Estimates of Population Highly Annoyed from Transportation Noise in the United States: An Unfair Share of the Burden by Race and Ethnicity
Transportation is one of the most pervasive sources of community noise. In this study, we used a spatially-resolved model of transportation-related noise with established transportation noise exposure-response functions to estimate the population highly annoyed (HA) due to aviation, road, and railway traffic sources in the United States. Additionally, we employed the use of the Fair Share Ratio to assess race/ethnicity disparities in traffic noise exposures. Our results estimate that in 2020, 7.8 million (2.4%) individuals were highly annoyed by aviation noise, while 5.2 million (1.6%) and 7.9 million (2.4%) people were highly annoyed by rail and roadway noise, respectively, across the US. The Fair Share Ratio revealed that Non-Hispanic Asian, Black, NHPI, and Other, and Hispanic populations were disproportionally highly annoyed by transportation noise nationwide. Notably, Hispanic populations experienced the greatest share of high annoyance from aviation noise (1.69 times their population share). Non-Hispanic Black populations experienced the greatest share of high annoyance from railway noise (1.48 times their population share). Non-Hispanic Asian populations experienced the greatest share of high annoyance from roadway noise (1.51 times their population share). Analyses at the state and Urban Area levels further highlighted varying disparities in transportation noise exposure and annoyance across different race ethnicity groups, but still suggested that Non-Hispanic White populations were less annoyed by all sources of transportation noise compared to non-White populations. Our findings indicate widespread presence of transportation noise annoyance across the US and emphasize the need for targeted source-specific noise mitigation strategies and policies to minimize the disproportionate impact of transportation noise in the US.
Perceptions of change in the environment caused by the COVID-19 pandemic: Implications for environmental policy
COVID-19 lockdown measures have impacted the environment with both positive and negative effects. However, how human populations have perceived such changes in the natural environment and how they may have changed their daily habits have not been yet thoroughly evaluated. The objectives of this work were to investigate (1) the social perception of the environmental changes produced by the COVID-19 pandemic lockdown and the derived change in habits in relation to i) waste management, energy saving, and sustainable consumption, ii) mobility, iii) social inequalities, iv) generation of noise, v) utilization of natural spaces, and, vi) human population perception towards the future, and (2) the associations of these potential new habits with various socio-demographic variables. First, a SWOT analysis identified strengths (S), weaknesses (W), opportunities (O), and threats (T) generated by the pandemic lockdown measures. Second, a survey based on the aspects of the SWOT was administered among 2370 adults from 37 countries during the period from February to September 2021. We found that the short-term positive impacts on the natural environment were generally well recognized. In contrast, longer-term negative effects arise, but they were often not reported by the survey participants, such as greater production of plastic waste derived from health safety measures, and the increase in e-commerce use, which can displace small storefront businesses. We were able to capture a mismatch between perceptions and the reported data related to visits to natural areas, and generation of waste. We found that age and country of residence were major contributors in shaping the survey participants ´answers, which highlights the importance of government management strategies to address current and future environmental problems. Enhanced positive perceptions of the environment and ecosystems, combined with the understanding that livelihood sustainability, needs to be prioritized and would reinforce environmental protection policies to create greener cities. Moreover, new sustainable jobs in combination with more sustainable human habits represent an opportunity to reinforce environmental policy.
The carbon footprint of a knowledge organization and emission scenarios for a post-COVID-19 world
The looming climate crisis requires an immediate response, in which organizations, as major contributors, should play a central role. However, these organizations need appropriate tools to measure and mitigate their climate impacts. One commonly applied method is carbon footprint analysis. Carbon footprint analyses have been conducted for various types of organizations, but knowledge organizations, such as universities and research institutes, have received far less attention, because their carbon footprint is often less visible and can be easily underestimated. This study is based on the carbon footprint analysis of one multinational knowledge organization. This analysis then helped identify the major sources of climate impacts in other such knowledge organizations. These are mainly indirect emissions (Scope 3) and to a large extent (79%) travel-related emissions. Based on these findings, three scenarios for a post-COVID-19 world were developed and analyzed. The results from the first two scenarios showed that despite a reduction in business travel and employees working from home, Scope 3 and travel-related emissions would remain the largest contributor. Only in the unlikely case of the third, non-recovery scenario did the share of travel-related emissions drop, turning heating into the largest contributor. In addition to measuring the carbon footprint, the study discusses potential mitigation strategies knowledge organizations could apply to reduce their carbon footprint. The focus is on how to avoid and reduce emissions, but new forms of carbon offsetting are also addressed. Based on the findings, a mitigation policy framework and recommendations for further research are proposed.
