Celebrity, Pandemic, and Domesticity
Larabee A
The Telenovela Effect: Challenges of Location Filming and Telenovela Tourism in the Brazilian Favelas
Póvoa D, Reijnders S and Martens E
Getting a piece: purchasing erotic cakes and constructing discursive symbols
Wentzell E
Between classical and popular: the book of tea and the popularization of tea-drinking culture in the Tang China
Liu JC
Ethos groceries and countercultural appetites: consuming memory in Whole Foods' brand utopia
Serazio M
iPods, viagra, and the praiseworthy life: epideictic rhetoric in technology and medical print advertising
Blakely BJ
Genre transvestites: testosterone tales and feminine textual bodies on Fox's "24" and "The Swan"
Weber BR and Steffens K
The man plague: disco, the Lucifer myth, and the theology of “It's Raining Men”
Aiello T
Black macho and the myth of the superwoman redux: masculinity and misogyny in "Blade"
Gayles J
I'm the new me: compelled confession in diet discourse
Levy-Navarro E
Superheroes on the couch: exploring our limits
Rubin L
Toward a more valid definition of “pornography”
Andrews D
The evolution of the "chick car" or: what came first, the chick or the car?
Lezotte C
Careless girls and repentant wives: gender in postwar classroom films
Stemm-Wade M
"It beats rocks and tear gas": streaking and cultural politics in the post-Vietnam Era
Kirkpatrick B
"A big step to oblivion for Las Vegas?" The "battle of the bare bosoms," 1957–59
Gragg L
The mediation of cultural memory: digital preservation in the cases of classical Indian dance and the Cherokee stomp dance
Cushman E and Ghosh S
Cherry Ames, disembodied nurse: war, sexuality, and sacrifice in the novels of Helen Wells
Finlay A
Pumping up masculinity: the initial intervention and lasting legacy of Hans and Franz
Allred M
Loose cannons: white masculinity and the vulgar teen comedy film
Speed L
Black women and black men in hip hop music: misogyny, violence and the negotiation of (white-owned) space
Rebollo-Gil G and Moras A