The Effects of Auricular and Body Acupuncture in Turkish Obese Female Patients: A Randomized Controlled Trial Indicated Both Methods Lost Body Weight But Auricular Acupuncture Was Better Than Body Acupuncture
It was aimed to observe the efficacy of body acupuncture and auricular acupuncture for the management of obesity. Fifty female obese patients were randomized into 2 groups; a Body Acupuncture Group (GBA; n=25) and an Auricular Acupuncture Group (GAA; n=25). All patients were followed up for 12 weeks. Their anthropometric measurements (body weight, body mass index, body fat percentage, waist circumference and hip circumference) were recorded for analysis in every 15 days. Patients were compared in terms of anthropometric measurements. Patients in the GAA received 6 sessions of auricular acupuncture in every 15 days. We used bilateral 2 points namely anti-aggression point and stomach point for auricular acupuncture. Bilateral L14, LIll, ST25, ST36, SP6, SP9, CV12, and CV6 points were selected for two times in a week (totally 24 sessions) in the GBA. Independent samples t test, patients in GAA completed the study. The mean age of patients was 36.2±10.5 years (GBA: 32.7±12.3; GAA: 39.1±7.9). The mean weight was 95.7±11.8 kg before acupuncture, and it decreased to 92.5±14.4 kg after acupuncture in GBA; and it was 95.1±15.6 kg before acupuncture and it decreased to 91.5±11.0 kg after acupuncture in GAA. Change in weight after acupuncture was 2.6±2.4 kg in GBA, and 4.2±3.4 kg in GAA (p<0.05). In both groups, changes in weight, body mass index, body fat percentage, waist circumference, and hip circumference were statistically significant (p<0.05). Only one patient reported side effect related to acupuncture. Body acupuncture and auricular acupuncture have the therapeutic role in the management of obesity. In this study, auricular acupuncture is more effective in reducing body weight than body acupuncture. Thus, auricular may be useful and safe, non-pharmacological treatment.
Laser Treatment on Acupuncture Points Improves Pain and Wrist Functionality in Patients Undergoing Rehabilitation Therapy after Wrist Bone Fracture. A Randomized, Controlled, Blinded Study
The objective of this study was to determine whether application of laser beam on acupuncture points has a positive effect on the rehabilitation of patients with a diagnosis of distal radius fracture (1.5 inches proximal to distal articular surface of the radius) when applied with active conventional physical therapy exercises. Patients with a distal radius fracture treated with closed reduction, percutaneous pinning, and a short cast for six weeks was included and were assigned to one of two study groups. The control group was given simulated laser acupuncture with the laser off, while the experimental group received laser beam on acupuncture points. A low power infrared 980 nm, 50 mW laser (Diller & Diller Laser Performance) electric energy, was used; each acupuncture point was irradiated for 30 seconds at 8,000 Hz at each therapy session. In both groups, treatment was applied to the following points: Ipsilateral- Yanggu (S15), Yangchi (SJ4), Waiguan (SJ15), Yangxi (LI5), Daling (PC7); Bilateral- Hegu (L14); Contralateral- Shenmail (VL62), Kulun (V60), Taixi (KID3). All of the patients underwent a total of 10 sessions, at a frequency of three times per week. They were evaluated using the VAS, the Patient-Rated Wrist Evaluation (PRWE), and wrist mobility ranges at the beginning of treatment, at the end of the fifth session, at the 10th session, and a week after the 10th session. The patients treated with laser beam exposure on acupuncture points showed 44% reduction in pain and 33% of improvement in the functional status of the wrist compared with the control group. Application of laser beam on acupuncture points combined with active rehabilitation exercises show benefits in the rehabilitation of patients with a distal radius fracture managed with percutaneous pinning and a short cast.
The past few years have seen extensive interest in treatment of various diseases with adult stem cells (ASC). This paper will not discuss umbilical cord or adipose tissue derived stem cells, but rather peripheral blood stem cells (PBSC). We will demonstrate that one of the natural roles of stem cells is to participate in tissue repair both due to injury or degenerative disease. We will review the mechanisms involved with stem cell release and activation and present two new natural triggers for this release and possible differentiation. The clinical relevance of mobilizing endogenous bone marrow derived stem cells would be to increase the number migrating into damaged organs, becoming affective cells and contributing to tissue repair. This approach overcomes the problems of growing autologous stem cell cultures and their implantation. It also may release other progenitor cells that appears to be playing a vital role in organ regeneration. We present examples of tissue repair using these new modalities. Part of this paper was first presented at the international conference of acupuncture and electrotherapeutics held at Columbia University Oct. 2013. Since then the field has exploded and we will try to include some of the most relevant discoveries.
