Detector Light Response Modeling for a Thick Continuous Slab Detector
We investigate a method to improve the position decoding for thick crystal versions (i.e., ≥8 mm) of the continuous miniature crystal element (cMiCE) PET detector by more accurately modeling the detector light response function (LRF). The LRF for continuous detectors varies with the depth of interaction (DOI) of the detected photon. This variation in LRF can result in a positioning error for two-dimensional positioning algorithms. We explore a method to improve positioning performance by deriving two lookup tables, corresponding to the front and back regions of the crystal. The DETECT2000 simulation package was used to investigate the light response characteristics for a 48.8 mm by 48.8 mm by 10 (8) mm slab of LSO coupled to a 64-channel, flat-panel PMT. The data are then combined to produce the two-dimensional light collection histograms. Light collection histograms that have markedly non-Gaussian distributions are characterized as a combination of two Gaussian functions, where each Gaussian function corresponds to a DOI region of the crystal. The results indicate that modest gains in positioning accuracy are achieved near the central region of the crystal. However, significant improvements in spatial resolution and positioning bias are achieved for the corner section of the detector.