Experience of Military Medicine in the Fight against the New Coronavirus Infection
Kryukov EV, Trishkin DV, Salukhov VV and Ivchenko EV
The results achieved by the medical service of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation to overcome the new coronavirus infection are presented. The high efficiency of the established unified system of biological safety and strict ranking of the priorities of anti-epidemic measures is shown. The experience of organizing traveling medical and nursing teams, as well as temporary military medical units on the territory of Russia, as well as in foreign countries, is demonstrated. Among the priority scientific results of military doctors, especially noteworthy is the study of the world's first COVID-19 vaccine Sputnik V, its immunogenicity, the effectiveness of its use in previously ill patients and revaccination, as well as the use of immune plasma from those who have been ill and vaccinated. By the examples of organized military groups and the general population, the features of the formation of herd immunity have been studied. Military doctors were the first in the country to show the effectiveness of hormone therapy in the treatment of coronavirus infection and to study its effects. They carried out ultrastructural studies of the life cycle of the virus. It is shown that the system of comprehensive measures implemented by military medicine determined a lower incidence of new coronavirus infection among the personnel of the Ministry of Defense of Russia and a lower mortality among the military.
Covid Crisis Resolution Conditions and Socioeconomic Growth
Nigmatulin RI
The acute socioeconomic and demographic problems of Russia, exacerbated by the coronavirus pandemic, are discussed. Trends in mortality, fertility, and natural population decline in 2020 and 2021 and their forecast until 2030 are analyzed. Measures to overcome the demographic disaster are proposed.
COVID-19 Epidemiology and Diagnosis: Monitoring Evolutionary Changes in the SARS-COV-2 Virus
Akimkin VG
This article presents the results of scientific research on the epidemiological features of the new coronavirus infection (COVID-19) and the molecular genetic characteristics of SARS-CoV-2 virus genovariants, based on the experience of the Central Research Institute of Epidemiology of the Federal Service for Oversight of Consumer Rights Protection and Human Wellbeing (Rospotrebnadzor).
Oncology during the New Coronavirus Infection Pandemic
Kaprin AD, Sergeeva NS, Shegai PV and Alekseev BY
The COVID-19 pandemic has served as a catalyst for a whole layer of scientific research, including in Russia, where, since 2020, international multicenter studies have been conducted on the impact of the coronavirus infection on the course of oncological diseases, as well as on the development and application of new clinical methods in oncology. In the years 2020-2022, new methods of nuclear medicine based on the targeted effect of ionizing radiation of radiopharmaceuticals began to be actively developed, in particular, new domestic radiopharmaceuticals (RPs) for diagnostics and therapy and methods of intra-arterial radioembolization developed by RPs with 90Y and 188Re of primary and metastatic tumors of various localization. New methods of radiation therapy have been introduced into clinical practice, including remote radiation therapy with "fast" neutrons, which makes it possible to overcome the resistance of a tumor to radiation and drug treatment. In addition, the search for and introduction into clinical practice of new approaches in the field of gene therapy and the use of oncolytic viruses continues. Platforms for complex pharmacogenomic analysis based on global knowledge and deep machine learning are being used in Russia, allowing for the precise selection of the most effective therapy. New multidisciplinary technologies are being developed.
Coronavirus Infections in Animals: Risks of Direct and Reverse Zoonoses
Donnik IM, Chvala IA, Kish LK and Ermakov AM
The publications on animal coronavirus infections that have the greatest emerging potential, as well as official data from the World Organization for Animal Health (OIE) on cases of animal infection with COVID-19, are analyzed. Like most infectious diseases common to humans, coronavirus infections were first discovered in animals. Due to the increased rate of replication and recombination activity compared to other viruses, mutations occur more often in the genome of coronaviruses, which contribute to the acquisition of new qualities in order to consolidate in the host organism. Examples of cross-species transmission are not only SARS-CoV, MERS-CoV, and SARS-CoV-2, which are dangerous to humans, but also coronaviruses of agricultural and domestic animals, between which there is a genetic relationship. There are several known cases of zoo, wild, domestic, and farm animals displaying symptoms characteristic of COVID-19 and identification of the genome of the SARS-CoV-2 virus in them. The issue of cross-species transmission of coronavirus infections, in particular the reverse zoonosis of SARS-CoV-2 from animals to humans, is widely discussed. According to the conclusions of many researchers, including OIE experts, there is no direct evidence base for infection of humans with COVID-19 from animals. However, people with suspected COVID-19 and with a confirmed diagnosis are still advised to isolate not only from people but also from animals. A number of methods for specific prevention, diagnosis, and immunization against a wide range of coronavirus infections are being developed at the All-Russia Research Institute for Animal Protection.