New Organ Representation Areas Localized Between Front & Back of the Human Neck and Body Their Potential Application to Metameric Acupuncture
The article presents literature data and our own research on metameric acupuncture theory projection zones of visceral organs (Hirata area), interrelation of endocrine glands and vertebra (in Pak Jae Woo), internal organs and interspinous spacing ("Chzhud Chi"). By the method of molecular and tissue identification (Y. Omura) we have isolated areas of the endocrine glands and internal organs, their key points allowing to use metameric acupuncture in order to improve the diagnostic and therapeutic process.
Evaluation of Reflexology by "BIOCERAMIC Resonance" Operation producing Weak Force Field during Simultaneous Acupoint Stimulation of Urinary Bladder Point on Subject's Ear Resulting in Electric Current Change on Urinary Bladder reflex Point on Subject's Hands, and Related New Research Finding
It was postulated in our previous publications that the meridian channels as conceived in Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) are various standing waves arising from harmonic rhythmic sound frequencies originating from the human heart beat. BIOCERAMIC is an artificial material able to produce a weak force field causing different biophysical and systemic health benefits, with the key characteristics of hydrogen bonds weakening and microcirculation enhancement. Since discovering that the effects of a BIOCERAMIC field can be transmitted via sound waves propagation, we then also developed a BIOCERAMIC Resonance device to produce weak force field throughout the body, and achieve resonance with the body's meridian channels to reinforce microcirculation.
Acupuncture at SP6 Point in Lower Extremities Improved Patients' Insomnia, Which Was Also Shown Through Ryodoraku Electrical Measurements
Traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) applies acupuncture to treat insomnia and the SP6 is known to be beneficial for sleep. This study aimed to investigate the effects of acupuncture at SP6 on resting electroencephalogram (EEG), meridian electrical activity (Ryodoraku), and stress in patients with confirmed insomnia. In this single-blind, randomized clinical trial subjects (N=70) from TCM treated outpatients were randomized to receive TCM based acupuncture with manual stimulation (experimental) or sham stimulation (control) treatment. Acupuncture was applied to SP6 for 20 minutes on the spleen meridian of the foot in experimental subjects and controls received sham intervention. Significant changes between pre- and post-intervention were found in all electrical conductance values for the 12 meridians (Ryodoraku scores) in either control or experimental groups (fold change from 1.15 to 2.03) (P values <0.00 1). Eight meridians showed significantly different changes in Ryodoraku scores between pre- and post-intervention in the experimental group compared to the control group (fold change from 1.16 to 1.36) (P<0.05). EEG wave signals did not change with intervention in either group (P values ≥0.209). In summary, acupuncture at the SP6 acupoint altered meridian electrical activity of the lung periecardium, har, small intestine, sanjiao, spleen, bladder, and stomach meridians (P values <0.05) in patients with insomnia. Further studies are necessary to evaluate how changes in these meridians may affect insomnia.
17 Cases of Acupuncture Related Pneumothorax and Factors Influencing Pneumothorax
Acupuncture is increasing in popularity as a complementary and alternative medicine. Pneumothorax is the most common and potentially serious adverse effect after acupuncture. This complication can cause fatality in the absence of rapid treatment. Here, we analyze the clinical presentation and discuss prevention of post-acupuncture pneumothorax and an approach to reducing this complication.