Outdoor light pollution and COVID-19: The Italian case
There is a wide debate on the connections between pollution and COVID-19 propagation. This note faces this problem by exploring the peculiar case of the correlation between outdoor light pollution and the ratio between infected people and population. We discuss the empirical case of Italian provinces (NUTS-3 level), which represent an interesting context for the noticeable entity of contagions and for the relevant level of outdoor light pollution. The empirical results, based on a multivariate cross section model controlling for income, density, population ageing and environmental pollution, show that there is a positive relation between outdoor light pollution per capita and the strength of COVID-19 infection. This effect is statistically more robust in a non linear specification than in a linear one. We interpret our findings as a piece of evidence related to the impact of outdoor light pollution on human health, thus suggesting policies aimed at reducing this important source of pollution.
Rethinking vulnerability in city-systems: A methodological proposal to assess "urban entropy"
This paper aims at proposing a possible alternative point of view to investigate the vulnerability of urban systems. The basic ideal refers to the possibility of thinking about vulnerability as deriving by the interactions of several risks that can affect the urban system and by the interactions among them. In this sense, it is possible to refer to an "integrated territorial risk". Considering the city as a complex and dynamic system that while evolving produce entropy is the main theoretical reference supporting this study. The loss of energy during the evolution of the system corresponds to some conditions of inefficiency that involve the whole system and, as such, this lost energy can be assumed as a "systemic entropy". Is it possible to measure the levels of this vulnerability of the urban system when it stays in ordinary conditions, namely not during stress states that modify the state of equilibrium of the system itself? It is possible to assess the production of this "internal entropy"? In order to answer to these questions in mind, this study aims at analyzing dyscrasias that can occur within the main components of the urban system in order to individuate possible strategies able both to mitigate the fragility of the urban system and to improve its resilience.
Renewable energy from solid waste: life cycle analysis and social welfare
In this study, municipal solid waste (MSW) composition in distinct world locations is compared and a case study is assessed. Three waste-to-energy (WtE) techniques are employed within the framework of an industrial partnership. Life cycle assessment (LCA) and a brief social contextualization including the production of renewable energy from the waste generated worldwide were held to attain a holistic view and attract the interest of multiple stakeholders. Incineration depicted a sustainable profile with improved results for global warming potential and terrestrial ecotoxicity potential. Regular gasification revealed the best results for eutrophication, acidification, marine aquatic ecotoxicity and human toxicity potential. Two-stage plasma gasification showed negative values for all impact categories i.e. achieving environmental credits. The estimate of the electricity produced from the waste generated per capita showed a fair coverage of the electrical demand in distinct world areas. To the best of the authors' knowledge, there are no reports connecting the electricity use, the waste production and the renewable energy achieved from WtE for different world regions. Therefore, this study supports the replacement of fossil fuels with renewable alternatives, reducing greenhouse gas emissions while maintaining the comfort and commodities suitable for a comfortable quality of life.
The effect of collaboration and IT competency on reverse logistics competency - Evidence from Brazilian supply chain executives
Business models have being designed, worldwide, to create sustainability competencies and in particular to incorporate reverse logistics, but Brazilian executives have not yet fully adhered to Law 12,305 on solid waste and reverse logistics. What would be the Brazilian executives' perception about reverse logistics competency and the support provided by a collaborative and IT competency? The objective of the paper is to investigate the effects of collaboration and IT competency in developing reverse logistics competency, as a strategy, and its consequences in economic and environmental performance. A survey was performed with 320 Brazilian supply chain executives and analyzed using Structural Equation Modeling. The models demonstrated that collaboration has a direct positive influence on the development of reverse logistics competency, by executives' point of view. The moderation effect between collaboration and IT competency for reverse logistics was not confirmed, since it was adopted a strategic view of reverse logistics. Therefore, despite there was not a moderation effect, IT presented a lower direct effect on reverse logistics competency. Results reinforce that organizations that develop reverse logistics competency tend to improve their economic and environmental performances.