Demographic Policy in Modern Russia: Population View and Expert Assessment
Shabunova AA and Rostovskaya TK
When formulating demographic policy measures, it is important to rely not only on the analysis of quantitative parameters but also on weighted expert assessments that characterize the effectiveness of the measures taken. Based on the data of a mass survey of the population and expert interviews, this article discusses the features of the implementation of the national project "Demography" and analyzes successful regional practices. Gaps in the sociodemographic policy are revealed, and the regional specificity of demographic development is characterized. It is shown that an important aspect of increasing the effectiveness of the implementation of demographic policy is interdepartmental interaction, which helps to overcome bureaucratic obstacles and barriers. According to the authors, a significant role in improving the demographic situation in the country and regions will be played by updating the regulatory framework, expanding regional and local measures to optimize the movement of the population, and activating socially oriented nonprofit organizations and businesses in the demographic sphere.
Intensive Care of Patients with COVID-19
Petrikov SS, Popugaev KA and Zhuravel' SV
The severe course of COVID-19 requires treatment in emergency and intensive care units. Acute respiratory failure due to the development of pneumonia and acute respiratory distress syndrome is the most common and life-threatening manifestation of the new coronavirus infection. Treatment of patients with severe and extremely severe COVID-19; the use of modern schemes and protocols for drug therapy, mechanical ventilation, and extracorporeal membrane oxygenation; sorption techniques; the use of thermal helium; hemostasis correction; and rehabilitation problems are discussed.
COVID-19: Opportunities to Improve Prognosis
Avdeev SN
COVID-19 is characterized by a severe course in approximately 5‒10% of patients, who require admittance to the intensive care unit and mechanical ventilation, which is associated with a very high risk of a poor prognosis. At present, in real clinical practice, in managing severe patients with COVID-19, noninvasive ventilation (NIV) is widely used (in some countries, up to 60% of all methods of respiratory support). In most studies on the effectiveness of NIV in hypoxemic acute respiratory failure in patients with COVID-19, the need for tracheal intubation and hospital mortality with the use of NIV averaged 20-30%, which suggests the rather high efficiency of this method. The COVID-19 pandemic has given a powerful impetus to the widespread use of prone positioning among nonintubated patients with acute respiratory failure caused by COVID-19. Several studies have shown that prone positioning can reduce the need for mechanical ventilation and hospital mortality. Medications that have proven effective in severe forms of COVID-19 include remdesivir, systemic glucocorticoids, tocilizumab, baricitinib, and anticoagulants. Among the new promising areas of drug therapy, noteworthy is the use of thiol-containing drugs (N-acetylcysteine), inhaled surfactant, and inhaled prostacyclin analogues.
Virtualization of Cross-Border Labor Migration
Tsapenko IP and Grishin IV
Under virtual labor migration, or telemigration, in the expert community it is customary to understand remote work or the provision of services that are carried out in a cross-border format. The presence of the word in this term logically prompts us to consider the designated process in a migration context. From the standpoint of the concept of migration transition, the spread of virtual migration can be interpreted as a new link in the chain of mobility transformations generated by multifaceted digital transformations. With this kind of migration, a person crosses only virtual borders of states and, without leaving the country of residence, actually works outside it and performs the tasks of a foreign customer in a remote electronic mode. The short duration and rapid turnover of most jobs in cyberspace makes this process extremely circulatory, uncharacteristic of traditional labor relations. So far, this employment model has been limited in scope, but it is rapidly developing, having gained great momentum in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic, and may become significant in the future. While paying dividends to workers and employers interacting in global digitalized labor markets, virtual migration simultaneously exacerbates chronic imbalances and generates new sources of social tension. They are connected, among other things, with the global asymmetry of socioeconomic and digital development, the emergence of new factors and areas of competition for workers in the labor market, and insufficient social protection of the workers. Optimization of the development of virtual migration could be facilitated by comprehensive regulatory measures at the level of international organizations, states, and companies.
Environmental Determination of Indigenous Bifidobacteria of the Human Intestine
Bukharin OV, Andryushchenko SV, Perunova NB and Ivanova EV
The environmental determination of indigenous (constantly present) bifidobacteria of the human large intestine is considered in this review. Environmental determination (from the Latin , "I determine") is understood as a set of natural phenomena of a habitat (biotope) that determine the role of indigenous microorganisms in the microbiocenosis. Using the symbiotic approach, an attempt is made to identify the environmental conditions for the habitat of bifidobacteria and their physiological effects in the microsymbiocenosis. The features of indigenous bifidobacteria in terms of their nature have been established: evolutionary-genetic (phylogenetic remoteness, genome conservation, metabolic specialization), biochemical (lysozyme resistance, constitutive acetate production), and physiological (microbial "friend-foe" identification, immunoregulation), which are important in adaptation (persistence) and the provision of mutualistic effects and stability of the bifidoflora in the population.
