Economic impact of COVID-19 across national boundaries: The role of government responses
Guedhami O, Knill A, Megginson W and Senbet LW
This Research Note provides an assessment of the burgeoning interdisciplinary literature surrounding the COVID-19 pandemic and its impact on both individuals and firms, with a particular focus on the heterogeneity in government responses and their implications for international finance and IB research. In particular, we discuss disparities in vaccine distribution, government policy responses, and impacts in low-income versus high-income countries, as well as lessons learned from the pandemic. We describe an important source of data in this area and provide ideas for future research.
The rise of techno-geopolitical uncertainty: Implications of the United States CHIPS and Science Act
Luo Y and Van Assche A
Growing techno-geopolitical uncertainty affects international business in many ways, calling for more scholarly attention to its causes and multinational enterprise (MNE) responses. The United States CHIPS and Science Act epitomizes the country's recent embrace of techno-nationalism in its economic rivalry with China, which has major implications for IB scholarship and management practice. The Act exhibits two features that fly against America's traditional liberal policy stance of championing an open and rules-based multilateral system. First, its reliance on subsidies, export control, and investment screening signifies departure from free trade and from market-based industrial policies. Second, its use of guardrail provisions pursues the weaponization of global value chains for geopolitical and geo-economic purposes. We view the Act as a showcase of a paradigm shift from market-oriented liberalism to intervention-oriented techno-nationalism, heralding a new era of zero-sum thinking and geopolitical prioritization. By examining the broader trend of techno-nationalism, we explore the distinct features of the Act and analyze the geo-strategies that MNEs need to adopt in response to the resulting techno-geopolitical uncertainty. Our analysis highlights the paradigm shift in policymaking, identifies the root causes of this shift, and examines the potential pitfalls it may create. To navigate this uncertain landscape, we suggest four strategic responses for MNEs: geo-strategies, reconfiguration, resilience, and corporate diplomacy.
Navigating MNE control and coordination: A critical review and directions for future research
Zeng RR, Grøgaard B and Björkman I
Control and coordination efforts are at the heart of MNE functioning. Yet, our review reveals that the literature on MNE control and coordination lacks conceptual clarity, which may hamper the development of the field. In this critical review, we synthesize the literature over the past decade using a conceptual framework rooted in new internalization theory. Research remains fairly coarse regarding how various configurations and interactions of control and coordination mechanisms affect intended outcomes. We note a paucity of multilevel studies, direct investigations of microfoundations, and comparison studies between intra- and inter-MNE relationships. Insufficient attention has been paid to adaptation issues and the impact of external dynamics on the need for, and operationalization of, control and coordination mechanisms. These gaps are concerning, since external trends are changing the organizational landscape and MNE boundaries are becoming increasingly fuzzy. Going forward, a more nuanced conceptualization of outcomes is needed, one that specifies proximal outcomes which mediate the achievement of distant goals. We use our augmented conceptual framework to identify other key areas for future research. We also call for more research on how disruptive forces affect both the use and outcomes of organizational mechanisms aimed at achieving control and coordination.
Configuring political relationships to navigate host-country institutional complexity: Insights from Anglophone sub-Saharan Africa
Boso N, Amankwah-Amoah J, Essuman D, Olabode OE, Bruce P, Hultman M, Kutsoati JK and Adeola O
We examine how ties with multiple host-country political institutions contribute to MNE subsidiary performance in countries with weak formal institutions. We suggest that forging relationships between subsidiaries and host-country government actors, local chieftains, and religious leaders generates regulative, normative, and cultural-cognitive political resources. We integrate institutional and configuration theories to argue that similarity to an ideal configuration of the three political resources contributes to MNE subsidiary performance, and that the more dysfunctional host-country institutions, the greater the impact on performance. We test our hypotheses using primary and archival data from 604 MNE subsidiaries in 23 Anglophone sub-Saharan African countries and find support for our hypotheses. In our conclusion, we discuss the wider theoretical, managerial, and public-policy implications of our findings.
