Why do primates have view cells instead of place cells?
Hippocampal place cells that encode the spatial location of an individual during navigation are widely reported in rodents. However, studies in primates have instead reported hippocampal cells that encode views of the environment. Evolutionary adaptations for navigating during night and day may explain the divergence of hippocampal representations between species.
Illusion, dilution, or loss: psychological ownership and GenAI
Generative artificial intelligence (GenAI) reshapes and challenges psychological ownership of created content. This article examines how GenAI disrupts original content creators' and GenAI users' sense of ownership and control and illustrates how both can perceive the illusion, dilution, and potential loss of control and ownership of content in the GenAI era.
Working memory needs pointers
Cognitive neuroscience has converged on a definition of working memory (WM) as a capacity-limited system that maintains highly accessible representations via stimulus-specific neural patterns. We argue that this standard definition may be incomplete. We highlight the fundamental need to recognize specific instances or tokens and to bind those tokens to the surrounding context. We propose that contextual binding is supported by spatiotemporal 'pointers' and that pointers are the source of neural signals that track the number of stored items, independent of their content. These content-independent pointers may provide a productive perspective for understanding item-based capacity limits in WM and the role of WM as a gateway for long-term storage.
Why the belief in meritocracy is so pervasive
People worldwide tend to believe that their societies are more meritocratic than they actually are. We propose the belief in meritocracy is widespread because it is rooted in simple, seemingly obvious causal-explanatory intuitions. Our proposal suggests solutions for debunking the myth of meritocracy and increasing support for equity-oriented policies.
The metabolic costs of cognition
Cognition and behavior are emergent properties of brain systems that seek to maximize complex and adaptive behaviors while minimizing energy utilization. Different species reconcile this trade-off in different ways, but in humans the outcome is biased towards complex behaviors and hence relatively high energy use. However, even in energy-intensive brains, numerous parsimonious processes operate to optimize energy use. We review how this balance manifests in both homeostatic processes and task-associated cognition. We also consider the perturbations and disruptions of metabolism in neurocognitive diseases.
A neurocomputational account of multi-line electronic gambling machines
Multi-line electronic gambling machines (EGMs) are strongly associated with problem gambling. Dopamine (DA) plays a central role in substance-use disorders, which share clinical and behavioral features with disordered gambling. The structural design features of multi-line EGMs likely lead to the elicitation of various dopaminergic effects within their nested anticipation-outcome structure. The present account draws an analogy between EGM gambling and latent state inference accounts of conditioning, and links maladaptive gambling-related beliefs and expectancies to a process of erroneous latent state inference that may be exacerbated by EGM design features and associated dopaminergic processes. Over the course of repeated exposure to gambling, these processes may foster the emergence of maladaptive state priors, which clinically manifest as gambling-related cognitions, beliefs, and expectancies.
Processes and measurements: a framework for understanding neural oscillations in field potentials
Various neuroscientific theories maintain that brain oscillations are important for neuronal computation, but opposing views claim that these macroscale dynamics are 'exhaust fumes' of more relevant processes. Here, we approach the question of whether oscillations are functional or epiphenomenal by distinguishing between measurements and processes, and by reviewing whether causal or inferentially useful links exist between field potentials, electric fields, and neurobiological events. We introduce a vocabulary for the role of brain signals and their underlying processes, demarcating oscillations as a distinct entity where both processes and measurements can exhibit periodicity. Leveraging this distinction, we suggest that electric fields, oscillating or not, are causally and computationally relevant, and that field potential signals can carry information even without causality.
Cognitive impairments in chronic pain: a brain aging framework
Chronic pain (CP) not only causes physical discomfort but also significantly affects cognition. This review first summarizes emerging findings that reveal complex associations between CP and cognitive impairments, and then presents neuroimaging evidence showing aging-related brain alterations in CP and proposes a framework where accelerated brain aging links CP to cognitive impairments. This framework explains how CP-related multi-level factors, which either contribute to the onset of CP or arise as a result of CP, influence brain aging in linear and nonlinear ways, leading to cognitive impairments and increased dementia risk. Leveraging interpretable machine learning and molecular brain atlases, this framework enables the development of cognitive risk assessment indicators and elucidates the biological mechanisms underlying cognitive impairments in CP.