Transcutaneous Electrical Stimulation Increased Nitric Oxide-Cyclic GMP Release Biocaptured Over Skin Surface of Pericardium Meridian and Acupuncture Points in Humans
The purpose of this study was to consecutively capture and quantify nitric oxide (NO) and cGMP, the second messenger of NO, over the skin surface of acupuncture points (acupoints), meridian line without acupoint, and non-meridian control regions of the Pericardium meridian (PC) in humans, and investigate their response to transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation (TENS) . DESIGN, SETTING, AND MAIN OUTCOME MEASURES: Adhesive biocapture tubes were attached to the skin surface along PC regions and injected with 2-Phenyl-4,4,5,5-tetramethylimidazoline-3-oxide-1-oxyl solution, an NO-scavenging compound, contacting the skin surface for 20 minutes each during 4 consecutive biocapture intervals. TENS (1.0 mA, 6 Hz, 1.0 msec duration) was applied over acupoints PC 8 and PC 3 during the 2nd biocapture for 20 min. Total nitrite and nitrate (NO(x)-), the stable metabolic products of NO, and cGMP in biocaptured samples were quantified using chemiluminescence and ELISA.
Simple New Method of Detecting Lies By Identifying Invisible Unique Physiological Reflex Response Appearing Often Less Than 10-15 Seconds on the Specific Parts of Face of Lying Person; Quick Screening of Potential Murderers & Problematic Persons
Frequently, we cannot find any significant visible changes when somebody lies, but we found there are significant invisible changes appearing in specific areas of the face when somebody lies and their location often depends on whether the lie is serious with or without physical violence involvement. These abnormalities were detected non-invasively at areas: 1) lobules and c) a small round area of each upper lateral side of forehead; 2) the skin between the base of the 2 orifices of the nose and the upper end of upper lip and 3) Alae of both sides of nose. These invisible significant changes usually last less than 15 seconds after telling a lie. In these areas, Bi-Digital O-Ring Test (BDORT), which received a U.S. Patent in 1993, became significantly weak with an abnormal value of (-)7 and TXB2, measured non-invasively, was increased from 0.125-0.5ng to 12.5-15ng (within the first 5 seconds) and then went back down to less than 1ng (after 15 seconds). These unique changes can be documented semi-permanently by taking photographs of the face of people who tell a lie, within as short as 10 seconds after saying a lying statement. These abnormal responses appear in one or more of the above-mentioned 3 areas 1), 2) & 3). At least one abnormal pupil with BDORT of (-)8-(-)12 & marked reduction in Acetylcholine and abnormal increase in any of 3 Alzheimer's disease associated factors Apolipoprotein (Apo) E4, β-Amyloid (1-42), Tau protein, viral and bacterial infections were detected in both pupils and forehead of murderers and people who often have problems with others. Analysis of well-known typical examples of recent mass murderers was presented as examples. Using these findings, potential murderers and people who are very likely to develop problems with others can be screened within 5-10 minutes by examining their facial photographs and signatures before school admission or employment.
A New Theory on the Evaluation of Traditional Chinese Acupuncture Mechanisms from the Latest Medical Scientific Point of View
Acupuncture is a key component of traditional Chinese medicine involving the insertion of needles through the skin at specific points on the body to achieve therapeutic effects and is an ancient Chinese art of healing. Using ancient scientific principles, acupuncture treats illnesses by bringing a person's body into harmony and regulating the balance of Yin and Yang. Balancing Yin and Yang is one basic principle of Chinese medicine, and balancing methods for combination of meridians and acupoints have been described throughout the history of Chinese medicine. Clinical observations and principal research on acupuncture focus on the adjustment of the Zang-Fu organ and have shown that the adjustment by acupuncture relied largely on the effective components in different organs. What does this effectiveness mean? In fact, is acupuncture a treatment that shows its effects with signals to the autocrine, paracrine and endocrine pathways? What role does embryology play in this area? Furthermore, molecular biology has opened avenues to newer methods for the study of embryology and to enhance our understanding of growth and development. Can evaluation of acupuncture with these branches of science be more scientific? We discuss this interesting topic in this original article. After all this time, it is reasonable that different therapeutic techniques and approaches are developed for acupuncture.
Beneficial Acupuncture Treatment For Systemic Sclerosis which was Non-Responsive To Medications
Although various drugs have been used in the treatment of systemic sclerosis, a disease-modifying drug that can be a gold standard is yet to be defined. The effects of acupuncture treatment used in inflammatory diseases on systemic sclerosis patients are not clearly known. This report presents the successful outcome of acupuncture treatment applied to two female systemic sclerosis patients who had suffered from the disease for seven years (aged 54 years) and 30 years (aged 65 years), despite the use of various drugs.
