Comparison of two point of care lactate instruments in guinea pigs ()
Lactate measurements have been utilized as diagnostic and prognostic tools for a variety of veterinary species. Reference intervals for lactate have not been published or validated in guinea pigs.
Ventricular septal defect and congestive heart failure in a common degu ()
We report a case of ventricular septal defect causing congestive heart failure in a two-year-old, male common degu (). The patient presented for anorexia and dental disease, and a grade 4/6 holosystolic cardiac murmur was detected on physical exam. Thoracic radiographs showed cardiomegaly and a diffuse interstitial pulmonary pattern, consistent with congestive heart failure. Echocardiography was supportive of a perimembranous ventricular septal defect exhibiting low-velocity left-to-right shunting, and biatrial enlargement. These diagnoses were confirmed on post-mortem exam, along with pulmonary edema and cardiomyocyte hypertrophy, degeneration, and regeneration. This is the first published account of a ventricular septal defect and congestive heart failure in a degu.
Paraplegia in a Domestic Ferret () Secondary to Metastatic Adrenocortical Carcinoma with Myxoid Differentiation
Neurologic disease is a common presentation of domestic ferrets () with infectious, neoplastic, and traumatic etiologies documented. Adrenocortical neoplasia is also well documented in domestic ferrets, with metastatic lesions rarely described. This case report describes an abnormal presentation of adrenocortical adenocarcinoma with myxoid differentiation and subsequent metastasis to the spinal cord and vertebral bodies, resulting in hind limb paraplegia in an adult spayed female ferret.
A Retrospective Study of 17 Cases of Mycobacteriosis in Domestic Ferrets ( between 2005 and 2013
From 2005 to 2013, 17 ferrets were diagnosed with mycobacteriosis at the authors' practices. Clinical findings included ocular, respiratory, and digestive abnormalities. Diagnosis was based on histopathology, specific histochemical stains, and/or on polymerase chain reaction. All bacteria identified belonged to the nontuberculous complex. Several treatment protocols were attempted, frequently based on the use of enrofloxacin. In all, 3 ferrets were considered cured. Mycobacteriosis in ferrets is a polymorphous disease with diverse clinical presentations. It is also likely an underdiagnosed disease in pet ferrets, which appear to be particularly susceptible to environmental sources. Mycobacteriosis should be included in the differential diagnosis for ocular, respiratory, and gastrointestinal diseases; in particular, it should be differentiated from systemic coronavirus infection.
Reproductive Diseases of the Backyard Hen
Reproductive diseases commonly occur in backyard hens, and the underlying cause is usually different from that of commercial-production hens. Because backyard hens typically live longer, are usually provided an adequate diet, and have relatively more space than commercial hens, the most common causes of their reproductive disease include neoplasia, egg-related peritonitis, persistent right oviduct, and old age. Conversely, other reproductive diseases including vent trauma and depletion of calcium are rarely diagnosed.
Husbandry and Medical Care of Callitrichids
Callitrichids, marmosets and tamarins are small Central and South American nonhuman primates. All are considered threatened in the wild and many are on the endangered species list (Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora: Appendix 1). Because of their small size and anthropomorphic appeal, people are interested in owning callitrichids as pets. Hand-raised bottle-fed babies are quite charming until sexual maturity, at which time they often become aggressive and unpredictable to humans, including their owners. Consequently, people should be discouraged from keeping callitrichids as pets. If a veterinarian is consulted about callitrichids by a potential owner before purchase, it may be possible to offer encouragement toward a more suitable pet (e.g., ferret and sugar glider).
Congenital Peripheral Vestibular Syndrome in a Domestic Ferret ()
A 3-month-old intact female ferret () was presented with a 2-month history of ataxia. On physical examination, the ferret had difficulty standing upright. During the neurologic examination, the patient had a left head tilt and positional strabismus, circled to the left, and was ataxic. Results of the complete blood count were consistent with a mild normocytic normochromic anemia. Initial treatment was supportive. Magnetic resonance imaging was performed and revealed an asymmetry of the inner ears. A brainstem auditory evoked response test was also performed. History, clinical signs, and diagnostic test results indicated that the ferret was suffering from congenital peripheral vestibular syndrome and left-sided deafness. Congenital disease should be considered in the differential diagnosis of young ferrets with peripheral vestibular syndrome. Supportive care and physiotherapy can improve balance and motor function, leading to an acceptable quality of life.
