Science × art: spotlighting unconventional collaborations
Science × art collaborations can effectively convey scientific insights to a wide audience. Throughout history, art has interpreted the natural world, offering vast, underexplored sources of biodiversity data. These artistic efforts also hold potential as valuable tools for understanding biodiversity.
Integrating social learning, social networks, and non-parental transgenerational plasticity
Transgenerational plasticity (TGP) has largely focused on how parental exposure to ecological conditions shapes the phenotypes of future generations. However, organisms acquire information about their ecological environment via social learning, which can also shape TGP in profound ways. We demonstrate that non-parents alter how parents detect and respond to environmental cues in ways that spillover to affect offspring, non-parents influence offspring even without direct physical interactions, and parental cues received by offspring can alter the phenotypes of other juveniles. Because parents can draw on the experiences of a network of non-parents, these socially acquired cues may increase parents' ability to accurately detect environmental shifts and may explain why TGP is surprisingly ubiquitous despite theory predicting that it should be relatively rare.
The power of caring touch: from survival to prosocial cooperation
Cooperation is a pivotal biological phenomenon that occurs in diverse forms. In species that engage in helping, individuals vary in the time they spend together and the degree of their physical proximity, which affects the extent of physical touch between individuals. Here, we propose that touch activates a hormonal feedback loop that supports bond formation and maintenance in mating, parenting, and social contexts. Notably, extended parenting is essential for the emergence of enduring bonds and the development of the prosocial mindset that fosters forms of cooperation with delayed benefits. We incorporate these ideas into the caring-touch hypothesis (CT-H), which emphasizes the role of oxytocin-vasotocin hormones, touch, and enduring bonds in the evolution of different forms of cooperation.
Extinction of experience among ecologists
Fieldwork-based research and education in ecology are under multiple threats and are progressively declining. We call for greater attention to this ongoing loss of direct field experience within the ecology community, as it could have widespread consequences for science and education, ultimately hindering efforts to address the ongoing biodiversity crisis.
'Domesticability': were some species predisposed for domestication?
Crop domestication arises from a coevolutionary process between plants and humans, resulting in predictable and improved resources for humans. Of the thousands of edible species, many were collected or cultivated for food, but only a few became domesticated and even fewer supply the bulk of the plant-based calories consumed by humans. Why so few species became fully domesticated is not understood. Here we propose three aspects of plant genomes and phenotypes that could have promoted the domestication of only a few wild species, namely differences in plasticity, trait linkage, and mutation rates. We can use contemporary biological knowledge to identify factors underlying why only some species are amenable to domestication. Such studies will facilitate future domestication and improvement efforts.
The underappreciated roles of aboveground vertebrates on belowground communities
In recent decades, evidence of interactions between aboveground and belowground (i.e., soil) subsystems has accumulated. The effects of aboveground vertebrates on belowground communities have traditionally focused on plant-mediated pathways, but we show that aboveground vertebrates impact belowground communities and ecological functions without plant-mediated pathways via both consumptive and non-consumptive processes. We then show that mobile, aboveground vertebrates have significant but often unrealized potential to structure soil communities from local to macroecological scales by linking aboveground and belowground food webs across habitats and ecosystems. Collectively, this synthesis of aboveground vertebrate effects on belowground communities integrates multiple ecological disciplines to advance a more comprehensive understanding of aboveground-belowground linkages across space and time.
Avenues towards reconciling wild and managed bee proponents
Bees are crucial for food security and biodiversity. However, managed bees are increasingly considered drivers of wild bee declines, leading to stakeholder conflicts and restrictive policies. We propose avenues to reconcile wild and managed bee proponents and point out knowledge gaps that hinder the development of evidence-based policies.
Advances in systematic conservation planning to meet global biodiversity goals
Systematic conservation planning (SCP) involves the cost-effective placement and application of management actions to achieve biodiversity conservation objectives. Given the political momentum for greater global nature protection, restoration, and improved management of natural resources articulated in the targets of the Global Biodiversity Framework, assessing the state-of-the-art of SCP is timely. Recent advances in SCP include faster and more exact algorithms and software, inclusion of ecosystem services and multiple facets of biodiversity (e.g., genetic diversity, functional diversity), climate-smart approaches, prioritizing multiple actions, and increased SCP accessibility through online tools. To promote the adoption of SCP by decision-makers, we provide recommendations for bridging the gap between SCP science and practice, such as standardizing the communication of planning uncertainty and capacity-building training courses.