Significant heat sensitivity increase detected in various types of diabetes mellitus patients by Akabane test for use of management of diabetic patients
In order to assess patterns of heat sensitivity thresholds in patients with diabetes mellitus, the Akabane test was carried out on patients with insulin dependent diabetes mellitus (IDDM) (250 men and 309 women) and patients with noninsulin dependent diabetes mellitus (NIDDM) (158 men and 227 women). For comparison, a group of healthy subjects made up of 116 men and 277 women was also used. As soon as we revealed the influence of factors of pathology with a high significance level and gender and the interaction "gender*pathology", all the results are described separately for groups of men and women and for groups with IDDM and NIDDM. Simple effects of paired comparisons between healthy subjects, IDDM and NIDDM in groups of men and women, as well as comparisons between the profiles of men and women with IDDM and NIDDM showed significant differences between ACs in healthy subjects and those with each type of diabetes. The most significant differences are seen in the AC connected with the digestive system (SP pancreas channel), LR (liver channel), ST (stomach channel), GB (gall bladder channel). Thus, we revealed characteristic pattern of acupuncture channels (AC) lesions inherent to diabetes pathology, i.e. most vulnerable in diabetes ACs, being compromised in dependence from such factors, as type of diabetes, hyper or hypoglycemia, and from gender. The main value of the method lies in the fact that we observe the entire food chain from food ingestion to the utilization of carbohydrates with the opportunity to assess the activity of each organ and its regulatory contribution. On the basis of the body's response, an individual selection of medicines can be made, and by evaluating the individual biorhythms it is possible to determine the optimal time of administration.
Acupuncture Stimulation Analyzed from Multiple Aspects of Western Medical Science
Skin is the biggest and most important organ of us. It has a large surface area and it is easily accessible. While we touch skin, piezoelectric stimulation starts, fundamental property of biological tissues, pressure electrification. And after this stimulation, ferroelectric and pyroelectric effects occur. While we insert the acupuncture needle into skin, we have created a conscious trauma and damage. After this, inflammatory phase, proliferation and tissue formation phase and tissue remodeling phase start. With embryological perspective, at that moment, we give stimulus ectodermal and mesodermal layer of the skin also. We stimulate these embryologic layers and cells not only into skin but also whole body. Because, while we start stimulation with a cell, cell stimulates other cells and cells stimulate body. Also we stimulate neuropeptides, neurotransmitters, neuro-hormones and receptors. The skin is the largest immunologically active receptor organ in the body. And we see, peripheral local stress response (brain-skin) works same as hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal axis. So, what we have done? We only insert the acupuncture needle into skin consciously.
Optimal Dose of Vitamin D3 400 I.U. for Average Adults has A Significant Anti-Cancer Effect, While Widely Used 2000 I.U. or Higher Promotes Cancer: Marked Reduction of Taurine & 1α, 25(OH)2D3 Was Found In Various Cancer Tissues and Oral Intake of Optimal Dose of Taurine 175mg for Average Adults, Rather Than 500mg, Was Found to Be A New Potentially Safe and More Effective Method of Cancer Treatment
During the past 10 years, the author had found that the optimal dose of Vitamin D3 400 I.U. has safe & effective anticancer effects, while commonly used 2000-5000 I.U. of Vit. D3 often creates a 2-3 time increase in cancer markers. We examined the concentration of Taurine in normal internal organs and in cancer using Bi-Digital O-Ring Test. We found that Taurine levels in normal tissue are 4-6ng. But, the amount of Taurine of average normal value of 5.0-5.25ng was strikingly reduced to 0.0025-0.0028ng in this study of several examples in adenocarcinomas of the esophagus, stomach, pancreas, colon, prostate, and lung, as well as breast cancer. The lowest Taurine levels of 0.0002-0.0005ng were found in so called Zika virus infected babies from Brazil with microcephaly. While Vitamin D3 receptor stimulant 1α, 25 (OH)2D3 in normal tissues was 0.45-0.53ng, they were reduced to 0.025-0.006ng in cancers (1/100th-1/200th of normal value), particularly in various adenocarcinomas. All of these adenocarcinomas had about 1500ng HPV-16 viral infection. In 500 breast cancers, about 97% had HPV-16. The optimal dose of Taurine for average adult has been found to be about 175mg, rather than the widely used 500mg. In addition, since Taurine is markedly reduced to close to 1/1000th-1/2000th of its normal value in these cancer tissues, we examined the effect of the optimal dose of Taurine on cancer patients. Optimal dose of Taurine produced a very significant decrease in cancer-associated parameters, such as Oncogene C-fosAb2 & Integrin α5β1 being reduced to less than 1/1,000th, and 8-OH-dG (which increases in the presence of DNA mutation) reduced to less than 1/10th. The optimal dose of Taurine 175mg for average adult various cancer patient 3 times a day alone provide beneficial effects with very significant anti-cancer effects with strikingly increased urinary excretion of bacteria, viruses, & funguses, asbestos, toxic metals & other toxic substances. However, optimal doses of Taurine combined with optimal individualized doses of ψ3 fish oil [EPA 180mg & DHA 120mg] & special cilantro tablet 3 times/day without creating harmful drug interactions among them including other essential drugs, is often extremely safe, more effective, economical & non-invasive new treatment for various cancer patients.
