"The military wanted to see a Zulu dance": white history and black anthropology in the Natal narrative, c. 1890-1905
Pridmore J
The voices of women in the South African War
van Heyningen E
AIDS in the context of South Africa's epidemic history: preliminary historical thoughts
Phillips H
Unequal balance: HIV/AIDS and health care programmes in Bulawayo, Zimbabwe
Palmiere A and Grant M
"Almost a public calamity": prostitutes, "nurseboys", and attempts to control venereal diseases in colonial Natal, 1886-1890
Martens JC
Migrancy and HIV/AIDS: a historical perspective
Horwitz S
Schools, sport and Britishness: young white Natal, 1902-1961
Thompson P
"Accepting the group, but not the area": the South African Chinese and the Group Area Act
Harris KL
Scientism, social research and the limits of "South Africanism": the case of Ernst Gideon Malherbe
Dubow S
Public health in the era of South Africa's syphilis epidemic of the 1930s and 1940s
Jeeves A
The white man's body: Danish gymnasts in South Africa, 1939
Bonde H
"Poor whiteism", white maternal mortality, and the promotion of public health in South Africa: the Department of Public Health's endorsement of contraceptive services, 1930-1938
Klausen S
Muti ritual murder in Natal: from chiefs to commoners (1900-1930)
Turrell R
Dry bones: the return of Nontetha, an Eastern Cape prophet
Edgar R and Sapire H
Government responses to HIV/AIDS in South Africa as reported in the media, 1983-1994
Grundlingh L
A "public health nuisance": the Victoria Street Early Morning Squatters Market, 1910-1934
Vahed GH
Histories of reproductive health and the control of sexually transmitted disease in Southern Africa: a century of controversy
Jeeves A
Missionary doctors and African healers in mid-Victorian South Africa
Etherington N
The suppression of mixed marriages among LMS missionaries in South Africa before 1820
Wells JC