediction target rather than truly important features. Moreover, we demonstrate that explanations derived from different model architectures can be vastly different; thus, prone to misinterpretation even under controlled conditions.
On the benefits of representation regularization in invariance based domain generalization
Shui C, Wang B and Gagné C
A crucial aspect of reliable machine learning is to design a deployable system for generalizing new related but unobserved environments. Domain generalization aims to alleviate such a prediction gap between the observed and unseen environments. Previous approaches commonly incorporated learning the invariant representation for achieving good empirical performance. In this paper, we reveal that merely learning the invariant representation is vulnerable to the related unseen environment. To this end, we derive a novel theoretical analysis to control the unseen test environment error in the representation learning, which highlights the importance of controlling the smoothness of representation. In practice, our analysis further inspires an efficient regularization method to improve the robustness in domain generalization. The proposed regularization is orthogonal to and can be straightforwardly adopted in existing domain generalization algorithms that ensure invariant representation learning. Empirical results show that our algorithm outperforms the base versions in various datasets and invariance criteria.
Multiway -spectral graph cuts on Grassmann manifolds
Pasadakis D, Alappat CL, Schenk O and Wellein G
Nonlinear reformulations of the spectral clustering method have gained a lot of recent attention due to their increased numerical benefits and their solid mathematical background. We present a novel direct multiway spectral clustering algorithm in the -norm, for . The problem of computing multiple eigenvectors of the graph -Laplacian, a nonlinear generalization of the standard graph Laplacian, is recasted as an unconstrained minimization problem on a Grassmann manifold. The value of is reduced in a pseudocontinuous manner, promoting sparser solution vectors that correspond to optimal graph cuts as approaches one. Monitoring the monotonic decrease of the balanced graph cuts guarantees that we obtain the best available solution from the -levels considered. We demonstrate the effectiveness and accuracy of our algorithm in various artificial test-cases. Our numerical examples and comparative results with various state-of-the-art clustering methods indicate that the proposed method obtains high quality clusters both in terms of balanced graph cut metrics and in terms of the accuracy of the labelling assignment. Furthermore, we conduct studies for the classification of facial images and handwritten characters to demonstrate the applicability in real-world datasets.
Correlated product of experts for sparse Gaussian process regression
Schürch M, Azzimonti D, Benavoli A and Zaffalon M
Gaussian processes (GPs) are an important tool in machine learning and statistics. However, off-the-shelf GP inference procedures are limited to datasets with several thousand data points because of their cubic computational complexity. For this reason, many sparse GPs techniques have been developed over the past years. In this paper, we focus on GP regression tasks and propose a new approach based on aggregating predictions from several local and correlated experts. Thereby, the degree of correlation between the experts can vary between independent up to fully correlated experts. The individual predictions of the experts are aggregated taking into account their correlation resulting in consistent uncertainty estimates. Our method recovers independent Product of Experts, sparse GP and full GP in the limiting cases. The presented framework can deal with a general kernel function and multiple variables, and has a time and space complexity which is linear in the number of experts and data samples, which makes our approach highly scalable. We demonstrate superior performance, in a time vs. accuracy sense, of our proposed method against state-of-the-art GP approximations for synthetic as well as several real-world datasets with deterministic and stochastic optimization.
