
Meta-optimization of resources on quantum computers
Mohammad IA, Pivoluska M and Plesch M
The current state of quantum computing is commonly described as the Noisy Intermediate-Scale Quantum era. Available computers contain a few dozens of qubits and can perform a few dozens of operations before the inevitable noise erases all information encoded in the calculation. Even if the technology advances fast within the next years, any use of quantum computers will be limited to short and simple tasks, serving as subroutines of more complex classical procedures. Even for these applications the resource efficiency, measured in the number of quantum computer runs, will be a key parameter. Here we suggest a general meta-optimization procedure for hybrid quantum-classical algorithms that allows finding the optimal approach with limited quantum resources. This method optimizes the usage of resources of an existing method by testing its capabilities and setting the optimal resource utilization. We demonstrate this procedure on a specific example of variational quantum algorithm used to find the ground state energy of a hydrogen molecule.
The Cost of Improving the Precision of the Variational Quantum Eigensolver for Quantum Chemistry
Miháliková I, Pivoluska M, Plesch M, Friák M, Nagaj D and Šob M
New approaches into computational quantum chemistry can be developed through the use of quantum computing. While universal, fault-tolerant quantum computers are still not available, and we want to utilize today's noisy quantum processors. One of their flagship applications is the variational quantum eigensolver (VQE)-an algorithm for calculating the minimum energy of a physical Hamiltonian. In this study, we investigate how various types of errors affect the VQE and how to efficiently use the available resources to produce precise computational results. We utilize a simulator of a noisy quantum device, an exact statevector simulator, and physical quantum hardware to study the VQE algorithm for molecular hydrogen. We find that the optimal method of running the hybrid classical-quantum optimization is to: (i) allow some noise in intermediate energy evaluations, using fewer shots per step and fewer optimization iterations, but ensure a high final readout precision; (ii) emphasize efficient problem encoding and ansatz parametrization; and (iii) run all experiments within a short time-frame, avoiding parameter drift with time. Nevertheless, current publicly available quantum resources are still very noisy and scarce/expensive, and even when using them efficiently, it is quite difficult to perform trustworthy calculations of molecular energies.
Best-Practice Aspects of Quantum-Computer Calculations: A Case Study of the Hydrogen Molecule
Miháliková I, Friák M, Pivoluska M, Plesch M, Saip M and Šob M
Quantum computers are reaching one crucial milestone after another. Motivated by their progress in quantum chemistry, we performed an extensive series of simulations of quantum-computer runs that were aimed at inspecting the best-practice aspects of these calculations. In order to compare the performance of different setups, the ground-state energy of the hydrogen molecule was chosen as a benchmark for which the exact solution exists in the literature. Applying the variational quantum eigensolver (VQE) to a qubit Hamiltonian obtained by the Bravyi-Kitaev transformation, we analyzed the impact of various computational technicalities. These included (i) the choice of the optimization methods, (ii) the architecture of the quantum circuits, as well as (iii) the different types of noise when simulating real quantum processors. On these, we eventually performed a series of experimental runs as a complement to our simulations. The simultaneous perturbation stochastic approximation (SPSA) and constrained optimization by linear approximation (COBYLA) optimization methods clearly outperformed the Nelder-Mead and Powell methods. The results obtained when using the Ry variational form were better than those obtained when the RyRz form was used. The choice of an optimum entangling layer was sensitively interlinked with the choice of the optimization method. The circular entangling layer was found to worsen the performance of the COBYLA method, while the full-entangling layer improved it. All four optimization methods sometimes led to an energy that corresponded to an excited state rather than the ground state. We also show that a similarity analysis of measured probabilities can provide a useful insight.