Compositional Monosaccharide Analysis of Linn by HPLC and HPCE Quantitative Determination and Comparison of Polysaccharide from Linn by HPCE and HPLC
Morus nigra Linn is not only treated as health food but also medicine in Chinese history.
An UPLC Method for Determination of Geraniin in Rat Plasma and its Application to Pharmacokinetic Studies
Geraniin has many biological activities including anti-osteoporotic and anti-hyperglycemic efficacies.
: Folk Medicine, Analysis, and Potential Application for Cancer Treatment
Folk medicine (FM) is practiced by people without access to conventional medical services; it usually involves the use of natural remedies such as herbs or vegetable substances. Before the use of pharmaceutical drugs, and surgical procedures, these healing methods were used, and are still in use today. It is estimated that twenty five percent of all therapeutic drugs trace their origins to plants, and almost two-thirds of the people of the world rely on their healing powers. One hundred years ago, health care in the U.S. was provided by a highly competitive medical sect, and quite infrequently, folk medicine practitioners were patronized. However, FM usage in the U.S. has increased drastically during the past decade. National surveys of adults (18 years of age or older) show that one in three adults use unconventional therapies or Complementary and Alternative Medicine (CAM) in the U.S. The rate of CAM usage is more than eighty percent among cancer patients. (VA) is well known for its medicinal importance. Fractionation of the VA extracts with solvents of varying polarities, by silica gels analyses, UV Spectrophotometer, HPLC, TLC and NMR techniques have yielded some biologically-active fractions.
Total Serum Fatty Acid Analysis by GC-MS: Assay Validation and Serum Sample Stability
Analysis of n3 fatty acids in serum samples has clinical applications in supplementation trials, but the analysis can be challenging due to low levels, stability issues and intra-individual variation. This study presents the single laboratory validation of a gas chromatographic-mass spectral (GC-MS) assay for analysis of fatty acid methyl esters (FAME) using sensitive single ion monitoring and provides data on fatty acid stability under different sample handling conditions. Recovery of total fatty acids from serum with Folch extraction was optimized and parallelism tests with spiked samples indicated that the serum matrix did not interfere with mass spectral quantitation. Precision and accuracy of the assay at the lowest limit of quantitation and at low, medium and high levels met with accepted guidelines for single laboratory validation. Several storage conditions that can be encountered with clinical samples also were evaluated for impact on fatty acid levels in serum. Serum from blood that was stored refrigerated for 3 days yielded similar results as serum that was prepared and frozen at -80°C immediately. Serum storage at room temperature for 3-24 hours and serum subjected to one freeze/thaw cycle had minimal effects on fatty acid levels. The intra-individual variability in pregnant women was reasonably small, with significant correlation coefficients ranging from 0.35 to 0.76 for blood drawn between 12-20 weeks versus 34-36 weeks of gestation. These results indicate that GC-MS with single ion monitoring is valid for the analysis of total fatty acids in clinical samples, even when blood processing cannot be performed in a timely manner.