The Impact of Depressive Symptoms on Response to Integrated Cognitive Behavioral Therapy for Substance Use Disorders and Intimate Partner Violence
Past studies demonstrated the efficacy of integrated cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT) for substance use disorder (SUD) and intimate partner violence (IPV) as well as high rates of depressive symptoms in this population. However, little is known about how depressive symptoms impact treatment outcomes. We hypothesized that integrated CBT, but not standard drug counseling (DC), would buffer the negative effects of depressive symptoms on treatment response.
Physical Health and Dual Diagnosis
The physical health of people with mental illness may be neglected for a variety of reasons. This paper looks at the common physical health problems experienced by people with a dual diagnosis of substance misuse and serious mental illness, and suggests ways of assessing and managing them.
Affective Awareness in Parenting of Fathers with Co-Occurring Substance Abuse and Intimate Partner Violence
Few studies have examined the parenting of fathers with co-occurring Substance Abuse (SA) and Intimate Partner Violence (IPV) problems. None have specifically interviewed men with these co-occurring issues using qualitative methods about their reflective functioning in relation to their children. This qualitative study was designed to provide evidence of the reflective capacity of fathers with co-occurring SA and IPV.
Sub-Clinical Trauma in the Treatment of Partner Violent Offenders with Substance Dependence
With an established association between PTSD and the perpetration of intimate partner violence, evaluating the effectiveness of emerging integrated treatments for dual substance use and partner violent behavior on individuals with a significant trauma history may serve to improve treatment outcomes for clients with axis I psychopathology. This paper examined the association between sub-clinical trauma, treatment compliance, and recidivism in a sample of male, substance dependent intimate partner violence offenders.
Intersection of suicidality and substance abuse among young Asian-American women: implications for developing interventions in young adulthood
The purpose of this paper is to provide a review of the current literature uncovering specific factors associated with self-harm and suicidality among young Asian American women, as well as to present the Fractured Identity Model as a framework for understanding these factors. This paper offers concrete suggestions for the development of culturally competent interventions to target suicidality, substance abuse, and mental illness among young Asian American women.
Comparative Analysis of Treatment Conditions upon Psychiatric Severity Levels at Two Years Among Justice Involved Persons
The aim of this investigation was to compare the effects of two types of community-based, residential treatment programs among justice involved persons with dual diagnoses.