From Prediction to Prescription: Evolutionary Optimization of Nonpharmaceutical Interventions in the COVID-19 Pandemic
Several models have been developed to predict how the COVID-19 pandemic spreads, and how it could be contained with nonpharmaceutical interventions, such as social distancing restrictions and school and business closures. This article demonstrates how evolutionary AI can be used to facilitate the next step, i.e., determining most effective intervention strategies automatically. Through evolutionary surrogate-assisted prescription, it is possible to generate a large number of candidate strategies and evaluate them with predictive models. In principle, strategies can be customized for different countries and locales, and balance the need to contain the pandemic and the need to minimize their economic impact. Early experiments suggest that workplace and school restrictions are the most important and need to be designed carefully. They also demonstrate that results of lifting restrictions can be unreliable, and suggest creative ways in which restrictions can be implemented softly, e.g., by alternating them over time. As more data becomes available, the approach can be increasingly useful in dealing with COVID-19 as well as possible future pandemics.
Underestimation-Assisted Global-Local Cooperative Differential Evolution and the Application to Protein Structure Prediction
Various mutation strategies show distinct advantages in differential evolution (DE). The cooperation of multiple strategies in the evolutionary process may be effective. This paper presents an underestimation-assisted global and local cooperative DE to simultaneously enhance the effectiveness and efficiency. In the proposed algorithm, two phases, namely, the global exploration and the local exploitation, are performed in each generation. In the global phase, a set of trial vectors is produced for each target individual by employing multiple strategies with strong exploration capability. Afterward, an adaptive underestimation model with a self-adapted slope control parameter is proposed to evaluate these trial vectors, the best of which is selected as the candidate. In the local phase, the better-based strategies guided by individuals that are better than the target individual are designed. For each individual accepted in the global phase, multiple trial vectors are generated by using these strategies and filtered by the underestimation value. The cooperation between the global and local phases includes two aspects. First, both of them concentrate on generating better individuals for the next generation. Second, the global phase aims to locate promising regions quickly while the local phase serves as a local search for enhancing convergence. Moreover, a simple mechanism is designed to determine the parameter of DE adaptively in the searching process. Finally, the proposed approach is applied to predict the protein 3D structure. Experimental studies on classical benchmark functions, CEC test sets, and protein structure prediction problem show that the proposed approach is superior to the competitors.
Optimal Computing Budget Allocation for Particle Swarm Optimization in Stochastic Optimization
Particle Swarm Optimization (PSO) is a popular metaheuristic for deterministic optimization. Originated in the interpretations of the movement of individuals in a bird flock or fish school, PSO introduces the concept of personal best and global best to simulate the pattern of searching for food by flocking and successfully translate the natural phenomena to the optimization of complex functions. Many real-life applications of PSO cope with stochastic problems. To solve a stochastic problem using PSO, a straightforward approach is to equally allocate computational effort among all particles and obtain the same number of samples of fitness values. This is not an efficient use of computational budget and leaves considerable room for improvement. This paper proposes a seamless integration of the concept of optimal computing budget allocation (OCBA) into PSO to improve the computational efficiency of PSO for stochastic optimization problems. We derive an asymptotically optimal allocation rule to intelligently determine the number of samples for all particles such that the PSO algorithm can efficiently select the personal best and global best when there is stochastic estimation noise in fitness values. We also propose an easy-to-implement sequential procedure. Numerical tests show that our new approach can obtain much better results using the same amount of computational effort.
Tunably Rugged Landscapes With Known Maximum and Minimum
We propose landscapes as a new class of tunably rugged benchmark problems. landscapes are well defined on alphabets of any arity, including both discrete and real-valued alphabets, include epistasis in a natural and transparent manner, are proven to have known value and location of the global maximum and, with some additional constraints, are proven to also have a known global minimum. Empirical studies are used to illustrate that, when coefficients are selected from a recommended distribution, the ruggedness of landscapes is smoothly tunable and correlates with several measures of search difficulty. We discuss why these properties make landscapes preferable to both landscapes and Walsh polynomials as benchmark landscape models with tunable epistasis.