Decoupling in international business: The 'new' vulnerability of globalization and MNEs' response strategies
Cui V, Vertinsky I, Wang Y and Zhou D
What can MNEs learn from the COVID-19 pandemic? IB scholars have provided ample insights into this question with many focusing on risk management. Complementing these insights, we argue that MNEs should also consider the long-lasting effect that COVID-19, had on the institutional logic underlying globalization. The U.S. and its allies have redefined their logic from pursuing cost-reduction to building partnerships based on shared value, aiming to substitute China's role in the world economy. The geopolitical pressure for decoupling from China is the source of 'new' vulnerability of globalization. Such pressure is counteracted by economic rationality, creating unsettled priority between the globalization and deglobalization logics at the macro-level institutional space. Combining both risk-management and institutional logic perspectives, we develop a more comprehensive framework on how MNEs should respond to these challenges. This paper contributes to the debate regarding the impact of COVID-19 on globalization, suggesting that neither globalization nor deglobalization logics will prevail in the short run, and IB will likely be more fractured in the long run, based on not only geographic but also ideological and value propinquity. In strategic sectors, the balance will shift toward bifurcation while in others the balance will shift toward the globalization logic.
The political economy and dynamics of bifurcated world governance and the decoupling of value chains: An alternative perspective
Vertinsky I, Kuang Y, Zhou D and Cui V
Employing insights from political economics, international relations, and China studies, we identify the key variables that shape the dynamics of the U.S.-China rivalry and investigate their impacts on the bifurcation and value-chain decoupling processes. We show that the ongoing conflict and disengagement processes are more likely to evolve in the long run in significantly different ways to the one envisioned by current Washington decision-makers and echoed by Petricevic and Teece (2019). The latter predicted an escalation of the disengagement processes and inevitable convergence to a 'bifurcated world'. Our main findings are: (1) The potential costs of bifurcation and consequent value-chain decoupling are prohibitive to both China and the U.S. Resistance is likely to grow by U.S.' own MNEs and allies; (2) Washington decision-makers overstate the threats that 'China's rise' poses to the survival of the liberal world order; and (3) China's techno-nationalistic threats are likely to dissipate after a period of escalation, as a result of its own resource constraints, increasing costs of key programs, and inability to sustain in the long run its rapid innovation processes due to growing central controls. We conclude the paper by outlining an approach to maintain an open global economy and secure innovation systems.
International business and Africa: Theoretical and applied challenges, and future directions
Kamoche K and Wood G
In response to Nachum et al.'s (J Int Bus Stud, 2023) call for further research in Africa by international business (IB) scholars, we argue that while IB scholars may have been slow to engage with Africa, the same cannot be said of related and IB-relevant business and management scholarship. There is already a substantial body of work on Africa in other domains of business and management scholarship - and relevant theorizing - that represents an important resource for IB scholarship. In contextualizing the 'interesting', we identify several contemporary theoretical strands that have so far characterized 'Africa research', interrogate ongoing challenges that mitigate these efforts, and suggest ways in which further research that speaks to theoretical, practical, and policy issues might inform IB researchers' engagement with Africa. Specifically, we set out the broader scope of the African business/management debate that might inform IB research, re-examine African diversity through the prism of 'theoretical tensions and puzzles', and consider the role of emergent indigenous theorizing such as ubuntu and Africapitalism that make Africa both 'interesting' and worthy of IB inquiry.
Subsidiary closures and relocations in the multinational enterprise: Reinstating cooperation in subsidiaries to enable knowledge transfer
Reilly M, Tippmann E and Sharkey Scott P
Subsidiary closures and relocations, a process whereby a multinational enterprise (MNE) closes down a subsidiary and relocates its activities, are commonplace and increasing. Yet we lack an understanding of how knowledge in such situations can be successfully transferred to prevent loss and provide for future knowledge recombination in the MNE. Compared to periods of normal operation, knowledge sharing during subsidiary relocations is likely compromised by diminished sender motivation. In a detailed case study of a subsidiary closure and relocation, we find that the announcement of a subsidiary closure can lead to a break in cooperative behavior that inhibits knowledge transfer. It is therefore critical to reinstate cooperative behavior among subsidiary employees. Reinstatement can be achieved through a set of subsidiary leadership practices that affect the emotions of employees and subsidiary identity. This finding contributes to our understanding of knowledge transfer dynamics in MNEs during subsidiary relocations and closures, extends theory on the practices of subsidiary leadership in subsidiary death and adds to our understanding of identity in MNEs.