Language barriers in conservation: consequences and solutions
Language barriers can severely hinder the advance of conservation science and its contribution to addressing the biodiversity crisis. We build a framework for understanding how language barriers can impede the evidence-based conservation of biodiversity in three ways: barriers to (i) the generation of evidence by non-native English speakers; (ii) the global synthesis of evidence scattered across different languages; and (iii) the application of English-language evidence to local decision making. We provide evidence, building on a growing body of literature, that quantifies the three consequences of language barriers in conservation. We also propose a checklist of solutions for reducing language barriers in conservation by addressing language disparities among scientists, promoting linguistic diversity in conservation, and making conservation science and its communication multilingual.
The ecology of plant extinctions
Extinctions occur when enough individual plants die without replacement to extirpate a population, and all populations are extirpated. While the ultimate drivers of plant extinctions are known, the proximate mechanisms at individual and population level are not. The fossil record supports climate change as the major driver until recently, with land-use change dominating in recent millennia. Climate change may regain its leading role later this century. Documented recent extinctions have been few and concentrated among narrow-range species, but population extirpations are frequent. Predictions for future extinctions often use flawed methods, but more than half of all plants could be threatened by the end of this century. We need targeted interventions tailored to the needs of each threatened species.
Principles for introducing new genes and species for conservation
Introducing new genes and new species into ecosystems where they have not previously existed presents opportunities and complex, multivalue decisions for conservation biologists and the public. Both synthetic biology and conservation introductions offer potential benefits, such as avoiding extinctions and restoring ecological function, but also carry risks of unintended ecological consequences and raise social and moral concerns. Although the conservation community has attempted to establish guidelines for each new tool, there is a need for comprehensive principles that will enable conservation managers to navigate emerging technologies. Here, we combine biological, legal, social, cultural, and ethical considerations into an inclusive set of principles designed to facilitate the efforts of managers facing high-consequence conservation decisions by clarifying the stakes of inaction and action, along with the use of decision frameworks to integrate multiple considerations.
Animal vagrancy and the spread of pathogens
Vagrancy occurs across animal taxa and biological realms. When vagrants carry pathogens they become potential agents for the spread of disease into new regions. Here we call for consideration of vagrancy as a potential mechanism for the spread of global pathogens, and the utility of using vagrants for pathogen biosurveillance.
Work and life in dynamic equilibrium
We reframe the idea of balancing career and non-career interests for ecologists specifically. We introduce the concept of a dynamic work-life equilibrium (WLE) and draw parallels between ecological processes and processes affecting our continuously fluctuating sense of balance, with an aim at encouraging self-reflection and improving WLE mentoring in ecological disciplines.
Climate-induced shifts in ontogenetic niches threaten ecosystem coupling
Ontogenetic niche shifts are widespread and play a crucial role in ecosystems coupling. However, their interactions with climate change and the resulting impact on cross-ecosystem energy pathways should be better investigated. I address ecological and evolutionary responses of ontogenetic niche shifts to climate change.
The costs and benefits of a dynamic host microbiome
All species host a rich community of microbes. This microbiome is dynamic, and displays seasonal, daily, and even hourly changes, but also needs to be resilient to fulfill important roles for the host. In evolutionary ecology, the focus of microbiome dynamism has been on how it can facilitate host adaptation to novel environments. However, an hitherto largely overlooked issue is that the host needs to keep its microbiome in check, which is costly and leads to trade-offs with investing in other fitness-related traits. Investigating these trade-offs in natural vertebrate systems by collecting longitudinal data will lead to deeper insight into the evolutionary mechanisms that shape host-microbiome interactions.
The potential for AI to revolutionize conservation: a horizon scan
Artificial Intelligence (AI) is an emerging tool that could be leveraged to identify the effective conservation solutions demanded by the urgent biodiversity crisis. We present the results of our horizon scan of AI applications likely to significantly benefit biological conservation. An international panel of conservation scientists and AI experts identified 21 key ideas. These included species recognition to uncover 'dark diversity', multimodal models to improve biodiversity loss predictions, monitoring wildlife trade, and addressing human-wildlife conflict. We consider the potential negative impacts of AI adoption, such as AI colonialism and loss of essential conservation skills, and suggest how the conservation field might adapt to harness the benefits of AI while mitigating its risks.