Science Policy in Canada
Komkova EG
The formation and current state of science policy in Canada are analyzed. Attention to this topic is explained by the fact that the country is a member of the G7 of the leading industrialized countries, although its population is only 0.5% and its GDP is about 2% of the global numbers. By international standards, Canada is not a leader in scientific and technological advance, its specificity being that, with relatively low R&D spending, it occupies leading positions in terms of indicators such as the number of scientific publications in international databases and the number of Nobel laureates (in the last 13 years alone, seven Canadian scientists have become Nobel prizewinners). Canadian affiliation makes up 3.6% of articles published in peer-reviewed journals worldwide. The evolution of the mechanisms of government support for science in Canada is traced, and current practices are summarized. The strengths and weaknesses of the Canadian model of organization of science are identified. This experience may be of interest to Russia.
The Blood-Brain Barrier in Neuroimmune Interactions and Pathological Processes
Dyatlova AS, Novikova NS, Yushkov BG, Korneva EA and Chereshnev VA
The blood-brain barrier (BBB) is a kind of filter, highly selective in relation to various types of substances. The BBB supports the immune status of the brain and is an important regulator of neuroimmune interactions. Some of the molecular and cellular features of the BBB, as well as the five main pathways of neuroimmune communication mediated by the BBB, are analyzed in this article. The functions of the BBB in neuroimmune interactions in various diseases are discussed: multiple sclerosis and Alzheimer's and Parkinson's diseases. The latest data on BBB dysfunction in COVID-19 coronavirus infection caused by the SARS-CoV-2 virus are considered.
Scientific Basics of Personalized Medicine: Realities and Opportunities
Shlyakhto EV
Modern trends in the development of health care suggest its focus on the interests of the patient and its holistic nature, as well as deep penetration into all parts of health care information technology. The driving force behind the ongoing changes, of course, are scientific achievements, the importance of which in the development of new medical technologies and the creation of innovative diagnostic devices, as well as medicines, has grown significantly in recent years. These processes provide conditions for the introduction into clinical practice of a new model of medical care-personalized medicine, based on the choice of methods of diagnosis and treatment with account for the individual characteristics of the course of the disease, as well as the patient's lifestyle. Personalized medicine technologies, which involve the creation of an appropriate, often expensive, infrastructure of omics technologies, should ultimately lead to an increase in the efficiency, quality, and, most importantly, safety of medical care. In the Russian Federation, this area is actively developing in four world-class research centers, including the Almazov National Medical Research Center. The current state and prospects of research in the field of personalized medicine are discussed in this article, prepared by the author on the basis of his scientific report at a meeting of the Presidium of the Russian Academy of Sciences.
Coronavirus Infection 2019 (COVID-19) and Autoimmunity
Nasonov EL, Samsonov MY and Lila AM
The pandemic of coronavirus disease 2019, etiologically associated with the SARS-CoV-2 virus, has drawn the attention of the medical community to new clinical and fundamental problems in the immunopathology of human diseases. During a detailed analysis of the clinical manifestations and immunopathological disorders in COVID-19, it became apparent that SARS-CoV-2 infection is accompanied by the development of a wide range of extrapulmonary clinical and laboratory disorders, some of which are characteristic of immunoinflammatory rheumatic diseases and other human autoimmune and autoinflammatory diseases. All this taken together served as a theoretical justification for the repositioning of anti-inflammatory drugs in COVID-19, previously specifically designed for the treatment of immunoinflammatory rheumatic diseases. The prospects for studying the autoimmune mechanisms of COVID-19 and the possibility of anti-inflammatory therapy are discussed.
COVID-19 Pandemic and Cardiovascular Diseases: Lessons and Prospects
Shlyakhto EV, Konradi AO, Karonova TL and Fedotov PA
This article is focused on the topicality of assessing complications and mortality from diseases of the circulatory system during the COVID-19 pandemic. The main variants of damage to the cardiovascular system, the mechanisms of their development, and risk factors are given. The long-term consequences of the new coronavirus infection for the heart and blood vessels are considered. In addition, the necessary measures to reduce the burden of disease after the pandemic are discussed.
Society and the State in Russia and the World during the Coronavirus Epidemic
Tishkov VA, Butovskaya ML and Stepanov VV
This article is based on a report presented at the Scientific Session of the RAS General Meeting (Moscow, December 15, 2021). The reaction of society to the pandemic in Russia and other countries of the world is analyzed from an anthropological point of view. The features of the behavior and psychological reaction of residents of different regions, professional groups, and ethnocultural communities are considered with account for gender, age, and cultural characteristics (collectivism‒individualism, looseness‒tightness, power distance). Particular attention is paid to phobias and social activity during the pandemic; the growing role of nation-states in overcoming the consequences of the pandemic is discussed. The results presented can be used as an additional source of information for taking effective measures finally to overcome the pandemic and, most importantly, its negative social and political consequences.