Africa rising: Opportunities for advancing theory on people, institutions, and the nation state in international business
Nachum L, Stevens CE, Newenham-Kahindi A, Lundan S, Rose EL and Wantchekon L
Africa is rising, but IB scholars have largely failed to take notice. We argue that this is a missed opportunity. Not only is Africa a dynamic and distinctive region, but its rise presents a number of puzzles for international business (IB) research, with phenomena that seem to challenge fundamental assumptions underlying IB theories. In order to unravel these puzzles and better explain business dynamics on the continent, we contend that there is a need for IB theorizing to place greater emphasis on the role of , to balance IB's traditional emphasis on institutions, location-specific assets, and other macro-level attributes. We explore how this conceptual shift presents new avenues for inquiry into issues that are of importance for IB but have received limited attention to date. Such issues include entrepreneurial human capital, social networks, institutional co-evolution, and the informal economy. As such, we argue that, while extant theories in IB inform explanations and predictions regarding business activity across the continent, Africa's diverse and distinctive characteristics offer the potential to serve as a context for testing and developing generalizable, cutting-edge IB theory.
Learning from inbound foreign acquisitions for outbound expansion by emerging market MNEs
Bu J, Tang Y, Luo Y and Li C
Although cross-border acquisitions (CBAs) are prevalent, many such acquisitions fail to complete. This challenge is even more profound for emerging market MNEs (EMNEs). Drawing upon the vicarious learning theory, we argue that EMNEs can learn from inbound foreign acquirers through the latter's demonstration, professional services firms, and employees. This learning mechanism enables EMNEs to better deal with the complexity and uncertainty in various stages of acquiring foreign firms, thus increasing the completion rate of their outbound CBAs. We also suggest that the effectiveness of vicarious learning is further enhanced by the relatedness between inbound and outbound CBAs. Our analysis of 3599 outbound CBAs from 27 emerging economies during 2000-2018 shows that prior inbound CBAs completed in an emerging economy have a positive effect on the completion likelihood of outbound CBAs conducted by EMNEs from this economy. This positive effect becomes even stronger when the percentage of (1) inbound CBAs served by the EMNE's financial advisors, (2) inbound foreign acquirers that are in the same industry as the EMNE, and (3) inbound foreign acquirers that are from the same country as a focal outbound CBA's target country, is larger. These findings offer new insights into the inbound-outbound acquisition links and the internationalization process of EMNEs.
Spatial and temporal distances in a virtual global world: Lessons from the COVID-19 pandemic
Nachum L and Buckley PJ
The experience of COVID-19 prompted us to rethink the imperatives of distance for the organization of value-creating activities globally. We advance a conceptualization of distance as representing separation in both space and time and posit that these distance dimensions represent different kinds of separation and require varied theoretical attention. We delineate the intrinsic qualities of spatial and temporal distances and theorize the impact of this extended conceptualization of distance on major tenets of international business theory and their predictions regarding the patterns of international business activity. We illustrate the ways by which varying configurations of spatial and temporal distances serve different value-creating activities and draw their implications for countries' global integration. We advance a call for more attention to time and temporal distance and their impact on the ways firms organize their value-creating activities in an increasingly virtual world.
Global migration: Implications for international business scholarship
Hajro A, Brewster C, Haak-Saheem W and Morley MJ
Migration is increasingly viewed as a high-priority policy issue among politicians, intergovernmental organizations, NGOs, and civil society throughout the world. Its implications for the private sector, for economic prosperity, and for the cross-border activities of firms are undeniable and likely to grow in importance. Yet, despite its relevance to International Business, treatment of migration in the mainstream International Business literature has been limited. In this contribution, we set out key aspects of migration that are germane to International Business. Specifically, we suggest recent migratory shifts are transforming important elements of the context in which multinational enterprises operate, with significant implications for their international human resource management practices, for firms' entry modes and market selection approaches, and for the manner in which international strategies are formulated and implemented. We offer a research agenda to motivate International Business scholars to study global migration in more depth and to reevaluate the generalizability of aspects of their theories in light of developments in global migration.
