Ownership of life: surrogate motherhood from the perspective of family law
Schneider CE
Comment: wrongful conception and the right not to be harmed
Feinberg J
Surrogacy, slavery, and the ownership of life
Allen AL
The social utility of surrogacy
Schuck PH
Judicial restraint and the non-decision in Webster v. Reproductive Health Services
Crain CA
The personhood of unborn children: a first principle in "surrogate motherhood" analysis
Weber WM
The proposed equal protection fix for abortion law: reflections on citizenship, gender, and the Constitution
Allen AL
"Typhoid Mary" meets the ADA: a case study of the "direct threat" standard under the Americans with Disabilities Act
Van Detta JA
Death, ethics and the state
Kalt BC
The use and abuse of history in Compassion in Dying
Duncan DG and Lubin P
The right to assisted suicide and euthanasia
Gorsuch NM
The genome and the law: should increased genetic knowledge change the law?
Elliott ED
Roe and the new frontier
Roy LS
Respecting liberty and preventing harm: limits of state intervention in prenatal choice
Mathieu D
AIDS in the workplace: public and corporate policy
Heacock MV and Orvis GP
Population policy and law in the United States
Barnett LD
Fourteenth Amendment unenumerated rights jurisprudence: an essay in response to Stenberg v. Carhart
Smolin DM