The theoretical frameworks behind integrated environmental, ecosystem, and economic accounting systems and their classifications
The integration of ecosystem services and accounting systems can help different stakeholders understand the economic implications of environmental impacts. Any such integration requires clear understanding of how ecosystem services may match and integrate with traditional accounts. The Experimental Ecosystem Accounts (EEA) of the System of Integrated Environmental and Economic Accounts (SEEA) is developing quickly with applications at different administrative levels. One emerging feature is lack of agreement on conceptual notions and definitions that could reconcile different approaches. Some basic issues can be developed and solved only once a theoretical basis has been established. Since the first step of any application is to identify which ecosystem services to account for, this paper explores whether and to what extent the theoretical frameworks behind ecosystem services classification systems match the theoretical framework behind the SEEA EEA. This attempt first tackles the conceptual framework on the accounting side, then the conceptual framework on the ecosystem services classification side. Combining the two sides, it is possible to visualize matches or mismatches and to infer a few consequences and implications. Ecosystem services classification systems can guide separation of intra-ecosystem processes from final ecosystem services, and help disentangle ecosystem services from benefits, key requirements for integrating accounts.
SHARE IT: Co-designing a sustainability impact assessment framework for urban food sharing initiatives
Urban food systems must undergo a significant transformation if they are to avoid impeding the achievement of UN Sustainable Development Goals. One reconfiguration with claimed sustainability benefits is ICT-mediated food sharing - an umbrella term used to refer to technologically-augmented collective or collaborative practices around growing, cooking, eating and redistributing food - which some argue improves environmental efficiencies by reducing waste, providing opportunities to make or save money, building social networks and generally enhancing well-being. However, most sustainability claims for food sharing have not been evidenced by systematically collected and presented data. In this paper we document our response to this mismatch between claims and evidence through the development of the SHARECITY sustainability Impact assessment Toolkit (SHARE IT); a novel Sustainability Impact Assessment (SIA) framework which has been co-designed with food sharing initiatives to better indicate the impact of food-sharing initiatives in urban food systems. We demonstrate that while several SIA frameworks have been developed to evaluate food systems at the urban scale, they contain few measures that specifically account for impacts of the sharing that initiatives undertake. The main body of the paper focuses on the co-design process undertaken with food sharing initiatives based in Dublin and London. Attention is paid to how two core goals were achieved: 1) the identification of a coherent SIA framework containing appropriate indicators for the activities of food sharing initiatives; and 2) the development of an open access online toolkit for in order to make SIA reporting accessible for food sharing initiatives. In conclusion, the co-design process revealed a number of technical and conceptual challenges, but it also stimulated creative responses to these challenges.
Availability of disaggregated greenhouse gas emissions from beef cattle production: a systematic review
Agriculture is a significant source of anthropogenic greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions, and beef cattle are particularly emissions intensive. GHG emissions are typically expressed as a carbon dioxide equivalent (COe) 'carbon footprint' per unit output. The 100-year Global Warming Potential (GWP) is the most commonly used COe metric, but others have also been proposed, and there is no universal reason to prefer GWP over alternative metrics. The weightings assigned to non-CO GHGs can differ significantly depending on the metric used, and relying upon a single metric can obscure important differences in the climate impacts of different GHGs. This loss of detail is especially relevant to beef production systems, as the majority of GHG emissions (as conventionally reported) are in the form of methane (CH) and nitrous oxide (NO), rather than CO. This paper presents a systematic literature review of harmonised cradle to farm-gate beef carbon footprints from bottom-up studies on individual or representative systems, collecting the emissions data for each separate GHG, rather than a single COe value. Disaggregated GHG emissions could not be obtained for the majority of studies, highlighting the loss of information resulting from the standard reporting of total GWP COe alone. Where individual GHG compositions were available, significant variation was found for all gases. A comparison of grass fed and non-grass fed beef production systems was used to illustrate dynamics that are not sufficiently captured through a single COe footprint. Few clear trends emerged between the two dietary groups, but there was a non-significant indication that under GWP non-grass fed systems generally appear more emissions efficient, but under an alternative metric, the 100-year global temperature potential (GTP), grass-fed beef had lower footprints. Despite recent focus on agricultural emissions, this review concludes there are insufficient data available to fully address important questions regarding the climate impacts of agricultural production, and calls for researchers to include separate GHG emissions in addition to aggregated COe footprints.
