Bridging Existing Energy and Chemical Transport Models to Enhance Air Quality Policy Assessment
Connecting changes in emissions to air quality is critical for evaluating the effects of a specific policy. Here, we introduce a methodology to aid in assessing the air quality impacts of changes in the energy system. A set of widely varying scenarios that describe alternative potential evolutions of the US energy system is constructed using the TIMES energy system model. For each scenario, an R script is used to communicate future emissions changes to the CMAQ photochemical air quality model. Example results are shown, and the development of the TIMES scenarios is described for users who wish to adapt them to alternate geographies. Possible use cases include evaluating the air quality effects of specific emissions reduction measures or of broad changes to dominant technologies in major sectors such as transportation.
Model linkage to assess forest disturbance impacts on water quality: A wildfire case study using LANDIS(II)-VELMA
Wildfires in western US forests increased over the last two decades, resulting in elevated solid and nutrient loadings to streams, and occasionally threatening drinking water supplies. We demonstrated that a linked LANDIS (LANDscape DIsturbance and Succession)-VELMA (Visualizing Ecosystem Land Management Assessments) modeling approach can simulate wildland fire effects on water quality using the 2002 Colorado Hayman Fire. Utilizing LANDIS-II's forest landscape model to simulate forest composition and VELMA's eco-hydrologic model to simulate pre- and post-fire water quantity and quality, the best calibration performance yielded a Nash-Sutcliffe Efficiency (NSE) of 0.621 during 2000-2006 (most optimal annual - 0.921) in comparison to North American Land Data Assimilation System (NLDAS) runoff. Pre-fire modeled runoff, nitrate, and surface water temperature (SWT) correlated with observations. Simulated post-fire runoff (229%) and SWT (20.6%) were elevated relative to pre-fire, with nitrate concentrations 34 times greater than the aquatic life threshold (0.01 mg N/L).
Calibration using R-programming and parallel processing at the HUC12 subbasin scale in the Mid-Atlantic region: Development of national SWAT hydrologic calibration
The first phase of a national scale Soil and Water Assessment Tool (SWAT) model calibration effort at the HUC12 (Hydrologic Unit Code 12) watershed scale was demonstrated over the Mid-Atlantic Region (R02), consisting of 3036 HUC12 subbasins. An R-programming based tool was developed for streamflow calibration including parallel processing for SWAT-CUP (SWAT- Calibration and Uncertainty Programs) to streamline the computational burden of calibration. Successful calibration of streamflow for 415 gages (KGE ≥0.5, Kling-Gupta efficiency; PBIAS ≤15%, Percent Bias) out of 553 selected monitoring gages was achieved in this study, yielding calibration parameter values for 2106 HUC12 subbasins. Additionally, 67 more gages were calibrated with relaxed PBIAS criteria of 25%, yielding calibration parameter values for an additional 150 HUC12 subbasins. This first phase of calibration across R02 increases the reliability, uniformity, and replicability of SWAT-related hydrological studies. Moreover, the study presents a comprehensive approach for efficiently optimizing large-scale multi-site calibration.
Commentary on Antosz et al. (2023): The role of macro-micro-macro frameworks and critical realism in agent-based modelling
Antosz and colleagues' review of the role of theory in agent-based modelling (ABM) makes important recommendations for modelling practitioners. However, macro-micro-macro frameworks are not necessarily as reliant on existing theory as the review suggests. Adopting a critical realist perspective to ABM design would help to deliver the recommendations, within which macro-micro-macro frameworks can play an important enabling role.
Nutrient Explorer: An analytical framework to visualize and investigate drivers of surface water quality
Excess nutrients (nitrogen and phosphorus) in lakes can lead to eutrophication, hypoxia, and algal blooms that may harm aquatic life and people. Some U.S. states have established numeric water quality criteria for nutrients to protect surface waters. However, monitoring to determine if criteria are being met is limited by resources and time. Using R code and the publicly available lake data, we introduce a downloadable interactive user interface for modeling relationships between watershed land use, climate, and other variables and surface water nutrient concentrations. Random Forest modeling identified watershed agricultural and forest land coverage, fertilizer inputs, and lake depth as the most important predictors of total phosphorus. The analytical framework implemented in this application can be applied to different locations and other surface water types to be leveraged by decision makers to identify the most influential drivers of excess nutrient concentrations and to prioritize watersheds for restoration.
