Remifentanil and Dexmedetomidine Treat Hypertension: Reply
Dong R, Li F, Zeng Z, Chen C and Yang H
Practice and Challenges Related to Regional Anesthesia in Amhara Regional Hospitals, Northwest Ethiopia: A Web-based Survey Study
Muluadam Admassie B, Adie Admass B and Yaregal Melesse D
Volatile Anesthetic Intensive Care Unit Sedation: Comment
Rosenberg H, Watson C and Larach MG
Fibrinolysis on Extracorporeal Membrane Oxygenation: Reply
Helms J, Meziani F and Angles-Cano E
Telltale Hearts: A Public Health Doctor, His Patients, and the Power of Story
Johnstone RE
Volatile Anesthetic Intensive Care Unit Sedation: Reply
O'Gara B and Hughes C
Neurodevelopmental Outcomes after Multiple General Anesthetic Exposures before 5 Years of Age: A Cohort Study
Xin A, Grobler A, Bell G, de Graaff JC, Dorris L, Disma N, McCann ME, Withington DE and Davidson AJ
The general anaesthesia or awake-regional anaesthesia in infancy (GAS) trial demonstrated evidence that most neurodevelopmental outcomes at 2 and 5 yr of age in infants who received a single general anesthetic for elective inguinal herniorrhaphy were clinically equivalent when compared to infants who did not receive general anesthesia. More than 20% of the children in the trial had at least one subsequent anesthetic exposure after their initial surgery. Using the GAS database, this study aimed to address whether multiple (two or more) general anesthetic exposures compared to one or no general anesthetic exposure in early childhood were associated with worse neurodevelopmental outcomes at 5 yr.
Remifentanil and Dexmedetomidine Treat Hypertension: Comment
Bhakta P, Karim HMR, Khan E and Mugawar M
Fibrinolysis on Extracorporeal Membrane Oxygenation: Comment
Labaste F, Ribes A, Mansour A and Vardon-Bounes F
Somatostatin-expressing neurons in the medial prefrontal cortex promote sevoflurane anesthesia in mice
Tang A, Xu M, Chen X, Liu J, Wang J, Wang Y, Cai S, Shu Y, Zheng D, Yu T, Wang Y, Luo T and Yu S
The medial prefrontal cortex plays a crucial role in regulating consciousness. However, the specific functions of its excitatory and inhibitory networks during anesthesia remain uncertain. Here we explored the hypothesis that somatostatin interneurons in the medial prefrontal cortex enhance the effects of sevoflurane anesthesia by increasing GABA transmission to pyramidal neurons.
Cytokine Hemoadsorption versus Standard Care in Cardiac Surgery Using the Oxiris® Membrane: the OXICARD single center randomized trial
Abou-Arab O, Huette P, Ibrahima A, Beyls C, Bayart G, Guilbart M, Coupez A, Bennis Y, Navarre A, Lenglet G, Béal R, Touati G, Caus T, Bar S, Josse E, Nguyen M, Dupont H, Gubler B, Kamel S, Diouf M and Mahjoub Y
Cardiac surgery can lead to dysregulation with a pro-inflammatory state, resulting in adverse outcomes. Hemadsorption using the AN69 membrane (Oxiris membrane) has the properties to chelate inflammatory cytokines. We hypothesized that in patients at high risk of inflammation, the use of the Oxiris membrane could decrease inflammation, preserve endothelial function, and improve postoperative outcomes.
Protamine Dosing in Cardiac Surgery: Can One Size Fit All? Erratum
Mazzeffi M and Levy JH
Xenon Treatment Protects against Remote Lung Injury after Kidney Transplantation in Rats: Erratum
Zhao H, Huang H, Ologunde R, Lloyd DG, Watts H, Vizcaychipi MP, Lian Q, George AJT and Ma D
Impact of under-assisted ventilation on diaphragm function and structure in a porcine model
Capdevila M, Pensier J, De Jong A, Jung B, Beghin J, Laumon T, Aarab Y, Deffontis L, Sfara T, Cuny A, Carr J, Molinari N, Le Guennec JY, Raynaud F, Matecki S, Brochard L, Lacampagne A and Jaber S
Long-term controlled mechanical ventilation (CMV) in intensive care unit (ICU) induces ventilatory-induced-diaphragm-dysfunction (VIDD). The transition from CMV to assisted mechanical ventilation is a challenge that requires clinicians to balance over-assistance and under-assistance. While the effects of over-assistance on the diaphragm are well known, we aimed to assess the impact of under-assistance on diaphragm function and structure in piglet model with pre-existing VIDD (after long-term CMV) or without VIDD (short-term CMV).
Longitudinal Reliability of Milestones Learning Trajectories during Anesthesiology Residency
Sun T, Park YS, Chen F, Hogan SO and Tanaka P
Longitudinal Milestones data reported to the Accreditation Council for Graduate Medical Education (ACGME) provide a structured framework for assessing the developmental progression of residents in key competencies and subcompetencies. This study aims to investigate the previously underexplored longitudinal reliability of Milestones data, with the goal of identifying patterns in learning trajectories that can inform targeted interventions for residents and programs.
Accuracy of two-compartment modelling of gas exchange with ventilation-perfusion mismatch in inhalational anesthesia
Peyton PJ
Multi-compartment computer models of heterogeneity in alveolar ventilation-perfusion ratios (VA/Q scatter) across the lung explain the significant alveolar-arterial (A-a) partial pressure gradients and associated alveolar dead-space fractions (VDA/VA) seen in anesthetized patients for both carbon dioxide and for anesthetic gases of different blood solubilities. However, the accuracy of a simpler two-compartment model of VA/Q scatter to do this has not been tested or compared to calculations from the traditional Riley model with "ideal", unventilated (shunt) and unperfused (deadspace) compartments.
Failed Neuroprotection Trials: An Evaluation of Complexity and Clinical Trial Design
Kofke WA and Miano TA
Tranexamic dosing for major joint arthroplasty in adult patients with chronic kidney disease: A pharmacokinetic study and new dosing regimen
Yang Q, He J, Peng HB, Wen B, Idestrup C, Ravi B, Murnaghan J, McCarron A, Hadley H, Shin H, Kaustov L, Wong J, Lin Y, Choi S, Orser BA, Van der Vyver M, Safa B, Pang KS and Jerath A
Tranexamic acid is an anti-fibrinolytic agent routinely used during hip and knee joint replacement surgery to minimize bleeding. Chronic kidney disease is a common chronic health problem seen among adults requiring major arthroplasty surgery. Tranexamic acid is renally cleared and may accumulate in chronic kidney disease. Optimal tranexamic acid dosing and dose adjustment for chronic kidney disease patients needing major arthroplasty is unknown. The objective of this study was to serially measure plasma tranexamic acid concentrations in patients with varied kidney function undergoing hip or knee replacement surgery for population pharmacokinetic modelling and to guide new dosing recommendations.
Caffeine in the Perioperative Setting
Bowers SJ, Davis RP and Vlisides PE
The Efficacy of Cryoneurolysis on Chronic Pain in Patients with Knee Osteoarthritis; A Double-blinded Randomized Controlled Sham Trial
Nygaard NB, Koch-Jensen C, Vaegter HB, Wedderkopp N, Blichfeldt-Eckhardt M and Gram B
The objective was to investigate if cryoneurolysis were superior to sham in reducing pain intensity in patients with chronic knee osteoarthritis. We hypothesized that cryoneurolysis was an effective and safe therapy to reduce chronic pain in patients with knee osteoarthritis.