Soil Moisture-Cloud-Precipitation Feedback in the Lower Atmosphere From Functional Decomposition of Satellite Observations
Gao Y, Guilloteau C, Foufoula-Georgiou E, Xu C, Sun X and Vrugt JA
The feedback of topsoil moisture (SM) content on convective clouds and precipitation is not well understood and represented in the current generation of weather and climate models. Here, we use functional decomposition of satellite-derived SM and cloud vertical profiles (CVP) to quantify the relationship between SM and the vertical distribution of cloud water in the central US. High-dimensional model representation is used to disentangle the contributions of SM and other land-surface and atmospheric variables to the CVP. Results show that the sign and strength of the SM-cloud-precipitation feedback varies with cloud height and time lag and displays a large spatial variability. Positive anomalies in antecedent 7-hr SM and land-surface temperature enhance cloud reflectivity up to 4 dBZ in the lower atmosphere about 1-3 km above the surface. Our approach presents new insights into the SM-cloud-precipitation feedback and aids in the diagnosis of land-atmosphere interactions simulated by weather and climate models.
Characterizing the Impacts of 2024 Total Solar Eclipse Using New York State Mesonet Data
Wang J, Dai A, Yu CL, Shrestha B, McGuinnes DJ and Bain N
On 8 April 2024, a rare total solar eclipse (TSE) passed over western New York State (NYS), the first since 1925 and the last one until 2079. The NYS Mesonet (NYSM) consisting of 126 weather stations with 55 on the totality path provides unprecedented surface, profile, and flux data and camera images during the TSE. Here we use NYSM observations to characterize the TSE's impacts at the surface, in the planetary boundary layer (PBL), and on surface fluxes and CO concentrations. The TSE-induced peak surface cooling occurs 17 min after the totality and is 2.8°C on average with a maximum of 6.8°C. It results in night-like surface inversion, calm winds, and reduced vertical motion and mixing, leading to the shallowing of the PBL and its moistening. Surface sensible, latent and ground heat fluxes all decrease whereas near-surface CO concentration rises as photosynthesis slows down.
Light Limitation of Poleward Coral Reef Expansion During Past Warm Climates
Kruijt AL, Brachert T, Sluijs A and Middelburg JJ
The latitudinal range of modern shallow-water tropical corals is controlled by temperature, and presently limited to waters warmer than 16-18°C year-round. However, even during Cenozoic climates with such temperatures in polar regions, coral reefs are not found beyond >50° latitude. Here, we test the hypothesis that daily available solar radiation limited poleward expansion of coral reefs during warm climates, using a new box model of shallow marine coral calcification. Our results show that calcification rates start to decline beyond 40° latitude and drop severely beyond 50° latitude, due to decreasing winter light intensity and day length, irrespective of aragonite saturation. This suggests that light ultimately prohibits further poleward expansion in warm climates. In addition, fossil coral reef distribution is not a robust proxy for water temperatures and poleward expansion of reefs beyond 50° latitude is not an expected carbon cycle feedback of climate warming.
Dominating Remote Source and Its Potential Contribution of Airborne Dust Over the Tibetan Plateau
Tang J, Wang T, Han Y, Zhang X, Tan R, Dong Y, He S, Abdullaev SF and Amonov MO
Dust particles, transported over long-distances and driven by westerly winds, dominate high-altitude (>4 km) snow darkening and melting over the Tibetan Plateau (TP). A systematic assessment of their remote sources and potential contributions remains limited. In this paper, we present a novel algorithm for source-tracing of airborne dust designed to tackle the aforementioned challenges. The algorithm effectively constrains dust activity and guarantees precise tracking through using satellite and reanalysis-based estimates. The high-altitude airborne dust over the TP shows considerable spatial variation and primarily comes from the desert clusters in Central Asia, West Asia, and South Asia. The Karakum, Taklimakan, and Thar deserts are significant sources of high-altitude airborne dust in the northwest, northeast, and southwest regions of TP, with average mass loadings (mg m) contributing rates of 42.2% (32.9), 49.6% (48.3), and 16.4% (32.1), respectively. The results demonstrate significant differences in how adjacent deserts affect high-altitude snowmelt in the TP.