Modeling Lake Recovery Lag Times Following Influent Phosphorus Loading Reduction
Internal feedback of nutrients may impede timely improvement in lake water quality. We describe a parsimonious, mechanistic framework for modeling lag times to recovery of phosphorus-enriched lakes, given decreases in external loading. The approach assumes first-order kinetics in a two-compartment system taking account of phosphorus storage in and loading from benthic sediments. Bayesian parameter modeling, published sediment phosphorus release rates, and a prior dynamic calibration for one lake are used to derive estimates of key parameters. Applications are developed for an example lake, as are maps displaying estimated times to attainment of a phosphorus criterion in lakes across a midwestern state, and lag time estimates for fractional water column concentration decrease averaged over HUC-8s. Mean lag times to 50 and 75% declines in water column phosphorus concentration were estimated as 13.1 and 39.0 years respectively, across more than 70,000 lentic water bodies in the continental United States.
An operational urban air quality model ENFUSER, based on dispersion modelling and data assimilation
An operational urban air quality modelling system ENFUSER is presented with an evaluation against measured data. ENFUSER combines several dispersion modelling approaches, uses data assimilation, and continuously extracts information from online, global open-access sources. The modelling area is described with a combination of geographic datasets. These GIS datasets are globally available with open access, and therefore the model can be applied worldwide. Urban scale dispersion is addressed with a combination of Gaussian puff and Gaussian plume modelling, and long-range transport of pollutants is accounted for via a separate regional model. The presented data assimilation method, which supports the use of AQ sensors and incorporates a longer-term learning mechanism, adjusts emission factors and the regional background values on an hourly basis. The model can be used with reasonable accuracy also in urban areas, for which detailed emissions inventories would not be available, due to the data assimilation capabilities.
Inter-model comparison of simulated Gulf of Mexico hypoxia in response to reduced nutrient loads: effects of phytoplankton and organic matter parameterization
Complex simulation models are a valuable tool to inform nutrient management decisions aimed at reducing hypoxia in the northern Gulf of Mexico, yet simulated hypoxia response to reduced nutrients varies greatly between models. We compared two biogeochemical models driven by the same hydrodynamics, the Coastal Generalized Ecosystem Model (CGEM) and Gulf of Mexico Dissolved Oxygen Model (GoMDOM), to investigate how they differ in simulating hypoxia and their response to reduced nutrients. Different phytoplankton nutrient kinetics produced 2-3 times more hypoxic area and volume on the western shelf in CGEM compared to GoMDOM. Reductions in hypoxic area were greatest in the western shelf, comprising 72% (~4,200 km) of the total shelfwide hypoxia response. The range of hypoxia responses from multiple models suggests a 60% load reduction may result in a 33% reduction in hypoxic area, leaving an annual hypoxic area of ~9,000 km based on the latest 5-yr average (13,928 km).
Catchment scale runoff time-series generation and validation using statistical models for the Continental United States
We developed statistical models to generate runoff time-series at National Hydrography Dataset Plus Version 2 (NHDPlusV2) catchment scale for the Continental United States (CONUS). The models use Normalized Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI) based Curve Number (CN) to generate initial runoff time-series which then is corrected using statistical models to improve accuracy. We used the North American Land Data Assimilation System 2 (NLDAS-2) catchment scale runoff time-series as the reference data for model training and validation. We used 17 years of 16-day, 250-m resolution NDVI data as a proxy for hydrologic conditions during a representative year to calculate 23 NDVI based-CN (NDVI-CN) values for each of 2.65 million NHDPlusV2 catchments for the Contiguous U.S. To maximize predictive accuracy while avoiding optimistically biased model validation results, we developed a spatio-temporal cross-validation framework for estimating, selecting, and validating the statistical correction models. We found that in many of the physiographic sections comprising CONUS, even simple linear regression models were highly effective at correcting NDVI-CN runoff to achieve Nash-Sutcliffe Efficiency values above 0.5. However, all models showed poor performance in physiographic sections that experience significant snow accumulation.
Discrete Global Grid Systems as scalable geospatial frameworks for characterizing coastal environments
Data portals and services have increased coastal water quality data availability and accessibility. However, tools to process this data are limited - geospatial frameworks at the land-sea interface are either adapted from open- water frameworks or extended from watershed frameworks. This study explores use of a geospatial framework based on hexagons from a Discrete Global Grid System (DGGS) in a coastal area. Two DGGS implementations are explored, dggridR and H3. The geospatial frameworks are compared based on their ability to aggregate data to scales from existing frameworks, integrate data across frameworks, and connect flows across the land-sea interface. dggridR was simpler with more flexibility to match scales and use smaller units. H3 was more performant, identifying neighbors and moving between scales more efficiently. Point, line and grid data were aggregated to H3 units to test the implementation's ability to model and visualize coastal data. H3 performed these additional tasks well.