Clinical implications of the HPV-16 infection & 7 beneficial effects of optimal dose of Vitamin D3 in safe, effective cancer treatment: Non-invasive rapid cancer screening using "Mouth, Hand & Foot Writing Form" of 40 participants during 150- minute workshop on the Bi-Digital 0-ring Test, in the 1st day of European Congress for Integrative Medicine, September 9-11, 2016 in Budapest
During the 1st day of European Congress for Integrative Medicine held September 9-11, 2016, almost the entire 1st day was scheduled for the Bi-Digital O-Ring Test, which was originally developed by this author, & consists of 2 main parts for which a U.S. patent was issued in 1993. One is a non-invasive, detection of various molecules using very strong Electromagnetic Field (EMF) Resonance Phenomenon between 2 identical molecules with identical weight. Using this strong EMF Resonance Phenomenon, most molecules & microorganisms can be detected rapidly and non-invasively without directly contacting patients. We measured the HPV-16 infection of 70 participants non-invasively in the first 30 minutes, then screened cancers for 40 volunteers who completed one page "Mouth, Hand & Foot Writing Form," which took an average of 5∼10 minutes for each person to complete. Screening of 75 common cancers was made in 2-5 minutes for each patient. Analysis of 40 volunteers revealed 32 persons had some malignancies including 5 Anaplastic Astrocytomas of the L-brain, 3 Multiple Myelomas, 7 Hodgkin's Lymphomas, 8 Non-Hodgkin's Lymphomas, 2 rectum cancers (with chief complaints of worsening Irritable Bowel Syndrome). Although everyone had HPV-16 infections between about 6,000ng & 250ng, malignancy could not be found among those who had less than 1,200ng. Our individualized safe, effective and economical treatment of various cancers consists of optimal doses of Vitamin D3 with or without Taurine and/or PQQ depending on the positive synergetic compatibility among these 3 substances as normal parts of human tissue. The most serious 2 cases of rectum cancer with multiple metastasis, we confirmed very significant anti-cancer effects of their optimal doses of vitamin D3, which is increased to 800~1,000 I.U. (due to advanced cancer with multiple metastasis instead of the usual 400 I.U. for average adults). The unique 7 beneficial effects of optimal dose of Vitamin D3 (also Taurine or PQQ) include: 1) significant Anti-cancer effects without side effects; 2) marked decrease in DNA mutation as decreases in 8-OH-dG; 3) marked urinary excretion of Viruses, Bacteria, Fungi, & Toxic substances, including Asbestos & metals; 4) marked increase in Acetylcholine in the brain & the rest of the body; 5) marked increase in DHEA; 6) marked decrease in β-Amyloid (I-42); 7) marked decrease in Cardiac Troponin I. Optimal dose of Vitamin D3 is clinically most important for cancer, ischemic heart, and memory problems. Optimal dose of Taurine is 150∼175mg and PQQ is 5-7.5mg and should be taken 3-4 times a day, depending on the patient. Medications and supplements including excessive Vitamin C (as well as multivitamins) but also inhibited optimal doses of Vitamin D3, Taurine & PQQ. Often coffee, drinks containing high Vitamin C content (e.g., some green tea & orange juice), & multivitamins as well as pain medicine (e.g., Oxycodone), strong EMF from cellular phones, and strong negative BDORT underwear often completely eliminate the above beneficial effects of Vitamin D3 and promote growth of cancer.