Examining professional emergency managers in Korea
Although the number of emergency managers has risen in South Korea (hereafter referred to as Korea) over the years, their role is not yet as defined and noteworthy compared to other professions because of its unidisciplinary approach. This article investigates how Korea has to improve emergency managers' disciplinary approach to ultimately contribute to the goal of effective transnational disaster management. This study uses qualitative content analysis of government policies, college curricula, nongovernmental organizations' (NGOs') emergency-manager certification, and mass media coverage to compare emergency managers' unidisciplinary and multidisciplinary approaches. The key tenet is that Korea must change its emergency managers' unidisciplinary approach into a multidisciplinary approach because the former is less effective when dealing with complicated disaster management systems. To achieve this change, the stakeholders must carry out their assigned responsibilities under risk-oriented management. As for the study's international implications, developing nations may consider the enhancement of related educational curricula, collaborative learning, continuous evaluation, disaster awareness, and disaster prevention for the emergency managers' multidisciplinary approach.
Disasters can happen to anybody: The case of Korea
In Korea, there is a pervasive feeling of invincibility to the point that people and organizations do not believe that disasters can strike them. This has impact on the level of preparedness for disasters. This study aims to delve into how Korea has to change its governmental policies/practices with some private partners' efforts to mitigate disaster risks. A case study was utilized as the major methodology by comparing exclusive management with inclusive management. These two approaches have been comparatively analyzed via four variables, namely the central government, the local governments, the incident commander, and other stakeholders. The major finding is that Korea's practices and policies have to evolve from the current exclusive management into future-oriented inclusive management. Moreover, the importance of communication, cooperation, collaboration, and multi-discipline coordination is discussed. Additionally, the problem of reductionism and equal participation among all stakeholders, as well as the resistance from vested interests, are recognized and elaborated for Korea and the international community.
Integrating spatial support tools into strategic planning-SEA of the GMS North-South Economic Corridor Strategy and Action Plan
The GMS countries, supported by the Asian Development Bank, have adopted a holistic, multidimensional approach to strengthen infrastructural linkages and facilitate cross border trade through (i) the establishment of a trans-boundary road connecting two economic nodes across marginalised areas, followed by 2) facilitation of environmentally and socially sound investments in these newly connected areas as a means to develop livelihoods. The North-South Economic Corridor is currently in its second phase of development, with investment opportunities to be laid out in the NSEC Strategy and Action Plan (SAP). It targets the ecologically and culturally sensitive border area between PR China's Yunnan Province, Northern Lao PDR, and Thailand. A trans-boundary, cross-sectoral Strategic Environmental Assessment was conducted to support the respective governments in assessing potential environmental and social impacts, developing alternatives and mitigation options, and feeding the findings back into the SAP writing process. Given the spatial dimension of corridor development-both with regard to opportunities and risks-particular emphasis was put in the application of spatial modelling tools to help geographically locate and quantify impacts as a means to guide interventions and set priorities.
Disaster incubation, cumulative impacts and the urban/ex-urban/rural dynamic
This article explores environmental impacts and risks that can accumulate in rural and ex-urban areas and regions and their relation to urban and global development forces. Two Southern Ontario cases are examined: an area level water disaster and cumulative change at the regional level. The role of disaster incubation analysis and advanced environmental assessment tools are discussed in terms of their potential to contribute to more enlightened and effective assessment and planning processes. It is concluded that conventional approaches to EA and planning are characteristically deficient in addressing the full range of impacts and risks, and particularly those originating from pathogens, dispersed and insidious sources. Rigorous application of disaster incubation analysis and more advanced forms of EA has considerable potential to influence a different pattern of planning and decision making.
The impact of population growth on environment: the debate heats up