Challenges in Receiving Care for Long COVID: A Qualitative Interview Study Among Primary Care Patients About Expectations and Experiences
Gardner E, Lockrey A, Stoesser KL, Leiser JP, Brown J, Kiraly B and Ose DJ
For many patients with post-COVID-19 condition (long COVID), primary care is the first point of interaction with the health care system. In principle, primary care is well situated to manage long COVID. Beyond expressions of disempowerment, however, the patient's perspective regarding the quality of long COVID care is lacking. Therefore, this study aimed to analyze the expectations and experiences of primary care patients seeking treatment for long COVID.
Deep End Kawasaki/Yokohama: A New Challenge for GPs in Deprived Areas in Japan
Kaneko M, Kansaku R, Kanakubo Y and Yumino A
Using the Electronic Health Record to Facilitate Patient-Physician Relationship While Establishing Care
Barbour S and Fleming EA
A Cluster-Randomized Study of Technology-Assisted Health Coaching for Weight Management in Primary Care
Jay MR, Wittleder S, Vandyousefi S, Illenberger N, Nicholson A, Sweat V, Meissner P, Angelotti G, Ruan A, Wong L, Aguilar AD, Orstad SL, Sherman S, Armijos E, Belli H and Wylie-Rosett J
We undertook a trial to test the efficacy of a technology-assisted health coaching intervention for weight management, called Goals for Eating and Moving (GEM), within primary care.
Chest Pain in Primary Care: A Systematic Review of Risk Stratification Tools to Rule Out Acute Coronary Syndrome
van den Bulk S, Manten A, Bonten TN and Harskamp RE
Chest pain frequently poses a diagnostic challenge for general practitioners (GPs). Utilizing risk stratification tools might help GPs to rule out acute coronary syndrome (ACS) and make appropriate referral decisions. We conducted a systematic review of studies evaluating risk stratification tools for chest pain in primary care settings, both with and without troponin assays. Our aims were to assess the performance of tools for ruling out ACS and to provide a comprehensive review of the current evidence.
The Odyssey of HOMER: Comparative Effectiveness Research on Medication for Opioid Use Disorder During the COVID-19 Pandemic
Zittleman L, Westfall JM, Sofie B, Lutgen C, Fernald D, Hall TL, Hochheimer CJ, Murphy M, Felzien M, Dickinson LM, Manning BK, LeMaster J and Nease DE
The usual challenges of conducting primary care research, including randomized trials, have been exacerbated, and new ones identified, during the COVID-19 pandemic. HOMER (Home versus Office for Medication Enhanced Recovery; subsequently, Comparing Home, Office, and Telehealth Induction for Medication Enhanced Recovery) is a pragmatic, comparative-effectiveness research trial that aims to answer a key question from patients and clinicians: What is the best setting in which to start treatment with buprenorphine for opioid use disorder for this patient at this time? In this article, we describe the difficult journey to find the answer. The HOMER study began as a randomized trial comparing treatment outcomes in patients starting treatment with buprenorphine via induction at home (unobserved) vs in the office (observed, synchronous). The study aimed to enroll 1,000 participants from 100 diverse primary care practices associated with the State Networks of Colorado Ambulatory Practices and Partners and the American Academy of Family Physicians National Research Network. The research team faced unexpected challenges related to the COVID-19 pandemic and dramatic changes in the opioid epidemic. These challenges required changes to the study design, protocol, recruitment intensity, and funding conversations, as well as patience. As this is a participatory research study, we sought, documented, and responded to practice and patient requests for adaptations. Changes included adding a third study arm using telehealth induction (observed via telephone or video, synchronous) and switching to a comprehensive cohort design to answer meaningful patient-centered research questions. Using a narrative approach based on the Greek myth of Homer, we describe here the challenges and adaptations that have provided the opportunity for HOMER to thrive and find the way home. These clinical trial strategies may apply to other studies faced with similar cultural and extreme circumstances.
A Few Doctors Will See Some of You: The Critical Role of Underrepresented in Medicine (URiM) Family Physicians in the Care of Medicaid Beneficiaries
Vichare A, Bodas M, Jetty A, Luo QE and Bazemore A
Despite being key to better health outcomes for patients from racial and ethnic minority groups, the proportion of underrepresented in medicine (URiM) physicians remains low in the US health care system. This study linked a nationally representative sample of family physicians (FPs) with Medicaid claims data to explore the relative contributions to care of Medicaid populations by FP race and ethnicity.
The Changing Role of a Chair and DA: Follow-Up from the 2023 ADFM Annual Conference Session
Iroku-Malize T, Flattau A, Ramanathan A and Elwood S
Impact of Health Equity Fellowships
Wheat S, Beiter E and Kavanaugh E
Improving Access to Disability Assessment for US Citizenship Applicants in Primary Care: An Embedded Neuropsychological Assessment Innovation
Taknint JT, Marzoughi M, Gellatly R, Krengel MH and Kimball SL
Family Medicine Resident Scholarly Activity Infrastructure, Output, and Dissemination: A CERA Survey
Ringwald BA, Taylor M, Seehusen DA and Middleton JL
Meeting scholarly activity requirements continues to be a challenge in many family medicine (FM) residency programs. Studies comprehensively describing FM resident scholarship have been limited. We sought to identify institutional factors associated with increased scholarly output and meeting requirements of the Accreditation Council for Graduate Medical Education (ACGME).