Laser acupuncture improves skin color deformation by cupping: A pilot study
Negative pressure of cupping induces skin deformation such as ecchymosis and purpura in a circular shape. Thus, there is a desire to treat skin before depigmentation and scarring occurs. Therefore, we introduce laser therapy, a widely used technique treat pigmentation in dermatology. Various parameters of laser therapy can be applied, so to determine the optimal exposure parameters that do not damage the surrounding tissues, the subjects were divided into four groups: a non-stimulation group and three laser groups (4 J/cm2 group, 6 J/cm2 group, and 8 J/cm2 group). We selected the wavelength and output of laser as follows: 660nm and 50mW. The 40 were divided into four groups of 10. In the first experiment, we measured skin temperature using Digital infrared thermography in order to observe whether the laser could cause heat damage. In the second experiment, each group received the assigned laser therapy protocol every 24 hours for 72 hours. We obtained a skin image using a cross polarization technique. Previous studies have shown that a*and E.I (erythema index) represent the degree of skin erythema (hemoglobin content). M.I (melanin index) indicates the degree of skin pigmentation (melanin content). Hence, skin color information was analyzed with the a*, erythema index (E.I), and melanin index (M.I) for 72 hours. None of the laser exposure parameters led to skin damage by heating or energy dissipation. The results of a*, E.I, and M.I of all groups showed the different recovery rates towards the normal skin color information before cupping. As energy density increases, the result of a* and E.I showed the fast recovery rate. There was no significant different between M.I at non-stimulation group and M.I at 4 J/cm². Therefore, the least energy density as 6 J/cm² is need for the recovery of melanin content. The a*, E.I, and M.I at 8 J/cm² group rather than other groups were significantly recovered to normal skin color. In conclusion, the laser therapy (energy density: 8 J/cm²) has a significant recovery of the skin erythema and skin pigmentation except to skin damage.
Early Detection of Autism (ASD) by a Non-invasive Quick Measurement of Markedly Reduced Acetylcholine & DHEA and Increased β-Amyloid (1-42), Asbestos (Chrysotile), Titanium Dioxide, Al, Hg & often Coexisting Virus Infections (CMV, HPV 16 and 18), Bacterial Infections etc. in the Brain and Corresponding Safe Individualized Effective Treatment
A brief historical background on Autism & some of the important symptoms associated with Autism are summarized. Using strong Electro Magnetic Field Resonance Phenomenon between 2 identical molecules with identical weight (which received U.S. Patent) non-invasively & rapidly we can detect various molecules including neurotransmitters, bacteria, virus, fungus, metals & abnormal molecules. Simple non- invasive measurement of various molecules through pupils & head of diagnosed or suspected Autism patients indicated that in Autism patients following changes were often found: 1) Acetylcholine is markedly reduced; 2) Alzheimer's disease markers (i.e. β-Amyloid (1-42), Tau Protein, Apolipoprotein (Apo E4)) are markedly increased; 3) Chrysotile Asbestos is increased; 4) Titanium Dioxide (TiO2) is moderately increased; 5) Al is moderately increased; 6) Hg is moderately increased; 7) Dopamine, Serotonin & GABA are significantly reduced (up to about 1/10 of normal); 8) Often viral infections (such as CMV, HHV-6, HPV-16, HPV-18, etc.), and Bacterial infections (such as Chlamydia trachomatis, Mycobacterium TB, Borrelia Burgdorferi, etc.) coexist. Research by others on Autism spectrum disorder (ASD) shows that it is a group of complex neurodevelopmental disorders, with about 70% of ASD patients also suffering from gastro-intestinal problems. While Alzheimer disease (AD) is characterized by formation of 1) Amyloid plaques, 2) Neurofibrillary tangles inside of neurons, and 3) Loss of connections between neurons. More than 90% of AD develops in people over the age of 65. These 3 characteristics often progressively worsen over time. Although Autism Spectrum Disorder and Alzheimer's disease are completely different diseases they have some similar biochemical changes. Eight examples of such measurement & analysis are shown for comparison. Most of Autism patients improved significantly by removing the source or preventing intake of Asbestos, TiO2, Al & Hg or enhancing urinary output of above abnormal substances & coexisting infections, if treatment is given early. When HPV-16 & HPV-18 coexist, at triangular central area of the top of head, in addition to inability to talk, severe neuromuscular problems of lower extremity were found to also exist. However, if treatment is given 3-4 years after onset of Autism symptoms, even when successful biochemical reduction of above abnormal substances occurs, clinical improvement is less significant, since permanent damage in brain tissue seems to already exist. Therefore, early diagnosis & early treatment is very important for both Autism & Alzheimer's disease. In addition the optimal doses of Vitamin D3 and Taurine may play an important role in the future treatment of Autism, Alzheimer's Disease and memory disturbances by significantly increasing Acetylcholine and DHEA levels, enhancing the excretion of toxic substances in the urine, as well as having an anticancer effect.