The 2020 AIB curriculum survey: The state of internationalizing students, faculty, and programs
Kwok CCY, Grosse R, Fey CF and Lyles MA
Twenty years after the prior survey, the seventh international business curriculum survey was conducted in 2020 under the sponsorship of the Academy of International Business (AIB) and the Association to Advance Collegiate Schools of Business (AACSB). This paper reports the survey's findings and makes relevant comparisons with the results of the two previous curriculum surveys. This study is not only an update but also explores new directions of international business (IB) integration into the business schools' programs. Although the percentage of matrix structures and separate IB departments is higher in the 2020 survey than earlier, the majority of IB faculty are still scattered across functional departments without IB recognition. Essentially, with few exceptions, we found that European schools are consistently more international than their counterparts elsewhere. Business school deans also consider experiential learning very effective in equipping students with IB knowledge and are generally quite satisfied with the overall progress of their internationalization efforts. The survey findings contribute to understanding how IB is integrated into business schools and offer insights for identifying future opportunities.
The dark side of globalization: Evidence from the impact of COVID-19 on multinational companies
Guedhami O, Knill A, Megginson WL and Senbet LW
The COVID-19 pandemic has led to economic and health crises ("twin crises") worldwide. Using a sample of firms from 73 countries over the period January to December 2020, we examine stock price reactions of multinational corporations (MNCs) and purely domestic companies (DCs) to the crisis. We find that, on average, MNCs suffer a significantly larger decline in firm value relative to DCs during the stock market crisis caused by the pandemic with notable heterogeneity in this underperformance across both industry and region. The evidence of MNC underperformance is robust to using abnormal returns, an alternative crisis window, a matched sample that accounts for differences in characteristics between MNCs and DCs, alternative model specifications, and alternative proxies for multinationality. Further analysis on the effect of government responses on the valuation gap suggests that stringent government responses exacerbate MNCs' underperformance. Finally, we show that a stronger financial system mitigates negative crisis returns, especially under stringent government responses, while real factors, such as the firm's supply chain, investments in human capital, research and development, exacerbate negative crisis returns. Our findings have important implications for managers of MNCs and government policymakers alike and contribute to studies on the international diversification-performance relation by demonstrating a dark side of globalization during a tail-risk event.
Ecosystem social responsibility in international digital commerce
Yi J, Li J and Chen L
Despite the surge of interest in digital globalization, its social dimensions have received far less attention than deserved. The lack of conversation between the two prominent areas of IB research, digitalization, and corporate social responsibility, presents a valuable opportunity for extending the agenda Ioannou and Serafeim (J Int Bus Stud 43(9):834-864, 2012) pioneered a decade earlier. We briefly depict the organizational differences between multinational enterprises (MNEs) and multinational platforms (MNPs), followed by a closer look at how social responsibility of digital platforms might depart from our conventional understanding derived from MNEs. We then propose the notion of emphasizing social value co-creation before categorizing the main areas of social issues specific to MNPs. Based on these ideas, we derive several new insights into the social challenges faced by firms governing global platforms versus multidomestic platforms, respectively, as they serve international markets. Lastly, we discuss future research directions and, in particular, the implications for ecosystem sustainability.
Towards integrating country- and firm-level perspectives on intellectual property rights
Cui V, Narula R, Minbaeva D and Vertinsky I
Intellectual property rights (IPRs) are of critical importance in international business. The implications for firm strategy and for policymakers are rarely aligned because the optimal level of IPR protection can be quite different from the country- and the firm-level perspectives. There is considerable heterogeneity in firm strategies, the spatial distribution of their innovation activities, and their IPR portfolios. There is still greater variation between countries, their IPR legislation and enforcement efforts, as well as their industrial and development policies. For firms, sustaining firm-specific advantages (FSAs) depends on their ability to create and extract rent from their knowledge assets, and this involves deliberate interfirm cooperation, careful location choices, and talent recruitment and retention. At the country level, the attractiveness of countries for MNEs is shaped by the provision of country-specific advantages such as IPR protection and its effective enforcement, but the kinds of IPR regimes that are optimal to attract inward investment can be disadvantageous for building domestic firm capacity, and vice-versa. Although firm IPR strategies and IPR regimes are clearly interlinked, the literature integrating across these two levels has been underdeveloped, and we propose a framework to guide future research.