The neural basis of the insight memory advantage
Creative problem solving and memory are inherently intertwined: memory accesses existing knowledge while creativity enhances it. Recent studies show that insights often accompanying creative solutions enhance long-term memory. This insight memory advantage (IMA) is explained by the 'insight as prediction error (PE)' hypothesis which states that insights arise from PEs updating predictive solution models and thereby enhancing memory. Neurally, the hippocampus initially detects PEs and then, together with the medial prefrontal cortex (mPFC), integrates and updates these expectations facilitating efficient memory encoding and retrieval. Dopamine (DA) mediates reward PEs and long-term potentiation (LTP) in the hippocampus, while noradrenaline (NE) enhances arousal and attention impacting the amygdala, the salience network, and hippocampal plasticity. These neurobiological mechanisms likely underpin IMA and have significant implications for educational practices and problem-solving strategies.
Generative adversarial collaborations: a new model of scientific discourse
Beyond executive functioning: rethinking the impact of bilingualism
Sensorimnemonic decisions: choosing memories versus sensory information
We highlight a fundamental psychological function that is central to many of our interactions in the environment - when to rely on memories versus sampling sensory information anew to guide behavior. By operationalizing sensorimnemonic decisions we aim to encourage and advance research into this pivotal process for understanding how memories serve adaptive cognition.
Tracking minds in communication
How does social cognition help us communicate through language? At what levels does this interaction occur? In classical views, social cognition is independent of language, and integrating the two can be slow, effortful, and error-prone. But new research into word level processes reveals that communication is brimming with social micro-processes that happen in real time, guiding even the simplest choices like how we use adjectives, articles, and demonstratives. We interpret these findings in the context of advances in theoretical models of social cognition and propose a communicative mind-tracking framework, where social micro-processes are not a secondary process in how we use language - they are fundamental to how communication works.
Empirical approaches to determining quality space computations for consciousness: a response to Dołęga et al. and Song
Finding order in chaos: influences of environmental complexity and predictability on development
Environments are dynamic and complex. Some children experience more predictable early life environments than others. Here, we consider how moment-by-moment complexity and predictability in our early environments influence development. New studies using wearable sensors are quantifying this environmental variability at a fine temporal resolution across hierarchically structured physical and social features. We identify three types of predictability: periodicities ('at X time intervals, Y happens'), stability ('given state, state is known'), and contingency ('when I do X, Y happens'). We discuss how the temporal dynamics of environments may differ between individuals and the diverse developmental neural pathways through which this may influence outcomes, such as central nervous system (CNS) arousal and executive control. Finally, we discuss practical consequences and directions for future research.
Frontoparietal asymmetries leading to conscious perception
Recent human intracerebral recordings reveal that frontoparietal circuits linked by the superior longitudinal fasciculus (SLF) have critical, hemisphere-asymmetric contributions to conscious perception. Right-hemisphere networks are crucial for attention-based prioritization of information; left-hemisphere regions contribute to perceptual decisions and model building. These asymmetries confirm and specify clinical evidence from neglect patients.
Beyond punishment: psychological foundations of restorative interventions
Work on the psychology of justice has largely focused on punishment. However, punishment is not our only strategy for dealing with conflict. Rather, emerging work suggests that people often respond to transgressions by compensating victims, involving third-party mediators, and engaging in forgiveness. These responses are linked in that they are involved in more restorative than retributive justice practices: they center victims as well as (or instead of) perpetrators and can help repair fractured relationships. Work with non-human animals echoes these findings: reconciliation and intervention by third parties play a key role in conflict management across taxa. In this review, we focus on these restorative interventions, with the aim of painting a more complete picture of the psychology of justice.
Physically activated modes of attentional control
As we navigate through the day, our attentional control processes are constantly challenged by changing sensory information, goals, expectations, and motivations. At the same time, our bodies and brains are impacted by changes in global physiological state that can influence attentional processes. Based on converging lines of evidence from brain recordings in physically active humans and nonhumans, we propose a new framework incorporating at least two physically activated modes of attentional control in humans: altered gain control and differential neuromodulation of control networks. We discuss the implications of this framework for understanding a broader range of states and cognitive functions studied both in the laboratory and in the wild.
Models of human hippocampal specialization: a look at the electrophysiological evidence
From an anatomical perspective, the concept that the anterior and posterior hippocampus fulfill distinct cognitive roles may seem unsurprising. When compared with the posterior hippocampus, the anterior region is proportionally larger, with visible expansion of the CA1 subfield and intimate continuity with adjacent medial temporal lobe (MTL) structures such as the uncus and amygdala. However, the functional relevance emerging from these anatomical differences remains to be established in humans. Drawing on both rodent and human data, several models of hippocampal longitudinal specialization have been proposed. For the brevity and clarity of this review, we focus on human electrophysiological evidence supporting and contravening these models with limited inclusion of noninvasive data. We then synthesize these data to propose a novel longitudinal model based on the amount of contextual information, drawing on previous conceptions described within the past decade.