Making spatial-temporal marine ecosystem modelling better - A perspective
Marine Ecosystem Models (MEMs) provide a deeper understanding of marine ecosystem dynamics. The United Nations Decade of Ocean Science for Sustainable Development has highlighted the need to deploy these complex mechanistic spatial-temporal models to engage policy makers and society into dialogues towards sustainably managed oceans. From our shared perspective, MEMs remain underutilized because they still lack formal validation, calibration, and uncertainty quantifications that undermines their credibility and uptake in policy arenas. We explore why these shortcomings exist and how to enable the global modelling community to increase MEMs' usefulness. We identify a clear gap between proposed solutions to assess model skills, uncertainty, and confidence and their actual systematic deployment. We attribute this gap to an underlying factor that the ecosystem modelling literature largely ignores: technical issues. We conclude by proposing a conceptual solution that is cost-effective, scalable and simple, because complex spatial-temporal marine ecosystem modelling is already complicated enough.
Modelling agricultural land abandonment in a fine spatial resolution multi-level land-use model: An application for the EU
In the majority of EU Member States, agricultural land is expected to decrease not only due to land-use changes in favour of urban expansion and afforestation but also to land abandonment processes. The knowledge on location and extent of agricultural land abandonment is relevant for estimating local external effects and adapting policy interventions. Currently, multi-level land-use models are able to capture determined processes of demand-driven redevelopment. However, land abandonment is much more difficult to capture because of its more ambiguous definition and the lack of data on its spatial distribution. This paper presents a method to explicitly model agricultural abandonment as a choice of disinvestment, which in turn is embedded in a utility-based land-use modelling framework that projects land-use changes for the EU and the UK. Validation exercises using observed spatial distribution of abandoned farmland show that the proposed method allows to model abandonment with acceptable accuracy.
Socio-technical scales in socio-environmental modeling: Managing a system-of-systems modeling approach
System-of-systems approaches for integrated assessments have become prevalent in recent years. Such approaches integrate a variety of models from different disciplines and modeling paradigms to represent a socio-environmental (or social-ecological) system aiming to holistically inform policy and decision-making processes. Central to the system-of-systems approaches is the representation of systems in a multi-tier framework with nested scales. Current modeling paradigms, however, have disciplinary-specific lineage, leading to inconsistencies in the conceptualization and integration of socio-environmental systems. In this paper, a multidisciplinary team of researchers, from engineering, natural and social sciences, have come together to detail socio-technical practices and challenges that arise in the consideration of scale throughout the socio-environmental modeling process. We identify key paths forward, focused on explicit consideration of scale and uncertainty, strengthening interdisciplinary communication, and improvement of the documentation process. We call for a grand vision (and commensurate funding) for holistic system-of-systems research that engages researchers, stakeholders, and policy makers in a multi-tiered process for the co-creation of knowledge and solutions to major socio-environmental problems.
SHERPA-city: A web application to assess the impact of traffic measures on NO pollution in cities
This paper presents SHERPA-City, a web application to assess the potential of traffic measures to abate NO air pollution in cities. The application is developed by the Joint Research Centre. It is freely available ( and allows the user to perform a fast screening of possible NO abatement measures addressing traffic in European cities. SHERPA-City results depend on the quality of the default input data. It is therefore important to stress that the SHERPA-City default traffic flows, emission factors, fleet composition, road network topology, NO pollution from other sources and meteorological data are based on EU-wide datasets that may not always represent perfectly a particular local situation. This is why the SHERPA-City allows the default data to be substituted by local data, to better reflect local features. This tool must be considered as a first step in exploring options to abate NO air pollution through transport measures. The final decisions should be based, wherever possible, on full-scale modelling studies incorporating local knowledge.
On code sharing and model documentation of published individual and agent-based models
Being able to replicate research results is the hallmark of science. Replication of research findings using computational models should, in principle, be possible. In this manuscript, we assess code sharing and model documentation practices of 7500 publications about individual-based and agent-based models. The code availability increased over the years, up to 18% in 2018. Model documentation does not include all the elements that could improve the transparency of the models, such as mathematical equations, flow charts, and pseudocode. We find that articles with equations and flow charts being cited more among other model papers, probably because the model documentation is more transparent. The practices of code sharing improve slowly over time, partly due to the emergence of more public repositories and archives, and code availability requirements by journals and sponsors. However, a significant change in norms and habits need to happen before computational modeling becomes a reproducible science.
Uncertainty quantification in reconstruction of sparse water quality time series: Implications for watershed health and risk-based TMDL assessment
Despite the plethora of methods available for uncertainty quantification, their use has been limited in the practice of water quality (WQ) modeling. In this paper, a decision support tool (DST) that yields a continuous time series of WQ loads from sparse data using streamflows as predictor variables is presented. The DST estimates uncertainty by analyzing residual errors using a relevance vector machine. To highlight the importance of uncertainty quantification, two applications enabled within the DST are discussed. The DST computes (i) probability distributions of four measures of WQ risk analysis- reliability, resilience, vulnerability, and watershed health- as opposed to single deterministic values and (ii) concentration/load reduction required in a WQ constituent to meet total maximum daily load (TMDL) targets along with the associated risk of failure. Accounting for uncertainty reveals that a deterministic analysis may mislead about the WQ risk and the level of compliance attained with established TMDLs.