Corporate social performance in international business
Napier E, Knight G, Luo Y and Delios A
We examine the 2022 Decade Award article by Ioannou and Serafeim (J Int Bus Stud 43(9):834-864, 2012) and review the literature since 2012 to clarify research developments in corporate social responsibility and corporate social performance (CSP) in the multinational enterprise, articulating key themes, findings and antecedents. We present a general framework that highlights unique traits and processes of CSP for MNEs. To advance scholarly progress, we delineate how new theoretical perspectives, such as organizational identity and strategic choice, can be blended with the IB literature to deepen theorization of the topic. We also discuss how new global dynamics, such as geopolitics, digitization, and activism, may shape CSP strategies and activities for MNEs and how future research can tackle these issues.
Early evidence on how Industry 4.0 reshapes MNEs' global value chains: The role of value creation versus value capturing by headquarters and foreign subsidiaries
Lee JY, Kim D, Choi B and Jiménez A
In anticipation of the upcoming changes and turbulence caused by Industry 4.0, in which digital integration connects all value chain members, managers at leading multinational enterprises (MNEs) are scrambling to predict the associated changes in the market. This pioneering study advances our understanding by investigating the impact of an MNE's Industry 4.0 orientation on the globalization of its value chain network. Identifying two types of value-generation activities as potential moderators, namely value creation and value capturing, we compare the moderation effects when these activities are conducted by headquarters versus foreign subsidiaries. We test the proposed model using a panel dataset comprising 5572 subsidiary-year observations from 358 Korean MNEs from 2011 to 2019. The results show that an MNE's Industry 4.0 orientation leads to a more rapid expansion of its distribution network than of its supplier network. Furthermore, value creation by headquarters has a stronger positive impact on the globalization of its distribution network than that of its supplier network, whereas value creation by subsidiaries has a stronger positive impact on the globalization of its supplier network than that of its distribution network. However, value capturing has a stronger impact on the globalization of the MNE's distribution network than that of its supplier network when performed by both locations. This study concludes by discussing the theoretical and managerial implications.
International business in the digital age: Global strategies in a world of national institutions
Meyer KE, Li J, Brouthers KD and Jean R'
Digital technologies are changing how businesses strategize and organize internationally. They not only enable cost reduction in businesses crossing national boundaries but also enable novel types of products and business models. Yet, barriers to cross-border businesses persist or even re-emerge, such that the study of international business remains important in the digital age, but may have to shift focus. We argue that businesses operating internationally develop digital business strategies that are interdependent with their internationalization strategies. In doing so, they have to account for differences across national contexts including informal institutions, formal institutions, and resource endowments. We offer a conceptual framework linking external and internal antecedents to digital business and internationalization strategies. We focus in particular on three digital strategies: owning digital platforms, participating in digital platforms, and transforming traditional businesses for the digital world. On this basis, we discuss the contributions of the papers in this special issue and conclude by outlining an agenda for future research.
Cultural diversity in semi-virtual teams: A multicultural esports team study
Lin S, Xu Z and Xie Z
How does cultural diversity influence the performance of semi-virtual teams? We use the prism of esports and insights from virtual identity research and social categorization theory to determine the effect on semi-virtual teams in which member interaction is not necessarily mediated or constrained by physical world sociocultural norms. The common ground that has developed in esports results in a superordinate, culture-free gamer identity that transcends the virtual and physical worlds, and thus multicultural teams can enjoy the benefits of diverse knowledge without suffering unduly from social disintegration when gamer identity is salient - a reality challenged less in the virtual world than in the physical one. We conduct an empirical study using data from 4035 League of Legends games played by 102 multicultural teams from 2017 to 2020. Our results show that cultural diversity improves the quality of team strategy when gamer identity becomes more salient, and that that may come about when players are intensely exposed to the game world, when they play with many different virtual characters, and when they play at home court.
Industry 4.0 in international business research
Luo Y and Zahra SA
The advent of Industry 4.0 promises to transform the global business landscape, the nature of markets and industries, and the way multinationals organize their operations as well as how and where they compete. These changes will have important - indeed profound - implications for IB scholarship. In this article, we explain Industry 4.0 and its distinguishing characteristics; discuss its organizational and strategic implications for multinationals; and outline the fundamental questions it raises for future IB research. To spur future analysis, we also present a conceptual foundation that articulates the new features, processes, and capabilities that support MNEs' pursuit of Industry 4.0-related opportunities surrounding digitalization, intelligence, technology, and innovation. We also discuss what Industry 4.0 means for IB research concerning social engagement, environmental sustainability, and international entrepreneurship. We elucidate how this new landscape shapes the extant IB literature and how future research can push it further along.