Beneficial and Adverse Effects of Electro-acupuncture Assessed in the Canine Chronic Atrio-ventricular Block Model Having Severe Hypertension and Chronic Heart Failure
Regarding the effects of electro-acupuncture for severe hypertension, we assessed its acute cardiovascular consequences with 4 subjects of the chronic atrioventricular block dogs having severe hypertension and chronic heart failure. The electro-acupuncture consisting of 2 mA at 2 Hz frequency was carried out for 30 min at Renying (ST-9) and Taichong (LR-3) every other day. Seven sessions were performed within 2 weeks. In the 1st and 7th sessions, the animals were anesthetized with pentobarbital to analyze the effects of the electro-acupuncture on cardiovascular variables. No significant change was detected in any of the basal control values of the cardiohemodynamic or electrophysiological variables between the 1st and 7th sessions. During the 1st session, electo-acupuncture produced a peak increase in mean blood pressure by 8.7% at 35 min (p < 0.05), whereas during the 7th session the peak increase was 6.5% at 35 min (p = 0.06). There was no significant change in the cardiac output, total peripheral resistance, a product of the heart rate and systolic blood pressure (= double product) reflecting myocardial oxygen consumption, QRS width or QT interval during the electrical stimulation in the 1st or 7th session. The results suggest that electroacupuncture may not exert lethal adverse effect except the vasopressor response, but that it can decrease the treatment-induced sympathetic response including vasopressor reaction and tachycardia. Since electro-acupuncture may have some potential to induce hypertensive crisis at the beginning, clinicians have to pay attention on its use for patients with hypertension.
Clinical Significance of Human Papillomavirus Type 16 for Breast Cancer & Adenocarcinomas of Various Internal Organs and Alzheimer's Brain with Increased β-amyloid (1-42); Combined Use of Optimal Doses of Vitamin D3 and Taurine 3 times/day Has Significant Beneficial Effects of Anti-Cancer, Anti-Ischemic Heart, and Memory & Other Brain Problems By Significant Urinary Excretion of Viruses, Bacteria, and Toxic Metals & Substances
Human Papillomavirus type 16 (HPV-16) has a significant role in various cancers and Alzheimer's disease. 500 breast cancer mammograms as well as 3 cases of adenocarcinomas of esophagus, stomach, colon, prostate gland, uterus, ovary that was examined had significant infection of HPV- 16 with significantly increased β- amyloid (1-42). When a strong HPV-16 infection is found in the oral cavity, repeated exposure to the infected individual's coughing can infect others easily through saliva. Just like all of above cancer tissues, all 20 Alzheimer's cases that were examined had significantly increased HPV-16 of 1500-3000ng with markedly reduced Acetylcholine of 0.5~1.5ng and significantly increased 3- amyloid (1-42) of 7.5ng or higher. Since every cancer and Alzheimer's patient examined had significantly reduced amounts of Vitamin D3 and Taurine, the author examined the effects of Vitamin D3 and Taurine independently, or by combination. Each of optimal doses of Vitamin D3 and Taurine had significant beneficial effects that were anti-cancer, anti-cardiac ischemia, and memory loss & other brain problems, with significant excretion of HPV- 16 and bacteria such as Borrelia Burgdorferi, if it exists, through the urine, without using any anti-viral or anti-bacterial agents. However, when optimal doses of Taurine and Vitamin D3 were used together, 3 times/day, there was reduction of cancer-associated Oncogene CfosAB-2 or Integrin a5p1 with significantly high values of 200-500ng which were reduced to 0.001-0.004ng. Memory and brain function improved by increasing markedly reduced abnormal Acetylcholine of 1.5ng or less to a few hundred-2500ng with increase in DHEA. Abnormally increased P-amyloid (1-42) is markedly reduced. Ischemic heart, where there is abnormally increased Cardiac Troponin I, reduced significantly. In addition, abnormally reduced DHEA levels often increase. HPV- 16 in urine increased from an average of 100~15ng to an average of 4000ng and cancer related parameters in the urine significantly increased. Thus, the author found combined use of optimal dose of Vitamin D3 400 I.U. and optimal dose of Taurine 175mg, 3/day, was found to be one of the safest, most effective treatments for cancer, memory problems & other brain abnormality, and Ischemic heart problems, and this combination seems to improve any part of the body. One should try this method before using any other treatment, which has a potential side effect.