A network-based positive and unlabeled learning approach for fake news detection
de Souza MC, Nogueira BM, Rossi RG, Marcacini RM, Dos Santos BN and Rezende SO
Fake news can rapidly spread through internet users and can deceive a large audience. Due to those characteristics, they can have a direct impact on political and economic events. Machine Learning approaches have been used to assist fake news identification. However, since the spectrum of real news is broad, hard to characterize, and expensive to label data due to the high update frequency, One-Class Learning (OCL) and Positive and Unlabeled Learning (PUL) emerge as an interesting approach for content-based fake news detection using a smaller set of labeled data than traditional machine learning techniques. In particular, network-based approaches are adequate for fake news detection since they allow incorporating information from different aspects of a publication to the problem modeling. In this paper, we propose a network-based approach based on Positive and Unlabeled Learning by Label Propagation (PU-LP), a one-class and transductive semi-supervised learning algorithm that performs classification by first identifying potential interest and non-interest documents into unlabeled data and then propagating labels to classify the remaining unlabeled documents. A label propagation approach is then employed to classify the remaining unlabeled documents. We assessed the performance of our proposal considering homogeneous (only documents) and heterogeneous (documents and terms) networks. Our comparative analysis considered four OCL algorithms extensively employed in One-Class text classification (-Means, -Nearest Neighbors Density-based, One-Class Support Vector Machine, and Dense Autoencoder), and another traditional PUL algorithm (Rocchio Support Vector Machine). The algorithms were evaluated in three news collections, considering balanced and extremely unbalanced scenarios. We used Bag-of-Words and Doc2Vec models to transform news into structured data. Results indicated that PU-LP approaches are more stable and achieve better results than other PUL and OCL approaches in most scenarios, performing similarly to semi-supervised binary algorithms. Also, the inclusion of terms in the news network activate better results, especially when news are distributed in the feature space considering veracity and subject. News representation using the Doc2Vec achieved better results than the Bag-of-Words model for both algorithms based on vector-space model and document similarity network.
Responsible model deployment via model-agnostic uncertainty learning
Lahoti P, Gummadi K and Weikum G
Reliably predicting potential failure risks of machine learning (ML) systems when deployed with production data is a crucial aspect of trustworthy AI. This paper introduces the , a novel post-hoc for estimating failure risks and predictive uncertainties of black-box classification model. In addition to providing a , the decomposes the uncertainty estimates into aleatoric and epistemic uncertainty components, thus giving informative insights into the sources of uncertainty inducing the failures. Consequently, can distinguish between failures caused by data variability, data shifts and model limitations and provide useful guidance on appropriate risk mitigation actions (e.g., collecting more data to counter data shift). Extensive experiments on various families of black-box classification models and on real-world and synthetic datasets covering common ML failure scenarios show that the reliably predicts deployment-time failure risks in all the scenarios, and outperforms strong baselines.
autoBOT: evolving neuro-symbolic representations for explainable low resource text classification
Škrlj B, Martinc M, Lavrač N and Pollak S
Learning from texts has been widely adopted throughout industry and science. While state-of-the-art neural language models have shown very promising results for text classification, they are expensive to (pre-)train, require large amounts of data and tuning of hundreds of millions or more parameters. This paper explores how automatically evolved text representations can serve as a basis for explainable, low-resource branch of models with competitive performance that are subject to automated hyperparameter tuning. We present autoBOT (automatic Bags-Of-Tokens), an autoML approach suitable for low resource learning scenarios, where both the hardware and the amount of data required for training are limited. The proposed approach consists of an evolutionary algorithm that jointly optimizes various sparse representations of a given text (including word, subword, POS tag, keyword-based, knowledge graph-based and relational features) and two types of document embeddings (non-sparse representations). The key idea of autoBOT is that, instead of evolving at the learner level, evolution is conducted at the representation level. The proposed method offers competitive classification performance on fourteen real-world classification tasks when compared against a competitive autoML approach that evolves ensemble models, as well as state-of-the-art neural language models such as BERT and RoBERTa. Moreover, the approach is explainable, as the importance of the parts of the input space is part of the final solution yielded by the proposed optimization procedure, offering potential for meta-transfer learning.
Machine unlearning: linear filtration for logit-based classifiers
Baumhauer T, Schöttle P and Zeppelzauer M
Recently enacted legislation grants individuals certain rights to decide in what fashion their personal data may be used and in particular a "right to be forgotten". This poses a challenge to machine learning: how to proceed when an individual retracts permission to use data which has been part of the training process of a model? From this question emerges the field of , which could be broadly described as the investigation of how to "delete training data from models". Our work complements this direction of research for the specific setting of class-wide deletion requests for classification models (e.g. deep neural networks). As a first step, we propose as an intuitive, computationally efficient sanitization method. Our experiments demonstrate benefits in an adversarial setting over naive deletion schemes.