Comparing the effect of different sample conditions and spectral libraries on the prediction accuracy of soil properties from near- and mid-infrared spectra at the field-scale
The prediction accuracy of soil properties by proximal soil sensing has made their application more practical. However, in order to gain sufficient accuracy, samples are typically air-dried and milled before spectral measurements are made. Calibration of the spectra is usually achieved by making wet chemistry measurements on a subset of the field samples and local regression models fitted to aid subsequent prediction. Both sample handling and wet chemistry can be labour and resource intensive. This study aims to quantify the uncertainty associated with soil property estimates from different methods to reduce effort of field-scale calibrations of soil spectra. We consider two approaches to reduce these expenses for predictions made from visible-near-infrared ((V)NIR), mid-infrared (MIR) spectra and their combination. First, we considered reducing the level of processing of the samples by comparing the effect of different sample conditions (in-situ, unprocessed, air-dried and milled). Second, we explored the use of existing spectral libraries to inform calibrations (based on milled samples from the UK National Soil Inventory) with and without 'spiking' the spectral libraries with a small subset of samples from the study fields. Prediction accuracy of soil organic carbon, pH, clay, available P and K for each of these approaches was evaluated on samples from agricultural fields in the UK. Available P and K could only be moderately predicted with the field-scale dataset where samples were milled. Therefore this study found no evidence to suggest that there is scope to reduce costs associated with sample processing or field-scale calibration for available P and K. However, the results showed that there is potential to reduce time and cost implications of using (V)NIR and MIR spectra to predict soil organic carbon, clay and pH. Compared to field-scale calibrations from milled samples, we found that reduced sample processing lowered the ratio of performance to inter-quartile range (RPIQ) between 0% and 76%. The use of spectral libraries reduced the RPIQ of predictions relative to field-scale calibrations from milled samples between 54% and 82% and the RPIQ was reduced between 29% and 70% for predictions when spectral libraries were spiked. The increase in uncertainty was specific to the combination of soil property and sensor analysed. We conclude that there is always a trade-off between prediction accuracy and the costs associated with soil sampling, sample processing and wet chemical analysis. Therefore the relative merits of each approach will depend on the specific case in question.
The effect of organic carbon content on soil compression characteristics
We investigated the effect of soil organic carbon (SOC) on the consolidation behaviour of soil from two long term field experiments at Rothamsted; the Broadbalk Wheat Experiment and Hoosfield Spring Barley. These experiments are located on soil with similar particle size distributions, and include treatments with SOC contents ranging from approximately 1-3.5 g/100 g. Soils taken from plots with contrasting SOC contents were compressed and deformed in a triaxial cell and the normal consolidation and critical state lines were determined. We found that the compression index was independent of SOC, but the void ratio at any given effective stress was highly correlated with organic carbon content. By comparison with uniaxial compression data, the apparent influence of SOC on the compression index is likely to be due to its effect on soil hydraulic properties rather than any intrinsic effects of strength. The plastic limit test appears to be a useful and simple test to allow direct comparison of soil physical behaviour and expected soil density.
