"The military wanted to see a Zulu dance": white history and black anthropology in the Natal narrative, c. 1890-1905
AIDS in the context of South Africa's epidemic history: preliminary historical thoughts
Unequal balance: HIV/AIDS and health care programmes in Bulawayo, Zimbabwe
"Almost a public calamity": prostitutes, "nurseboys", and attempts to control venereal diseases in colonial Natal, 1886-1890
"Accepting the group, but not the area": the South African Chinese and the Group Area Act
Scientism, social research and the limits of "South Africanism": the case of Ernst Gideon Malherbe
Public health in the era of South Africa's syphilis epidemic of the 1930s and 1940s
"Poor whiteism", white maternal mortality, and the promotion of public health in South Africa: the Department of Public Health's endorsement of contraceptive services, 1930-1938
Government responses to HIV/AIDS in South Africa as reported in the media, 1983-1994
A "public health nuisance": the Victoria Street Early Morning Squatters Market, 1910-1934
Histories of reproductive health and the control of sexually transmitted disease in Southern Africa: a century of controversy
The suppression of mixed marriages among LMS missionaries in South Africa before 1820