Enablement or Suppression of Collisionless Magnetic Reconnection by the Background Plasma Beta and Guide Field
Yoon YD, Moore TE, Wendel DE, Laishram M and Yun GS
How magnetic reconnection is triggered or suppressed is an important outstanding problem. By considering pinching of a current sheet that has formed at non-equilibrium, we show that the background plasma beta is a major controlling factor in the onset and nature of magnetic reconnection. A high plasma beta inhibits a current sheet from pinching down to kinetic scales required for collisionless reconnection, while a low beta facilitates it. A simple adiabatic model provides a good prediction for the reconnection-enabled regions in thickness versus peak plasma beta space, which are confirmed by a series of particle-in-cell simulations with varying initial parameters. A strong dependency of the peak reconnection rate on the plasma beta is clearly predicted with reconnection being favored in low beta conditions. A finite guide field is an additional source of reconnection suppression, consistent with previous observations that reconnection requires a large enough magnetic shear angle for high-beta situations.
Controls on Erosion and Cyclic Step-Formation Upstream of Waterfalls
Inoue T, Hiramatsu Y, Scheingross JS, Yamaguchi S and Takahashi K
Waterfall retreat transmits base-level perturbations upstream, thereby providing markers of changing climate and tectonics. In homogeneous rock, waterfalls often retreat either by direct waterfall-face erosion or incision from repeating ('cyclic') steps formed above waterfalls. We lack knowledge on the conditions driving these different erosion styles, limiting our ability to predict waterfall retreat. We address this knowledge gap through flume experiments assessing how changing flow hydraulics modulates bedrock erosion. We show that, under large discharges, changes in flow hydraulics cause spatial variability in particle impact velocity, leading to cyclic step formation. As discharge decreases, both the magnitude and spatial variability of particle impact velocity decreases, causing more uniform erosion, limiting cyclic step development and potentially allowing direct erosion of the waterfall face to become the dominant retreat mechanism. These results suggest climate change and water-resource management can alter the rate and style of waterfall retreat.
Coastal Supra-Permafrost Aquifers of the Arctic and Their Significant Groundwater, Carbon, and Nitrogen Fluxes
Demir C, McClelland JW, Bristol E, Charette MA and Cardenas MB
Fresh submarine groundwater discharge (FSGD) can deliver significant fluxes of water and solutes from land to sea. In the Arctic, which accounts for ∼34% of coastlines globally, direct observations and knowledge of FSGD are scarce. Through integration of observations and process-based models, we found that regardless of ice-bonded permafrost depth at the shore, summer SGD flow dynamics along portions of the Beaufort Sea coast of Alaska are similar to those in lower latitudes. Calculated summer FSGD fluxes in the Arctic are generally higher relative to low latitudes. The FSGD organic carbon and nitrogen fluxes are likely larger than summer riverine input. The FSGD also has very high CO making it a potentially significant source of inorganic carbon. Thus, the biogeochemistry of Arctic coastal waters is potentially influenced by groundwater inputs during summer. These water and solute fluxes will likely increase as coastal permafrost across the Arctic thaws.
Climate-Induced Saltwater Intrusion in 2100: Recharge-Driven Severity, Sea Level-Driven Prevalence
Adams KH, Reager JT, Buzzanga BA, David CH, Sawyer AH and Hamlington BD
Saltwater intrusion is a critical concern for coastal communities due to its impacts on fresh ecosystems and civil infrastructure. Declining recharge and rising sea level are the two dominant drivers of saltwater intrusion along the land-ocean continuum, but there are currently no global estimates of future saltwater intrusion that synthesize these two spatially variable processes. Here, for the first time, we provide a novel assessment of global saltwater intrusion risk by integrating future recharge and sea level rise while considering the unique geology and topography of coastal regions. We show that nearly 77% of global coastal areas below 60° north will undergo saltwater intrusion by 2100, with different dominant drivers. Climate-driven changes in subsurface water replenishment (recharge) is responsible for the high-magnitude cases of saltwater intrusion, whereas sea level rise and coastline migration are responsible for the global pervasiveness of saltwater intrusion and have a greater effect on low-lying areas.