Two Cases of Systemic Coronavirus-Associated Disease Resembling Feline Infectious Peritonitis in Domestic Ferrets in Japan
A systemic disease of domestic ferrets characterized by pyogranulomatous inflammation was first recognized in Europe and the United States in 2002. The disease closely resembled feline infectious peritonitis and subsequently has been shown to be associated with ferret systemic coronavirus (FRSCV). A definitive laboratory diagnosis of this disease is typically based on a combination of immunohistochemistry (IHC) and reverse-transcriptase polymerase chain reaction tests to detect FRSCV in granulomatous lesions. In 2010, this feline infectious peritonitis-like disease was first identified in a laboratory ferret in Japan, and laboratory confirmation of the clinical diagnosis was limited to IHC. This report describes 2 cases of systemic coronavirus-associated disease in ferrets presented to Japanese veterinary hospitals. Both presented with pyogranulomatous inflammation in the abdominal cavity, and both cases tested positive for coronavirus antigen by IHC. In 1 case, for which unfixed tissues were available, FRSCV RNA was detected by reverse-transcriptase polymerase chain reaction in the affected tissues.
Systemic Infection Due to in a Domestic Ferret ()
An 18-month-old castrated male ferret () was presented to the veterinary hospital for acute collapse but died despite initiation of emergency treatment. The body was submitted for a complete postmortem examination. The pathologist determined the ferret was suffering from severe necrotizing encephalitis, necrogranulomatous mediastinal lymphadenitis, and ulcerative dermatitis attributable to systemic This is the first report of systemic in a ferret.
Gastrointestinal Disease in Exotic Small Mammals
Exotic small mammal medicine is a relatively new specialty area within veterinary medicine. Ferrets, rabbits, and rodents have long been used as animal models in human medical research investigations, resulting in a body of basic anatomic and physiologic information that can be used by veterinarians treating these species. Unfortunately, there is a paucity of veterinary articles that describe clinical presentation, diagnosis, and treatment options of gastrointestinal (GI) disease as it affects exotic small mammals. Although there is little reference material relating to exotic small mammal GI disease, patients are commonly presented to veterinary hospitals with digestive tract disorders. This article provides the latest information available for GI disease in ferrets ( gastritis, inflammatory bowel disease [IBD], GI lymphoma, systemic coronavirus, coccidiosis, and liver disease), rabbits (GI motility disorders, liver lobe torsion, astrovirus, and coccidiosis), guinea pigs (gastric dilatation volvulus [GDV]), rats (), and hamsters (). Both noninfectious diseases and emerging infectious diseases are reviewed as well as the most up-to-date diagnostics and treatment options.
Emergency Presentations Associated with Cardiovascular Disease in Exotic Herbivores
Exotic animals, including small herbivores, are increasing in popularity as companion animals. Commonly owned exotic herbivores include guinea pigs, chinchillas, and rabbits. These animals fall into the category of prey species with an inherent instinct to hide their illness until severely affected by the disease process. Therefore, any of these animals presented as an emergency case must be carefully evaluated for chronic underlying illness. Cardiovascular emergency and critical care principles are similar across all mammalian species. However, specialized techniques and adaptations are occasionally required because of the unique physiology and natural behaviors of these animals. It is essential to evaluate and stabilize these patients before attempting definitive diagnostic plans. Emergency cardiovascular presentations, as in other mammals, consist of congestive heart failure, arrhythmias, pericardial effusion, and toxicities that can result in cardiac and pulmonary arrest. Cardiac disease is a relatively common finding in small exotic mammals, but there are few peer-reviewed reports regarding diagnosis and treatment of heart disease in these species. Diagnostic testing and treatment options are generally based on knowledge of small animal medicine.