Optimal design and setting of rotary strip-tiller blades to intensify dry season cropping in Asian wet clay soil conditions
Fine-textured clayey soils dominate Asian rice fields that are kept either fallow or cultivated with non-rice crops after harvest of monsoon rice. Use of seeding machinery compatible with the principles of conservation agriculture on such soils, however, has not been promising. Under these conditions - which predominate the population and poverty dense areas of coastal South Asia - such machinery fails to open a furrow or throws excessive soil out of the tilled furrow during strip-till seeding. This results in a poor seed coverage at planting jeopardizing crop establishment. In response, this soil bin study investigated strip-tillage blade designs and settings to optimize rotary strip-till system for wet clay soil conditions common in South Asian rice fields. Three designs of C type rotary blade (conventional, medium and straight) and two blade settings (four and six blades per row; 50 and 100 mm cutting widths) were tested at three blade operating depths (50, 75, and 100 mm) using a tillage test rig and a soil bin, and a high-speed camera to understand the processes of soil cutting, throwing, backfilling, and creation of furrow seedbed. The soil bin soil consisted of a wet sandy-clay-loam soil with a moisture content of 28.2% (85% of field capacity) and was compacted to the bulk density of 1440 kg m. Using the test rig, rotary speed of the blades was maintained at 480 rpm and forward speed at 0.4 m s. At four blades per row setting, all blades created high amounts of optimum clods (1-20 mm size). The conventional and medium blades threw too much soil out of the strip-tilled furrow while the straight blade created adequate backfill at 75 and 100 mm operating depths. At 6 blades per row setting, all blades produced high amounts of backfill at any depths, but the straight blade also produced the highest amounts of optimum clods and a uniform furrow. Considering machine and energy costs, blade performance, and the necessity of minimizing soil disturbance in strip-tillage, our study indicates that the use of straight blades (four blades per row) operated at a depth of 75 or 100 mm are more ideal. These specifications are likely to enhance strip-tillage stand establishment in fine-textured soils with high moisture contents, though further work is needed under actual field conditions to confirm suitability of the proposed strip-till system for crop establishment in currently fallowed as well as the intensively cropped lands of Asia.
Influence of tillage based crop establishment and residue management practices on soil quality indices and yield sustainability in rice-wheat cropping system of Eastern Indo-Gangetic Plains
Rice-wheat cropping system (RWCS) is the most important system occupying around 26 M ha spread over the Indo Gangetic Plains in South Asia and China. Many long-term trials were led to assess the agronomic productivity and economic profitability of various combinations of conservation agricultural (CA) practices (zero tillage, residue management and crop establishment) in RWCS of Eastern Indo-Gangetic Plains (EIGP) of India. The purpose of this study was to investigate the best management practices involving different tillage-based crop establishment and residue retention techniques and their contribution to agricultural system sustainability through improvement in soil health by developing soil quality index (SQI). We have used SQI as an instrument based on physical [macro aggregate stability (MAS), available water capacity (AWC) and soil penetration resistance (SPR)], chemical [soil organic carbon (OC), available N, available P and available K] and biological [microbial biomass carbon (MBC), fluorescein diacetate (FDA) and dehydrogenase activity (DHA)] properties of soil, because these are very useful indicators of soil's functions for agronomic productivity and soil fertility. Soil properties like MAS, OC, MBC, FDA and DHA were higher by 47, 18, 56, 48 and 53%, respectively, under ZTDSR-ZTW (T: Zero-till direct seeded rice - Zero-till wheat) than RPTR-CTW (T: Random puddled transplanted rice - Conventional till broadcasted wheat), at 0-10 cm. CA based treatment T also recorded lower SPR (126 N cm). SQI for different treatments were calculated by performing principal component analysis based on the total data set method. The higher system rice equivalent yield of 12.41 t ha was observed at SQI value of 0.90 at 0-10 cm and 0.86 at 10-20 cm in T. It can be concluded that crop residue retention on the surface with zero tillage is beneficial for the sustainability and productivity of the RWCS in EIGP of India.
Wheat growth responses to soil mechanical impedance are dependent on phosphorus supply
Increased mechanical impedance induced by soil drying or compaction causes reduction in plant growth and crop yield. However, how mechanical impedance interacts with nutrient stress has been largely unknown. Here, we investigated the effect of mechanical impedance on the growth of wheat seedlings under contrasting phosphorus (P) supply in a sand culture system which allows the mechanical impedance to be independent of water and nutrient availability. Two wheat genotypes containing the (tall) or (gibberellin-insensitive dwarf) alleles in the Cadenza background were used and their shoot and root traits were determined. Mechanical impedance caused a significant reduction in plant growth under sufficient P supply, including reduced shoot and root biomass, leaf area and total root length. By contrast, under low P supply, mechanical impedance did not affect biomass, tiller number, leaf length, and nodal root number in both wheat genotypes, indicating that the magnitude of the growth restriction imposed by mechanical impedance was dependent on P supply. The interaction effect between mechanical impedance and P level was significant on most plant traits except for axial and lateral root length, suggesting an evident physical and nutritional interaction. Our findings provide valuable insights into the integrated effects of plants in response to both soil physical and nutritional stresses. Understanding the response patterns is critical for optimizing soil tillage and nutrient management in the field.