Distilling the Evolving Contributions of Anthropogenic Aerosols and Greenhouse Gases to Large-Scale Low-Frequency Surface Ocean Changes Over the Past Century
Dong Y, Kay JE, Deser C, Capotondi A and Sanchez SC
Anthropogenic aerosols (AER) and greenhouse gases (GHG)-the leading drivers of the forced historical change-produce different large-scale climate response patterns, with correlations trending from negative to positive over the past century. To understand what caused the time-evolving comparison between GHG and AER response patterns, we apply a low-frequency component analysis to historical surface ocean changes from CESM1 single-forcing large-ensemble simulations. While GHG response is characterized by its first leading mode, AER response consists of two distinct modes. The first one, featuring long-term global AER increase and global cooling, opposes GHG response patterns up to the mid-twentieth century. The second one, featuring multidecadal variations in AER distributions and interhemispheric asymmetric surface ocean changes, appears to reinforce the GHG warming effect over recent decades. AER thus can have both competing and synergistic effects with GHG as their emissions change temporally and spatially.
Air-Sea Heat and Moisture Flux Gradients
Parfitt R
Air-sea heat and moisture fluxes modulate the surface energy balance and oceanic and atmospheric heat transport across all timescales. Spatial gradients of these fluxes, on a multitude of spatial scales, also have significant impacts on the ocean and atmosphere. Nevertheless, analysis of these gradients, and discussion regarding our ability to represent them, is relatively absent within the community. This letter discusses their importance and presents a wintertime climatology. Their sensitivity to spatiotemporal scale and choice of data set is also examined in the mid-latitudes. A lead-lag analysis illustrates that wintertime air-sea heat flux gradients in the Gulf Stream can precede the North Atlantic Oscillation by ∼1 month. A lack of observations and thus validation of air-sea heat flux gradients represents a significant gap in our understanding of how air-sea processes affect weather and climate, and warrants increased attention from the observational and modeling communities.
Lightning-Fast Convective Outlooks: Predicting Severe Convective Environments With Global AI-Based Weather Models
Feldmann M, Beucler T, Gomez M and Martius O
Severe convective storms are among the most dangerous weather phenomena and accurate forecasts mitigate their impacts. The recently released suite of AI-based weather models produces medium-range forecasts within seconds, with a skill similar to state-of-the-art operational forecasts for variables on single levels. However, predicting severe thunderstorm environments requires accurate combinations of dynamic and thermodynamic variables and the vertical structure of the atmosphere. Advancing the assessment of AI-models toward process-based evaluations lays the foundation for hazard-driven applications. We assess the forecast skill of the top-performing AI-models GraphCast, Pangu-Weather and FourCastNet for convective parameters at lead-times up to 10 days against reanalysis and ECMWF's operational numerical weather prediction model IFS. In a case study and seasonal analyses, we see the best performance by GraphCast and Pangu-Weather: these models match or even exceed the performance of IFS for instability and shear. This opens opportunities for fast and inexpensive predictions of severe weather environments.
The Dayside Ionosphere of Mars as Controlled by the Interplay Between Solar Wind Dynamic Pressure and Crustal Magnetic Field Strength
Qin J, Curry S, Mitchell D, Xu S, Lillis R and Andersson L
We investigate how the Martian dayside ionospheric structure is modified by crustal magnetic field (CMF) strength and upstream solar wind pressure by analyzing electron density data from the Langmuir Probe and Waves instrument onboard the MAVEN (Mars Atmosphere and Volatile EvolutioN) spacecraft. We find that the electron density above the exobase is anticorrelated with the ratio of solar wind's normal dynamic pressure ( ) to CMF magnetic pressure ( ). We also analyze the electron density behavior across different magnetic topologies as a function of . The extremely low electron density in the draped topology relates to ionopause-like structures. The lower electron density in the closed and open topology under higher may be attributed to a downward force, potentially the  ×  force in the case of closed topology. This study highlights the complex interplay between solar wind and CMF in influencing the Martian dayside upper ionosphere.
Landscape-Scale Modeling to Forecast Fluvial-Aeolian Sediment Connectivity in River Valleys
Kasprak A, Sankey JB and Caster J
Sedimentary landforms on Earth and other planetary bodies are built through scour, transport, and deposition of sediment. refers to the hypothesis that pathways of sediment transport do not occur in isolation, but rather are mechanistically linked. In dryland river systems, one such example of sediment connectivity is the transport of fluvially deposited sediment by wind. However, predictive tools that can forecast fluvial-aeolian sediment connectivity at meaningful scales are rare. Here we develop a suite of models for quantifying the availability of river-sourced sediment for aeolian transport as a function of river flow, wind regime, and land cover across 168 km of the Colorado River in Grand Canyon, USA. We compare and validate these models using topographic changes observed over 10 years in a coupled river sandbar-aeolian dunefield setting. The models provide a path forward for directly linking fluvial hydrology with the management and understanding of aeolian landscapes.
