Generative Models of Segregation: Investigating Model-Generated Patterns of Residential Segregation by Ethnicity and Socioeconomic Status
Fossett M
This paper considers the potential for using agent models to explore theories of residential segregation in urban areas. Results of generative experiments conducted using an agent-based simulation of segregation dynamics document that varying a small number of model parameters representing constructs from urban-ecological theories of segregation can generate a wide range of qualitatively distinct and substantively interesting segregation patterns. The results suggest how complex, macro-level patterns of residential segregation can arise from a small set of simple micro-level social dynamics operating within particular urban-demographic contexts. The promise and current limitations of agent simulation studies are noted and optimism is expressed regarding the potential for such studies to engage and contribute to the broader research literature on residential segregation.
Noymer A
This paper describes two related epidemic models of rumor transmission in an age-structured population. Rumors share with communicable disease certain basic aspects, which means that formal models of epidemics may be applied to the transmission of rumors. The results show that rumors may become entrenched very quickly and persist for a long time, even when skeptics are modeled to take an active role in trying to convince others that the rumor is false. This is a macrophenomeon, because individuals eventually cease to believe the rumor, but are replaced by new recruits. This replacement of former believers by new ones is an aspect of all the models, but the approach to stability is quicker, and involves smaller chance of extinction, in the model where skeptics actively try to counter the rumor, as opposed to the model where interest is naturally lost by believers. Skeptics hurt their own cause. The result shows that including age, or a variable for which age is a proxy (e.g., experience), can improve model fidelity and yield important insights.
A modified stochastic model for closed birth interval
Pathak KB and Sastry VS
"Based on some simple assumptions regarding [the] human reproduction process, a continuous time stochastic model for describing the variation in any closed birth interval of a woman of marital duration (t) has been developed. The model incorporates the possibility of the variation of the amenorrhea period among the women under observation. For illustration, the model is applied to an observed closed birth interval between first and second births of the women with marital duration of seven years."
Projecting average family size in rural India by the analytic hierarchy process
Saaty TL and Wong MM
"In this study, cultural, economic as well as certain crucial demographic factors are considered as the determinants for projecting the average family size in rural India.... The Analytic Hierarchy Process [is used] to analyze influences of the factors which enter implicitly in a rural couple's decision-making to determine the number of children they want to have as time goes by. [The authors] did not attempt to make distinctions among the regional differences in rural India. The outcome projected in [this] analysis compares favorably with the results of other demographic studies."
Nonparametric inference procedures for multistate life table analysis
Dow MM
Distribution of closed birth intervals with some biosocial components: a stochastic model and its application
Pandey A, Dwivedi SN and Mishra RN
Social roles and the evolution of networks in extreme and isolated environments
Johnson JC, Boster JS and Palinkas LA
This article reports on the evolution of network structure as it relates to formal and informal social roles in well-bounded, isolated groups. Research was conducted at the Amundsen-Scott South Pole Station. Data were collected on crewmembers' networks of social interaction over each of three winter-over periods, when the station is completely isolated. In addition, data were collected on the informal roles played by crewmembers (e.g., instrumental leadership, expressive leadership). The study found that globally coherent networks in winter-over groups were associated with group consensus on the presence of critically important informal social roles (e.g., expressive leadership) where global coherence is the extent to which a network forms a single group composed of a unitary core and periphery as opposed to being factionalized into two or more subgroups. Conversely, the evolution of multiple subgroups was associated with the absence of consensus on critical informal social roles, above all the critically important role of instrumental leader.
A Note on Algebraic Solutions to Identification
Bollen KA and Bauldry S
Algebraic methods to establish the identification of structural equation models remains a viable option. However, sometimes it is unclear whether the algebraic solution establishes identification. One example is when there is more than one way to solve for the parameter, but one way leads to a single value and a second way leads to a function with more than one value. This note proves that one explicit and unique solution is sufficient for model identification even when other explicit solutions permit more than one solution. The results are illustrated with an example. The results are useful to attempts to use algebraic means to address model identification.
Butts CT and Almquist ZW
The conventional exponential family random graph model (ERGM) parameterization leads to a baseline density that is constant in graph order (i.e., number of nodes); this is potentially problematic when modeling multiple networks of varying order. Prior work has suggested a simple alternative that results in constant expected mean degree. Here, we extend this approach by suggesting another alternative parameterization that allows for flexible modeling of scenarios in which baseline expected degree scales as an arbitrary power of order. This parameterization is easily implemented by the inclusion of an edge count/log order statistic along with the traditional edge count statistic in the model specification.
Opinion strength influences the spatial dynamics of opinion formation
Baumgaertner BO, Tyson RT and Krone SM
Opinions are rarely binary; they can be held with different degrees of conviction, and this expanded attitude spectrum can affect the influence one opinion has on others. Our goal is to understand how different aspects of influence lead to recognizable spatio-temporal patterns of opinions and their strengths. To do this, we introduce a stochastic spatial agent-based model of opinion dynamics that includes a spectrum of opinion strengths and various possible rules for how the opinion strength of one individual affects the influence that this individual has on others. Through simulations, we find that even a small amount of amplification of opinion strength through interaction with like-minded neighbors can tip the scales in favor of polarization and deadlock.