Statistical analysis of 4 types of neck whiplash injuries based on classical meridian theory
As one component of the Chinese medicine meridian system, the meridian sinew (Jingjin, (see text), tendino-musculo) is specially described as being for acupuncture treatment of the musculoskeletal system because of its dynamic attributes and tender point correlations. In recent decades, the therapeutic importance of the sinew meridian has become revalued in clinical application. Based on this theory, the authors have established therapeutic strategies of acupuncture treatment in Whiplash-Associated Disorders (WAD) by categorizing four types of neck symptom presentations. The advantage of this new system is to make it much easier for the clinician to find effective acupuncture points. This study attempts to prove the significance of the proposed therapeutic strategies by analyzing data collected from a clinical survey of various WAD using non-supervised statistical methods, such as correlation analysis, factor analysis, and cluster analysis. The clinical survey data have successfully verified discrete characteristics of four neck syndromes, based upon the range of motion (ROM) and tender point location findings. A summary of the relationships among the symptoms of the four neck syndromes has shown the correlation coefficient as having a statistical significance (P < 0.01 or P < 0.05), especially with regard to ROM. Furthermore, factor and cluster analyses resulted in a total of 11 categories of general symptoms, which implies syndrome factors are more related to the Liver, as originally described in classical theory. The hypothesis of meridian sinew syndromes in WAD is clearly supported by the statistical analysis of the clinical trials. This new discovery should be beneficial in improving therapeutic outcomes.
Comparison of Beneficial Effects of Acupuncture at PC6, LU7 & Non- acupuncture Points on Cardiac Cell Function in Myocardial Ischemia (MI) Rats by Testing Protein Expression of L-type Calcium Channel Protein and its Related Protein
The mechanism of why electro-acupuncture (EA) at PC6 improves the heart function was investigated by studying how the L-type cardiac voltage-dependent calcium channel in myocardial ischemia (MI) is regulated. Cava,., Cavo and Cava2-61 are main component proteins of L-type calcium channel; CaM and Calmodulin kinase II (CaMKII) are Ca2+ channel associated proteins. In this experiment, MI was induced by injection of isoproterenol (ISO) in rats and electrocardiograms (ECGs) were recorded before and after every injection, and protein expressions of Cava,c, Cavp, Cava2_61, CaM and CaMKII were higher [The protein expression increased 43.39%, 54.85%, 47.08%, 48.29% and 50.36% respectively] than the control rats significantly (p<0.05). After MI induction, the MI rats were divided into three groups, including PC6 (Neiguan-point), LU7 (Lieque-point) and Non-acupuncture-point group, which were acupunctured once a day for 7 days respectively. After EA at PC6, the protein expressions showed obvious decrease [EA at PC6: the protein expressions of Cava1c, CavP, Cava2-81, CaM and CaMKII decreased 26.36%, 27.58%, 25.21%, 27.21% and 26.61% respectively.] and they are all lower than MI rats significantly (p<0.05). After EA at LU7 and Non-acupuncture-point, the protein expressions showed no significant changes. The effect of EA at PC6 was significantly better than LU7 and Non- acupuncture-point (p<0.05). PC6 is an acupoint of the pericardium meridian, and the pericardium meridian, which corresponds to opioid system according to Li P's research, can affect the cardio-vascular function directly. LU7 is located on the lung meridian; it cannot affect the heart function directly although the lung is related to the heart in blood circulation function so PC6 showed the target treating effect of meridian specificity on regulating the L-type calcium channel in MI.