Process-Informed Subsampling Improves Subseasonal Rainfall Forecasts in Central America
Kowal KM, Slater LJ, Li S, Kelder T, Hall KJC, Moulds S, García-López AA and Birkel C
Subseasonal rainfall forecast skill is critical to support preparedness for hydrometeorological extremes. We assess how a process-informed evaluation, which subsamples forecasting model members based on their ability to represent potential predictors of rainfall, can improve monthly rainfall forecasts within Central America in the following month, using Costa Rica and Guatemala as test cases. We generate a constrained ensemble mean by subsampling 130 members from five dynamic forecasting models in the C3S multimodel ensemble based on their representation of both (a) zonal wind direction and (b) Pacific and Atlantic sea surface temperatures (SSTs), at the time of initialization. Our results show in multiple months and locations increased mean squared error skill by 0.4 and improved detection rates of rainfall extremes. This method is transferrable to other regions driven by slowly-changing processes. Process-informed subsampling is successful because it identifies members that fail to represent the entire rainfall distribution when wind/SST error increases.
Juno's Close Encounter With Ganymede-An Overview
Hansen CJ, Bolton S, Sulaiman AH, Duling S, Bagenal F, Brennan M, Connerney J, Clark G, Lunine J, Levin S, Kurth W, Mura A, Paranicas C, Tosi F and Withers P
The Juno spacecraft has been in orbit around Jupiter since 2016. Two flybys of Ganymede were executed in 2021, opportunities realized by evolution of Juno's polar orbit over the intervening 5 years. The geometry of the close flyby just prior to the 34th perijove pass by Jupiter brought the spacecraft inside Ganymede's unique magnetosphere. Juno's payload, designed to study Jupiter's magnetosphere, had ample dynamic range to study Ganymede's magnetosphere. The Juno radio system was used both for gravity measurements and for study of Ganymede's ionosphere. Remote sensing of Ganymede returned new results on geology, surface composition, and thermal properties of the surface and subsurface.
Juno Plasma Wave Observations at Ganymede
Kurth WS, Sulaiman AH, Hospodarsky GB, Menietti JD, Mauk BH, Clark G, Allegrini F, Valek P, Connerney JEP, Waite JH, Bolton SJ, Imai M, Santolik O, Li W, Duling S, Saur J and Louis C
The Juno Waves instrument measured plasma waves associated with Ganymede's magnetosphere during its flyby on 7 June, day 158, 2021. Three distinct regions were identified including a wake, and nightside and dayside regions in the magnetosphere distinguished by their electron densities and associated variability. The magnetosphere includes electron cyclotron harmonic emissions including a band at the upper hybrid frequency, as well as whistler-mode chorus and hiss. These waves likely interact with energetic electrons in Ganymede's magnetosphere by pitch angle scattering and/or accelerating the electrons. The wake is accentuated by low-frequency turbulence and electrostatic solitary waves. Radio emissions observed before and after the flyby likely have their source in Ganymede's magnetosphere.
Ganymede Observations by JunoCam on Juno Perijove 34
Ravine MA, Hansen CJ, Collins GC, Schenk PM, Caplinger MA, Lipkaman Vittling L, Krysak DJ, Zimdar RP, Garvin JB and Bolton SJ
During the Juno Mission's encounter with Ganymede on 7 June 2021, the Juno camera (JunoCam) acquired four images of Ganymede in color. These images covered one-sixth of Ganymede at scales from 840 m to ∼4 km/pixel. Most of this area was only previously imaged by Voyager 1 in 1979, at lower spatial resolution and poorer image quality. No changes were observed over this area of Ganymede in the 42 years since Voyager. JunoCam provided overlapping coverage, from which we developed a digital elevation model of the best-resolved area. A 3 km high dome at the subjovian point was confirmed, 450 km by 750 km. We used the JunoCam images to refine the geologic map of Ganymede in eastern Perrine Regio.