DATimeS: A machine learning time series GUI toolbox for gap-filling and vegetation phenology trends detection
Optical remotely sensed data are typically discontinuous, with missing values due to cloud cover. Consequently, gap-filling solutions are needed for accurate crop phenology characterization. The here presented Decomposition and Analysis of Time Series software (DATimeS) expands established time series interpolation methods with a diversity of advanced machine learning fitting algorithms (e.g., Gaussian Process Regression: GPR) particularly effective for the reconstruction of multiple-seasons vegetation temporal patterns. DATimeS is freely available as a powerful image time series software that generates cloud-free composite maps and captures seasonal vegetation dynamics from regular or irregular satellite time series. This work describes the main features of DATimeS, and provides a demonstration case using Sentinel-2 Leaf Area Index time series data over a Spanish site. GPR resulted as an optimum fitting algorithm with most accurate gap-filling performance and associated uncertainties. DATimeS further quantified LAI fluctuations among multiple crop seasons and provided phenological indicators for specific crop types.
PiSCES: Pi(scine) stream community estimation system
The Piscine Stream Community Estimation System (PiSCES) provides users with a hypothesized fish community for any stream reach in the conterminous United States using information obtained from Nature Serve, the US Geological Survey (USGS), StreamCat, and the Peterson Field Guide to Freshwater Fishes of North America for over 1000 native and non-native freshwater fish species. PiSCES can filter HUC8-based fish assemblages based on species-specific occurrence models; create a community abundance/biomass distribution by relating relative abundance to mean body weight of each species; and allow users to query its database to see ancillary characteristics of each species (e.g., habitat preferences and maximum size). Future efforts will aim to improve the accuracy of the species distribution database and refine/augment increase the occurrence models. The PiSCES tool is accessible at the EPA's Quantitative Environmental Domain (QED) website at
The impact of alternative nutrient kinetics and computational grid size on model predicted primary production and hypoxic area in the northern Gulf of Mexico
Model structure uncertainty is seldom calculated because of the difficulty and time required to perform such analyses. Here we explore how a coastal model using the Monod versus Droop formulations and a 6 km × 6 km versus 2 km 2 × km computational grid size predict primary production and hypoxic area in the Gulf of Mexico. Results from these models were compared to each other and to observations, and sensitivity analyses were performed. The different models fit the observations almost equally well. The 6k-model calculated higher rates of production and settling, and especially a larger hypoxic area, in comparison to the 2k-model. The Monod-based model calculated higher production, especially close to the river delta regions, but smaller summer hypoxic area, than the model using the Droop formulation. The Monod-based model was almost twice as sensitive to changes in nutrient loads in comparison to the Droop model, which can have management implications.
Demonstration of an online web services tool incorporating automatic retrieval and comparison of precipitation data
Input data acquisition and preprocessing is time-consuming and difficult to handle and can have major implications on environmental modeling results. US EPA's Hydrological Micro Services Precipitation Comparison and Analysis Tool (HMS-PCAT) provides a publicly available tool to accomplish this critical task. We present HMS-PCAT's software design and its use in gathering, preprocessing, and evaluating precipitation data through web services. This tool simplifies catchment and point-based data retrieval by automating temporal and spatial aggregations. In a demonstration of the tool, four gridded precipitation datasets (NLDAS, GLDAS, DAYMET, PRISM) and one set of gauge data (NCEI) were retrieved for 17 regions in the United States and evaluated on 1) how well each dataset captured extreme events and 2) how datasets varied by region. HMS-PCAT facilitates data visualizations, comparisons, and statistics by showing the variability between datasets and allows users to explore the data when selecting precipitation datasets for an environmental modeling application.
To what extent is climate change adaptation a novel challenge for agricultural modellers?
Modelling is key to adapting agriculture to climate change (CC), facilitating evaluation of the impacts and efficacy of adaptation measures, and the design of optimal strategies. Although there are many challenges to modelling agricultural CC adaptation, it is unclear whether these are novel or, whether adaptation merely adds new motivations to old challenges. Here, qualitative analysis of modellers' views revealed three categories of challenge: Content, Use, and Capacity. Triangulation of findings with reviews of agricultural modelling and Climate Change Risk Assessment was then used to highlight challenges specific to modelling adaptation. These were refined through literature review, focussing attention on how the progressive nature of CC affects the role and impact of modelling. Specific challenges identified were: Scope of adaptations modelled, Information on future adaptation, Collaboration to tackle novel challenges, Optimisation under progressive change with thresholds, and Responsibility given the sensitivity of future outcomes to initial choices under progressive change.