Sediment loss in response to scheduled pasture ploughing and reseeding: The importance of soil moisture content in controlling risk
Soil water regimes have been shown to have important implications for the erosion risks associated with land management decisions. Despite this, there remains a paucity of information on soil moisture thresholds for farm management operations including the periodic ploughing and reseeding of improved pasture used for ruminant farming. Against this background, this study analysed sediment loss monitored on a heavily instrumented farm platform, in SW England, over four phases of ploughing and reseeding. Precipitation and sediment yields were highly variable between the ten different field scale catchments on the experimental platform after reseeds. Post-plough period rainfall ranged between 461-1121 mm and corresponding sediment yields between 0.20 - 3.13 t. ha yr. The post-plough and reseeding periods accounted for a very high proportion (mean 28.8 %) of monitored sediment fluxes over the study (2012-2019) despite only covering an average of 10.9 % of the 2002 days of flume monitoring. Post-plough sediment yields were highest (2.57 t. ha yr and 3.13 t. ha yr) when two catchments were ploughed in autumn months and soils were saturated. The yields for the same catchments after summer ploughing were far lower (0.72 t. hayrand 0.73 t. hayr). Thresholds of 35-38 % soil moisture were identified at which ploughing represented a highly elevated erosion risk. Whilst pinpointing thresholds for the clay loam soils with slowly permeable drainage in the study area, the results serve to illustrate the wider need for robust scientific data on soil moisture status to help guide the timing of farm management operations for improving production, to help reduce negative environmental consequences.
Impacts of conservation agriculture on soil structure and hydraulic properties of Malawian agricultural systems
Sub-Saharan Africa (SSA) faces climate change and food insecurity challenges, which require action to create resilient farming systems. Conservation agriculture (CA) is widely promoted across SSA but the impacts on key soil physical properties and functions such as soil structure and hydraulic properties that govern water storage and transmission are not well understood. The aim of this study was to assess the impacts of long term (10-12 years) maize-based CA on soil hydraulic conductivity, water retention and pore size distribution. Root zone (0-30 cm depth) soil total porosity, pore size distribution, saturated hydraulic conductivity (K) and plant available water capacity (PAWC) of conventional maize monocrop farming systems (CP) are compared with those of adjacent CA trials with either sole maize or maize intercrop/rotation with cowpea ( L.), pigeon pea ( L.) or velvet bean ( L) in trial locations across central and southern Malawi. Results show that maize-based CA systems result in significant changes to soil hydraulic properties that correlate with improved soil structure. Results demonstrate increases of 5-15 % in total porosity, 0.06-0.22 cm/min in K, 3-7 % in fine pores for water storage and 3-6 % in PAWC. Maize monocrop CA had similar effect on the hydraulic properties as the maize-legume associations. The values of K for CA systems were within optimum levels (0.03-0.3 cm/min) whereas PAWC was below optimum (<20 %). There was no significant build-up in soil organic matter (OM) in the CA systems. The results lead to a recommendation that crop residue management should be more pro-actively pursued in CA guidance from agricultural extension staff to increase soil OM levels, increase yields and enhance climate resilience of sub-Saharan African farming systems.