Gas Migration Episodes Observed During Peridotite Alteration in the Samail Ophiolite, Oman
Aiken JM, Sohn RA, Renard F, Matter J, Kelemen P and Jamtveit B
Serpentinization and carbonation of mantle rocks (peridotite alteration) are fundamentally important processes for a spectrum of geoscience topics, including arc volcanism, earthquake processes, chemosynthetic biological communities, and carbon sequestration. Data from a hydrophone array deployed in the Multi-Borehole Observatory (MBO) of the Oman Drilling Project demonstrates that free gas generated by peridotite alteration and/or microbial activity migrates through the formation in discrete bursts of activity. We detected several, minutes-long, swarms of gas discharge into Hole BA1B of the MBO over the course of a 9 month observation interval. The episodic nature of the migration events indicates that free gas accumulates in the permeable flow network, is pressurized, and discharges rapidly into the borehole when a critical pressure, likely associated with a capillary barrier at a flow constriction, is reached. Our observations reveal a dynamic mode of fluid migration during serpentinization, and highlight the important role that free gas can play in modulating pore pressure, fluid flow, and alteration kinetics during peridotite weathering.
Inherited Heterogeneities Can Control Viscous Subduction Zone Deformation of Carbonates at Seismogenic Depths
Leah H and Fagereng Å
This work links mineral-scale deformation mechanisms with structural evolution during subduction, providing examples showing how grain-scale heterogeneities facilitated viscous creep in calcite at nominally seismogenic temperatures. Carbonates commonly enter subduction zones, either highly concentrated in irregularly distributed sediments or as more distributed precipitates in seafloor volcanics. We present shear zones, localized in calcite veins formed during shallow subduction of calcareous sediment and seafloor volcanics, with viscous shear strains of ≥5. Shear strain localized because secondary phases and chemical variations maintained fine grain sizes in calcite aggregates, activating relatively rapid grain size-sensitive and frictional-viscous creep at temperatures (260 ± 10°C), cooler than predicted from extrapolation of experimental data. Creep at increased strain rates may limit elastic strain accumulation during interseismic periods, reducing the likelihood of large megathrust earthquakes. As shown here for calcite, common inherited natural heterogeneities may induce weakening of viscous mechanisms in other rocks, or at larger scales in the lithosphere.
Energy Flux Through the Magnetopause During Flux Transfer Events in Hybrid-Vlasov 2D Simulations
Ala-Lahti M, Pulkkinen TI, Pfau-Kempf Y, Grandin M and Palmroth M
Solar wind-magnetosphere coupling drives magnetospheric dynamic phenomena by enabling energy exchange between magnetospheric and solar wind plasmas. In this study, we examine two-dimensional noon-midnight meridional plane simulation runs of the global hybrid-Vlasov code Vlasiator with southward interplanetary magnetic field driving. We compute the energy flux, which consists of the Poynting flux and hydrodynamic energy flux components, through the Earth's magnetopause during flux transfer events (FTEs). The results demonstrate the spatiotemporal variations of the energy flux along the magnetopause during an FTE, associating the FTE leading (trailing) edge with an energy injection into (escape from) the magnetosphere on the dayside. Furthermore, FTEs traveling along the magnetopause transport energy to the nightside magnetosphere. We identify the tail lobes as a primary entry region for solar wind energy into the magnetosphere, consistent with results from global magnetohydrodynamic simulations and observations.
Understanding the Evolution of Smoke Mass Extinction Efficiency Using Field Campaign Measurements
Saide PE, Thapa LH, Ye X, Pagonis D, Campuzano-Jost P, Guo H, Schuneman ML, Jimenez JL, Moore R, Wiggins E, Winstead E, Robinson C, Thornhill L, Sanchez K, Wagner NL, Ahern A, Katich JM, Perring AE, Schwarz JP, Lyu M, Holmes CD, Hair JW, Fenn MA and Shingler TJ
Aerosol mass extinction efficiency (MEE) is a key aerosol property used to connect aerosol optical properties with aerosol mass concentrations. Using measurements of smoke obtained during the Fire Influence on Regional to Global Environments and Air Quality (FIREX-AQ) campaign we find that mid-visible smoke MEE can change by a factor of 2-3 between fresh smoke (<2 hr old) and one-day-old smoke. While increases in aerosol size partially explain this trend, changes in the real part of the aerosol refractive index (real(n)) are necessary to provide closure assuming Mie theory. Real(n) estimates derived from multiple days of FIREX-AQ measurements increase with age (from 1.40 - 1.45 to 1.5-1.54 from fresh to one-day-old) and are found to be positively correlated with organic aerosol oxidation state and aerosol size, and negatively correlated with smoke volatility. Future laboratory, field, and modeling studies should focus on better understanding and parameterizing these relationships to fully represent smoke aging.