Endogenous Lipid Pneumonia in a Ferret ()
A 1-year-old female ferret was presented with an acute history of severe respiratory distress. Abnormal clinical signs noted during the initial physical examination were hypothermia, dehydration, pale mucous membranes, tachypnea, and severe dyspnea. Thoracic radiographs revealed pleural effusion, an enlarged cardiac silhouette, and areas of lung consolidation. Both blood and thoracic fluid were hyperproteinemic and hypergammaglobulinemic. Antibiotic, corticosteroid, and diuretic supportive treatment provided temporary improvement. After the initial positive response to treatment, the ferret's condition progressively deteriorated until the owners decided to euthanize the patient 15 days after initial presentation. Gross necropsy results revealed 5 mL of serosanguinous fluid within the thoracic cavity, cardiomegaly, and consolidated lungs that had a patchy, pale golden tissue pattern. The histologic diagnosis was endogenous lipid pneumonia. Findings suggest that endogenous lipid pneumonia can be associated with severe respiratory disease in ferrets.
Emerging Ferret Diseases
There are a number of newly described and emerging disease syndromes affecting the domestic ferret, and the purpose of this article is to make veterinarians aware of these diseases. A recently described systemic coronavirus infection appears to be a variant of the ferret enteric coronavirus and is currently termed "ferret infectious peritonitis." Disseminated immunopathologic myositis, aplastic anemia/bone marrow aplasia, acute hemorrhagic syndrome, and oral ulcerations are also described, although the exact etiologies for these diseases have yet to be determined. There appears to be at least 2 important amino acid metabolism deficiencies in ferrets: hindlimb weakness in older ferrets (L-carnitine) and cysteine urolithiasis. Ferrets have recently been found to be susceptible to H1N1 influenza, so knowledge regarding this zoonotic disease is essential for veterinarians working with these animals. A novel spp. has also recently been identified in ferrets with chronic respiratory problems that originated from one breeding colony. Because these diseases are still being investigated, practitioners who treat a ferret patient exhibiting clinical signs consistent with any of the conditions mentioned are encouraged to contact people who are knowledgeable of that particular illness.
Future Veterinary Diagnostics
The development of rapid, accurate, and sensitive diagnostic methods for detecting pathogens is the basis for treating, controlling, and eradicating infectious diseases of veterinary importance. Scientific and technological advancements have revolutionized the field of veterinary diagnostics. Genome sequencing has allowed efficient, sensitive, and specific diagnostic assays to be developed based on the detection of nucleic acids. The integration of advances in biochemistry, proteomics, engineering, and medicine offers enormous potential for the rapid and accurate diagnosis of viral, microbial, genetic, and metabolic disease. In the future, polymerase chain reaction assays, microarray testing, genomic analysis, and metabolic profiling will be accomplished in a rapid, portable, sensitive, and cost-efficient manner.
Current Approach to Rodents as Patients
Rodent species are routinely presented to veterinary hospitals for wellness checks and different illnesses. When rodents are presented to the veterinarian for diagnosis and treatment, they deserve the same thorough approach that any other domestic species receives. The purpose of this article is to provide readers a review of the current information regarding examination, diagnosis, and treatment of some of the most common conditions for which rodent patients are presented. This article will cover 5 of the most common rodent species presented to veterinarians: guinea pigs, chinchillas, rats, mice, and hamsters.
Parasites, Pests, and Pets in a Global World: New Perspectives and Challenges
Taking into account that most of the known living organisms are parasites and that they exert a strong influence on the functioning of ecosystems, we can consider parasitism as a successful strategy for life. Because of the harm that parasites can inflict on man and domesticated animals, which can be expressed as economic loss, many parasites become pests. In natural ecosystems, parasites contribute to the prevention of continuous exponential growth of populations and, therefore, they also need to be conserved. The exotic pet trade may result in translocation of exotic species together with their microparasites and macroparasites, potentiating a risk of transmission of exotic diseases to native fauna and to humans. Within this context we need to increase our knowledge of parasites and parasitic diseases of wildlife. Prevention seems to be the choice for managing parasite exposure. This may be achieved through educational programs that refocused on discouraging people to import exotic pets, together with stronger legislative measures to control wildlife trade.