Temporal changes in soil microbial properties and nutrient dynamics under climate smart agriculture practices
Climate smart agriculture (CSA) practices are emerging as sustainable alternative to conventional rice-wheat system to pull up natural resources degradation across south Asia. After five years of continuous CSA based experiment, a two years study was conducted to evaluate changes in microbial biomasses (microbial biomass carbon and nitrogen), enzyme activities (alkaline phosphatase, dehydrogenase and -glucosidase), nutrient release and uptake (N, P and K) at different wheat crop growth stages. Effect of CSA practices was also studied for carbon mineralization in an incubation experiment. Four scenarios (Sc) were included in this study- conventional tillage (CT) based rice-wheat system (Sc1), partial CSA based rice-wheat-mungbean system (Sc2), full CSA based rice-wheat-mungbean system (Sc3), and full CSA based maize-wheat-mungbean system (Sc4). Soil samples were collected from scenarios at 0-15 and 15-30 cm depth at different growth stages of wheat crop namely sowing, crown root initiation (CRI), active tillering, panicle initiation, and harvesting. Analysis of soil was done for chemical properties . pH, electrical conductivity, available N, P, K, NPK uptake and mineralizable carbon and biological properties ., microbial biomass carbon (MBC), microbial biomass nitrogen (MBN), dehydrogenase activity (DHA), alkaline phosphatase activity (APA) and β-glucosidase. Significantly higher microbial biomass carbon (42 %) and nitrogen (79 %) were found in surface soil (0-15 cm depth) under CSA based scenarios (Sc2, Sc3 and Sc4) at harvest stage of wheat over CT based/ conventional scenario (Sc1). At surface soil, alkaline phosphatase, dehydrogenase and -glucosidase activity was 58, 14 and 13 % higher in CSA based scenarios, respectively than CT based scenario. CSA based scenarios showed significantly higher C mineralization after 3 days of the incubation experiment at harvest. An increase of respectively 15, 48 and 17 % of N, P and K uptake was observed with CSA based scenarios than CT based scenario. At harvest stage, 7 % higher amount of dry matter was reported with full CSA based scenarios (mean of Sc2 to Sc4) compared to Sc1. Higher wheat grain yield of ∼10 % was recorded with CSA based scenarios over CT based scenario. Therefore, CSA based scenarios with improved biological properties and nutrient availability and uptake at different wheat growth stages resulted in higher yields and hence need to be popularized among the farmers.
Short-term changes in soil pore size distribution: Impact of land use
Changes in land use affect the pore size distribution (PSD) of the soil, and hence important soil functions such as gas exchange, water availability and plant growth. The objective of this study was to investigate potentially damaging and restorative soil management practices on soil pore structure. We quantified the rate of change in PSD six years after changes in land use taking advantage of the Highfield land-use change experiment at Rothamsted Research. This experiment includes short-term soil degradation and restoration scenarios established simultaneously within long-term contrasting treatments that had reached steady-state equilibrium. The land-use change scenarios comprised conversion to grassland of previously arable or bare fallow soil, and conversion of grassland to arable and bare fallow soils. In the laboratory, we exposed intact soil cores (100 cm) to matric potentials ranging from -10 hPa to -1.5 MPa. Based on equivalent soil mass, the plant available water capacity decreased after conversion from grassland, whereas no change was observed after conversion to grassland. Structural void ratio decreased after termination of grassland and introduction of grassland in bare fallow soil, while no change was seen when changing arable to grassland. Consequently, it was faster to degrade than to restore a complex soil structure. The study illustrates that introducing grassland in degraded soil may result in short-term increase in soil density.