The Russian Economy under the Impact of the Pandemic Crisis
Shirov AA
The main channels of influence of the new coronavirus infection pandemic on the economy are analyzed. The key features of the economic crisis caused by the pandemic are emphasized, the scale and depth of the economic decline largely depending on the actions of the authorities to restrict economic activity. It has been stated that as the pandemic crisis developed, the governments of the largest countries of the world adapted to its negative consequences for the economy, which was reflected in a decrease in the dependence of economic activity on the incidence of COVID-19. The effectiveness of economic support measures implemented in Russia and key countries of the world during the crisis is assessed. The failures of market self-regulation during the crisis, which led to a significant imbalance of supply and demand in world markets, are considered. Along with the success of the Russian government in reducing the negative impact of the pandemic on the economy, attention is drawn to the serious social and demographic damage that our country has suffered as a result of the pandemic. The main trends for compensating for losses are formed, and the medium- and long-term potential for the development of the Russian economy after the pandemic crisis is assessed. This article is an amended and updated version of the author's report at the Scientific Session of the RAS General Meeting on December 15, 2021.
Coronavirus Infection COVID-19 and Pregnancy
Kurtser MA
The novel coronavirus infection SARS-CoV-2, which broke out in China in December 2019, has rapidly spread around the world. On March 11, 2020, the World Health Organization (WHO) assigned this infection pandemic status. Pregnant women and puerperae occupy a special place in the structure of the incidence of COVID-19. For more than a year and a half, the Lapino Clinical Hospital of the Mother and Child Group of Companies has accumulated significant experience in managing patients with COVID-19, including pregnant women and puerperae. This article presents the features of the course of the new coronavirus infection in pregnant women and puerperae during various periods of the pandemic, the experience of managing pregnancy and childbirth in the above group of patients, and methods of treatment.
Plant Viruses: New Opportunities under the Pandemic
Karpova OV and Nikitin NA
During the pandemic, an urgent task has become to develop new vaccine platforms that will help fight the infection caused by SARS-CoV-2 and quickly respond to newly emerging pathogens. Plant viruses can make a significant contribution to the solution of this problem. Phytoviruses, having the properties of any viral particles (self-assembly, immunogenicity, nanosize), are safe for humans since plants and mammals have no common infectious agents. As a result of thermal rearrangement of the tobacco mosaic virus, spherical particles of a protein nature have been obtained, which have unique immunostimulation and adsorption properties and can play the role of a universal adjuvant platform to create vaccines. Based on these particles, a scheme for obtaining vaccine preparations is proposed. This technology resembles a toy construction set for children. The basis is spherical particles, on the surface of which there are toy blocks-antigens. The "blocks" can be removed, added, or replaced, and this does not take much time and resources. Based on spherical particles, a polyvalent vaccine candidate against COVID-19 has been created as an adjuvant platform.
Mechanisms of Coronavirus Genome Stability As Potential Targets for Antiviral Drugs
Yuyukina SK and Zharkov DO
The COVID-19 pandemic has made it necessary to create antivirals active against the SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus. One of the widely used strategies to fight off viral infections is the use of modified nucleoside analogues that inhibit viral replication by incorporating DNA or RNA into the growing chain, thus stopping its synthesis. The difficulty of using this method of treatment in the case of SARS-CoV-2 is that coronaviruses have an effective mechanism for maintaining genome stability. Its central element is the nsp14 protein, which is characterized by exonuclease activity, due to which incorrectly included and noncanonical nucleotides are removed from the 3' end of the growing RNA chain. Inhibitors of nsp14 exonuclease and nucleoside analogues resistant to its action are viewed as potential targets for anticoronavirus therapy.
Features of Armed Conflict Resolution in Asia and Africa from the Late 2010s through the Early 2020s
Mirzekhanov VS and Trunov FO
Against the backdrop of the development of the modern cold wars, the problem of resolving regional armed conflicts remains highly topical. The authors of this article aim to identify patterns in the development of outbreaks of organized violence and counteracting them in modern conditions using the example of the situation in northern Africa and the Middle East. Methodologically, this publication is an attempt to update a number of theoretical provisions of conflictology with account for newly emerging realities. Particular attention is paid to the trend of nationalizing conflict resolution, that is, its management by the authorities and security forces of the country of origin of the conflict. This process, with the identification of common and distinctive patterns, is analyzed by the example of the situation in Syria, Iraq, Libya, Mali, and Afghanistan. The question is raised about the practical relationship between the development of armed conflicts and confrontations with the participation of the Euro-Atlantic community and Russia and the United States, a group of its partner states, and China. Conclusions are formulated about possible ways to overcome outbreaks of organized violence, including with the participation of external forces, in the realities of the newly emerging world order.