A Novel Simulation Method for Binary Discrete Exponential Families, with Application to Social Networks
Butts CT
Stochastic models for finite binary vectors are widely used in sociology, with examples ranging from social influence models on dichotomous behaviors or attitudes to models for random graphs. Exact sampling for such models is difficult in the presence of dependence, leading to the use of Markov chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) as an approximation technique. While often effective, MCMC methods have variable execution time, and the quality of the resulting draws can be difficult to assess. Here, we present a novel alternative method for approximate sampling from binary discrete exponential families having fixed execution time and well-defined quality guarantees. We demonstrate the use of this sampling procedure in the context of random graph generation, with an application to the simulation of a large-scale social network using both geographical covariates and dyadic dependence mechanisms.
On the Equivalence of the Edge/Isolate and Edge/Concurrent Tie ERGM Families, and Their Extensions
Butts CT
Partnership concurrency is a major driver of permeability of social networks to diffusion, and an important modeling target in the context of sexually transmitted infections. A seemingly unrelated phenomenon of concern in modeling social networks is isolation avoidance-the tendency of individuals to maintain at least one tie. Although concurrency bias and bias in isolate formation would naively seem to be distinct, we here show that their respective ERGM expressions (edge/concurrent tie and edge/isolate families, and their regular extensions) are equivalent, and that both are equivalent to a special case of the geometrically weighted degree families. In addition to being statistically useful, this equivalence provides insight into the essential connection between these apparently different structural phenomena.
Hiding opinions by minimizing disclosed information: an obfuscation-based opinion dynamics model
Tang T, Ghorbani A and Chorus CG
In the field of opinion dynamics, the hiding of opinions is routinely modeled as staying silent. However, staying silent is not always feasible. In situations where opinions are indirectly expressed by one's observable actions, people may however try to hide their opinions via a more complex and intelligent strategy called obfuscation, which minimizes the information disclosed to others. This study proposes a formal opinion dynamics model to study the hitherto unexplored effect of obfuscation on public opinion formation based on the recently developed Action-Opinion Inference Model. For illustration purposes, we use our model to simulate two cases with different levels of complexity, highlighting that the effect of obfuscation largely depends on the subtle relations between actions and opinions.
Continuous Time Graph Processes with Known ERGM Equilibria: Contextual Review, Extensions, and Synthesis
Butts CT
Graph processes that unfold in continuous time are of obvious theoretical and practical interest. Particularly useful are those whose long-term behavior converges to a graph distribution of known form. Here, we review some of the conditions for such convergence, and provide examples of novel and/or known processes that do so. These include subfamilies of the well-known stochastic actor oriented models, as well as continuum extensions of temporal and separable temporal exponential family random graph models. We also comment on some related threads in the broader work on network dynamics, which provide additional context for the continuous time case. Graph processes that unfold in continuous time are natural models for social network dynamics: able to directly represent changes in structure as they unfold (rather than, e.g. as snapshots at discrete intervals), such models not only offer the promise of capturing dynamics at high temporal resolution, but are also easily mapped to empirical data without the need to preselect a level of granularity with respect to which the dynamics are defined. Although relatively few general frameworks of this type have been extensively studied, at least one (the stochastic actor-oriented models, or SAOMs) is arguably among the most successful and widely used families of models in the social sciences (see, e.g., Snijders (2001); Steglich et al. (2010); Burk et al. (2007); Sijtsema et al. (2010); de la Haye et al. (2011); Weerman (2011); Schaefer and Kreager (2020) among many others). Work using other continuous time graph processes has also found applications both within (Koskinen and Snijders, 2007; Koskinen et al., 2015; Stadtfeld et al., 2017; Hoffman et al., 2020) and beyond (Grazioli et al., 2019; Yu et al., 2020) the social sciences, suggesting the potential for further advances.
California Exodus? A Network Model of Population Redistribution in the United States
Huang P and Butts CT
Motivated by debates about California's net migration loss, we employ valued exponential-family random graph models to analyze the inter-county migration flow networks in the United States. We introduce a protocol that visualizes the complex effects of potential underlying mechanisms, and perform knockout experiments to quantify their contribution to the California Exodus. We find that racial dynamics contribute to the California Exodus, urbanization ameliorates it, and political climate and housing costs have little impact. Moreover, the severity of the California Exodus depends on how one measures it, and California is not the state with the most substantial population loss. The paper demonstrates how generative statistical models can provide mechanistic insights beyond simple hypothesis-testing.
A Return to Biased Nets: New Specifications and Approximate Bayesian Inference
Butts CT
The biased net paradigm was the first general and empirically tractable scheme for parameterizing complex patterns of dependence in networks, expressing deviations from uniform random graph structure in terms of latent "bias events," whose realizations enhance reciprocity, transitivity, or other structural features. Subsequent developments have introduced local specifications of biased nets, which reduce the need for approximations required in early specifications based on tracing processes. Here, we show that while one such specification leads to inconsistencies, a closely related Markovian specification both evades these difficulties and can be extended to incorporate new types of effects. We introduce the notion of inhibitory bias events, with satiation as an example, which are useful for avoiding degeneracies that can arise from closure bias terms. Although our approach does not lead to a computable likelihood, we provide a strategy for approximate Bayesian inference using random forest prevision. We demonstrate our approach on a network of friendship ties among college students, recapitulating a relationship between the sibling bias and tie strength posited in earlier work by Fararo.