Variability of soybean response to rhizobia inoculant, vermicompost, and a legume-specific fertilizer blend in Siaya County of Kenya
Rhizobia inoculation can increase soybean yield, but its performance is influenced by among others soybean genotype, rhizobia strains, environment, and crop management. The objective of the study was to assess soybean response to rhizobia inoculation when grown in soils amended with urea or vermicompost to improve nitrogen levels. Two greenhouse experiments and one field trial at two sites were carried out. The first greenhouse experiment included soils from sixty locations, sampled from smallholder farms in Western Kenya. The second greenhouse experiment consisted of one soil selected among soils used in the first experiment where inoculation response was poor. The soil was amended with vermicompost or urea. In the two greenhouse experiments, Legumefix (inoculant) + Sympal (legume fertilizer blend) were used as a standard package. Results from the second greenhouse experiment were then validated in the field. Analysis of variance was done using SAS statistical software and mean separation was done using standard error of the difference for shoot biomass, grain yield nodulation, nodule effectiveness and nutrient uptake. In the first greenhouse trial, soybean response to inoculation was significantly affected by soil fertility based on nodule fresh weight and shoot biomass. Soils with low nitrogen had low to no response to inoculation. After amendment, nodule fresh weight, nodule effectiveness, nodule occupancy, and shoot dry biomass were greater in the treatment amended with vermicompost than those amended with urea (Legumefix + Sympal + vermicompost and Legumefix + Sympal + urea) respectively. Under field conditions, trends were similar to the second experiment for nodulation, nodule occupancy and nitrogen uptake resulting in significantly greater grain yields (475, 709, 856, 880, 966 kg ha) after application of vermicompost at 0, 37, 74, 111, and 148 kg N ha respectively. It was concluded that soybean nodulation and biological nitrogen fixation in low fertility soils would not be suppressed by organic amendments like vermicompost up to 148 kg N ha.
Multiple abiotic stress, nitrate availability and the growth of wheat
In the field, wheat experiences a combination of physical and nutrient stresses. There has been a tendency to study root impedance and water stress in separation and less is known about how they might interact. In this study, we investigated the effect of root impedance on the growth of three wheat varieties (Cadenza, Xi19 and Battalion) at different levels of nitrate availability, from 0-20 mM nitrate, in sand culture. This model system allows soil strength to be increased while maintaining adequate water availability. In a separate pot experiment, we grew the same wheat varieties in a loamy sand where soil was allowed to dry sufficiently to both reduce water potential and increase root impedance. This pot experiment also had a range of nitrate availabilities 0-20 mM nitrate. Once the seedlings were established we limited water supply to apply a matric potential of approximately -200 kPa to the roots. Soil drying increased the penetrometer resistance from approximately 300 kPa to more than 1 MPa. There were differences between the two experimental systems; growth was smaller in the soil-based experiment compared to the sand culture. However, the effects of the experimental treatment, root impedance or water withholding, relative to the control were comparable. Our data confirmed that leaf elongation in Cadenza (carrying the tall allele) was the most sensitive to root impedance. Leaf stunting occurred irrespective of nitrate availability. Leaf elongation in the Xi19 and Battalion (carrying the semi-dwarf allele) was less sensitive to root impedance and drought than Candenza. We suggest that the critical stress in a pot experiment where the soil was allowed to dry to approximately -200 kPa was root impedance and not water availability.
Effects of tillage, crop establishment and diversification on soil organic carbon, aggregation, aggregate associated carbon and productivity in cereal systems of semi-arid Northwest India
Intensive tillage based management practices are threatening soil quality and systems sustainability in the rice-wheat belt of Northwest India. Furthermore, it is accentuated with puddling of soil, which disrupts soil aggregates. Conservation agriculture (CA) practices involving zero tillage, crop residue management and suitable crop rotation can serve as better alternative to conventional agriculture for maintaining soil quality. Soil organic carbon is an important determinant of soil quality, playing critical role in food production, mitigation and adaptation to climate change as well as performs many ecosystem functions. To understand the turnover of soil carbon in different forms (Total organic carbon-TOC; aggregate associated carbon-AAC; particulate organic carbon- POC), soil aggregation and crop productivity with different management practices, one conventional agriculture based scenario and three CA based crop management scenarios namely conventional rice-wheat system (Sc1), partial CA based rice-wheat-mungbean system (Sc2), full CA-based rice-wheat-mungbean system (Sc3) and maize-wheat-mungbean system (Sc4) were evaluated. TOC was increased by 71%, 68% and 25% after 4 years of the experiment and 75%, 80% and 38% after 6 years of the experiment in Sc4, Sc3 and Sc2, respectively, over Sc1 at 0-15 cm soil depth. After 4 years of the experiment, 38.5% and 5.0% and after 6 years 50.8% and 24.4% improvement in total water stable aggregates at 0-15 and 15-30 cm soil depth, respectively was observed in CA-based scenarios over Sc1. Higher aggregate indices were associated with Sc3 at 0-15 cm soil depth than others. Among the size classes of aggregates, highest aggregate associated C (8.94 g kg) was retained in the 1-0.5 mm size class under CA-based scenarios. After 6 years, higher POC was associated with Sc4 (116%). CA-based rice/maize system (Sc3 and Sc4) showed higher productivity than Sc1. Therefore, CA could be a potential management practice in rice-wheat cropping system of Northwest India to improve the soil carbon pools through maintaining soil aggregation and productivity.
