Trends in Environmental Analytical Chemistry

Analysis of chemical contaminants in fish using high resolution mass spectrometry - A review
Turnipseed SB
High resolution mass spectrometry (HRMS) has become an important tool in environmental and food safety analysis. This review highlights how HRMS has been used to analyze chemical contaminants in fish. Measuring and documenting chemical contaminants in fish serves not only as an indicator of environmental conditions but can also monitor the health of these animals and help protect an important source of human food. The incidence and significance of contaminants including veterinary drugs, human drugs and personal care products, pesticides, persistent organic pollutants, per- and poly fluorinated substances, and marine toxins will be reviewed. The advantage of HRMS over traditional MS is its ability to expand the number of compounds that can be detected and identified. This is true whether HRMS is used for targeted analytes, or more broadly for suspect screening and nontargeted analyses. The classes of compounds, types of fish or seafood, options for data acquisition and analysis, and reports of unexpected findings from recent HMRS methods for chemical contaminants in fish are summarized.
Wastewater-based epidemiology to assess human exposure to personal care and household products - A review of biomarkers, analytical methods, and applications
Senta I, Rodríguez-Mozaz S, Corominas L and Petrovic M
Humans are nowadays exposed to numerous chemicals in our day-to-day life, including parabens, UV filters, phosphorous flame retardants/plasticizers, bisphenols, phthalates and alternative plasticizers, which can have different adverse effects to human health. Estimating human's exposure to these potentially harmful substances is, therefore, of paramount importance. Human biomonitoring (HBM) is the existing approach to assess exposure to environmental contaminants, which relies on the analysis of specific human biomarkers (parent compounds and/or their metabolic products) in biological matrices from individuals. The main drawback is its implementation, which involves complex cohort studies. A novel approach, wastewater-based epidemiology (WBE), involves estimating exposure from the analysis of biomarkers in sewage (a pooled urine and feces sample of an entire population). One of the key challenges of WBE is the selection of biomarkers which are specific to human metabolism, excreted in sufficient amounts, and stable in sewage. So far, literature data on potential biomarkers for estimating exposure to these chemicals are scattered over numerous pharmacokinetic and HBM studies. Hence, this review provides a list of potential biomarkers of exposure to more than 30 widely used chemicals and report on their urinary excretion rates. Furthermore, the potential and challenges of WBE in this particular field is discussed through the review of pioneer WBE studies, which for the first time explored applicability of this novel approach to assess human exposure to environmental contaminants. In the future, WBE could be potentially applied as an "early warning system", which could promptly identify communities with the highest exposure to environmental contaminants.