Face-to-Face Relationships Still Matter in a Digital Age: A Call for a 5th C in the Core Tenets of Primary Care
Edgoose JYC, Anaya YB and Rakel D
We primary care clinicians, scholars, and leaders ascribe value to Barbara Starfield's core tenets of primary care-the 4 Cs: first contact, comprehensiveness, coordination, and continuity. In today's era of rapid technological advancements and dwindling resources, what are the implications for face-to-face interactions of patient-clinician relationships? We propose adding a 5th C: "Contiguity." Contiguity-or physical proximity and presence-is a key dimension that not only enables the necessary technical aspects of a physical exam but also authenticates the most human aspects of a relationship and occurs specifically when we are physically vulnerable and responsible for the other before us. This, in turn, may best enable us to bridge difference and nurture trust with our patients. We measure what we value and, thus, naming Contiguity as a core tenet assures that we will not lose sight of this keystone in a patient's relationship with their personal physician.
Family Medicine Presence on Labor and Delivery: Effect on Safety Culture and Cesarean Delivery
VanGompel EW, Singh L, Carlock F, Rittenhouse C, Ryckman KK and Radke S
Currently, 40% of counties in the United States do not have an obstetrician or midwife, and in rural areas the likelihood of childbirth being attended to by a family medicine (FM) physician is increasing. We sought to characterize the effect of the FM presence on unit culture and a key perinatal quality metric in Iowa hospital intrapartum units.
PBRNs: Past, Present, and Future: A NAPCRG Report on the Practice-Based Research Network Conference
Singer A, Gross N, Haddad L and Cole A
Lack of Knowledge of Antibiotic Risks Contributes to Primary Care Patients' Expectations of Antibiotics for Common Symptoms
Laytner LA, Trautner BW, Nash S, Zoorob R, Okoh JO, Amenta E, Olmeda K, Salinas J, Paasche-Orlow MK and Grigoryan L
Patient expectations of receiving antibiotics for common symptoms can trigger unnecessary use. We conducted a survey (n = 564) between January 2020 to June 2021 in public and private primary care clinics in Texas to study the prevalence and predictors of patients' antibiotic expectations for common symptoms/illnesses. We surveyed Black patients (33%) and Hispanic/Latine patients (47%), and over 93% expected to receive an antibiotic for at least 1 of the 5 pre-defined symptoms/illnesses. Public clinic patients were nearly twice as likely to expect antibiotics for sore throat, diarrhea, and cold/flu than private clinic patients. Lack of knowledge of potential risks of antibiotic use was associated with increased antibiotic expectations for diarrhea (odds ratio [OR] = 1.6; 95% CI, 1.1-2.4) and cold/flu symptoms (OR = 2.9; 95% CI, 2.0-4.4). Lower education and inadequate health literacy were predictors of antibiotic expectations for diarrhea. Future antibiotic stewardship interventions should tailor patient education materials to include information on antibiotic risks and guidance on appropriate antibiotic indications.
Guidance and Resources for Family Medicine Scholarship
Grammer S and Davies A
The Day I Almost Walked Away: Trust, Gratitude, and the Power of Teamwork
Fogarty CT and Schiano R
Practicing family medicine is really hard; the emotional toll of sharing patients' distress, vulnerability, and trauma can build up and become overwhelming. A family physician experienced such a moment during one particularly complex morning. Feeling nearly ready to walk out of patient care, she reached out to the team nurse, who helped her get through the moment and re-engage with the waiting patients. Sharing vulnerability in the moment, and later reflecting and deciding to write about it shows the power of prioritizing teamwork in practice.
Evaluation of the Importance of Capsule Transparency in Dry Powder Inhalation Devices
Arija RR, de la Espada RR, Ollero MDN, Hernandez LC, Gallego EQ and López-Campos JL
The aim of this work is to test whether the use of a transparent capsule affects the residual capsule weight after inhalation as a surrogate of the inhaled delivered dose for patients with non-reversible chronic airway disease. Researchers conducted an observational cross-sectional study with patients using a single-dose dry powder inhaler. The weight of the capsule was measured with a precision microbalance before and after inhalation. Ninety-one patients were included, of whom 63 (69.2%) used a transparent capsule. Inhalation with a transparent capsule achieved a weight decrease of 30.1% vs 8.6% for devices with an opaque capsule ( <0.001). These data reinforce the need to provide patients with mechanisms that verify the correct inhalation technique.
Digital Innovation to Grow Quality Care Through an Interprofessional Care Team (DIG IT) Among Underserved Patients With Hypertension
Lee JY, Nguyen J, Rodriguez V, Rodriguez A, Patel N, Chan A, McBane S and Mayorga J
The impact of digital health on medically underserved patients is unclear. This study aimed to determine the early impact of a digital innovation to grow quality care through an interprofessional care team (DIG IT) on the blood pressure (BP) and 10-year atherosclerotic cardiovascular disease (ASCVD) risk score of medically underserved patients.
Family Medicine Obstetrics: Answering the Call
Barr WB and DeMarco MP
Cross-Sectional Study of Cesarean Delivery and Safety Culture by Family Medicine Presence
Hoynes AK and Johansen ME