Fate and transport of urea-N in a rain-fed ridge-furrow crop system with plastic mulch
A better understanding of the fate and transport of fertilizer nitrogen (N) is critical to maximize crop yields and minimize negative environmental impacts. Plastic film mulching is widely used in drylands to increase soil water use efficiency and crop yields, but the effects on fertilizer N use efficiency need to be evaluated. A field experiment with N-urea (260 kg N ha) was conducted to determine the fate and transport of fertilizer N in a ridge-furrow system with plastic film mulched ridge (Plastic), compared with a flat system without mulching (Open). In the Plastic, the N-urea was applied to the ridge only (Plastic-Ridge), or to the furrow only (Plastic-Furrow). Maize grain yield and net economic benefit for Plastic were significantly higher (by 9.7 and 8.5%, respectively) than those for Open. Total plant N uptake was 72.5% greater in Plastic compared with Open, and N was allocated mostly to the grain. Losses of the applied urea-N were 54.5% lower in Plastic and much more residual N was recovered in 0-120 cm soil compared with Open (42.7 and 26.8% of applied N, respectively). Lateral N movements from furrow to ridge and from ridge to furrow were observed and attributed to lateral movement of soil water due to microtopography of ridges and furrows and uneven soil water and heat conditions under mulching and plant water uptake. The ridges were the main N fertilizer source for plant uptake (96.5 and 3.5% of total N uptake in Plastic from ridge and furrow, respectively) and the furrow was the main source of N losses (78.6 and 21.4% of total N losses in Plastic from furrow and ridge, respectively). Gas emissions, especially ammonia volatilization was probably the main N loss in furrow. Thus, appropriately localized N application - into the ridges, and management strategies should be designed for Plastic to maximize N use efficiency by crops, decrease N gas losses and maintain sustainable agricultural systems in drylands.
Soil organic matter widens the range of water contents for tillage
The effects of soil organic matter on the water contents for tillage were investigated by sampling soils with a uniform texture, but a range of soil organic carbon (SOC) from two long-term field experiments at Highfield in Rothamsted Research, UK and Askov Experimental Station, Denmark. The treatments studied in Highfield were Bare fallow (BF), Continuous arable rotation (A), Ley-arable (LA) and Grass (G); and in Askov: unfertilized (UNF), ½ mineral fertilizer (½ NPK), 1 mineral fertilizer (1NPK), and 1½ animal manure (1½AM). Minimally disturbed soil cores (100 cm) were sampled per plot in both locations from 6 to 10 cm depth to generate water retention data. Soil blocks were also sampled at 6-15 cm depth to determine basic soil properties and to measure soil aggregate strength parameters. The range of soil water contents appropriate for tillage were determined using the water retention and the consistency approaches. SOC content in Highfield was in the order: G > LA = A > BF, and in Askov: 1½ AM > 1NPK = ½NPK > UNF. Results showed that different long-term management of the silt loam Highfield soil, and fertilization of the sandy loam Askov soil affected the mechanical properties of the soils- for Highfield soil, aggregates from the G treatment were stronger in terms of rupture energy when wet (-100 hPa matric potential) than the BF treatment. As the soil dried (-300 and -1000 hPa matric potentials), soil aggregates from the G treatment were relatively weaker and more elastic than the BF soil. Our study showed, for both Highfield and Askov soils, a strong positive linear increase in the range of water contents for tillage with increasing contents of SOC. This suggests that management practices leading to increased SOC can improve soil workability by increasing the range of water contents for tillage. We recommended using the consistency approach over the water retention approach for determining the range of water contents for tillage because it seems to give realistic estimates of the water contents for tillage.
