Magnetospheric Control of Ionospheric TEC Perturbations via Whistler-Mode and ULF Waves
The weakly ionized plasma in the Earth's ionosphere is controlled by a complex interplay between solar and magnetospheric inputs from above, atmospheric processes from below, and plasma electrodynamics from within. This interaction results in ionosphere structuring and variability that pose major challenges for accurate ionosphere prediction for global navigation satellite system (GNSS) related applications and space weather research. The ionospheric structuring and variability are often probed using the total electron content (TEC) and its relative perturbations (dTEC). Among dTEC variations observed at high latitudes, a unique modulation pattern has been linked to magnetospheric ultra-low-frequency (ULF) waves, yet its underlying mechanisms remain unclear. Here using magnetically conjugate observations from the THEMIS spacecraft and a ground-based GPS receiver at Fairbanks, Alaska, we provide direct evidence that these dTEC modulations are driven by magnetospheric electron precipitation induced by ULF-modulated whistler-mode waves. We observed peak-to-peak dTEC amplitudes reaching 0.5 TECU (1 TECU is equal to electrons/ ) with modulations spanning scales of 5-100 km. The cross-correlation between our modeled and observed dTEC reached 0.8 during the conjugacy period but decreased outside of it. The spectra of whistler-mode waves and dTEC also matched closely at ULF frequencies during the conjugacy period but diverged outside of it. Our findings elucidate the high-latitude dTEC generation from magnetospheric wave-induced precipitation, addressing a significant gap in current physics-based dTEC modeling. Theses results thus improve ionospheric dTEC prediction and enhance our understanding of magnetosphere-ionosphere coupling via ULF waves.
Anthropogenic Aerosols Have Significantly Weakened the Regional Summertime Circulation in the Northern Hemisphere During the Satellite Era
Reanalysis data show a significant weakening of summertime circulation in the Northern Hemisphere (NH) midlatitudes in the satellite era with implications for surface weather extremes. Recent work showed the weakening is not significantly affected by changes in the Arctic, but did not examine the role of different anthropogenic forcings such as aerosols. Here we use the Detection and Attribution Model Intercomparison Project (DAMIP) simulations to quantify the impact of anthropogenic aerosol and greenhouse gas forcing. The DAMIP simulations show aerosols and greenhouse gases contribute equally to zonal-mean circulation weakening. Regionally, aerosol dominates the Pacific storm track weakening whereas greenhouse gas dominates in the Atlantic. Using a regional energetic framework, we show why the impact of aerosol is the largest in the Pacific. Reduced sulfate aerosol emissions over Eurasia and North America increase (clear-sky) surface shortwave radiation and turbulent fluxes. This enhances land-to-ocean energy contrast and energy transport via stationary circulations to the ocean. Consequently, energy converges poleward of oceanic storm tracks, demanding weaker poleward energy transport storm tracks, and the storm tracks weaken. The impact is larger over the Pacific following the larger emission decrease over Eurasia than North America. Similar yet opposite, increased aerosol emissions over South and East Asia decrease shortwave radiation and weaken land-to-ocean energy transport. This diverges energy equatorward of the Pacific storm track, further weakening it. Our results show aerosols are a dominant driver of regional circulation weakening during the NH summertime in the satellite era and a regional energetic framework explaining the underlying processes.
Earth-Based Transmitters Trigger Precipitation of Inner Radiation Belt Electrons: Unveiling Observations and Modeling Results
Human activity influence Earth's environment, including the space environment hundreds to thousands of kilometers above the Earth. One direct evidence is that the 19.8 kHz electromagnetic signals launched by the North West Cape (NWC) transmitter station in Australia produce a wisp-like energy distribution of precipitating energetic electrons in Earth's inner radiation belt, observed by many Low Earth Orbiting satellites. Typically, satellites observe a single wisp with energy that decreases with increasing L (approximately the radial distance in the equatorial plane), which is produced by a first-order cyclotron resonance of transmitter signals with energetic electrons. Here we report, for the first time, multiple wisps observed by the Relativistic Electron and Proton Telescope integrated little experiment-2 (REPTile-2) on board the recently launched Colorado Inner Radiation Belt Experiment (CIRBE) CubeSat. Based on simulation results, we demonstrate that harmonic cyclotron resonances including the 1, -1, and 2 orders by highly oblique NWC transmitter signals produce these multiple wisps. The discovery of multiple-order cyclotron resonances simultaneously occurring in space sheds new light on wave-particle interactions in near-Earth space. It also has implications for developing artificial radiation belt remediation techniques and understanding the propagation and scattering of plasma waves in planetary magnetospheres.
Effects of Mesoscale Eddies on Southern Ocean Biogeochemistry
The Southern Ocean is rich in highly dynamic mesoscale eddies and substantially modulates global biogeochemical cycles. However, the overall surface and subsurface effects of eddies on the Southern Ocean biogeochemistry have not been quantified observationally at a large scale. Here, we co-locate eddies, identified in the Meta3.2DT satellite altimeter-based product, with biogeochemical Argo floats to determine the effects of eddies on the dissolved inorganic carbon (DIC), nitrate, and dissolved oxygen concentrations in the upper 1,500 m of the ice-free Southern Ocean, as well as the eddy effects on the carbon fluxes in this region. DIC and nitrate concentrations are lower in anticyclonic eddies (AEs) and increased in cyclonic eddies (CEs), while dissolved oxygen anomalies switch signs above (CEs: positive, AEs: negative) and below the mixed layer (CEs: negative, AEs: positive). We attribute these anomalies primarily to eddy pumping (isopycnal heave), as well as eddy trapping for oxygen. Maximum anomalies in all tracers occur at greater depths in the subduction zone north of the Antarctic Circumpolar Current (ACC) compared to the upwelling region in the ACC, reflecting differences in background vertical structures. Eddy effects on air-sea exchange have significant seasonal variability, with additional outgassing in CEs in fall (physical process) and additional oceanic uptake in AEs and CEs in spring (biological and physical process). Integrated over the Southern Ocean, AEs contribute 0.01 Pg C (7 ) to the Southern Ocean carbon uptake, and CEs offset this by 0.01 Pg C (2 ). These findings underscore the importance of considering eddy impacts in observing networks and climate models.