Aggregate size distribution in a biochar-amended tropical Ultisol under conventional hand-hoe tillage
Biochar (or pyrogenic organic matter) is increasingly proposed as a soil amendment for improving fertility, carbon sequestration and reduction of greenhouse gas emissions. However, little is known about its effects on aggregation, an important indicator of soil quality and functioning. The aim of this study was to assess the effect of Eucalyptus wood biochar (B, pyrolyzed at 550 °C, at 0 or 2.5 t ha), green manure (T, from at 0, 2.5 or 5.0 t ha) and mineral nitrogen (U, urea, at 0, or 120 kg N ha) on soil respiration, aggregate size distribution and SOC in these aggregate size fractions in a 2-year field experiment on a low-fertility Ultisol in western Kenya under conventional hand-hoe tillage. Air-dry 2-mm sieved soils were divided into four fractions by wet sieving: Large Macro-aggregates (LM; >1000 μm); Small Macro-aggregates (SM, 250-1000 μm); Micro-aggregates (M, 250-53 μm) and Silt + Clay (S + C, < 53 μm). We found that biochar alone did not affect a mean weight diameter (MWD) but combined application with either (BT) or urea (BU) increased MWD by 34 ± 5.2 μm (8%) and 55 ± 5.4 μm (13%), respectively, compared to the control ( ; n = 36). The B + T + U combination increased the proportion of the LM and SM by 7.0 ± 0.8%, but reduced the S + C fraction by 5.2 ± 0.23%. SOC was 30%, 25% and 23% in S + C, M and LM/SM fractions, and increased by 9.6 ± 1.0, 5.7 ± 0.8, 6.3 ± 1.1 and 4.2 ± 0.9 g kg for LM, SM, M and S + C, respectively. MWD was not related to either soil respiration or soil moisture but decreased with higher SOC ( ) and increased with greater biomass production ( ). Our data suggest that within the timeframe of the study, biochar is stored predominantly as free particulate OC in the silt and clay fraction and promoted a movement of native SOC from larger-size aggregates to the smaller-sized fraction in the short-term (2 years).
Field quantification of wetting-drying cycles to predict temporal changes of soil pore size distribution
Wetting-drying (WD) cycles substantially influence structure related soil properties and processes. Most studies on WD effects are based on controlled cycles under laboratory conditions. Our objective was the quantification of WD cycles from field water content measurements and the analysis of their relation to the temporal drift in the soil pore size distribution. Parameters of the Kosugi hydraulic property model (, ) were derived by inverse optimization from tension infiltrometer measurements. Spectral analysis was used to calculate WD cycle intensity, number and duration from water content time series. WD cycle intensity was the best predictor ( = 0.53-0.57) for the temporal drift in median pore radius () and pore radius standard deviation (). At lower soil moisture conditions the effect of cycle intensity was reduced. A bivariate regression model was derived with WD intensity and a meteorological indicator for drying periods (ET, climatic water balance deficit) as predictor variables. This model showed that WD enhanced macroporosity (higher ) while decreasing pore heterogeneity (lower ). A drying period with high cumulative values of ET or a strong climatic water balance deficit on the contrary reduced while slightly increasing due to higher frequency at small pore radius classes. The two parameter regression model was applied to predict the time course of soil pore size distribution parameters. The observed system dynamics was captured substantially better by the calculated values compared to a static representation with averaged hydraulic parameters. The study showed that spectral analysis is an adequate approach for the quantification of field WD pattern and that WD intensity is a key factor for the temporal dynamics of the soil pore size distribution.